Here is the link to the May Rep Council Meeting Minutes. There is currently a CALL TO ACTION, requesting you call your CA representatives.
Board Meeting Highlights:
Click here for Link to Full Agenda and Attachments Attachments 1. OPENING PROCEDURE A. CALL TO ORDER at 6:01 PM. B. ESTABLISHMENT OF QUORUM Quorum established. All members present. 2. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE GOVERNING BOARD Anyone wishing to address the Board regarding Closed Session items may do so at this time. All proceedings are reported to the public in open session where action is taken or staff is given direction. Requests: None. 3. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION If the Governing Board is not able to complete the Closed Session agenda, it will reconvene the meeting to open session and recess the meeting to a second Closed Session after all Open Session business has been concluded. Recessed to closed session at 6:01 PM. A. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT/APPOINTMENT (Pursuant to Government Code §54957 (b).) Principal, Del Mar High School Director, Student Support Services and Assessment English Learner Coordinator 21st Century Learning and Professional Development Coordinator 4. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION at 7:00 PM A. ANNOUNCEMENT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION Action taken:None. B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Led by Heather Wolpert. C. APPROVAL OF AGENDA It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the May 26, 2020 Governing Board meeting agenda. This is an opportunity for the Governing Board to adopt the agenda as presented and/or rearrange agenda items to accommodate arrival of audience members. Discussion: None. Action taken: Approved unanimously. D. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE GOVERNING BOARD Regarding items on the agenda, as well as, not on the agenda, but within the jurisdiction of the San Gabriel Unified School District Governing Board. A member of the public may choose to speak to an agenda item during public comment or at the time the Governing Board considers the item. Requests: None. 5. APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES A. Approve the Governing Meeting Minutes of May 12, 2020 The Board is asked to approve the meeting minutes as presented. Discussion: None. Action taken: Approved unanimously. 6. PUBLIC HEARING(S) The meeting will briefly recess to open up the public hearing(s). The meeting will resume at the closing of the presented public hearings. A. PUBLIC HEARING - Hearing and public comment on the San Gabriel Unified School District's Initial Re-opener Proposal to the San Gabriel Teacher's Association for the 2020-2021 school year Initial Re-opener Proposal regarding collective bargaining negotiations for the 2020-2021 school year. Recessed to Public Hearing at 7:03 Requests to Address the Board:None B. PUBLIC HEARING - Hearing and public comment on the San Gabriel Teacher's Association Initial Re-opener Proposal regarding collective bargaining negotiations for the 2020-2021 school year Initial Re-opener Proposal regarding collective bargaining negotiations for the 2020-2021 school year. Requests to Address the Board:Dena Dragoo. Thank you to our two retirees to SGTA. Thank you to Jennifer Vargas and Kathee Eckstrom with each 25 years plus. Close Public Hearing at 7:05 PM Reconvene to Open Session at 7:05 PM. 7. SPECIAL REPORTS AND PRESENTATIONS A. REPORTS - Student Board Members Del Mar High School, Cecilia Venegas DM History Day team finished 3rd in State and are the alternate for the National tournament. Graduation online ceremony on Wednesday on June 14th. JMS Promotion at 10 AM next week. McKinley round of gift cards for struggling families before spring break. Virtual promotion planned. Wilson: Milestone promotion to be celebrated next week in virtual ceremonies. Gabrielino High School, Jocelyn Tan GHS Commencement ceremony footage completed and submitted to the preparation of the virtual ceremony. Graduation signs delivered to 400+ students. GHS car parade planned to augment the virtual ceremony. Coolidge staff working to wrap up the end of the year. Promotion event for 5th grade and year end variety show planned. Roosevelt: Jackson Low Speech & Debate winner. Intervention Distance Learning Summer programming planned. Working on virtual promotion ceremony. Washington: Staff working had on virtual lessons. Washington Warriors survived and thrived.Virtual promotion via Zoom. B. REPORT - Governing Board President, Dr. Scott: Thanked Cheryl Shellhart for loving contribution to the graduation banner for the seniors. Board members helped pass out senior yard signs. Delivered a sign to his grandparents' house. Amazing to walk up and offer congratulations. Thanked Dr. Joan;s daughter Michaela for her artwork and signs contributed to the district. Thanked Superintendent, cabinet and administration to negotiate this ever-changing environment. Leadership and creativity is nothing short of amazing. Recording speeches for JMS and GHS ceremonies. Thanked student representatives to the Board. C. REPORT - Superintendent , Mr. Symonds: Welcome everyone, glad to see everyone's faces. Congratulations to the DOlphin History team. Lon- we are coming down to the finish line. We had a big bash planned for you celebrating your amazing career to someone who above all cares about kids. You are an inspiration to me, Jennifer Vargas and Kathee Eckstrom. Great job on your work, Congratulations to the retirees. Department of Health is lifting regulations on the drive through ceremonies. Daily changing circumstances. We are already making changes- still celebrating virtually as well as the drive by celebration. News not good financially for schools in the state. Hoping for an additional stimulus package. Current funding is not adequate to open our schools safely. We need all to call their representatives to urge additional funding. Thanked classified, certificated, mamagnement, parents. The work you have done during this time is heroic. D. REPORT - Public Notice of the Teamsters Local 911 Initial Re-opener Proposal to the San Gabriel Unified School District for the 2020-2021 School Year Public Notice of the Teamsters Local 911 Initial Re-opener Proposal to the San Gabriel Unified School District for the 2020-2021 school year pursuant to Government Code Section 3547. A public hearing regarding the proposal will be brought forth by the Governing Board of Education at the next Board meeting June 23, 2020. Discussion: Public hearing at the next Board meeting. E. REPORT - Public Notice of the San Gabriel Unified School District's Initial Re-Opener Proposal to the Teamsters Local 911 for the 2020-2021 School Year Public Notice of the San Gabriel Unified School District's Initial Re-Opener Proposal to the Teamsters Local 911 for the 2020-2021 school year pursuant to Government Code section 3547. A public hearing regarding the proposal will be scheduled by the Board of Education for the next Board meeting on June 23, 2020. Discussion: Public hearing at the next Board meeting. F. RECOGNITION - Student Board Members Service for the 2019-2020 School Year The purpose of the agenda is to recognize graduate Cecilia Venegas, Del Mar High School student and Jocelyn Tan, Gabrielino High School student for their service as 2019-20 Student Board Members. Formally recognized Cecilia Venegas and Jocelyn Tan for their service as Student Board members. Plaques will be presented when the district re-opens. All Board offered thanks and congratulations to the student Board members. Jocelyn Tan offered her thanks to the Board and her parents. Will be attending UC Riverside Honors college in the fall. Cecilia Vengas- A great year to be a Dolphin and a great year to be a graduate of SGUSD. Grateful for the opportunity this year. Thank you to the Board members for their kindness and thank you to Jocelyn for her friendliness. Thank you to Mr. Sellars for being the strongest support and trusting me with this job. G. REPORT - Task Force to Re-Open San Gabriel Unified Report presented by Mr. J. Symonds and Dr. Joan Perez. Follows the tenants of the LACOE Task Force of which Mr. Symonds is a member and L.A. Department of Public Health. CDC Guidelines also considered.Planning for 3 different scenarios: Face-to-Face Instruction, Blended Learning, and Full Distance Learning. We will build our framework around the LACOE planning framework (LACOE templates will be released tomorrow) while still engaging in local control with all our stakeholders. Presentation attached. Comments: Dr. Scott- my apologies for skipping over that in the agenda. Ms. Alvarado- thank you. It's a lot to take in. Dr. Scott- a huge task in resolving these complex issues. Thank you Jim and Joan. H. PRESENTATION - SGUSD Visual and Performing Arts – Year in Review Presented by Samantha Theisen. Presentation attached. Heartfelt thanks offered by Ms. Theisen for the district's support of Arts Education in our community. Discussion: Mr. Ammon- Thank you for the presentation. Love what this says about our district and our supportive team. Dr. Scott- started this journey with MIE then the arts for K-12. Samantha understands us as visual and performing artists. She gave shape to the dream for our district. Speaks to her unbelievably commitment to learning, students, and student success. Thank you for all you have brought to this district. 8. ACTION ITEMS A. BUSINESS SERVICES 1. (ROLL CALL) Adopt Resolution No. 17/2019-2020 Authorizing the Assistant Superintendent and Director of Fiscal Services to Execute and File an Application on Behalf of the District for the Purpose of Obtaining Certain Federal Financial Assistance and/or State Financial Assistance The Administration recommends the approval of adopting Resolution No. 17/2019-2020 Authorizing the Assistant Superintendent and Director of Fiscal Services to Execute and File an Application on Behalf of the District for the Purpose of Obtaining Certain Federal Financial Assistance and/or State Financial Assistance School districts (or other agencies) need to submit a Request for Public Assistance (PRA) through a Board-approved resolution to possibly receive funding from FEMA due to COVID-19. Discussion: None. Action taken: Unanimously approved. 2. Approve the Memorandum of Understanding between the Los Angeles County Office of Education and the San Gabriel Unified School District for Participation in Census Outreach The Administration recommends the approval of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Los Angeles County Office of Education and the San Gabriel Unified School District for participation in census outreach. The Los Angeles County Office of Education will provide funding to the San Gabriel Unified School District to promote participation in the 2020 Census. Discussion: None. Action taken: Unanimously approved. B. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 1. (ROLL CALL) - Adopt Resolution No. 16/2019-20 Declaration of The Rights of All Students to Equity in Arts Learning, School Year 2019-2020, Right to Have Access to High-Quality Public Arts Education, Regardless of Their Background, Culture, Language or Geographic Location. Administration recommends that the Governing Board Adopt Resolution No. 16/2019-20 Declaration of The Rights of All Students to Equity in Arts Learning, School Year 2019-2020, Right to Have Access to High-Quality Public Arts Education, Regardless of Their Background, Culture, Language or Geographic Location. Resolution No. 16/2019-2020, “To Adopt the Declaration of the Rights of All Students to Equity and Access in Arts Learning” calls for the San Gabriel Unified School District (SGUSD) to continue its commitment to Visual and Performing Arts as an essential part of a comprehensive education to prepare all students for college, career, and life. Discussion: None. Action taken: Unanimously approved. C. GOVERNING BOARD OF EDUCATION None. D. HUMAN RESOURCES 1. Approve Local Agency Agreement Between the San Gabriel Unified School District and The California Department of General Services/Office of Administrative Hearings The District’s Local Agency Agreement with the Office of Administrative Hearings will be expiring on June 17, 2020 and is in need of renewal. State and local agencies throughout California are able to retain Administrative Law Judge services through the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH). The services include administrative hearings, mediations, arbitrations, and other dispute resolution processes conducted by experienced Administrative Law Judges Discussion: None. Action taken: Unanimously approved. 2. Approve New Job Description, Director Student Support and Assessment, and Establish One Position Administration recommends to approve New Job Description, Director Student Support and Assessment, and Establish One Position. Discussion: None. Action taken: Unanimously approved. 3. Approve New Job Description, 21st Century Learning and Professional Development Coordinator, and Establish One Position Administration recommends to approve New Job Description, 21st Century Learning and Professional Development Coordinator, and Establish One Position Discussion: None. Action taken: Unanimously approved. 4. Approve New Job Description, EL Coordinator, and Establish One Position Administration recommends to approve New Job Description, EL Coordinator, and Establish One Position. Discussion: None. Action taken: Unanimously approved. E. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 1. Approve California School Boards Association (CSBA) Policy Revision Recommendations Administration recommends the Governing Board approve the California School Boards Association (CSBA) policy revision recommendations. This is an opportunity for the Governing Board to approve the California School Boards Association (CSBA) policy revision recommendations. Policy Recommendations for Distance Learning and Working from Home. Discussion: None. Action taken: Unanimously approved. 9. BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS/REPORTS/COMMUNICATIONS Ms. Shellhart: Thank you for opportunity to distribute yard signs to our Seniors. Thank you to Kathee Eckstrom, Jennifer Vargas, and Lon Sellars on your retirement. Good luck to GHS Speech and Debate at Nationals. Looking forward to upcoming virtual events. Ms. Alvarado: I want to say everything that Cheryl said. Today's presentation showed the huge dichotomy in this district. VAPA and planning on how we are going to re-open schools, and I know that comes with a heavy heart. We will find a way to get through it. Best to the retirees. Congratulations to the Seniors. Mr. Ammon: Ditto Christina;s ditto of Cheryl's ditto.. Jennifer, Kathee and Lon, I am sure we are going to see you in a voluntary. You bring a level of commitment that we value. Powerful to take part in distribution of signs to the Seniors. Call your elected officials to urge for funding of our schools. Education needs to be adequately funded. Ms. Haas: Triple what my colleagues have said. Advocate for our schools and funding. Thank you and will miss you in your retirement. Thank you to Ms. Shellhart for contributing the banners. Thank you to S.Theisen. A lot of great stuff coming out of a difficult time. Thank you for the creativity and compassion. Dr. Scott: I am proud to be on the Board and serving the district. Thanked the retirees and special congratulations to Lon Sellars. 10. CONSENT AGENDA NOTE: The Governing Board may take one (1) vote for all Consent Items including; Business Services, Educational Services, Human Resources and the Superintendent's Office. Items also may be removed from the Consent Agenda at the discretion of the Governing Board and voted on separately. Discussion:None Approved unanimously in total. A. BUSINESS SERVICES 1. Approve Purchase Orders Issued in Excess of $5,000 Report No. 16 The Administration recommends the approval of Purchase Orders Issued in Excess of $5,000 Report No. 16. B. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 1. Approve Essential Training Travel Report No. 14 Administration recommends that the following District employees be authorized to attend the events attached. The representative of the District indicated will attend with no loss of salaries for District personnel, and with actual and necessary expenses paid for all attending as authorized by Education Code Sections 35172, 35173 and 44032, and the District's Board policies. Authorization for an advance of funds to cover actual and necessary expenses is hereby granted. Such Advances shall be repaid or adjusted upon filling of a regular claim for the actual and necessary expenses incurred. C. HUMAN RESOURCES D. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 1. Approve Designation of 2020-2021 CIF Representatives to League Administration recommends approval of the 2020-2021 CIF representative designations to the league. 11. NEXT MEETING REMINDER(S) Tuesday, June 23, 2020 Tuesday, June 30, 2020 12. ADJOURNMENT at 8:40 PM. We ARE stronger together! Today at 10 a.m., the CDE and State Superintendent Tony Thurmond hosted webinar, Fall 2020: A Discussion on Safe Re-Opening of California Schools, for local educational agencies (LEAs) with updates on guidance for schools, presentations by districts that are developing plans on re-opening, and a Q-and-A. It focused on three subject areas: health & safety, educational programs, and fiscal implications.
Recorded stream available on Facebook Live:
Board Meeting Highlights:
Closed Session Discussion Items: Discussion of Employment/Appointment
Click here for Link to Full Agenda and Attachments Attachments Asst Supt Ed Services Contract (J. Perez) Resolution to Reduce/Eliminate Certificated Services EdTech Team PD Contract Peoplesoft Financial Systems Contract SGUSD Grading Policy Job Description-GHS Wellness Center Coord. District-Negotiations ReOpener SGTA Negotiations ReOpener BP- Distance Learning BP- Working Remotely Classified Personnel Report 16 Certificated Personnel Report 15 1. OPENING PROCEDURE A. CALL TO ORDER at 6:02 PM B. ESTABLISHMENT OF QUORUM Quorum established. All members present. 2. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE GOVERNING BOARD Anyone wishing to address the Board regarding Closed Session items may do so at this time. All proceedings are reported to the public in open session where action is taken or staff is given direction. Requests: None. 3. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION If the Governing Board is not able to complete the Closed Session agenda, it will reconvene the meeting to open session and recess the meeting to a second Closed Session after all Open Session business has been concluded. Recessed to closed session at 6:02 PM. A. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT/APPOINTMENT (Pursuant to Government Code §54957 (b).) Principal, Del Mar High School Director, Student Support Services and Assessment English Learner Coordinator 21st Century Learning and Professional Development Coordinator 4. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION at 7:00 p.m. A. ANNOUNCEMENT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION Action taken:None. B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Led by A. Ammon C. APPROVAL OF AGENDA It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the May 12, 2020 Governing Board meeting agenda. This is an opportunity for the Governing Board to adopt the agenda as presented and/or rearrange agenda items to accommodate arrival of audience members. Discussion: None. Action taken: Approved. D. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE GOVERNING BOARD Regarding items on the agenda, as well as, not on the agenda, but within the jurisdiction of the San Gabriel Unified School District Governing Board. A member of the public may choose to speak to an agenda item during public comment or at the time the Governing Board considers the item. Requests to address the Board: None. 5. APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES A. Approve the Governing Meeting Minutes of April 21, 2020 The Board is asked to approve the meeting minutes as presented. Discussion: None. Action taken: Approved. 6. PUBLIC HEARING(S) The meeting will briefly recess to open up the public hearing(s). The meeting will resume at the closing of the presented public hearings. A. Public Notice of the San Gabriel Teachers Association Initial Re-Opener Proposal to the San Gabriel Unified School District for the 2020-2021 school year pursuant to Government Code section 3547. A public hearing regarding the proposal will be brought forth by the Board of Education at the next Board meeting, May 26, 2020. B. Public Notice of the San Gabriel Unified School District’s Initial Re-Opener Proposal to the San Gabriel Teachers Association for the 2020-2021 school year pursuant to Government Code section 3547. A public hearing regarding the proposal will be scheduled by the Board of Education for the next Board meeting on May 26, 2020. 7. SPECIAL REPORTS AND PRESENTATIONS A. REPORTS – Student Board Members Del Mar High School, Cecilia Venegas: Del Mar: History Day in top 9 in the state. Waiting to hear if they move to top 3 in state on to the Nationals. Virtual Graduation on June 17th. JMS working on virtual graduation through a virtual town hall. Working on transition from JMS to GHS. McKinley donated gift cards to families in need. Looking at a virtual science summer school. Wilson: Teachers are meeting with students virtually every week. Collaborating with other elem principals for virtual 5th grade celebrations. Gabrielino High School, Jocelyn Tan. GHS: Cap and Gown distribution with teachers and staff celebrating the students. Thanks to SGTA for the decorations. Sr. Awards will be recorded. Coolidge: Students working on a virtual talent show and virtual 5th grade ceremony. Roosevelt: May 16-17 Jackson Low will be participating in an online Speech and Debate tournament. WA: Taking care of their families in need. 5th Grade Promotion being planned. B. REPORT - Governing Board President, Dr. Gary Scott: Congratulated Del Mar and Cecilia Venegas on the History Day Team. Statewide effort for emergency measure to offset the structural deficit that CA education is facing. Virtual graduation planning for GHS and DMHS under way. Promises to be quite an event. Unofficially declaring this as Staff Appreciation Year. I am astounded by your love and commitment as crazy and as impossible as the task is. C. REPORT - Superintendent, Mr. James Symonds. Its great to see your faces, I miss all of you. Congratulations to Del Mar History Day. Staff Appreciation Week- agree with Gary- it's Staff Appreciation Year faced with the challenges. Appreciate your dedication and commitment to the kids. I can't thank you enough. We truly do appreciate you. Possibility of re-opening in the fall. CLoudy skies ahead. It's hard to see where we are going, I am serving on a LACOE group planning for multiple scenarios. We had our first SGUSD Task Force for reopening last week , and we will continuing. Maybe staggering the kids; second model of Blended learning in school and virtually, and third model is all distance learning We will keep you informed and work with our stake holders. We have to keep our staff and kids safe. We will work closely with the districts around us and the County. More will be coming on that. Very concerned about the budget shortfall and we ask you to support us re: -22%COLA. This could be devastating to every district in the state. Hoping for some sort of state and federal assistance. Our graduation ceremonies: Commend Lon Sellars and Sharron Heinrich and her team to get this ready. We will celebrate our seniors- banners and lawn signs. Cap and Gown distribution with teachers celebrating. JMS graduation as a DBL project. We have staff members with COVID 19, with family members who have died, family members in the hospital. We will make it to the other side on this together. 8. ACTION ITEMS A. BUSINESS SERVICES 1. Approve Renewal of the Peoplesoft Financial System Contract for the 2020-2021 School Year Administration recommends to approve renewal of the Peoplesoft Financial System Contract for the 2020-2021 school year. (Attached.) Financial Impact Total: $20,300.00 Funding: General Fund Discussion: None Action taken: Approved unanimously. B. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 1. Adopt San Gabriel USD’s Grading, ELD Instruction and Credit Guidelines During Covid-19 School Closures (Attached.) It is recommended that the Governing Board adopt the San Gabriel USD’s grading, ELD instruction and credit guidelines during the Covid-19 school closures. Discussion: None. Action: Approved unanimously. 2. Approve Ratified Contract Between San Gabriel Unified School District and EdTechTeam for professional development for Distance Learning (Attached.) The Superintendent recommends the approval of the ratified contract with EdTechTeam for Distance Learning Google Suite training for teachers and administrators. EdTechTeam, Inc (EdTechTeam) will provide San Gabriel Unified School District (SGUSD) with the following high-quality professional development: Title: G Suite for Distance Learning Design Workshops Date: May 8, 13, 15, 20, 22, 2020 Times: TBD, 60-minute sessions (probably 1:00-2:00 p.m. PDT) Audience: All teaching staff Format: BYOL Sessions held via Google Meet Registration: SGUSD will provide EdTechTeam with a list of registrants Capacity: 40 Participants Financial Impact Total: $3000.00 Funding Source: SB 117 COVID-19 LEA Response Funds Discussion: Mr. Ammon. Looks great. Could we get a quick background on this? Dr. Joan Perez: We attended a training at Google in OC using Google Suite tools and apply content to pedagogy. Mr. Ammon: This is really great. Action: Approved unanimously. 3. Approve Agreement Between Gabrielino HS and Del Mar HS and Herff Jones LLC. for 2020 Virtual Graduation Ceremony Administration recommends the approval of the agreement for live streaming of the Gabrielino High School and Del Mar High School 2020 graduation ceremony. Financial Impact Total: $5000 Funding Source: Site Allocation Discussion: None. Action: Approved unanimously. C. GOVERNING BOARD OF EDUCATION D. HUMAN RESOURCES 1. (ROLL CALL) – Adopt Resolution No. 15/2019-20, Implementing Certificated Layoff Adopt Resolution No. 15/2019-2020, of the Governing Board of the San Gabriel Unified School District approving dismissal of certain certificated employees in accordance with the Superintendent's recommendation made prior to March 15, 2020, and instruct the Superintendent to notify each such certificated employees prior to May 15, 2020, that the employee’s services will not be required for the 2020-2021 school year. (Attached.) Discussion: Dr. Scott -No one wants this but mandated by Ed Code. Action: Approved unanimously. 2. Approve Declaration that all Management, Confidential and Other Unrepresented Employees’ Salaries are Declared Indefinite for the 2020 - 2021 School Year It is recommended by the Administration that the Governing Board take the following action: *As a result of financial uncertainties, negotiations with represented employee groups, legislation, and other factors, the Governing Board hereby declares that all management, confidential and other unrepresented employee salaries are declared indefinite for 2020-2021. Each year the board takes action prior to June 30th to declare the salary of unrepresented employees indefinite. Article 11, Section 10 of the California Constitution prohibits officers or employees from receiving additional compensation for services already rendered. However, if the Governing Board takes action to declare in advance of the new school year that salaries for management, confidential or unrepresented employees are indefinite, retroactive payments for cost of living adjustments are proper. Discussion: None. Action: Unanimous approval. 3. Approve New Job Description, Gabrielino High School Wellness Center Coordinator, and Establish One Position (Attached.) Administration recommends to approve New Job Description, Gabrielino High School Wellness Center Coordinator, and Establish One Position. Financial Impact The approximate cost will be $150,000 (Majority of funding from restricted funds) Discussion: Dr. Scott- Something we've needed for a long time. Action: Unanimous approval. E. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 1. Governing Board Review of California School Boards Association (CSBA) Policy Revision Recommendations Administration recommends the Governing Board review the first reading of California School Boards Association (CSBA) policy revision recommendations. This is an opportunity for the Governing Board to review and discuss the first reading of California School Boards Association (CSBA) policy revision recommendations. (Attached.) New Board Policies: Working Remotely and Distance Learning 2. Approve Employment Contract with Dr. Joan Perez, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services Effective May 13, 2020 Administration recommends the approval of employment contract with Dr. Joan Perez, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services, effective May 13, 2020. (Attached.) Contract: May 13, 2020, and continuing through June 30, 2022. Salary: Base annual salary of $152,913. Assistant Superintendent shall also be entitled to a degree stipend in the amount of five percent of base annual salary (excluding stipends and longevity) upon completion of a Doctoral Degree from an accredited university. Discussion: None. Action: Unanimous approval. 9. BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS/REPORTS/COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Ammon: Stay safe everyone. We lost my grandmother this week not from COVID, but unable to receive care due to COVID. Thanked Dr. Scott for arranging for sacrament of the sick and thanked Mr. Symonds for his support. Ms. Shellhart: Condolences to Andrew's family. Congratulations to Del Mar. Attended PTSA meeting at Gab. A great meeting with good communication. Will cancel the SPED Golf Tournament until next year, but able to give out scholarships at GHS and DMHS. Thanks to WA for assisting families. Ms. Haas: Thanks to the Team for listening to families and member sof the graduating class. Lost of positive feedback. Thanks to the teachers and staff. Congratulations to Del Mar. Ms. Alvarado: Thanks to Cheryl for putting the banner together. COngratulations to Del Mar and Cecilia we are really proud of you and the work you are doing. Andrew- condolences for your grandmother. Listen to Alicia Keyes song "Matters" for essential workers on Youtube. 10. CONSENT AGENDA NOTE: The Governing Board may take one (1) vote for all Consent Items including; Business Services, Educational Services, Human Resources and the Superintendent's Office. Items also may be removed from the Consent Agenda at the discretion of the Governing Board and voted on separately. Discussion:None Action: Approved Unanilously in total. A. BUSINESS SERVICES 1. Approve Warrants Issued for Payments, Goods, And Services Received for April 2020 - Report No. 11 Administration recommends the approval of Warrants issued for payments of payroll, goods, and services received for April 2020 - Report No. 11 and authorize the designee to execute the necessary documents. 2. Approve Purchase Orders Issued in Excess of $5,000 Report No. 15 Administration recommends the approval of Purchase Orders issued in excess of $5,000 Report No. 15. B. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES C. HUMAN RESOURCES 1. Approve Certificated Personnel Status Report No. 15 Administration recommends the approval of the Certificated Personnel Status Report No. 15. (Attached.) 1 SPED Prob 1- GHS 1 Math Prob 1- GHS 1 Dual Immersion Mandarin- Wilson 2. Approve Classified Personnel Status Report No. 16 Administration recommends to approve the Classified Personnel Status Report No. 16 (Attached.) 1 termination D. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 11. NEXT MEETING REMINDER(S) Tuesday, May 26, 2020 Tuesday, June 23, 2020 Tuesday, June 30, 2020 12. ADJOURNMENT at 7:39 PM. We ARE stronger together! Join us at the next Board Meeting! 6:00 Open Session, Closed Session, 7:00 Open Session Reconvenes Keep wearing those shirts!! Show we are unified! Good Afternoon SGTA Members,
The next school board meeting was held via telephone or Zoom video conference on Tuesday, May 12th at 6:00 p.m, then at 7:00 p.m. The budget from the governor looks bleek and we are now facing a -22% COLA. In efforts to close this negative COLA, CTA will be contacting congressional members who are allies and we will be asking them to provide support of at least $175. billion for the Education Stabilization Fund to be distributed to states. We will also ask them to support $2 billion for the E-Rate program to help support the homework gap. CTA is also asking SGTA to assist in making these phone calls to our congressional leaders. So stay tuned for information on how to make this call!! Listed below is the information on how to join Tuesday Night's school board meeting. We have created an SGTA Virtual Background Logo for you to use when you attend school board meetings. See below! Thank you and stay safe, SGTA Executive Board Click here for Link to Full Agenda and Attachments Would you like to have an SGTA Virtual Background for Zoom Meetings? Download the pic! SGTA Images (Fyi - Image will appear inverted in virtual background) PUBLIC ACCESS NOTICE: PUBLIC ACCESS: Due to the current state of social distancing and Gov. Gavin Newsom's "safer at home" order, the Governing Board of San Gabriel Unified will be implementing the following public access for the upcoming Board meeting: Online access - ID: 812 0544 1673 Online Password: 0w4MEU Telephone access - +1 (669) 900-9128 ID: 812 0544 1673 Call-In Password: 445532 *Local phone charges may apply. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Requests to Address the Governing Board: Speaker Requests to address the Governing Board will be made available via email. Please send public comments on agenda or non-agenda items to: Zulma L. Ayala-Padilla, Executive Assistant to the Superintendent at Public Comments All submissions must be made before or by noon on day of the meeting. Please limit public comments to 300 words or less. All public comments submitted by the indicated deadline will be read by the Board President during the meeting. Click here for Link to Full Agenda and Attachments Would you like to have an SGTA Virtual Background for Zoom Meetings? Download the pic! SGTA Images (Fyi - Image will appear inverted in virtual background) Join us at the next Board Meeting! 6:00 Open Session, Closed Session, 7:00 Open Session Reconvenes Keep wearing those shirts!! Show we are unified! Hi SGTA at GAB, Here are the meeting minutes from our last Rep Council meeting. Let us know if you have any questions. Best, Site Reps Board Meeting Highlights:
Click here for Link to Full Agenda and Attachments Attachments: District Grading Procedures: COVID 19 TABLED Cost of Bd Candidate Statements EideBailley Consulting for Business Services Contract Purchase Orders Report 14 Warrants for Payments Report 10 Classified PSR 15 School Psych Job Description Note: No report on Certificated Personnel (Certificated PSR) provided prior to the Board Meeting. 1. OPENING PROCEDURE A. CALL TO ORDER at 6:01 PM B. ESTABLISHMENT OF QUORUM: Quorum established. 2. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE GOVERNING BOARD None. 3. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION at 6:02 PM A. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT/APPOINTMENT (Pursuant to Government Code §54957 (b).) Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services Principal, Del Mar High School Director, Student Support Services 4. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION at 7:01 PM A. ANNOUNCEMENT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION The Board voted 5-0 appointing Dr. Joan Perez as Asst. Superintendent of Educational Services. B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Ms. Alvarado C. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Discussion: Ms. Haas Table Item B.1. due to LACOE offering new guidance today regarding district grading policies in DIstance Learning. Mr. Symonds on Grading Policy (Item B1) tabled. We developed a district grading policy with our teams to try to get out the information quickly. CDE stated that there could be no harm done to students though grading at this time. K-8 Credit for DIstance Learning. High schools were proposed for a credit/no credit policy.d Today, LACOE stated that LEAs could develop their own policies, but students may opt in for a grade option. We can give our students a chance to earn their grade, even though colleges are accepting the C/NC. We will be adding the grade opt in option for students who wish. We also want to make sure that special ed students are able to earn credit. We received input from teachers, parents, and staff. The LACOE guidance was unanticipated. Action Taken: Agenda approved with tabling of item B1 and direction to continue to evaluate what our grading guidelines will be. Requests to address Board: Donald Hoard: Appreciate willingness to read and respond to emails regarding concerns about the grading policy. We are pleased that you are revising the grading ideas. I want to support my daughter who was fuming about this (Credit/No Credit) when it was first announced. 5. APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES A. Approve the Governing Meeting Minutes of March 24, 2020 Discussion:None Action Taken: Approved unanimously 6. PUBLIC HEARING(S). 7. SPECIAL REPORTS AND PRESENTATIONS A. REPORTS - Student Board Members Del Mar High School, Cecilia Venegas DMHS history team will compete virtually this year. VIrtual student of the week and 2nd trimester awards will continue virtually. JMS Distance Learning is in full swing. Working on making contact with students who are not participating. Also working on a virtual graduation celebration. McKinley doing well during the pandemic. Staff is collaborating and appreciates support from the district. Wilson: Making sure that the needs of students, teachers and staff are being met. Teachers are in daily communication with its families and students. Ms.Contreras met with PTA families and discussed possible plans for a virtual 5th grade celebrations. Also working through PBIS through DL. Interview process wrapping up for new Dual Immersion Mandarin class. Dr. Scott asked Cecilia how she is doing. "Bummed out, but doing my best. We are doing multiple zoom meetings a week." Gabrielino High School, Jocelyn Tan GHS: Haley Mo'okini CIF Division 5 player of the year. ASB virtual activities to keep students engaged and united during Distance Learning. Graduation will be live streamed on June 12th. Everyone is adjusting to DL. Washington efforts to assist families in need. Dr. Scott asked Jocelyn how she is doing. We are sad about this happening in our senior year. B. REPORT - Governing Board President, Dr. Gary Scott So much going on. One of the issues is people who have trouble hearing and masks cover mouths making it difficult for them to understand. So many issues result from this. Thanks to Jim, WIll, Ross and Joan. Miss seeing teachers and classrooms the most. I cant' begin to thank you enough for the astonishing work the teachers are doing. Thanks to our support staff too. The cafeteria staff making and delivering food to our families. There are a thousand stories of people doing extraordinary things. We will get through it, we're doing great, and thanks to all for making it happen. C. REPORT – Superintendent, Mr. Jim Symonds I agree- this is a time to express thanks to all our employees, students and families and the efforts of the community, keeping everyone safe and healthy while providing continuity of learning. A huge thanks to our IT team and Eric Chau for their work to make sure our students have equitable access. You are heros in my book. Our food Services- Isabel and her team putting themselves in harms way feeding up to 450 students a day. Our teachers in making the transition to DL. SPED making sure our students have access. Our site administrators on the front lines making sure their schools go virtual. Kudos to everyone in our community and our Board. Sorrow and sadness for our seniors that their end of the year is ending this way. We are working to make a virtual celebration of high quality. Thank you to our team making the grading policies that will include the changes LACOE recommended today. All of you have inspired us. Congratulations, Joan. We're so happy to have you on board. I feel like we have the dream team. Thank you all. 8. ACTION ITEMS A. BUSINESS SERVICES 1. Approve to Authorize Award of E-Rate Service Contract 2020-2021 The Administration recommends the approval to authorize of E-Rate Service Contract 2020-2021 and authorize the designee to execute the necessary documents. The District’s three-year contract for internet services are up for renewal starting the new school year. Upon board approval, a three-year contract will be awarded to LACOE for approximately $70,000 and a three-year contract to Spectrum for approximately $150,000. Financial Impact: Total: $222,000 Other: 3 years Discussion: Mr. Wong- changing the contract to AT&T, not Spectrum. Financial impact is the same. Action Taken: Approved unanimously with change as stated. 2. Approve Renewed Consultant Agreement Between the San Gabriel Unified School District and EideBailly The Administration recommends the approval of the renewed consultant agreement between the San Gabriel Unified School District and Eide Bailly and authorize the designee to execute the necessary documents. Entering agreement with Eide Bailly (formally Vavrinek, Trine, Day & Co.) to receive consulting services in the business operation in 2020-2021. Financial Impact: The hourly rates are as follows (we are billed monthly for services): Partner/Principal/Senior Manager/Director is $250/hour Consultant/Manager is $225/hour Senior Associate is $175/hour Associate is $150/hour Paraprofessional is $100/hour Increase: $25.00/hour Other: This has increased for all staff categories except the paraprofessional. Discussion: None Action Taken: Approved unanimously. 3. Approve the Revised Renewal Agreement Between the San Gabriel Unified School District and the West San Gabriel Valley Special Education Local Plan Area for Reimbursement of Employee OnLoan The Administration recommends to approve the revised renewal Agreement Between the San Gabriel Unified School District and the West San Gabriel Valley Special Education Local Plan Area for Reimbursement of Employee On-Loan. An employee-on-loan agreement between WSGV/SELPA and SGUSD is proposed for approval to meet the financial and employment policy and regulations of both parties for the service rendered by a program specialist employed by SGUSD to the entire membership of the WSGV/SELPA. Financial Impact Other: The employment cost is fully reimbursed by WSGV/SELPA to SGUSD. Discussion: None Action Taken: Approved unanimously. B. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 1. Adopt San Gabriel Unified's Grading, ELD Instruction and Credit Guidelines During Covid-19 School Closures (Attached) It is recommended that the Governing Board adopt the San Gabriel Unified's grading, ELD instruction and credit guidelines during the Covid-19 school closures. Discussion: None. Action Taken: Tabled as stated above. C. GOVERNING BOARD OF EDUCATION D. HUMAN RESOURCES 1. (ROLL CALL) - Adopt Resolution No. 14/2019-20, Proclaiming May 5, 2020, as Staff Appreciation Day It is most important to recognize the employees of the San Gabriel Unified School District for their contributions to the students of our community. Therefore, the Administration recommends that Resolution No. 14/2019-20 be adopted. May is the month in which certificated and classified staff throughout California and the nation are formally recognized for their contributions to the students with whom they work. Attached is Resolution No. 14/2019-20 which proclaims May 5, 2020, as Staff Appreciation Day in the San Gabriel Unified School District. Discussion: Dr. Scott- Cinco de Mayo. I think we should buy tequila for all the staff. To all the teachers, it goes without saying. We'll figure out a way (to celebrate the teachers.) Action Taken: Approved unanimously. 2. ACTION - Approve Revised Job Description, School Psychologist Administration recommends the approval of revised job description, School Psychologist. (Attached) Discussion: Discussed previously per Dr. Scott, Action Taken: Approved unanimously. E. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 1. Appointment of Labor Negotiator(s) (Pursuant to Government Code §54957.6) It is recommended that the Governing Board take action to appoint a labor negotiator to represent the Board in discussing salary and benefits with candidates for unrepresented employee position. The Board will consider and possibly take action to appoint one or more labor negotiator(s) to represent the Board in discussing salary and benefits with candidates for unrepresented employee position: Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services Discussion: This is to appoint Superintendent Symonds for subsequent contract resolutions. Action Taken: Approved unanimously. 2. (ROLL CALL) - Adopt Resolution No. 13/2019-20, In the Matter of Cost of Candidate Statement for the November 3, 2020 Governing Board Consolidated Election It is recommended that the Governing Board adopt resolution No. 13/2019-20, in the matter of cost of candidate statement for the November 3, 2020 consolidated election for Governing Board members. A signed resolution needs to be submitted to Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk. The 4/17/2020 adoption of resolution No. 13/2019-20 would require candidates to pay the estimated cost in advance and limits the candidate statement to a maximum of 200 words, and that the District will bill the candidate after the election for costs which exceed the estimate by the Registrar-Recorder. (Attached) Discussion: None. Action Taken: Approved unanimously. 9. BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS/REPORTS/COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Ammon: Echo congratulations to Del Mar History team. We are very proud of your accomplishments. Express gratitude. We are trying to help clients stay afloat with small business falling on hard times. We see acts of human kindness. Thank you to Mr. Symonds and his team. This district is stepping up in many ways beyond the education. Ms. Alvarado: I echo what everyone said. These are hard times. I don't have to worry about the school district. You have it covered. We're sorry about graduation; we need to make many adjustments. We need to take one month at a time, one week at a time. My job now is to focus on finding child care for emergency/essential workers. We hang in there and take it one week at a time. Ms. Haas:Congratulations to Del Mar and sad you are unable to go up to Sacramento again. I am seeing DL at home and trying to get everyone on and having issues with broadband. Encourage students to log on to connect with one another for their mental health. DL can't replicate the classroom. But the emotional component is so important. We're working from home and trying to manage kids. But let's stay connected and make sure our students are well. Stay well and stay healthy. Take time to engage and focus on what is important; Ms. Shellhart: Congratulations to Del Mar on History Day. We are so proud of our district. Today I saw Kathee Eckstrom giving materials to a student using safe distancing. So heartening to see our staff caring for their students. My heart is truly warmed with Washington supporting their families, going the extra mile. Also- You can submit Senior pictures and KTLA will celebrate them on on air during the day. Convey that information to help honor our seniors. Dr. Scott: Thank you to Mr. Sellars. We are grateful for all you do for the students in our district. 10. CONSENT AGENDA NOTE: The Governing Board may take one (1) vote for all Consent Items including; Business Services, Educational Services, Human Resources and the Superintendent's Office. Items also may be removed from the Consent Agenda at the discretion of the Governing Board and voted on separately. Discussion:None. Action Taken: Approved unanimously. A. BUSINESS SERVICES 1. Approve Warrants Issued for Payments, Goods, And Services Received for March 2020 - Report No. 10 (Attached) 2. Approve Purchase Orders Issued in Excess of $5,000 Report No. 14 (Attached) B. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES C. HUMAN RESOURCES 1. Approve Classified Personnel Status Report No. 15 (Attached) SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 11. NEXT MEETING REMINDER(S) · Tuesday, May 12, 2020 · Tuesday, May 26, 2020 · Tuesday, June 23, 2020 · Tuesday, June 30, 2020 12. ADJOURNMENT at 7:50 PM We ARE stronger together! Join us at the next Board Meeting! 6:00 Open Session, Closed Session, 7:00 Open Session Reconvenes Keep wearing those shirts!! Show we are unified! |
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