Hi GHS SGTA, Next week on Wednesday, April 27th at 2:15 we will have a voluntary union meeting in B108 to create an open forum for teachers to talk about what they see is going on on campus. Please come listen to your colleagues, and more importantly, come to share your thoughts on how things are going for you this year. Best, Site Reps Terri, Daphne, & Kat SGTA meeting for 4/27/22:
It's Time to Negotiate!
Dear Fellow SGTA Members: Our Negotiations Team will continue bargaining with district administration on Wednesday, April 20th. They have requested that all SGTA members show their support by wearing their Blue/Black SGTA t-shirts!! Our team will contiune to discuss stipends, professional development, PN Days, virtual teaching, independent studies, work hours, salary, benefits, etc... So let's make our negotiations team feel supported! Wear those shirts and take some NEW PICS!!! Thank you all, SGTA Executive Board & SGTA Negotiations Team SGTA is looking for our new Executive Board! It's time again to hold elections for your school site! SGTA is looking for a new: President - $5000 Stipend Vice President - $2500 Stipend Secretary - $1500 Stipend Treasurer - $1500 Stipend Click Here for Declaration of Candidacy Form due to Edith Gonzalez at sgta[email protected] by Monday, April 18th, 4:00 P.m. To: All Members of the San Gabriel Teachers Association
From: San Gabriel Teachers Association Elections Committee RE: 2022-2024 Executive Board Elections Date: April 10, 2022 The San Gabriel Teachers Association will be holding its elections for the offices of SGTA President, SGTA Vice President, SGTA Secretary, and SGTA Treasurer during the third week of April. The term for each office is from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2024. Anyone wishing to run for office should file a Declaration of Candidacy form with the SGTA Elections Committee no later than 4:00 p.m. on Monday, April 18, 2022. The Elections Committee will accept declarations in electronic format only. All electronic declarations can be sent to: sgta[email protected] Please note that you must submit the actual Declaration of Candidacy form in electronic/digital format. A basic email with the information requested on the form will NOT be accepted. Electronic declarations submitted to the SGUSD e-mail of a committee member will also NOT be accepted. Members will need to make their own copy of the document in order to fill it out. Members can also print out the document, fill it out, and then send a scanned copy to the SGTA Elections Committee. The Declaration of Candidacy form, campaign statement form, and description of duties for each position are included in the attached document, go to: docs.google.com/document/d/1VYErJwr0nOAvL39GduLaVBuNBxnd2PN_QBrBjxTfZys/edit Please direct any questions to sgta[email protected] Hi GHS SGTA,
We are looking for one volunteer to sit on the interview panel for the Assistant Principal position. If interested, email back. The interview will be held after spring break. In the case of multiple volunteers, there will be a lottery drawing for the position. Best, Site Reps MEETING OF THE GOVERNING BOARD
March 22, 2022 (Notes are Abridged) 1. OPENING PROCEDURE A. CALL TO ORDER at 6:02pm :B. ESTABLISHMENT OF QUORUM C. Alvarado Absent., Quorum Established 2. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE GOVERNING BOARD None. 3. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION at 6:03pm A. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT/APPOINTMENT (Pursuant to Government Code §54957 (b).) Principal, Wilson Elementary School B. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR(S) (Pursuant to Government Code §54957.6, subd. (a)). San Gabriel Teachers Association & Teamsters Local 911 4. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION at 7:04 p.m. A. ANNOUNCEMENT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION No action taken. B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE by President Shellhart C. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor. D. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE GOVERNING BOARD Edith Gonzalez- Here to address you as an employee. I’m here to address the resignation of Eva Shin. She was a breath of fresh air. She made it a point to learn about GAB. She wanted to understand and know what she is coming into. She is a relationship builder and has built strong relationships with the staff and the kids. She leads with a sound mind and disciplines with wisdom and grace. During covid, she handled so much to make things special for our students, to give them stability and went above and beyond to keep kids connected. Eva leaving is a huge loss to our district. She was good for GAB and she is choosing to leave. We should all be jealous of Spark Notes school. 5. APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES A. Approve the Governing Meeting Minutes of March 8, 2022 Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor. 6. PUBLIC HEARING(S) 7. SPECIAL REPORTS AND PRESENTATIONS A. REPORTS - Student Board Members Del Mar High School, Jessie Lopez Del Mar: Recognized students representing Del Mar for the history day competition. Read Across America was celebrated- go Dolphins and go Wildcats! McKinley: Students will be recognized for academics and citizenship. Students will be recognized at the school wide spirit assembly. Gabrielino High School, Joseph Aguilar It’s very nice that we can all be here together, after 2 years of Covid. It's nice to see everyone’s face. GAB-Successful spring sports rally this past week. We are honoring Ms. Shin, who will be learning soon. Our ASB expresses gratitude to help make GAB a great place. Our peer helping program led a “Say Something” rally to help students look for warning signs and to honor Sandy Hook. Students should tell a trusted adult if they see or hear something. We are appreciative of everyone attending our Say Something events. Prom is around the corner with all tickets sold. Coolidge is preparing for the return of spring activities. The entire Coolidge team wishes everyone a safe and restful spring break. Roosevelt is celebrating reading and field trips. Students have been reading their favorite books with the help of their Intervention teacher. Students are excited about their upcoming field trips. Washington will change their computer lab into a STEM lab. Encourage all board members to support their STEM lab. Parents came onto campus to see their child earn an award for the second trimester. B. REPORT - Governing Board President, Cheryl Shellhart It was wonderful to celebrate the dedication garden for Terry yesterday. There were so many people who helped make this happen. Thank you to everyone who came for the tribute. Her family released live butterflies in the garden. Certificates were also given to students who helped make the benches outside. Thank you also to the maintenance team for getting this done. A student also read a beautiful poem. An SGTA representative also gave a tribute and read out names of ones we lossed. Last week I attended the See Something, Say Something event at GAB. Mr. Rynkiewicz and I talked about how students were doing in regards to not having to wear masks and it seems like students were being very respectful towards others’ decisions. I am looking forward to meeting more sites. I can’t believe it’s been 2 years since we’ve sat in this room and I’m so happy to see my colleagues. Have a wonderful Easter! C. REPORT - Superintendent, Jim Symonds Welcome everyone, it's great to be back ‘live.’ This feels like a milestone. The last time I sat here, I was the interim superintendent and then I went upstairs and signed my contract. It was my first day as superintendent. I am overwhelmed with a sense of gratefulness and thankfulness for this governing board, cabinet, and entire district. This has been a trial that all districts have endured. As we piece this back together, we need to focus on what we can learn, and that mental health for our students and re-engage our community. I wanted to express that to everyone. Yesterday was a beautiful ceremony. Thank you to all. It feels like life is coming back to everything in the district. The reflection garden went up in a month, and it was a group effort. Losing Terry was very hard, as well as David. The Say Something was fantastic and it started at Jefferson and we brought it to GAB. It was great to see the students embrace that. Kudos to Edith and your team. The wellness center also became the cornerstone of the school, a necessity. The pods were full and the kids were in there. Kudos to the team and the interns. A big congratulations to our members of our Student Advisory Committee. They published an article, great leadership there. Thankful to see you all in person. D. RECOGNITION - McKinley Elementary School Mr. Nguyen: Good evening everyone. Thank you for this opportunity. Being up here is fantastic! I would like to highlight 2 wonderful teachers at McKinley. Ms. Jenna Dizon is the first teacher I’d like to recognize. She is a first grade teacher whose creativity flows from her head and through to everyone. She uses DBL and transformed the class into the winter olympics (sports arena, etc.) and everything was created using “happy trash.” I would also like to recognize STEM teacher Whitney Roth tonight for everything STEM-related. She provides real-world problems to students and is very creative. She is wonderful and helps support all students and staff. Thank you for all that you do. E. PRESENTATION - Mental Health and Wellness Mental Health SGUSD Data ● Wellness Centers ● Homeless and Foster Youth ● “BESS” (Behavioral and Emotional Screening System) ● Response to the BESS ● School-Based Mental Health Services and Interns ● California Healthy Kids Survey Wellness Centers ● Wellness Center: Gabrielino Site has had over 2200 visits. The check in/check out data is shared monthly with District and School Staff ○ Gabrielino Coordinator is the site counselor responsible for Suicide Risk Assessments and PMRT calls (Trainings will be provided for all staff at beginning of 2022-23 school year) ○ Gabrielino/Jefferson Coordinators have recruited, interviewed and secured the team of 8 PPS/CWA Interns for 2022-23 school year ○ With the new construction at the High School and Middle School, the centers will function as the “Hub” of mental health services ● Peer Helping: High school program has grown to 4 sections, and is now both a CTE Pathway and an A-G College Prep course School, Home, & Community Connection ● Case management services for Special Populations ○ Help to ensure basic needs of students and families are being met ○ Collaborate with school sites ● Homeless & Foster Youth ○ Referrals to agencies such as Family Solution Center (FSC), Schools on Wheels, LACOE Foster Youth Tutoring ○ Collaboration with outside agencies, DCFS, etc. ● Educationally Related Intensive Counseling Services (ERICS) ○ Assessment, Individual Counseling, Parent Counseling, Social Work Services (Consult/Collaborate with outside agencies and school team) ● SGUSD & SGPD Collaboration BESS (Behavior and Emotional Screening System) The BESS was administered in the fall to all students (unless parents/guardians opted out). Next year will be administered to K, 6, and 9th grade students. BESS Overview ●86% of SGUSD students took the BESS (4038 students) ● Students under the age of 8 - teachers assessed the students ● Students over 18 cannot take the BESS ● 52 students were “opted out” by parents/guardians ● For each student whose results indicated “Extremely Elevated at Risk:” ○ A counselor, school psychologist, or an administrator met with the student ○ Used universal questions co-developed between school sites ○ Staff contacted parent/guardian ○ False positives were identified and appropriate interventions implemented School-Based Mental Health Services ● Currently 7 Trainees (in graduate programs) and 2 Associates (already received Masters Degrees) from CSULA, APU and Fuller ● As of 3/14/22: ○ 375 Referrals Total ○ 214 For Trainees/Associates and 161 for Agencies (Medi-Cal providers: Pacific Clinics, Asian Pacific Family Center, and Almansor Center) ● Offer therapy for any student and family in the district in need as appropriate or try to provide referrals ● Collaborate with school counselors and staff to determine best treatment for students California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS) ●Administered January 2022 to 5th, 7th, and 9th graders ● Core Module and Mental Health Supports Module ● CHKS is aligned with the LCAP (by state, and therefore in SGUSD) ● 5th Grade 31% - requires active consent, will be added to Data Confirmation (107, 7 remote) ● 7th Grade 93% and 9th Grade 71% - passive consent ok (583, 34 remote) Results CHKS - LCAP Aligned Items School Climate, Sense of Safety I feel safe in my school: ● Grade 5 – 88% agree/strongly agree ● Grade 7 – 51% - agree/strongly agree ● Grade 9 – 63% - agree/strongly agree School Climate, Safety of Environment, Bullying Elementary anti-bullying climate (Grade 5 – 81% Most or all “of the time” (series of 3 questions) 7th and 9th Grades: “During the past 12 months, how many times on school property were you harassed or bullied for any of the following reasons?: ● Grade 7 – 17% 1 or more times (most often “Because you are gay, lesbian, or bisexual or someone thought you were”) ● Grade 9 – 13% 1 or more times (most often “Because you are gay, lesbian, or bisexual or someone thought you were”) School Climate, School Connectedness I feel close to people in this school: ● Grade 5 – 92% - agree/strongly agree ● Grade 7 – 59% - agree/strongly agree ● Grade 9 – 63% - agree/strongly agree Pupil Engagement, Learning Motivation Students at this school are motivated to learn: ● Grade 5 – 99% - Yes, some/most/all of the time ● Grade 7 – 62% - agree/strongly agree ● Grade 9 – 68% - agree/strongly agree Pupil Engagement, Truancy and Absenteeism In the past 30 days, did you miss school for any of the following reasons? ● Grade 5 – 68% missed fewer than 3 days in the past 30 days ● Grade 7 – 17% yes (main reason – Illness, then sleep) ● Grade 9 – 11% (main reason – Illness, then sad, hopeless, anxious, stressed, or angry) Academic Achievement Academic motivation (series of 4 questions): ● Grade 5 - 86% - agree/strongly agree ● Grade 7 - 62% - agree/strongly agree ● Grade 9 - 68% - agree/strongly agree Conclusion and thanks: -Gratitude and recognition for SGUSD mental health and counseling staff 2022-23 Foci: -support students socially and emotionally -parent/family outreach and education Scott: Everyone spoke virtually without notes and spoke so eloquently. Great job! Now to see you here, I really enjoy it. What a blessing! Your energy and passion really benefits our kids. Great job and wonderful presentation. Shellhart- Thank you so much for doing this. The social emotional issues that our students are having, we knew this is something that we needed. Thank you for stepping up, you had this in your minds, and thank you. F. PRESENTATION - PARS Supplementary Retirement Plan (SRP) Post-Analysis Larry Ferchaw- We had enough interest to move forward. The bittersweet part is we have 9 employees retiring. But this will reduce the number of layoffs. Plan Assumptions: ●Eligibility Requirements: Age 55 with 5 Years of District Service Resignation from District employment effective no later than June 30, 2022 ●Benefit Level 75% of Final Pay Spend Amount Benefit ●Replacement Salaries: Certificated Non-Management: $68,036 (Based on PARS 3-Year New Hire Study) Certificated Management: 94.26% (Step 3) ●Health Care Costs: Certificated Non-Management (Active Employee: $23,615 Retired Employee: $7,176 *Kaiser 1-Party District Cap Amount (value of lowest cost single member medical plan) Age 58.5 with 20 years of service Payable beginning at Age 60 for maximum of 5 yrs ●Health Care Costs: Certificated Management (Active Employee: $23,348 Retired Employee: $8,568* *1-Party Blue Shield High Deductible Health Plan (1-party only coverage based upon cost of median cost family medical plan) ●STRS Retirement Plan Costs: 2021-22: 16.92%; 2022-23: 19.10%; 2023-24: 19.10% ●PARS Plan Funding: Annual Funding amount of $126,309 paid each July 10th from 2022 to 2026 PARS Retirements (75% of final pay - certificated employees) ●Certificated Non-Management -Eligible Employees: 46 -Actual Retirements with PARS SRP: 8 -Average Retiree Age: 60.32 -Average Retiree Service: 24.36 -Average Retiree Salary: $86,985 ●Certificated Management -Eligible Employees: 4 -Actual Retirements with PARS SRP: 1 -Average Retiree Age: 57.75 -Average Retiree Service: 24.83 -Average Retiree Salary: $106,080 9 Total Retirements (18% of Eligible Group) 8. ACTION ITEMS A. BUSINESS SERVICES 1. (ROLL CALL) Resolution No. 23/2021-22 Authorizing Filing of Application(s) for the California Preschool, Transitional Kindergarten and Full-Day Kindergarten Facilities Grant Program. The San Gabriel Unified School District is applying to the State Allocation Board for approval of transitional kindergarten and/or preschool projects under the California Preschool, Transitional Kindergarten and Full-Day Kindergarten Facilities Grant Program. The State has allocated $490 million in funds to assist school districts build or retrofit facilities to provide additional spaces for the expansion to universal transitional kindergarten. The first round of applications are due by April 30. Based on the number of applications submitted, funding may or may not be available to SGUSD in this initial round. Section 17375(e)(3) of the Education Code requires that a school district applying for grants from the California Preschool, Transitional Kindergarten and Full-Day Kindergarten Facilities Grant Program for transitional kindergarten or preschool projects pass a resolution at a public meeting of the governing board of the school district stating the school district’s intent to expand enrollment in either a transitional kindergarten or preschool program. Roll Call Vote: Cheryl Shellhart-aye Rochelle Haas-aye Ken Tcheng-aye Gary Scott-aye Cristina Alvarado-absent Financial Impact: none Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor. 2. Approve the Public Agency Retirement Services (PARS) Supplementary Retirement Plan for Certificated Employees. Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the implementation of the District’s Supplementary Retirement Plan administered by PARS and accept the resignation of the nine (9) certificated employees who enrolled. Based on the distribution of the positions accepting the incentive, staff will determine the appropriate number of RIF notices that may be rescinded as a result of the SRP. Financial Impact: The cost of the program will be funded through the savings achieved from the SRP. Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor. 3. Approve the Issuance of the Request for Proposals (RFP) for a District Auditor. At the Board meeting of April 13, 2021, the Governing Board approved a contract renewal with CliftonLarsenAllen LLP (CLA) as the district auditors to conduct the external, independent audits as required by law for fiscal years 20/21, 21/22, and 22/23. CLA has verbally indicated to District staff that they no longer have the capacity to provide these services to SGUSD beginning with the fiscal year 21/22 audit. At this time, District staff is seeking approval from the Governing Board to advertise a request for proposals (RFP) for independent audit services. Based on the timeline in the RFP, staff will bring back a selected firm to engage with the District at the May 8 meeting of the Governing Board. Staff has been in contact with the Los Angeles County Office of Education to make them aware of the need to identify a new firm to provide auditing services. Financial Impact: To be determined. Current contract for CLA is $45,990 for the fiscal year 21/22 audit and $47,040 for the fiscal year 22/23 audit. Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor. 4. Approve Agreement for a Therapy Dog Program. San Gabriel Unified School District would like to implement a therapy dog program to support social/emotional needs of students. At the December 7, 2021 Organizational Meeting, Board Policy 6163.2, Animals at School, was approved by the Governing Board with a revision to the policy that reflected the use of therapy animals on campus. Therapy animals must complete an evaluation and must meet the criteria with "Pet Partners" to be officially certified. Discussion: Haas: I am so excited! Action Taken: Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor. B. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 1. Approve Amended Consultant Agreement with Dr. Megan Stone for SGUSD Special Education Program's Medicaid LEA/MAA Federal Reimbursement Program, School Year 2021-2022 (Special Education). The District participates in the Medicaid LEA/MAA Federal Reimbursement Program. This program reimburses the district based on the treatments and assessments done for students in the district. The District needs to contract with a physician to authorize these treatments as part of the LEA/MAA Federal Reimbursement program. Dr. Megan Stone has experience with the program and is able to complete the required authorizations. Total: Not to exceed $12,000.00 Funding Source: Special Education General Fund Increase: $6,000.00 ( Amount doubled to cover authorizations needed to be signed from the 2020-2021 school year ) Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor. 2. Approve Reimbursement to Alhambra for ASL Interpretation for Special Education Students Attending Alhambra Special Education Programs, School Year 2021-2022 (Special Education). San Gabriel Unified special education students attending special education programs at Alhambra Unified School District utilize ASL interpreters to access the curriculum. Alhambra provides the ASL interpretation, and the District needs to reimburse Alhambra for this service cost. Financial Impact: Total not to exceed $35,000.00 Funding Source: Special Education Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor. 3. Approve the 2021-2022, K-12 Single Plans for Student Achievement. The Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) for McKinley Elementary and Del Mar High School implements best practices proven at similar schools to have significantly reduced or eliminated the achievement gap. The SPSA provides research-based intervention programs for low-performing students in English language arts and mathematics. To be compliant with Education Code sections 41507, 41572, and 64001 and the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA), the Single Plans for Student Achievement (SPSA) must be developed by the school site council for all local educational agencies (LEA) participating in programs funded through the Consolidated Application process. The SPSA must also be reviewed and approved by the Board of Education annually and/or whenever there are any material changes that impact the academic programs for students. Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor. 4. Approve the 2021-2022 School Safety Plans. Each SGUSD school site has developed a Physical Environment and School Climate Action Plan that is included in the School Safety Plan. The schools shared these Action Plans with their PTA/PTSAs. Senate Bill 187, signed into law in 1997, mandates that each school district is responsible for the overall writing and development of comprehensive school safety plans for schools operating kindergarten - 12th grade classes. To be compliant with California education code, all public schools are required to annually update school safety plans and have them approved by the School Site Council and Governing Board by March 1 of each school year. Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor. 5. Approve the Third Quarter Report on Williams Uniform Complaints, School Year 2021-2022. As part of the procedures under the Williams Settlement Legislation, Ed. Code 35186, all Districts are required to submit a quarterly report on the number of complaints received, complaints resolved and complaints unresolved. As of January 1, 2022, through March 31, 2022, there were no complaints filed against the District under the Williams Legislation procedures. Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor. 6. Approve the Consultant Agreement for Los Angeles Arts Group. Art classes have been shown to have many important social, emotional and academic benefits to students. LA Arts Group Teaching Artists will provide virtual art and dance classes for students in grades K-3 at Coolidge Elementary School for the 2021-2022 school year. LA Arts Group will provide an Artist Residency Program in Dance and/or Visual Art, which will provide 8 lessons each to students in grades K-3 at Coolidge Elementary School, funded by the Coolidge PTA. Financial Impact: Total: $7,860.00 Funding Source: General Fund/Coolidge PTA (Coolidge Parent Teacher Association fully funds classes and will reimburse the district after services are rendered) Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor. 7. Approve the Consultant Agreement with Kaymi Krystin Wong. Kaymi Krystin Wong will provide professional development services and curriculum guidance for the Mandarin Dual Language Immersion (MDLI) program in the 2021-2022 school year. Services will address areas of need identified by dual immersion leaders including: the expansion of the Mandarin Dual Language Immersion program scope and sequence, curricular development aligned to the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Standards, and professional development and coaching for MDLI teachers. Ms. Wong will support San Gabriel teachers and administrators, as needed, to develop a program scope and sequence. Ms. Wong will also provide professional development to directly support the unique needs of the Mandarin DLI teachers using the Observation Protocol for Teachers of English Learners (OPTEL) protocol and ACTFL standards. Financial Impact: Not to exceed $12,000 Discussion:none Action Taken: Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor. C. GOVERNING BOARD OF EDUCATION D. HUMAN RESOURCES 1. Approve New Job Description, Student Information System Database Coordinator and Establish One Position. Due to increased complexity in student information systems, the Education Services Department proposes an update to the Student Information Systems Database Specialist job description. A title change from "Specialist" to "Coordinator" and a pay range increase from range 44 to 49 are also proposed. These changes will more accurately reflect the qualifications and the job responsibilities of the position. Financial Impact: Increase $702 per month. Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor. E. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 1. Governing Board Review of California School Boards Association (CSBA) Policy Revision Recommendations. The Governing Board is asked to review amended policies as per California School Boards Association (CSBA) suggested revisions based on new mandates, laws, or regulations. Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor. 9. BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS/REPORTS/COMMUNICATIONS Haas: I would have loved to see curling with happy trash at MCK. Yesterday’s memorial for Terry was just beautiful and the space was very tranquil. It showed me that we have a beautiful community here. It shows what we can accomplish with a shared vision. In grief, there is hope and gratitude. See something, Say something event was great. It was great to see the pods up and good to see the space used and see the students supported is fantastic. Tcheng: Big thank you to all the presentations across the district. Thank you for your dedication. Scott: I was interested to see what curling looks like on the grass. History day at Del Mar was great! It’s a great achievement, keep at it. Exciting to hear about prom and spring break coming up. I’m thrilled that kids are going out on a boat trip. The dedication of the garden yesterday was beautiful. Spring concerts are coming up at Jefferson and we’ve talked about what we’ve been through. Our superintendent is sitting at the board table for the first time since he was hired. He closed the entire district and then signed his contract. Ross is the old man now because he’s been here long enough. Through adversity, we all grow. It's now time for “what’s next?” It's great to sit in this spot today, but we go forward from here. 10. CONSENT AGENDA Consent Agenda Moved and Approved in Total A. BUSINESS SERVICES 1. Approve Contract of E-Rate Project 2022-2023 (Internet Services) with AT&T. At the February 22, 2022 Board meeting, the Governing Board accepted a proposal for E-Rate Project (Internet Services) 2022-2023. The District will enter into a new three-year contract for internet services starting the new fiscal year. In addition, the District continues to participate in the federally funded E-Rate program, allowing us to provide our students and teachers with modern-day internet access, including maintenance to keep our internal network connections reliable. Funding is available based on our NSLP (Nation School Lunch Program) percentages, at which we qualify for an 80% discount. The program reimburses 80% on qualified internet access and equipment purchases, while the District covers the remaining 20%. This allows the District to upgrade our network and wireless infrastructure to provide greater bandwidth and security. Financial Impact: Total approximately $217,000 for three years (or approximately $43,400 after e-rate discounts) Funding Source: General Fund Other: In the original proposal the financial impact was $252,000 2. Approve Purchase Orders Issued in Excess of $5,000 Report No. 14 (21-22) 3. Approve Conference Report No. 14 (21-22). Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the following District employees be authorized to attend the conference events listed. The representative of the District indicated will attend with no loss of salaries for District personnel, and with actual and necessary expenses paid for all attending as authorized by Education Code Sections 35172, 35173 and 44032, and the District's Board policies. Authorization for an advance of funds to cover actual and necessary expenses is hereby granted. Such Advances shall be repaid or adjusted upon filing of a regular claim for the actual and necessary expenses incurred. B. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES C. HUMAN RESOURCES 1. Approve Certificated Personnel Status Report No. 14 2. Approve Classified Personnel Status Report No. 14 D. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 11. NEXT MEETING REMINDER(S) Tuesday, April 19, 2022 Tuesday, May 10, 2022 Tuesday, May 24, 2022 Tuesday, June 14, 2022 Tuesday, June 28, 2022 12. ADJOURNMENT at 8:25 p.m. Click here for Link to Full Agenda and Complete Attachments Join us at the next Board Meeting April 19 May 10 & 24 June 14 & 28 6:00 Open Session, Closed Session, 7:00 Open Session Reconvenes Dear Fellow SGTA Members:
Our Negotiations Team will continue bargaining with district administration on Monday, March 28th. They have requested that all SGTA members show their support by wearing their Blue/Black SGTA t-shirts!! Our team will contiune to discuss stipends, professional development, PN Days, virtual teaching, independent studies, work hours, salary, benefits, etc... So let's make our negotiations team feel supported! Wear those shirts and take some NEW PICS!!! Thank you all, SGTA Executive Board & SGTA Negotiations Team SGTA Teachers Showing their Support!! Thank You!!! Dear SGTA Members,
For the FIRST TIME EVER, in all of SGTA History, we have a member who has declared her candidacy to run for CTA/NEA State Delegate. Recently you received an email from CTA asking you to follow the link from simply voting to vote for your state candidate representative. We need you to go back and FIND THAT Email and vote for one of our own SGTA Teachers! Mrs. Margaret Bradley has submitted her declaration for candidacy to represent us on the steps of Sacramento and at CTA/NEA Conferences. She has volunteered to participate on her own time at the state level and will have opportunities to lobby at our state capital to push for more funding for our public schools, to bring awareness of social justice, and to network with CTA/NEA leaders across the country. So please take a moment to go through your personal emails to find the email sent to you on March 2nd & 5th from California Teachers Association <[email protected]>. The subject says 2022 CTA At-Large State Council Representative and NEA RA STATE Delegate Election. Follow the link to vote for Margaret Bradley! Thank you, SGTA Executive Board Learn a bit more about Margaret Bradley: My name is Margaret Keh Bradley (she/her) and I have been teaching in SGUSD at McKinley Elementary School for 23 years. I believe in the importance of ethnic minority representation. I am committed to contributing to NEA's goal of enhancing ethnic minority delegate representation at the NEA-RA. Thank you for your consideration. |
October 2022
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