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MEETING OF THE GOVERNING BOARD January 12, 2021 (comments/discussions are abridged versions) 1. OPENING PROCEDURE A. CALL TO ORDER at 6:13 B. ESTABLISHMENT OF QUORUM - 5 Members Present, Quorum Established 2. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE GOVERNING BOARD Public Requests: Dena Dragoo, SGTA President wished School Board Members and Admin a Happy New Year, thanked Jim Symonds for sending out an email/robo call to all staff. She also thanked Ros Ros Perry for sending out a Safety Protocol reminder to all staff. She thanked the School Board for always putting the safety of staff and students first and said that SGTA is always available to discuss reopening of schools or staying closed thru the end of the school year. 3. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION A. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR(S) (Pursuant to Government Code §54957.6) Employee Organization(s): San Gabriel Teachers Association Teamsters Local 911 Agency Designated Representatives: James Symonds, Superintendent Ross Perry, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources 4. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION approx. 7:00 p.m. A. ANNOUNCEMENT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION No action taken B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE by Asst Supt. Ross Perry C. APPROVAL OF AGENDA No discussion. Unanimously approved D. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE GOVERNING BOARD Public Requests: None 5. APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES A. Approve the Governing Meeting Minutes of December 15, 2020 Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the meeting minutes as presented. This is an opportunity for the Governing Board to review and approve the meeting minutes as presented. Discussion: None No additions or corrections. Action Taken: Unanimously Approved 6. PUBLIC HEARING(S) The meeting will briefly recess to open up the public hearing(s). The meeting will resume at the closing of the presented public hearings. Public Hearing Comments: No requests to address the school board. 7. SPECIAL REPORTS AND PRESENTATIONS A. REPORTS - Student Board Members Del Mar High School, Yarelly Morales Del Mar: Welcome New Principal. Coolidge: Thanking for support. Roosevelt: Excited to welcome Ms. Wilson as she was helping Del Mar. Washington: Washington enjoyed it’s PTA Holiday Extravaganza before the holiday break. A special thank you to our Governing Board members and SG Police Department for their attendance. Gabrielino High School, Hennassie Ramirez GAB: 1st day started today with ELAC, SSC Meetings Jan 27th is the parent seminar. Jan 28th ASB will be hosting a blood drive. Jan/Feb will be busy planning months in anticipation of WAASC. Wilson: Student recognition and Holiday program. Ms. Contreras welcomed all students and families back. Jan 19 Assessments windows start Mckinley: Hosted a winter Extravaganza. Thank all families who participated. Proud of our PEP who assisted families during the holidays. Jefferson: Teachers and staff are more rested. Looking forward to engage students in virtual academy B. REPORT - Governing Board President Rochelle Haas, Board President - Welcome and Happy New Year. Hope to return to a better normal. Thank you to Washington PTA for the drive-up extravaganza. I was able to attend Wilson Holiday Assembly online. Shout out to Ms. Contreras and Mr. Neuneberg. It’s been a rough start, my father passed away the first part of this year. My father was a retired teacher and an army captain. He taught me the value of the service of others to the community and was always volunteering. He loved God, his friends and a good meal. He was very involved in school activities, We are deeply saddened with his absence but thankful for his memories. Regarding events at Capital: Deeply troubling to watch the attack on Democratice Process. The soul of America should not be about one person serving in a public office, but it should not be left up to one person. We are all part of the process in saving the soul of America. C. REPORT - Superintendent Jim Symonds, Superintendent - Welcome to 2021. January is the School Board Recognition Month. This is an extremely important time to be a board member. A big Thank You to our Board Members for all of the help and support you have given us. In regards to reopening our schools, we are following the guidelines sent out from the California Department of Public Health. 8. ACTION ITEMS A. BUSINESS SERVICES B. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 1. Approve Appointment of Representatives to the Community Advisory Council of the West San Gabriel Valley Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) - Special Education Administration recommends the approval of the appointment of Gina Minnick and DeeDee Southerland to the West San Gabriel Valley SELPA CAC through June 2022. Section 56190 of the Education Code provides for members of the Community Advisory Council (CAC) for special education to be appointed by and responsible to the school district and county governing boards participating in the local comprehensive plan. The CAC of the West San Gabriel Valley SELPA is composed of two members per school district, each appointed for a two-year term, and no committee member shall serve more than three consecutive terms. Any person in the community is eligible to be a member, however, emphasis is on having parents of individuals with exceptional needs enrolled in public school as members. Gina Minnick and DeeDee Southerland have volunteered to serve as representatives from SGUSD to the CAC. Board approval is required for the appointment of these representatives. Special Education Administration recommends the approval of the appointment of Gina Minnick and DeeDee Southerland to the West San Gabriel Valley SELPA CAC through June 2022. Financial Impact: None Discussion: none Action Taken: Unanimously Approved 2. Approve Consultant Agreement with Ability First, School Year 2020-2021- Special Education Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the consultant agreement with Ability First for specialized academic instruction in an amount not to exceed $6,328.98 for the 2020- 2021 school year and extended school year. Pursuant to California Education code section 35160.1, the Governing Board of Education of the District is empowered to contract for educational and support services to address the District's diverse needs unique to their individual communities and programs. Special Education students residing in San Gabriel must be placed in a program that is suited to meet their unique educational needs. Financial Impact: Total: not to exceed $6,328.98 Funding Source: Special Education General Fund Discussion: none Action Taken: Unanimously Approved 3. Approve Second Quarter Report on Williams Uniform Complaints, School Year 2020-2021 Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the second quarter report on Williams Uniform Complaints for the 2020-2021 school year. As part of the procedures under the Williams Settlement Legislation, Ed. Code 35186, all Districts are required to submit a quarterly report on the number of complaints received, complaints resolved and complaints unresolved. As of October 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020 there were no complaints filed against the District under the Williams Legislation procedures. Financial Impact: Total: N/A Funding Source: N/A Impact: Discussion: none Action Taken: Unanimously Approved 4. Approve the Consultant Agreement with Momentum in Teaching, LLC Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the consultant agreement with Momentum in Teaching, LLC. As we begin moving towards Phase III instruction, SGUSD is seeking to provide training specic to the challenges facing the teaching of writing online to TK-5 students. Specific strategies in virtual learning are needed to engage elementary students. This training will help TK-5 teachers by providing evidence-based strategies for a virtual writer’s workshop on the Feb.12th Staff Development Day. Financial Impact: Total: $1300 Funding Source: General Fund, Covid Contracted Services Discussion: none Action Taken: Unanimously Approved 5. Approve Consultant Agreement with Premiere Speakers Bureau Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the consultant agreement with Premiere Speakers Bureau. As SGUSD begins moving towards Phase III teachers are seeking strategies to engage and meet the differentiated needs of all students. Dr. Catlin Tucker specializes in blended learning, and will focus on sharing strategies to support any model of learning used during the second semester. She will also help continue discussions on 21st Century Learning and instruction as we look beyond school closures. Financial Impact: Total: $7,500 Funding Source: General Fund, Covid Contracted Services Discussion: none Action Taken: Unanimously Approved 6. Approve the Consultant Agreement with CATCH Global Foundation Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the consultant agreement with CATCH Global Foundation. As we begin moving towards Phase III instruction, SGUSD is seeking to provide training specic to the challenges facing the teaching of Physical Education for K-12 students. Specific strategies in virtual learning are needed to engage students to move more from home. This training will help all district PE teachers by providing an interactive session of virtual demonstrations focused on Physical Education classes on the Feb.12th Staff Development Day. Financial Impact: Total: $1,000 Funding Source: General Fund, Covid Contracted Services Discussion: none Action Taken: Unanimously Approved C. GOVERNING BOARD OF EDUCATION 1. DISCUSSION - 2020-2021 Governing Board Adopt-A-School Liaison Program This is an opportunity for the Governing Board to discuss the selection of liaisons for all school sites. Discussion - Listed below are the liaisons for each school site: McKinley - Dr. Gary Scott Washington - Cristina Alvarado Wilson - Rochelle Hass Roosevelt - Cheryl Shelhart Coolidge - Nancy Tsai Jefferson - Rochelle Hass & Dr. Gary Scott Del Mar - Cristina Alvarado Gabrielino - Cheryl Shelhart & Nancy Tsai D. HUMAN RESOURCES 1. Approve Contract Agreement Between the San Gabriel Unified School District and Cross Country Education Administration recommends to approve the contract agreement between the San Gabriel Unified School District and Cross Country Education. Currently there is a shortage in substitute teachers and instructional aides in the area, especially for specialized positions. This contract will allow Cross Country Education to ll vacancies for specialized positions. Financial Impact: The cost is dependent on the number of vacant positions filled by Cross Country Education. Discussion: none Action Taken: Unanimously Approved 2. Approve Student Teaching Agreement Between the San Gabriel Unified School District and Azusa Pacific University It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the Student Teaching Agreement between the San Gabriel Unified School District and Azusa Pacic University. An agreement with Azusa Pacic University enables student teachers to engage in their practice teaching in the District. The term of this agreement is from July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2025. The District will provide Master Teachers for their student teachers. Financial Impact: none Discussion: none Action Taken: Unanimously Approved E. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 1. Approve California School Boards Association (CSBA) Policy Revision Recommendation Administration recommends the Governing Board approve the California School Boards Association (CSBA) policy revision recommendation. This is an opportunity for the Governing Board to approve the California School Boards Association (CSBA) policy revision recommendation. Revise Board Policy: Employee Safety BP 4157, 4257, 4357 New Board Policy: Involuntary Student Transfers BP 5116.2 Financial Impact: None Discussion: none Action Taken: Unanimously Approved 2. Governing Board Review of California School Boards Association (CSBA) Policy Revision Recommendations Administration recommends the Governing Board review the rst reading of California School Boards Association (CSBA) policy revision recommendations. The Governing Board is asked to review amended policies as per California School Boards Association (CSBA) suggested revisions based on new mandates, laws, or regulations. Review Policy Updates for English Language Learners Instruction Revised Board Policy for Education of English Language Learners BP 6174 Revised Administrative Regulation for Education of English Language Learners AR 6174 Financial Impact: Discussion: none Action Taken: Unanimously Approved 9. BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS/REPORTS/COMMUNICATIONS Rochelle Haas - Board President Cheryl Shellhart - Board Vice President Thank you and welcome back. Personal condolence to the Hass family. We are here to support you. Attended parent group this morning. It was great to hear the views and comments. Thank you to Admin for providing these meetings. Lastly, I want to use Heather’s word for the year-Hope. We want to focus on hope this year. Cristina Alvarado - Happy New Year to all. Commented on the attack on the Capital. At Local level we keep doing what we need to do to keep our students safe. We will see how 2021 will unfold. Nancy Tsai - We have arrived. I am grateful and looking forward to meeting the staff, faculty and students. Looking forward to connecting with the families. Very grateful that the COVID-19 vaccines are being distributed. Hope that the holidays were an opportunity to take stock of what went well in 2020. Confident that everyone could find a positive event. Looking forward to a new administration in Washington. Dr. Gary Scott - I will like to wish everyone Happy New Year. Each day we are getting closer to passing all of this. I would like to acknowledge SEF, Administration, Teachers and everyone who does not give up and quit and makes it through the day. I sat in a webinar regarding Newsom’s proposed budget. There are a lot of people advocating to help our districts across the state. Our administration is working to stay current with that budget. Now we are looking at a significant budget surplus (One time). Thank you to the staff for monitoring all of this and continuing to keep our students/staff safe. I am grateful to everyone of you, everyday. I had to smile and wish good luck to GAB with the WAASC accreditation. I want to thank our President Haas about the events that we observed this week. It is a difficult time because we find ourselves in a place where it is difficult to talk about these subjects. It is sad when things are so extreme. I was caring for my twins with the day everything happened and the question is how do we explain this to children. Thank you to everyone for lifting my spirits, it’s going to be okay. 10. CONSENT AGENDA NOTE: Motion to Approve Consent Agenda in Total. Action Taken: Unanimously Approved 1. Approve Warrants Issued for Payments, Goods, And Services Received For December 2020 - Report No. 7 The Administration recommends to Approve Warrants Issued for Payments, Goods, And Services Received for December 2020 - Report No. 7. B. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 1. Approve Essential Training Report No. 9 Administration recommends that the following District employees be authorized to attend the events attached. The representative of the District indicated will attend with no loss of salaries for District personnel, and with actual and necessary expenses paid for all attending as authorized by Education Code Sections 35172, 35173 and 44032, and the District's Board policies. Authorization for an advance of funds to cover actual and necessary expenses is hereby granted. Such Advances shall be repaid or adjusted upon lling of a regular claim for the actual and necessary expenses incurred. C. HUMAN RESOURCES 1. Approve Certificated Personnel Status Report No. 9 Administration recommends the approval of the Certificated Personnel Status Report No. 9. 2. Approve Classified Personnel Status Report No. 9 Administration recommends to approve the Classified Personnel Status Report No. 9 D. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 11. NEXT MEETING REMINDER(S) Tuesday, February 9, 2021 Tuesday, February 23, 2021 Tuesday, March 9, 2021 Tuesday, March 23, 2021 Tuesday, April 13, 2021 Tuesday, April 27, 2021 Tuesday, May 11, 2021 Tuesday, May 25, 2021 Tuesday, June 15, 2021 Tuesday, June 29, 2021 12. ADJOURNMENT at 7:42pm Join us at the next Board Meeting!
6:00 Open Session, Closed Session, 7:00 Open Session Reconvenes
October 2022
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