After a morning of negotiating, SGTA has come to a tentative agreement with the district. The tentative agreement includes a 1% raise retroactive to July 1, 2016, a 2% raise retroactive to July 1, 2017 and salary schedule restructure that will shorten the amount of time it takes to get to the top step on the schedule. The restructure will go into effect July 1, 2018.
Under the tentative agreement, all members will now have the option to also enroll in a life insurance policy offered by the district. The life insurance policy enrollment will be available this fall as part of the open enrollment period. The tentative agreement also includes prep time for RSP teachers equivalent to the time received by general education teachers at the same school site and level. RSP caseloads and assignment of RSP students across affected general education classrooms shall also be monitored for equitable distribution of students. During this round of bargaining SGTA also retained our current floating cap health and welfare benefit. The parties have also agreed on school year calendars through the 2019-2020 school year. The structure of the calendar with a Monday start, Thanksgiving week, two week winter break, and spring break at the end of March/early April remain the same. While not part of the tentative agreement, the district will also be offering to bargaining members who are 55 and over and have served in the district for at least 5 years an early retirement incentive as follows: OPTION 1 - COMPENSATION
The SGTA negotiations teach would like to thank you for your support and encouragement. Details on ratification will be forthcoming. -- Terri
After a full day of negotiating, we were not able to reach an agreement on salary with the district. We ended negotiations at 4:00 and plan to reconvene in a week.
The parties remain split on proposed salary increases to the salary schedule and the salary schedule restructure. For example, the salary steps are currently stagnant in steps 14-16, 17-19, 20-22, 23-25. The restructure would adjust the schedule so that rather than a three-year gap, employees would receive a step increase every two years. SGTA, as part of the insurance committee, has been exploring moving to a pool which would create potential savings in health and welfare cost for both members and the district. Medical plans and benefits would remain the same with Kaiser, Blue Shield HMO, Blue Shield PPO, and high deductible plan all remaining in place. In negotiations, SGTA discussed applying the savings to the salary schedule. Discussions on this subject will continue when the insurance committee meets again on September 20, 2017. Additionally, the district has discussed with SGTA the possibility of an early retirement package. SGTA is currently preparing a survey to assess member interest in such a package. At this point, there are no specific details regarding an early retirement plan on the table. Those identified by the district as potentially eligible will be receiving the SGTA survey. Your input is crucial in helping us move forward. We appreciate your support as we continue to work towards a fair resolution for all SGTA members. And a big "Thank You" goes out to our Negotiations Team who so kindly give of their personal time to fact find and bargain with the best interest of all in mind. Thank you, Dena Dragoo President, SGTA Hi,
If you were expecting your stipend and/or overload pay on your first paycheck and did not get it, the district issued real checks which will be available September 15th, after 1PM. Any problems, please let one of us know. Thanks! -- Terri Pizza Place California & School Board Meeting Event: Tuesday September 12th. 5:30 p.m.
SGTA would like teachers to attend our next school board meeting. Therefore, SGTA will be providing dinner for all those willing to attend the school board meeting at 7:00 p.m. The more we are aware of what is occurring at the district level, the stronger we become! Pizza Place California Address: 303 South Mission Road. Dinner at 5:30, School Board Meeting at 7:00 p.m. We realize that this is a minimum day and coming back to San Gabriel may be tough for some. But, if you live in the area consider FREE dinner and a show (well, really a board meeting). -- Terri Hi All – Please see the message from CTA President, Eric Heins, regarding Trump’s announcement to end DACA. Please feel free to post this message on chapter websites and/or social media sites. It’s on the CTA website here.
Best, Tom Pinkava CTA Regional UniServ Staff Office: 562.478.1341 Email: [email protected] ________________________________________________________ NEWS RELEASE California Teachers Association 1705 Murchison Drive Burlingame, CA 94010 Contacts: Claudia Briggs at 916-325-1550 or Frank Wells 562-708-5425 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 5, 2017 California’s Educators: ALL Dreamers Welcome in California’s Schools Trump Administration Announcement to End DACA Reinforces Educators’ Pledge to Continue to Make Sure Classrooms Are Safe and Supportive Places for all Students BURLINGAME – CTA President Eric C. Heins issued this statement today following the Trump Administration's revocation of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program which protects from deportation approximately 800,000 young people who were brought to the United States as children—200,000 of whom are here in California. “Today's calculated action by President Donald Trump and his administration threatens the futures of nearly a million young Dreamers and places them at risk of deportation from the only country most of them have ever truly known as home. This is an outrageous breach of faith and a broken promise to these young people who applied for DACA protection and who have met the education and/or military service requirements. It threatens to break up families, ruin lives, and is a betrayal not only to the affected young people and their loved ones, but to the very core values we share as a nation. “California educators understand from first-hand experience what DACA has meant for the security and well-being of thousands of our students. DACA participants have graduated with distinction from our schools and many are in our classrooms today, having only recently begun the new school year with at least a glimmer of hope that their education and their dreams would not be shattered by a callous act such as the one taken this morning. “The California Teachers Association states unequivocally that their struggle and our support does not end with today's announcement. ALL Dreamers continue to be welcome in California classrooms and schools. Educators are mobilizing on behalf of their students, many joining protests in recent weeks and today, while others continue hosting workshops to help inform immigrant families of their rights. All educators will continue to make sure our classrooms are safe and supportive places for all students. “We call on Congress to act now, not later, to protect these Dreamers and to resolve the chaos into which their lives have been suddenly thrown, by passing legislation with the urgency this situation and good conscience both demand.” Resources are available to help: Create a safe zone for students, report incidents, speak up and share on social media, and tosend a strong message to Congress. ### The 325,000-member California Teachers Association is affiliated with the 3 million-member National Education Association. Claudia Briggs, Communications Assistant Manager, California Teachers Association (EST 1863) 916.325.1550 (office) | 916.296.4087 (cell) | [email protected] Hi SGTA members,
In order to further better communication, we have created a REMIND for SGTA teachers. Below is the link for you to join or you can text @sgtat to 81010. We will use REMIND for quick communications and email for things that need more clarification. -- Terri Our team is headed BACK to negotiations today.
Let's show our solidarity and wear our SGTA shirts. If you need a shirt come see me in B108. -- Terri 1) Wear your SGTA Shirt: Thursday September 7th, Support our Negotiations Team as they strive to settle our contract for last year and work to secure a fair salary. (Please hang the attached flier) If you need a shirt - come find me in B108 2) Educational Advisory Committee: Asst. Supt. Tiffany Rudek sent out an all call to principals asking teachers to participate on the Educational Advisory Committee. (LCAP) THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TO MAKE DECISIONS AS TO HOW THE LCAP $$$$ IS SPENT AT OUR SITE. Email Sharron if you are interested. Here is a video that will help explain LCAP and LCFF Funding: 3) Pizza Place California & School Board Meeting Event: Tuesday September 12th. 5:30 p.m. SGTA would like teachers to attend our next school board meeting. Therefore, SGTA will be providing dinner for all those willing to attend the school board meeting at 7:00 p.m. The more we are aware of what is occurring at the district level, the stronger we become! Pizza Place California Address: 303 South Mission Road. Dinner at 5:30, School Board Meeting at 7:00 p.m. 4) Update your Contact Information: I have a roster of your current contact information. Please take a moment to review this information with me and make any necessary changes. It is important to keep your info current, as we are always sending out updates.
Wednesday I distributed your CTA membership cards in your mailboxes. If you did not get one, please let me know.
Also, if there are any changes, please indicate them on the left side, tear it off, and put in my box. Thanks! -- Terri Notes from SGTA meeting, August 29th:
1. WEAR YOUR SGTA shirt on September 7th to support our negotiations team. If you do NOT have one, come to B108 and I will give you one. 2. LCAP COMMITTEE - If you would like to be part of the district's LCAP committee, please let me know. We really could use a secondary school voice. 3. CONTACTS needed for CTA Women's issues and LGBT issues. Involves attending a conference (paid for by SGTA), being the contact person for SGTA and reporting back to SGTA any findings. Please let me know if you are interested. 4. Please remember not to use school email or wifi for personal business. If you are logged into wifi and are texting on your personal phone, in rare occasion, those texts can be accessed by the district (If even needed) due to the fact that you are hooked into school wifi. This is a gray area and falls into the Technology user agreement. SGTA feels that it needs to be updated and clearly stated. 5. CHECK your first paycheck and make sure everything is correct. 6. CONTRACT work hours are 7:30-3:00 (or 30 minutes before your scheduled start time) 7. SGTA meetings on our campus - all are welcome to attend. 11/28 in Terri's room and 1/23 in Chanda's room 8. BOARD MEETING PIZZA PARTY - Sept 12. Come to a Welcome back SGTA pizza night at Pizza Place then head to the board meeting. This year especially, since we are out of contract, it is IMPERATIVE that SGTA has a presence at all board meetings. You will get more information later. 9. CREDENTIAL RENEWAL - the district is no longer sending reminders so please check here: 10. LCAP video - check out this great informative LCAP video on our website. |
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