These are fliers about Schools and Communities First Initiative attached will help provide an overview. Here is the website from the organization: Here is info from ACLU about the initiative campaign: Here is the CTA take:
NOTE TO MEMBERS ON APPROVAL OF OUR TENTATIVE AGREEMENT: The Board will open the tentative agreement to public comment at the January 14, 2020 Board meeting and will vote to pass the agreement at the same meeting. Retro checks will be prepared for processing following the January 14th Board meeting. You may expect to receive your retro check no later than March 2020.
Board Meeting Highlights:
We ARE stronger together! Link to Full Agenda First Interim Report Presentation First Interim Report SPSA Presentation Coolidge SPSA Wilson SPSA Washington SPSA McKinley SPSA Roosevelt SPSA JMS SPSA GHS SPSA 10.b. Annual Accounting & 5 Year Reports Rio Hondo MOU Jan. PD Math Consultant Agreement Jan PD 2Teach Consultant Agreement Jan PD Efficacy Consultant Agreement Essential Training & Travel 9 Classified PSR 9 Certificated PSR 9 1. OPENING PROCEDURE 1.a. CALL TO ORDER at 6:01 PM 1.b. ESTABLISHMENT OF QUORUM all present 2. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE GOVERNING BOARD 2.a. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE GOVERNING BOARD None. 3. ANNUAL ORGANIZATION 3.a. RECOGNITION - Outgoing Governing Board President, Cheryl A. Shellhart (December 2018-December 2019) Remarks form outgoing President Cheryl Shellhart. Thanked family, Zulma Ayala, Ross Perry, and Will Wong. Thanked Jim Symonds for accepting Interim and Acting Superintendent without question. Thanked student reps, SGTA and Teamsters. Thanked both union teams for working together effectively. Thanked fellow Board members. Acting Superintendent Jim Symonds delivered thank you address to Pres. Shellhart and presented her with a plaque and bouquet of flowers. Thanked her for steady, relentless leadership,always acting in a fair way and got us through a trying time in our district. Ms. Alvarez extended her appreciation, noted her growth as a leader, and thanked her for her service. Mr. Ammon extended his thanks for her service and courage. Grateful for her true leadership and and bravery. Ms. Haas- "you were the perfect person to be in the chair. Willingness to do the right thing. We are indebted to you." Dr. Scott- "You were the reluctant apostle in all this.Pushed into this circumstance. None of us could have anticipated our past year. None of us knew all the things you were dealing with. You were succinct and respectful. I am in awe of you. You accomplished something really great this year. Let's have cake!" 3.b. ACTION - Appointment of Secretary to the Governing Board of Education: ACTING SUPERINTENDENT Appointment: Mr. Symonds. 3.c. ACTION - Election of Governing Board Officer: PRESIDENT Appointment: Dr. Scott. 3.d. ACTION - Election of Governing Board Officer: VICE PRESIDENT Appointment: Ms. Haas. 3.e. ACTION - Election of Governing Board Officer: CLERK Appointment: Mr. Ammon. 4. RECEPTION - Recognition for Outgoing Governing Board President, Cheryl A. Shellhart 5. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION at 6:35 PM 5.a. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS (Government Code §54957.6) Employee Organizations: · San Gabriel Teachers Association · Teamsters Local 911 Agency Designated Representatives: · James Symonds, Acting Superintendent · Ross Perry, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resource Employee Organization: · Unrepresented/Management · Unrepresented/Confidential Agency Designated Representative: · James Symonds, Acting Superintendent 6. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION at 7:01 PM 6.a. ANNOUNCEMENT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION No action taken. 6.b. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 6.c. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Agenda approved without further discussion, 6.d. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE GOVERNING BOARD None. 7. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING(S) 8. PUBLIC HEARING(S) None. 9. REPORT(S)/PRESENTATION(S) 9.a. REPORTS - Student Board Members (3 mins) · Del Mar High School, Cecilia Venegas: Del Mar WASK visit.Mr. Symonds, Mr. Wong, Dr. Perez, and Ms. Calhoun visited. JMS Band and choir concerts at Mission Playhouse. Wilson had successful fundraiser. Primary holiday program on Thursday. · Gabrielino High School, Jocelyn Tan: GHS holiday spirit week last week. Annual winter music concerts last week with several soloists and student conductors. Thanked Board member for their attendance. Finals next week. Coolidge- Happy holidays. Roosevelt concerts tomorrow and pajama day coming up. Washington: PBIS Pie in the Face Assembly. Mr. Wong, Mr. Perry and Mr. Symonds visited. Walking School Bus, Kinder holiday concert, and Spirit & Pride Assembly on Friday. 9.b. REPORT - Board President (3 mins) Dr. Scott: Attended 6th grade band concert last Thursday.Blessed in this district for quality of music instruction in this district. Attended TK-K holiday extravaganza at Roosevelt. Thanks to all and thank you for your trust to do this job. 9.c. REPORT - Acting Superintendent (3 mins) Mr. Symonds :A busy few weeks in the district. Attended CTA dinner- enjoyable with all attendees. Management Holiday luncheon with MIE 3rd grade entertainment, and GHS Instrumental concert. Foundation of music experience in this district is exceptional. Attended JMS concert, DEC Holiday breakfast, and Washington walk though with Asst. Superintendents, Dr. Perez, and Ms. Calhoun. Visited Del Mar also with WASK visit and strength of Principal Sellars and strong team meeting the socio-emotional needs of the students. 9.d. PRESENTATION - Single Plans for Student Achievement (SPSA) 2019-2020, K-12. Presentation by Dr. Joan Perez. Presentation attached and school SPSAs attached. SPSAs are federally required and are to be reviewed on a quarterly basis to ensure students are making progress. SPSA templates changed this year. Schools aligned the SPSA template to the LCAP which is very similar. Tool to monitor our progress and continuous model for improvement. Must now include a comprehensive needs assessment and analysis of CA Dashboard data. Site Data Dives helped ensure this requirement. Questions: Mr. Ammon- the Dashboard came out last week, and we made significant gains last year and with our students with disabilities. Glad the process is more collaborative. Can you give us a broad overview of the comprehensive needs assessment. Dr. Perez: Explained the data dives at each site serve as the comprehensive assessment of needs should we be FPMd (Federally Monitored.) Dr. Scott: What is the relationship between LCFF, LCAP, and SPSA. Dr. Perez: The SPSA is a drilled down version of the LCAP to ensure the goals are being carried out at each site. 9.e. PRESENTATION - 2019-2020 First Interim A presentation on the 2019-2020 First Interim will be given by William Wong, Assistant Superintendent, Business Services. Presentation attached. Mr. Wong thanked new Fiscal Director, Jasmine Ortega for her work. Report is close to 100 pages long. Check attachment for general trends with revenues and expenditures. Our reserves or Fund Balance is required to be maintained at no less than 3%. Our fund balance has trended down over the last 2 years. 20.8% of expenses has gone toward employee benefits. School finance people are beginning to call this the "Silent Recession." We are getting more LCFF, but we must spend more on STRS and PRS. SPED costs have also increased. Every district in California is under the same guidelines and facing the same challenges. Stabilization plan required to maintain reserves requirement. LACOE provides guidance.We need to be fiscally responsible and prudent until the state can help more. We are building precise tracking mechanisms for spending. Questions: Ms. Shellhart- Thank you for this undertaking. Ms. Haas- Thank you for making this clear and easy to understand. The 2020 net increase in the fund balance seems high. Mr. Wong: We are trying to predict a lot in December and we are taking more fiscally prudent decisions in our forecasting.There are some hard facts we need to face. We've had decreasing enrollment for a number of years. STRS and PRS increases also impact the predictions. Dr. Scott: Thank you. 10. BUSINESS SERVICES 10.a. ACTION - Approve the 2019-2020 First Interim Report Attached. Action approved. 10.b. ACTION - Approve Annual Accounting and Five-Year Reports of Development Fees for 2018-19 Fiscal Year in the Following Fund or Account: Capital Facilities Fund (Government Code Sections 66001 and 66006) Approve the 2018-19 annual report and five-year reports on reportable school fees per Government Code Section 66001 and 66006. Attached. Questions: Mr. Ammon: Is there willingness on the part of the CIty to work with us on this? Mr. Wong: Mr.Symonds is meeting with the City Manager. Action approved. 10.c. (ROLL CALL) - Adopt Resolution No. 9/2019-20, Certification of Signatures for District Business Certification of Signatures for District Business Documents for processing of District warrants, contracts, checks and other legal documents and authorize Administration or designee to execute the necessary documents. Roll call vote. Resolution adopted unanimously. 11. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 11.a. ACTION - Approve the 2019-2020 K-12 Single Plans for Student Achievement the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) Schoolwide implements best practices proven at similar schools to have significantly reduced or eliminated the achievement gap. The SPSA provides research-based intervention programs for low-performing students in English language arts and mathematics. SPSAs attached. Action adopted unanimously. 11.b. ACTION - Approve Memorandum of Understanding Between San Gabriel Unified School District and Rio Hondo College for the Purpose of Offering After School Courses to High School Students for College Credit This MOU with Rio Hondo Community College would enable Gabrielino High School to maintain current course offerings and begin the process of creating new spring semester classes. These courses will expand the Gabrielino High School Career Technical Education program. The courses offered will be transferable to any two- or four-year college and will not replace any existing San Gabriel Unified School District courses or graduation requirements. Attached. Comments: Dr.Scott: Pleased we are working with Rio Hondo. Action adopted unanimously. 11.c. ACTION - Approve the Consultant Agreement Between San Gabriel USD and Okerson and Herter Math for January 24th, 2020 Staff Development Contract attached. Cost: $1200 Lynda Okerson and Margo Herter are Early Intervention for School Success and Early Math Their Way Consultants. Their areas of expertise include early math and English language arts literacy, and serving culturally, diverse students through curriculum development, coaching and facilitation of ongoing, professional learning that shifts mindsets and practice of educators. Comments: Dr. Scott: This is short notice, isn't it? Action adopted unanimously. 11.d. ACTION - Approve the Consultant Agreement Between San Gabriel USD and Efficacy Consulting, INC. for January 24, 2020 Staff Development Michele Dellenbach is the president of Efficacy Consulting. Her areas of expertise include serving culturally, racially and linguistically diverse students through curriculum development, coaching and facilitation of ongoing, professional learning that shifts mindsets and practice of educators. She will also provide digital resources for participants. Contract attached. Cost: $1200 Action adopted unanimously. 11.e. ACTION - Approve the Consultant Agreement Between San Gabriel USD and 2Teach, LLC. for January 24, 2020 Staff Development 2Teach, LLC, presented by Leila Ricci, will help support teachers of inclusion classes. Teachers are asking for more support to help all students as inclusion becomes a more common practice in SGUSD. Contract attached. Cost: $1200 Comments: Mr. Ammon appreciates the attention to inclusion training needs. Action adopted unanimously. 12. HUMAN RESOURCES 13. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 14. GOVERNING BOARD 14.a. ACTION - Call for Nominations for California School Boards Association (CSBA) Delegate Assembly for a Two-Year Term Beginning April 1, 2020 through March 31, 2022 CSBA’s Delegate Assembly is a vital link in the association’s governance structure. Working with local districts, county offices, the Board of Directors and Executive Committee, Delegates ensure that the association reflects the interests of school districts and county offices of education throughout the state. Nomination and candidate biographical sketch forms for CSBA’s Delegate Assembly are now being accepted until Tuesday, January 7, 2020. This is an opportunity for the Governing Board to nominate a representative for region 23A. Dr. Scott is nominated. Action adopted unanimously. 15. BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS, REPORTS, AND/OR COMMUNICATIONS NOTE: (This section provides an opportunity for the Governing Board to share information with other Board Members and members of the public.) Ms. Shellhart: Attended a few events with more to attend this week. Thank you for your support this year. Ms. Alvarado: Looking forward to JMS concert and happy holidays. Mr. Ammon: Thank you SGTA for the CTA dinner. Attended Washington and Coolidge holiday events. Thank you for the good momentum. Wishing you happy holidays. Ms. Haas: Thank you to SGTA for CTA dinner. I am a proud Momma foR the GHS concerts Band Showcase. It's my privilege to be a part of this community. Dr. Scott: I will say thank you, too. This is an honor to serve with these colleagues. Thank you to our student trustees.I look forward to working with everybody. Happy Birthday to Mr. Ammon. Merry Christmas and happy holidays. 16. CONSENT AGENDA NOTE: (The Governing Board may take one (1) vote for all Consent items including: Business Services, Educational Services, Human Resources, and Superintendent's Office. Items may be removed from the Consent agenda and voted on separately.) Consent Agenda approved unanimously in its entirety. 16.a. CONSENT - BUSINESS SERVICES 16.a.1. Approve Purchase Orders Issued in Excess of $5,000 Report No. 9 Attached. 16.b. CONSENT - EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 16.b.1. Approve Second Quarter Report on Williams Uniform Complaints, School Year 2019-2020 16.b.2. Approve Rental Contract Between Gabrielino High School and Los Angeles Turf Club, Incorporated, Santa Anita Land Holdings LLC, TSG Development Investments, Inc. and TSG Developments Land Holdings, Inc. for use of Santa Anita Park for Gabrielino High School 2020 Graduation Ceremony Contract attached. Cost: $18,000 16.b.3. Approve 1-Event License Agreement with SCHED for Event Calendar and Agenda Creator Services SCHED is the event platform for small teams. SCHED will manage critical event details in one place and automatically keep everything in sync. Contract attached. Cost: $750. 16.b.4. Approve Essential Training Travel Report No. 9 Attached 16.c. CONSENT - HUMAN RESOURCES 16.c.1. Approve Certificated Personnel Status Report No. 9 Attached 16.c.2. Approve Classified Personnel Status Report No. 9 Attached 16.d. CONSENT - SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 17. ADJOURNMENT at 8:02. 17.a. NEXT MEETING REMINDERS · Tuesday, January 14, 2020 · Tuesday, February 11, 2020 · Tuesday, February 25, 2020 · Tuesday, March 10, 2020 · Tuesday, March 24, 2020 · Tuesday, April 21, 2020 · Tuesday, May 12, 2020 · Tuesday, May 26, 2020 · Tuesday, June 23, 2020 · Tuesday, June 30, 2020 Join us at the next Board Meeting! January 14, 2020 6:00 Open Session, Closed Session, 7:00 Open Session Reconvenes Keep wearing those shirts!! Show we are unified! |
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