Attention SGTA Members,
We received a request from H.R to fill out the survey for vaccinations. In the near future H.R. will be sending out a link to schedule the appointments if you so choose! Thank you, SGTA Executive Board
Attention SGTA Members, See you at the board meeting at 7:00 p.m. Wear your SGTA Shirt to the Board Meeting and type "Be Safe and Wait... First Vaccinate." in the name section. There will be no board bullets sent out after the meeting, so if you want to hear what happens, show up!! Thank you, SGTA Executive Board Attention SGTA Members, Since the school board agenda was posted on Friday afternoon, our teachers have been in a state of disaray. Some are expereincing extreme anxiety, fearing the possiblity of returning to work without a vaccine. We need to support all SGTA teachers, counselors and speech and learning pathologists. So, in preparation for Tuesday Night's School Board Meeting, please do the following: 1) Stay Infomed. Check out a quick 2 min video about Senate Bill 86 2) Wear your SGTA Shirt to the Board Meeting and type "Be Safe and Wait... First Vaccinate." in the name section. 3) Review the surveys below to gain a better understanding of how your peers are feeling. 4) Address the school board members. Send an email to Zulma Ayala stating you want to address the school board members regarding Item E 1. Whether it be a letter written from you personally, your grade level or your school site collectively, let them know how you feel about Vaccinations First! 5) Attend the board meeting at 7:00 p.m. Thank you and stay safe, SGTA Executive Board *Senate Bill 86* -Offer in Person Classes by April 15th to most Vulnerable Students- February 23, 2021 School Board Meeting Zoom Link
Here is the actual Agenda Item and Rationale: E. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 1. Approve Elementary Phase III School Reopening for In-Person Learning, Preschool-2nd Grade on March 8, 2021
Administration recommends approval to open preschool through 2nd grade Special Education and transitional kindergarten through 2nd grade General Education for in-person learning on March 8, 2021. Based on the Los Angeles County COVID-19 adjusted case rate being at or below 25 cases per 100,000 population per day for at least five consecutive days as described by the California Department of Health guidelines and as published on the California Blueprint for a Safer Economy website weekly on Tuesdays. Quick Summary / Abstract State guidelines outlined in the California Safe Schools for All guidance indicate that grades TK-6 can reopen in counties where the adjusted case rate has been below 25 per 100,000 residents for five days. The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (LADPH) announced that Los Angeles County met that threshold on Monday, February 15. Thoughtful reopening plans for subsequent phases including grades three through five will be addressed after students in preschool through second grades successfully return to in-person learning. Rationale State officials recently released information related to California’s Safe Schools for All Plan that includes a framework for reopening in-person instruction. Developed by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), the framework includes new directives that apply to all public and private schools operating in California. Schools must comply with these new orders. Elementary schools may reopen, if a county is in the Purple Tier, when the adjusted COVID-19 case rate for the county has been at or below 25 cases per 100,000 population per day for at least five consecutive days. Case rates are published every Tuesday and may be viewed on the California Blueprint for a Safer Economy website. Our administrative staff and Reopening Task Force groups have developed very robust and thorough health and safety protocols enabling us to prepare for a safe return to the classroom. The schools also have the equipment and supplies necessary to safely reopen. Representatives from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health conducted a site visit to each elementary school campus. Each school received exemplary feedback regarding preparations and protocols for a safe reopening for in-person learning. The State’s Reopening Framework for Schools also states that K-12 school sites should employ a phased-in model as a part of their reopening plan. Phased reopening plans for in-person instruction may include, but are not limited to:
Prepared By James Symonds, Superintendent Attention SGTA Members,
This message is to update you on new information that has transpired in the last 2 days. Your Exec Board met with district administration and shared the survey results. Thank you to those who filled one out! We will send out the results soon! Your site Reps will be meeting with our School Board President and our Superintendent, Jim Symonds on Tuesday, at 3:30 to share survey results, teacher concerns and asking for a slow rollout, starting with our most vulnerable students. In addition, your Negotiations Team will be meeting on February 24th with district Admin to discuss and finalize our Return to Work Memorandum of Understanding. We need you to do your part Please send a short email after work hours inviting parents to the school board meeting on Tuesday. There is a draft email below that has been translated into Spanish and Mandarin. We just wanted to make sure our parents are aware that at the February 23 School Board meeting our School Board members will be discussing the Re-opening of schools. Thank you and stay safe, SGTA Executive Board Click to Find Sample Parent Email Los Angeles County Teacher Poll: Should LA County Schools Reopen? Attention SGTA Members,
So much is happening! Please take note of the upcoming events and plan to attend. Thank you and stay safe, SGTA Executive Board
TK-12 Teachers Regarding Reopening Schools Click to Join the Townhall Meeting
Go to the SGUSD District Web Page to find the Zoom Link
The live event is beneficial for all CTA members providing current and helpful information. Here is just a sample of some of the information covered:
Educators Guide to Financial Wellness and Retirement Hi Gabrielino SGTA, SEF is offering another POUND class on Tuesday, March 23 @ 4pm for SGUSD teachers! Registration for the class is open now. Space is limited and spots will be filled first come, first serve. Detailed information about the class and how to register may be found in the attached flyer. The deadline to register is 3/16. Best, Site Reps Our phones have been blowing up. Your SGTA teams have been working hard. Thank you for all the survey responses. Here is what we know and what has been happening: This all weighs heavily on our minds.
Dena Dragoo President, SGTA Please Fill out the LCAP Survey!
Click here for Link to Full Agenda and Complete Attachments MEETING OF THE GOVERNING BOARD February 9, 2021 (comments/discussions are abridged versions) 1. OPENING PROCEDURE A. CALL TO ORDER at 6:01 p.m. B. ESTABLISHMENT OF QUORUM 5 Members Present, Quorum Established 2. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE GOVERNING BOARD Anyone wishing to address the Board regarding Closed Session items may do so at this time. All proceedings are reported to the public in open session where action is taken or staff is given direction. No requests to address the Governing Board. If the Governing Board is not able to complete the Closed Session agenda, it will reconvene the meeting to open session and recess the meeting to a second Closed Session after all Open Session business has been concluded. B. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR(S) (Pursuant to Government Code §54957.6) 4. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION approx. 7:00 p.m. A. ANNOUNCEMENT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION No action taken B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE by Dr. Joan Perez C. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Discussion: None No additions or corrections. Action Taken: Unanimously Approved D. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE GOVERNING BOARD Public Comments: No requests. 5. APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES A. Approve the Governing Meeting Minutes of January 12, 2021 Discussion: None No additions or corrections. Action Taken: Unanimously Approved B. Approve the Special Governing Meeting Minutes of February 2, 2021 Discussion: None No additions or corrections. Action Taken: Unanimously Approved 6. PUBLIC HEARING(S) Discussion: No public hearing 7. SPECIAL REPORTS AND PRESENTATIONS A. REPORTS - Student Board Members Del Mar High School, Yarelly Morales - Del Mar - Off to a great start. Preparing for History day. Met with Mr. Black Fox from the Cherokee Nation. Coolidge - School Material Pick up was held Roosevelt - School Material Pick up was held. Students received a Valentine Gram. The Speech and Debate have a tournament in February. Washington - PBIS Family Information Night. Good Turnout with family and staff Lunch with the Principal, Material Distribution soon. Gabrielino High School, Hennassie Ramirez- GAB- Athletic directors looking into sports team; pre-registration night for 2021-2022 school year, will discuss classes being offered for the next school year; improving communication at GAB with students-families-staff, Feb. 3 GAB hosted Good morning GAB meeting students shared their thought, student-teacher committee created (1st meeting Feb. 11), preparing for graduation and creating a committee to make the end of the year memorable; ASB is hosting kindness week and Valentine events Jefferson- District wide meeting in Jan, DLI excited to enter YEarbook team working to make sure to include all students, last friday first report cards, CA healthy kid survey this Thursday, Paw students recognition Mckinley- recognized 12 students during caught being good drawing for being responsible, 4th material distribution, partnership with Parker Anderson after school session after school, Celebrating lunar Year with a Dragon dance Virtual assembly Wilson: Trimester 2 window I- ready diagnostic test has begun; teachers are administering one to one tests this week. Ms. Contreras is hosting many reward assemblies and rewards for students who finished assessments. Students continue to be recognized for their academic success during virtual spirit assemblies. MDL teachers committee met. B. REPORT - Governing Board President Rochelle Haas - 2020 seems like it's the year that keeps on giving. Challenging time. Like to thank the staff, teachers for pressing on and making a great environment for our students to learn. Parents- I encourage you to take the LCAP survey that has gone out. Your input is very important in developing our LCAP. And parents please take some time for self care, teachers too. C. REPORT - Superintendent Jim Symonds - Good Evening, Newsom getting close to a deal. Waiting for the public health department on opening public schools. Preserve student and staff safety. State announced updated case rate: 31.7, still in the purple tier. Working with community partnership to get staff vaccinated when we get to the tier. We are strengthening our small group cohort in our district. We have a small cohort at Gabrielino, and developing small group cohorts at sites for students who suffer from absenteeism and connectivity. I’ve seen a heroic effort from teachers, principals and staff. Never knew what zoom is, and now I practically live on Zoom, we’re so lucky to have people working with our students everyday. As we wait for guidance from the state and the department of health, we’ll see what happens and take it day by day. We’ll get our plans ready and work with our bargaining units. We’ll make sure our teachers are safe and we’re vaccinated. D. PRESENTATION - The Portrait of a Graduate: SGUSD's North Star By Dr. Perez- Thank you to all the board. EAC team. Co-presentation with EAC team members. PoG revealing our goals. Providing voice choice and agency for our students. PoG visual created. The Purpose of the Portrait is to ensure this north star lights the pathway so that ALL students thrive during their SGUSD journey and are prepared to thrive in their futures. Throughout these past few years, and in particular in 2019, we asked key questions to help us develop our Portrait of a Grad vision. These questions helped to guide in its development and will continue to help us develop the future of learning in our district. Heather- It will help us move forward, uniting us all in developing a shared vision. A vision that is locally developed, but globally positioned, and one that will help guide us towards deeper learning. There were many steps in the process in designing our Portrait of a Graduate. From collaborative researching to designing multiple prototypes, we went through months and months of iterations in our decision-making process. Chris Guyer, Principal- We all spent time working together to share our ideas for 21st Century Learning. Student - The POG Can be found on our district website. Students designed the initial graphic. Gail Calhoun. The POG helps us guide the LCAP. It serves as the North Star to give us direction on our decision making. Dr. Perez - As we embark on the next 3 years of creating a new LCAP, the POG will help guide us in our decision making. We are encouraging our community to join us and to help us draft our new vision and mission statement. We will ask how we will develop PD as we move forward and develop these competencies. Wolpert - Where is this north star taking us? Posters, advertisements, flyers and brochures that have our POG are in the works. Competencies are listed on the district website as well as our enrollment video that show our POG in action. Iraise Garcia- The PoG will be helping us, as a District, to continue to explore ways that will deepen or reimagine 21st Century instruction and the implementation of the PoG competencies for all students in all classrooms. We will be creating working groups that examine strategies for implementation of the PoG competencies in all levels of our educational system. These groups will help in reimagining Designing, in Facilitating, and Reflecting on learning. And this summer, these groups will begin to develop a PoG Toolkit to help all teachers, TK-12, to envision what PoG-influenced teaching and learning might look like. It will be helping us to begin to think differently about assessments of the competencies, about Who assesses, What is assessed, and How we Assess PoG infused learning and skill development. We want to start rethinking and reimaging assessments to reflect a process of deeper learning, and we’ll be working with our EAC to plan how we want our students to provide evidence of the competencies at every level. Heather- It will be helping to guide more intentional professional development that focuses on competency building and deepening what we already have in place for 21st Century Learning. We will be building working closely with all teachers at all levels to develop a Professional Development plan that reflects personalization, choice, deeper learning experiences, and transference of strategies. Dr. Perez- We will always continue to reflect on our data and this will continually be a cycle of improvement. We will build ourselves into a 21st Century district. The final step I want to mention today is Step 6. Our work is, frankly, never done. The Portrait of a Graduate is a dynamic document, not a static one. While we have decided on our competencies and our graphics, and while we look ahead at how these decisions will influence our vision building, our lesson planning, and our assessments, the fact is that we will always continue to reflect on data. What’s working? What needs to be looked at again? Reflection and revision will be built into our district as we look forward so that we’re constantly improving and working on the assumption that there is always room for growth. March 10th PoG party!! Launch PoG. More information tto come at 7:00pm. We look forward to hearing tons of voices. Discussion/Comments: Haas - I really enjoyed participating in the process last year. It was fun and you all did a great job. It was fun to hear from the students and that is what it is all about. Scott - I find myself overwhelmed with joy and respect. This is a project that could have been put aside due to all that is going on. There are 1000’s of stakeholders who have had input on this. It has been designed and refined and our students have created. I find myself being very excited about what has been accomplished! I feel that the inclusion of the assessment piece is very thoughtful. This is a continuous process. It is dynamic. 8. ACTION ITEMS A. BUSINESS SERVICES 1. Approve Agreement for Facilities, Maintenance and Operations Services with Joe Dixon Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the agreement for Facilities, Maintenance and Operations Services with Joe Dixon and authorize the designee to execute the necessary documents. Due to a current employee being on leave, there is a need for a temporary Director to lead and manage the Facilities, Maintenance and Operations department. Financial Impact: Hourly rate of $125, plus mileage Funding Source: Discussion: Question: Alvarado - Can we have more context about why this, now? Wong - Current facilities director is on leave. Action Taken: Unanimously Approved 2. Approve the Participant Agreement for a Water Filling Station Pilot Program with the Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the participant agreement for a Water Filling Station Pilot Program with the Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District and authorize the designee to execute the necessary documents. The Participant Agreement will provide San Gabriel Unified School District with two water filling stations to be installed at Coolidge Elementary and Del Mar High School, which are locations that fall within the jurisdiction of the Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District. Financial Impact: $0.00 Total: Funding Source: Discussion: Shelhart - What is a water filling station? Will-fancy way of saying water bottle filler station Scott- Filteration? For the community? Will- Yes, it is filtered. For on campus and those who attend those campuses. Coolidge and Del Mar so far. Hoping for at least one per location and this is free from the water company. Scott- is this a new future for water spigots? Will- Yes, we are going to encourage students to bring their own water bottles. Action Taken: Unanimously Approved 3. Approve Agreement for Special Services with School Services for Charter School Petition Renewal Review Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the Agreement for Special Services with School Services for Charter School Petition Renewal Review and authorize the designee to execute the necessary documents. The Agreement for Special Services will assist the District in their review of the Charter School Petition Renewal review. School Services will review the financial and facilities components of the charter school petition renewal, and their expert services are needed due to changes in the law. Financial Impact: Not to exceed $20,000 Funding Source: Discussion: none Action Taken: Unanimously Approved 4. Approve Contract Extension No. 1 for Bid No. 03-18/19 with Padilla & Associates for Gabrielino High School Music PE Building The Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve Contract Extension No. 1 for Bid No. 03-18/19 with Padilla & Associates for Gabrielino High School Music PE Building and authorize the designee to execute the necessary documents. Contract Extension No. 1 represents a net increase of $7,918.82 of the total contract amount with Padilla and Associates. Total: $87,107.07 Funding Source: G.O. Bond Fund Increase: $7,918.82 Decrease: $0.00 Other: The original contract amount of this project was $79,188.25. Discussion: Scott - Mr. Wong, is this within our budget? Wong: I believe so Scott: How soon do we expect it is available to students? Wong: Yes Action Taken: Unanimously Approved 5. Approve Consultant Agreement Increase No. 2 for Bid No. 03-18/19 with MTGL for Gabrielino High School Music PE Building Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the Consultant Agreement Increase No. 2 for Bid No. 03-18/19 with MTGL for Gabrielino High School Music PE Building and authorize the designee to execute the necessary documents. Consultant Agreement Increase No. 2 represents a net increase of $5,000.00 of the total contract amount with MTGL. Total: $173,650.00 Funding Source: G.O. Bond Fund Increase: Not to exceed $5,000 (No.2) (No.1 for $15,000 approved 8/20/20) Other: The original contract amount of this project was $153,650.00 Discussion: none Action Taken: Unanimously Approved 6. Appoint Two New Members to the Long-Range Facilities Master Plan Oversight Committee for a Two-Year Term Administration recommends that the Governing Board appoint two new members to the Long-Range Facilities Master Plan Oversight Committee for a two-year term. After fulfilling all the membership requirements, Mr. Norton Ong & Mr. William Brock are now eligible for appointment as Long-Range Facilities Master Plan Oversight Committee members Financial Impact: None Funding Source: Discussion: Dr. Gary Scott - I would like to say thank you for these parents who are willing to serve. Shellhart- agree with that thank you. Haas- also thank you Action Taken: Unanimously Approved B. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 1. Approve MOU's with Alhambra Unified School District for Five San Gabriel USD Special Education Students Attending Non-SELPA Alhambra Classes During 2020-2021 School Year (Special Education) Administration recommends the approval of the MOU's with Alhambra Unified School District for five Special Education students attending non-SELPA classes to meet their educational needs for the 2020-2021 school year. Total: Not to exceed $118,354.00 Funding Source: Special Education Increase: N/A Decrease: N/A Other: N/A Discussion: None 2. Approve Second Consultant Agreement with Advanced Medical Personnel Service, Inc. for Speech and Language Services, School Year 2020-2021 (Special Education) Administration recommends the approval of the second contract with Advanced Medical Personnel Service, Inc. in the amount of $73,780.00 to secure the services for 1 FTE Speech and Language Pathologist to provide mandated services to students. Special education students who attend school in San Gabriel Unified School District may require speech and language services per their IEP. At this time, it is necessary to contract with an outside agency for 1 FTE speech and language pathologist to provide speech testing and/or speech services for students in the district. It is necessary to contract with an outside agency for 1 FTE speech and language pathologist. Total: $73,780.00 Funding Source: Special Education General Fund Increase: $73,780.00 Decrease: N/A Discussion: none Action Taken: Unanimously Approved 3. Approve Publication of the School Accountability Report Card (SARC) for School Year 2019-2020 To be in compliance with California Education Code (EC Section 35256) and Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) laws, the Governing board of each school district shall approve the publication of the public school's School Accountability Report Card (SARC). The Governing board shall issue a School Accountability Report Card (SARC) for each school in the school district annually, publicize those reports, and notify parents or guardians of pupils that a hard copy will be provided upon request. Financial Impact: Total: $0.00 Funding Source: Discussion: none Action Taken: Unanimously Approved 4. Approve the Memorandum of Understanding with Insight LA Inc. (ILA) In order to support the students of San Gabriel Unified, the teachers also need support in their own wellness. San Gabriel Unified School District wishes to provide a healthy and thriving environment both physically and emotionally for our students and staff. Partnering with Insight LA Inc., will help provide training on mindfulness and meditation practices with the goal of incorporating skills to de-stress in everyday situations and bring a deliberate calmness and sense of well-being into every task and interaction with students and colleagues. Financial Impact: Total: $0.00 Funding Source: Discussion: Zero is our favorite price. All members like the 0 price. Action Taken: Unanimously Approved 5. Approve the Memorandum of Understanding with WestEd In order to gather baseline health, wellness, and safety data for the new 3-year Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) SGUSD will administer the California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS) to all enrolled 5th, 7th, and 9th grade students. Financial Impact: Total: $73,780.00 Funding Source: Special Education General Fund Increase: $73,780.00 Decrease: N/A Discussion: none Action Taken: Unanimously Approved 6. Approve the Consultant Agreement with Kristine Mraz, LLC As San Gabriel Unified begins moving towards Phase III instruction, SGUSD is seeking to provide training specific to the challenges facing the teaching of writing online to TK-5 students. Specific strategies in virtual learning are needed to engage elementary students. This training will help Grades 3-5 teachers by providing evidence-based strategies in teaching writing in a virtual setting. Total: $600 Funding Source: Covid Increase: N/A Decrease: N/A Discussion: none Action Taken: Unanimously Approved C. GOVERNING BOARD OF EDUCATION 1. Approve Student Teaching Agreement Between the San Gabriel Unified School District and Pacific Oaks College It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the Student Teaching Agreement between the San Gabriel Unified School District and Pacific Oaks College. An agreement with Pacific Oaks College enables student teachers to engage in their practice teaching in the District. The term of this agreement is from February 9, 2021, to June 30, 2024. The District will provide Master Teachers for their student teachers. Financial Impact: Total: Funding Source: Discussion: Scot- Is this going to be virtual? Ross- No, we wanted to get in for next school year Action Taken: Unanimously Approved E. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE Jim Symonds - 1. Approve Professional Services Agreement with California Charter Authorizing Professionals (CCAP) Administration recommends approval of the professional services agreement with California Charter Authorizing Professionals (CCAP). The district's charter school, Options for Youth is up for renewal. Based on the requirements of law, the needs of the district, and after consultation with the charter school, CCAP will assist the district to create a process and timeline for the upcoming renewal. Total: Not to exceed $7,000.00 Funding Source: General Funds Increase: N/A Decrease: N/A Other: N/A Discussion: none Action Taken: Unanimously Approved 2. Approve California School Boards Association (CSBA) Policy Revision Recommendation Administration recommends the Governing Board approve the California School Boards Association (CSBA) policy revision recommendation. This is an opportunity for the Governing Board to approve the California School Boards Association (CSBA) policy revision recommendation. Financial Impact: Total: Funding Source: none Discussion: none Action Taken: Unanimously Approved 9. BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS/REPORTS/COMMUNICATIONS Rochelle Haas - Board President Cristina Alvarado - was part of the homeless task force and a lot of community members in the little squares. Everyone wants to make sure we have housing security for our kids. We have community members who are having trouble with housing. She was interviewed by NPR regarding vaccinations. Check out the Arts week, March 22-27. Video and promotion on website. We’re not just doing interesting things, we’re doing incredible things. I was thrilled to be involved in the Parent Info night and proud of staff for their presentation. Dual immersion night we had 90 families who participated. Our program is thriving and surviving. I wish the superbowl would have consulted the Vapa program for their halftime show, because their program sucked. 10. CONSENT AGENDA Motion to Approve Consent Agenda in Total. Action Taken: Unanimously Approved A. BUSINESS SERVICES 1. Approve Warrants Issued for Payments, Goods, And Services Received For January 2021 - Report No. 8 Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve warrants issued for payments, goods, and services received for January 2021 - Report No. 8. 2. Approve Purchase Orders Issued in Excess of $5,000 Report No. 9 (20-21) The Administration recommends the Governing Board approve purchase orders issued in excess of $5,000 Report No. 9 (20-21). 3. Approve Essential Conference Report No. 7 (20-21) Administration recommends The Governing Board approve the following District employees be authorized to attend the virtual events listed. The representative of the District indicated will attend with no loss of salaries for District personnel, and with actual and necessary expenses paid for all attending as authorized by Education Code Sections 35172, 35173 and 44032, and the District's Board policies. Authorization for an advance of funds to cover actual and necessary expenses is hereby granted. Such Advances shall be repaid or adjusted upon filing of a regular claim for the actual and necessary expenses incurred. B. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 1. Approve Essential Training Report No. 10 Administration recommends that the following District employees be authorized to attend the events attached. The representative of the District indicated will attend with no loss of salaries for District personnel, and with actual and necessary expenses paid for all attending as authorized by Education Code Sections 35172, 35173 and 44032, and the District's Board policies. Authorization for an advance of funds to cover actual and necessary expenses is hereby granted. Such Advances shall be repaid or adjusted upon filling of a regular claim for the actual and necessary expenses incurred. C. HUMAN RESOURCES 1. Approve Certificated Personnel Status Report No. 10 Administration recommends the approval of the Certificated Personnel Status Report No. 10. 2. Approve Classified Personnel Status Report No. 10 Administration recommends to approve the Classified Personnel Status Report No. 10 D. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 1. Approve Ratified Essential Training Report No. 10 Administration recommends that the following District employees be authorized to attend the training attached. 11. NEXT MEETING REMINDER(S) Tuesday, February 23, 2021 Tuesday, March 9, 2021 Tuesday, March 23, 2021 Tuesday, April 13, 2021 Tuesday, April 27, 2021 Tuesday, May 11, 2021 Tuesday, May 25, 2021 Tuesday, June 15, 2021 Tuesday, June 29, 2021 12. ADJOURNMENT At 7:57 pm Join us at the next Board Meeting!
6:00 Open Session, Closed Session, 7:00 Open Session Reconvenes Hi GHS SGTA,
Here is a link to the LCAP Survey. Super important! We are looking for 100% participation here. Also, we heard back from IT about teacher computers. They say they will be ready to have distribution in mid March. Best, Site Reps __________________________________________ Teachers - It is extremely important that our voice be heard and we have a tremendous response to this survey. By filling out this survey, teachers will help inform our Educational Advisory Council how to spend valuable DOLLARS $$$$$$ at their school sites. This is a prime example of having LOCAL CONTROL. So please voice your opinion. In addition, by filling out this survey, the administration will be aware that teachers' opinions matter! In the past, we have seen wonderful responses by filling out surveys (i.e., the electronic stipend) so please speak up! Thank you, Dena Dragoo President, SGTA Certificated and Management Staff Survey Link: SGUSD LCAP Staff Survey 2021
You're invited to join SEF for a full body workout! Pound with AJ King is taking place on Tuesday, February 2, 2021 for an energizing rockstar workout. Designed for all fitness levels the Pound workout is perfect for letting loose, toning up and rockin' out providing you with a whole lot of fun all from the comfort of your own home! Register today for this experience brought especially for you where you will engage with the instructor in this very special drumming class. Registration details are provided on the attached flier below. Space is limited and the class will be filled first come, first serve. Deadline to register is 1/28 so don't delay, register today! Kindest regards, Adela Additionally, the SEF gifts were placed in your mailbox at school. So sweet! Best, Site Reps |
October 2022
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