A Message to our Members,
School Board Members and Administration were very appreciative for the smooth reopenings at all sites. They thanked teachers for their hard work and approved to proclaim May 4th as Staff Appreciation Day. Thank you, SGTA Executive Board SGTA Board Meeting Bullets Click here for Link to Full Agenda and Complete Attachments Teachers - Are you interested in taking notes at our school board meetings? SGTA is looking to for a group of Credentialed Teachers to be in charge of the producing the Board Bullets 2x a month! $$ This would be a monthly stipend position! $$ Let your Site Rep know if you are interested! Some of the job responsibilities will include:
Join us at the next Board Meeting!
6:00 Open Session, Closed Session, 7:00 Open Session Reconvenes
Hi SGTA GHS, Here are the minutes from today's rep meeting. ----------------------------------------------------- SUPPORT YOUR UNION: New Position Keeping everyone informed about what happens at the School Board meetings is really useful for keeping our membership informed and engaged. We are looking for a team of teachers to take minutes at the School Board meetings. These are stipend positions. There are two board meetings a month, but you would only need to work one of them if we get a team of four. You do one hour prior to the meeting copying the posted agenda, then two hours of work during the meeting taking notes. Afterwards, the notes need to be sent to everyone via constant contact. This position earns $75 per meeting. You would have one other typing buddy who helps take the notes that night also. Let us know if you want to be on this team. -------------------------------------------------------- Best, Site Reps Hi GHS SGTA, Subject: SEF is offering a POUND Class on Wednesday, May 19th! Excitedly the foundation is offering the last POUND class for the year on Wednesday, May 19th @ 4pm for SGUSD teachers! Registration for the class is open now. Space is limited and spots will be filled first come, first serve. Detailed information about the class and how to register may be found in the attached flyer. The deadline to register is May 12th. A Message to our Members,
Effective immediately SGTA Exec Board has decided that we will not be taking copious notes at each school board meeting. We will only send out the agenda and highlight our members who have chosen to address the school board. Therefore, SGTA Leadership has decided to create a stipend position for 2 Certificated Teachers to take notes at each board meeting. So please reach out to your Site Rep if you are interested in this stipend position!!!! So, from here on out, if you would like to know what happens at school board meetings, please attend the School Board meetings! Thank you, SGTA Executive Board SGTA Board Meeting Bullets Click here for Link to Full Agenda and Complete Attachments MEETING OF THE GOVERNING BOARD April 13, 2021 - Agenda 1. OPENING PROCEDURE A. CALL TO ORDER B. ESTABLISHMENT OF QUORUM 2. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE GOVERNING BOARD 3. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION A. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE DISCIPLINE/DISMISSAL/RELEASE/COMPLAINTS B. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT/APPOINTMENT (Pursuant to Government Code §54957 (b).) Assistant Superintendent, Business Services Principal, Gabrielino High School C. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR(S) (Pursuant to Government Code §54957.6) Employee Organization(s): San Gabriel Teachers Association Teamsters Local 911 Agency Designated Representatives: James Symonds, Superintendent Ross Perry, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources 4. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION approx. 7:00 p.m. A. ANNOUNCEMENT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE C. APPROVAL OF AGENDA I D. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE GOVERNING BOARD Public Comments: Thank you to Edith Gonzalez and Chanda Strom for addressing the school board members and bringing an awareness to school board members about the demands placed on Gabrielino High School Administration to schedule Hybrids, establish safety protocols, sporting events, coordinate WASC accreditation, EL PAC testing, CAASP testing, managing student families, health and wellness etc... They urged the school board members to consider all of these factors before choosing an April 26th date for 6th - 11th grades to return. A May date was suggested as a favorable date. 5. APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES A. Approve the Governing Meeting Minutes of March 23, 2021 6. PUBLIC HEARING(S) 7. SPECIAL REPORTS AND PRESENTATIONS A. REPORTS - Student Board Members Del Mar High School, Yarelly Morales Gabrielino High School, Hennassie Ramirez B. REPORT - Governing Board President C. REPORT - Superintendent 8. ACTION ITEMS A. BUSINESS SERVICES 1. Approve Change Order No. 2 for Bid No. 03-18/19 with Chalmers Construction Services, Inc. for Gabrielino High School Music PE Building Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve change order No. 2 for Bid No. 03-18/19 with Chalmers Construction Services, Inc. for Gabrielino High School Music PE Building and authorize the designee to execute the necessary documents. Change Order No. 2 represents a net increase of $35,767.09 of the total contract amount for the Gabrielino High School Music/PE Building construction project. 2. Approve Renewal Contract with CliftonLarsonAllen LLP as District Auditor to Audit Fiscal Years 2020/21, 2021/22 and 2022/23 Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve renewal contract with CliftonLarsonAllen LLP as District Auditor to audit Fiscal Years 2020/21, 2021/22, and 2022/23 and authorize the designee to execute the necessary documents. The San Gabriel Unified School District would like to continue services with the audit firm CliftonLarsonAllen LLP. 3. Approve the Consultant Agreement between San Gabriel Unified School District and Total Compensation Systems for Actuarial Analysis for GASB 75 Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the consultant agreement between San Gabriel Unified School District and Total Compensation Systems for actuarial analysis for GASB 75 and authorize the designee to execute the necessary documents. Total Compensation Systems, formerly Pacific Crest Actuaries (PCA), will provide an actuarial valuation report and other related services in accordance with GASB 75. 4. Approve Renewed Consultant Agreement Between the San Gabriel Unified School District and EideBailly Administration recommends the Governing Board approve the renewed consultant agreement between the San Gabriel Unified School District and EideBailly and authorize the designee to execute the necessary documents. Entering agreement with EideBailly (formally Vavrinek, Trine, Day & Co.) to receive consulting services in the business operation in 2021-2022. B. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 1. Approve the District-wide License Renewal of Nearpod Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the district-wide license renewal of Nearpod Nearpod is designed to provide a guided engaging learning experiences for all students. The purchased bundle also includes English Language Learner support, Social Emotional interactive curriculum, and PD sessions to ensure depth of use. 2. Approve Consultant Agreement with Dr. Jennifer Miyake-Trapp Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the Consultant Agreement with Dr. Jennifer Miyake-Trapp. As the district moves forward towards Phase III reopening, groups of teachers are finding that they require differentiated coaching. From combination class teachers to Dual Language Immersion teachers, Dr. Jennifer Miyake-Trapp will meet with teachers who need additional support thinking through concurrent instruction. 3. Approve Consultant Agreement with Lev Partners, LLC Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the Consultant Agreement with Lev Partners, LLC. The SGUSD Extended Learning Opportunity Program (ELOP) will run this summer and be focused on helping students transition back to face-to-face learning by focusing on their social emotional wellness as well as their academic needs. Delivering deeper engagement while also addressing learning needs requires specific strategies of implementation. These strategies may also be utilized during the 2021-2022 school year. As a result, coaches will be offered to help support teachers and instructional aides who specialize in the different grade levels and subject areas. 4. Approve the Consultant Agreement with Pearl Services Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the Consultant Agreement with Pearl Services. The SGUSD Extended Learning Opportunity Program (ELOP) will run this summer and be focused on helping students transition back to face-to-face learning by focusing on their social emotional wellness as well as their academic needs. Delivering deeper engagement while also addressing learning needs requires specific strategies of implementation. These strategies may also be utilized during the 2021-2022 school year. As a result, coaches will be offered to help support teachers and instructional aides who specialize in the different grade levels and subject areas. C. GOVERNING BOARD OF EDUCATION D. HUMAN RESOURCES 1. Increase the Substitute Teacher Daily Rate of Pay Due to the pandemic we are experiencing difficulty in attracting and hiring qualified substitute teachers in the San Gabriel Unified School District. The substitute rate of pay of $130 per day is not competitive enough to retain quality substitutes. E. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 1. Approve Secondary Grades 6-11 Phase III School Reopening for In-Person Learning on April 26, 2021 Administration recommends approval of secondary grades 6-11, phase III school reopening for in-person learning on April 26, 2021. State guidelines outlined in the California Safe Schools for All guidance and the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) framework mandates indicate that districts can return middle school and high school students only if they are located in counties in the Red, Orange or Yellow tiers. The Los Angeles County COVID-19 adjusted case rate being at or below 3 cases per 100,000 population per day (orange tier) described by the California Department of Health guidelines and as published on the California Blueprint for a Safer Economy website weekly on Tuesdays. After much discussion and input from school board members and JMS, Del Mar, and Gab Principals, our school board membes decided to have students return to school on the following dates: Del Mar - April 19th JMS - April 26th GAB - May 3rd 2. Governing Board Review of California School Boards Association (CSBA) Policy Revision Recommendations Administration recommends the Governing Board review the first reading of California School Boards Association (CSBA) policy revision recommendations. The Governing Board is asked to review amended policies as per California School Boards Association (CSBA) suggested revisions based on new mandates, laws, or regulations. 9. BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS/REPORTS/COMMUNICATIONS 10. CONSENT AGENDA NOTE: The Governing Board may take one (1) vote for all Consent Items including; Business Services, Educational Services, Human Resources and the Superintendent's Office. Items also may be removed from the Consent Agenda at the discretion of the Governing Board and voted on separately. A. BUSINESS SERVICES 1. Approve Warrants Issued for Payments, Goods, And Services Received For March 2021 - Report No. 10 Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve warrants issued for payments, goods, and services received for March 2021 - Report No. 10. 2. Approve Purchase Orders Issued in Excess of $5,000 Report No. 12 (20-21) Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve purchase orders issued in excess of $5,000 Report No. 12 (20-21). 3. Approve Essential Conference Report No. 9 (20-21) The Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the following District employees be authorized to attend the virtual events listed. The representative of the District indicated will attend with no loss of salaries for District personnel, and with actual and necessary expenses paid for all attending as authorized by Education Code Sections 35172, 35173 and 44032, and the District's Board policies. Authorization for an advance of funds to cover actual and necessary expenses is hereby granted. Such Advances shall be repaid or adjusted upon filing of a regular claim for the actual and necessary expenses incurred. B. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES C. HUMAN RESOURCES 1. Approve Certificated Personnel Status Report No. 13 Administration recommends the approval of the Certificated Personnel Status Report No. 13. 2. Approve Classified Personnel Status Report No. 14 Administration recommends to approve the Classified Personnel Status Report No. 14 D. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 11. NEXT MEETING REMINDER(S) Tuesday, April 27, 2021 Tuesday, May 11, 2021 Tuesday, May 25, 2021 Tuesday, June 15, 2021 Tuesday, June 29, 2021 12. ADJOURNMENT Teachers - Are you interested in taking notes at our school board meetings? SGTA is looking for 2 Credentialed Teachers to be in charge of the producing the Board Bullets! $$ This would be a monthly stipend position! $$ Let your Site Rep know if you are interested! Join us at the next Board Meeting!
6:00 Open Session, Closed Session, 7:00 Open Session Reconvenes Hi GHS SGTA,
The first principal search committee did not come up with a good fit, so there is a new committee forming for the new round of interviews. The new interviews will be held on Wed, April 21st. If you would like your name to be entered into the hat for a spot on the committee, please respond back to the email sent to your personal email with the disciplines and school life aspects you represent. We will draw names on Thursday keeping as much diversity as possible. Best, Site Reps Hi GHS SGTA,
We wanted you to all notice the April 26th reopening date on the Board agenda for next Tuesday, 4/13. If that motion passes (it looks likely), reopening will look as follows: April 19th all seniors who wish to be in person can come on campus (Teachers who teach seniors are expected to be on campus, unless specified with HR) Then, the following week: April 26th all high school students who wish to be in person can come back to campus (All teachers are expected to be on campus, unless specified with HR) This week Thursday, 4/15, and Friday, 4/16, are our two days to get the rooms ready for in person instruction. (All teachers are expected to be on campus - there is no later date for non-senior teachers) Best, Site Reps Hi GHS SGTA,
SEF is offering another POUND class on Wednesday, April 21 at 4pm for SGUSD teachers! Registration for the class is open now. Space is limited and spots will be filled first come, first serve. Detailed information about the class and how to register may be found in the attached flyer. The deadline to register is 4/14. Best, Site Reps |
October 2022
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