Anyone who can attend the board meeting tonight would be appreciated. And, if you are SPED teacher, the board needs to hear from you. This is your chance to affect change - SPED is being restructured. Thanks -- Terri Agenda: SPED Presentation: ![]()
As you may have already heard, the district is making attempts to reconfigure the SPED Dept. I believe this has come about due to the many reasons. First, the school board members requested a study to be done last August to gain understanding as to why S.G.U.S.D. cannot retain SPED teachers. One reason is that we have had several valuable SPED teachers transfer into Gen Ed positions. Also, the district has received the resignation of Mrs. Mbugua, and the district has been unable to find a strong candidate to fill the Program Specialists Position as well. The job descriptions Mrs. Mbugua and the Program Specialist will be changed and in the interim, the district is hiring someone to sit in on the IEP's. The district has also hired a teacher at Jefferson to help with assessments.
A presentation will be made to the board on Tuesday night from Asst. Supt. Tiffany Rudek and Anna Molinar. SGTA is asking that SPED and Gen Ed teachers attend the board meeting to express that there is a strong need to look into how our SPED programs our implemented district wide. Recently we are seeing a trend where more SPED students are being mainstreamed into Gen Ed, class rosters are maxed out and Gen Ed teachers are given minimal support. If I am correct, this will continue to happen more frequently in the years to come. If you wish to address the board, you may do so prior the board meeting at 7 pm or you can even wait to speak prior to the actual SPED presentation. I can't tell you what to say, as many of you have a much better grasp of what changes need to take place so that our SPED Dept. can successfully meet the needs of our students, however, here are some pointers:
Thank you, Dena Dragoo SGTA Pres. Here are some things that came up during our meeting on Tuesday (11/29):
1. Lots of discussion about the implementation of the 1:1 devices. Bulk of the district's PD money went to training and equipment. If you have issues, contact Will, our site technician at 2115 2. There has been some turnover in the SPED dept at the district level. At the board meeting on Dec 13, the district will be presenting the reorganization. If you are a SPED teacher you should probably attend the board meeting and speak up (if you are tenured). 3. STRS excess contribution. Who knows what is going on with this? LACOE gave the district the $, and the district is supposed to pass it on to us. I have attached a screen shot that shows how to check if you are owed any money. 4. Passing of Prop 64. You are not allowed to bring pot onto school grounds (including the parking lot) even IF you have a medical marijuana card. Also, you are NOT allowed to have alcohol on campus (even if it is unopened) 5. LCAP workshop next meeting is Jan. 18. We need representation. If you are interested in going, please let me know 6. Conferences - please let me know if you want to attend a local conference. 7. Look for an SGTA survey coming soon As always, let Chanda or I know if you have any questions or concerns. |
October 2022
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