A Message from your SGTA President: I would like to give a SUPER LOUD SHOUT OUT to 2 Wilson Teachers who have diligently helped take school board minutes for the past year. They work till 9 p.m. on a school night, just to get the information out to members in real-time! Thank you to Eileen Wong and Florence Lai! You have made a difference for SGTA! (Anyone interested in taking notes this summer, please reach out to your SGTA Rep) (Notes are Abridged) 1. RECEPTION - Honoring Classified Retirees 2. OPENING PROCEDURE A. CALL TO ORDER at 6:05 P.M. B. ESTABLISHMENT OF QUORUM All Board Members Present (Mr. Tcheng via Zoom) 3. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE GOVERNING BOARD Jaeleen Sattler: Dear Superintendent Symonds and Esteemed Board, Wilson Elementary has been incredibly lucky to have had such amazing and beloved leaders. If anyone should know…. It’s me! I have been around for almost all of them. I was blessed to work under the leadership of: Leon Crabb, Richard Tauer, Jeannine McGuigan, and Ivonne Contreras. I remember first meeting Ivonne many years ago. She was and is a compassionate, caring and enthusiastic leader, teacher, friend and mother. She leads with her heart. As you know, the Wilson staff prides itself on a culture of creativity and collaboration. We have a unique school climate that is unprecedented at any other site and Ivonne has played a huge role in fostering that climate at the administrative level. If the opportunity arises that there is an open position at Wilson we hope you will give her the due consideration, regardless of her previous administrative role. She would continue contributing to that culture with her ability to directly impact students in the classroom on a day-to-day basis. Just this last weekend, we got together at Dena’s lovely home to celebrate the careers of both Cois Polifroni and Daphne Chase. We aren’t just losing faculty members… We are losing part of our Wilson family. My heart is struggling because I know that a piece of my heart will be gone with both of these wonderful people as they begin the next chapter of their lives, but Ivonne is part of our Wilson Family now too. Let me tell you about Wilson: My roof leaks, the paint is peeling, and my promethean Board does not work, yet I have worn this shirt on purpose today. Wilson is the Happiest Place on Earth. The problem with Wilson…. Is that once you have had a taste of the camaraderie and Spirit that makes Wilson Special, you just can’t change schools without leaving behind a piece of your heart. Ivonne is gracious and professional and has given years and years of service to our district, first as a teacher and then as an administrator. Her decision to return to the classroom is admirable and noble. I know that this is a district that cares about their employees, their families and our students. I just hope that if there is a position available at Wilson that you will give Ivonne the consideration she deserves. Thank you! 4. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION at 6:08 P.M. A. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT/APPOINTMENT (Pursuant to Government Code §54957 (b).) Assistant Principal, Gabrielino High School B. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR(S) (Pursuant to Government Code §54957.6, subd. (a)) Employee Organization(s): San Gabriel Teachers Association; Teamsters Local 911. Agency Designated Representatives: James Symonds, Superintendent & Ross Perry, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources 5. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION at 7:07 P.M. A. ANNOUNCEMENT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE by Francois Polifroni C. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor. D. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE GOVERNING BOARD Chanda Strom: Thank you everyone for making it through this year. We’re almost done. I want to talk about the A-G grant and give some perspective from high school. I wanted to talk about the ideas regarding this grant. It is awesome that we are able to receive this grant and we are appreciative. However, $200,000 is budgeted to go towards administration & teacher PDs and not going to the students. I think we can find some better ways to use this money - for example, more 1 to 1 support for students. We have increased the fund for credit recovery, but funds could be better spent. (Analogy of oil leak on car) We have suggestions to help support our students. 6. APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES A. Approve the Governing Meeting Minutes of May 10, 2022 Moved and seconded for approval. 7. PUBLIC HEARING(S) 8. SPECIAL REPORTS AND PRESENTATIONS A. RECOGNITION - Student Board Members Service for the 2021-2022 School Year. The purpose of the agenda is to recognize graduate Jessie Lopez, Del Mar High School student and Joseph Aguilar, Gabrielino High School student for their service as 2021-22 Student Board Members. Jim Symonds: I appreciate the student board members. We have some plaques for these students. Thank you Joseph for your input this year. We appreciate you. Joseph Aguilar: I’d like to thank ASB and the governing board for giving me this opportunity to represent our schools. I am appreciative of being able to grow as a person and being able to learn so much. Jim Symonds: I’d like to present this award to Jessie Lopez. I really appreciate you representing the Dolphins so well this year. Joseph Aguilar: I’d like to give a big thank you to the governing board for giving me a chance to do this. B. REPORTS - Student Board Members Del Mar High School, Jessie Lopez Del Mar: Thanks to the generosity, a lot of students were recognized and awarded the scholarships. Thanks to the Kiwanis Club. McK: Mobile Dairy assembly this coming Wednesday. Cultural days. Traveling scientists - learn about water conversation. Wilson: Teacher appreciation was amazing - treats all week from PTA. Promotions and end of year events coming soon. 2 retirees from Wilson. Wilson wants to thank the Cabinet and Board for everything. JMS: Performing arts festival - band and choir. Speech and debate competition. Promotion June 9. Gabrielino High School, Joseph Aguilar Gab-senior finals starting next week. Seniors will have grad night at Disneyland. They’ll have a graduation ceremony on June 7th. Students will be recognized for their performances throughout the school year Coolidge: students were able to be teachers for a day. Walking to school day was a great success. Roos: Thank you Gab for inviting speech and debate students. June 5 school-wide field day event with many different competitions. Annual Smith Park day. Speech and debate tournament June 4 & 5. Awards assembly soon. Dodgeball Staff vs. 5th grade. Roosevelt’s 5th graders will be promoted soon. Washington: thank you pta president for all her hard work and made positive relations with parents and teachers. C. REPORT - Governing Board President, Cheryl Shellhart It’s been a couple busy weeks - I’ve visited some campuses. I got to see the new space for the wellness center at JMS. Thank you to all the principals for walking me around. Congrats to McK for getting the CAAP award. I also met with ASB students and peer helpers at Gab. Lots of hard work being put into the committee. Thank you to Samantha and her team for her hard work on putting together the Art Fest. My thoughts and prayers go out to the families affected by the Texas school shooting today. D. REPORT - Superintendent, Jim Symonds My heart sunk today when I heard that news. Thinking about Sandy Hook, it's heartbreaking and we need to continue to focus our efforts on the mental health of our students, it is paramount at this time. It has been a very busy couple of weeks. Congrats MCK for their CAAP award. This award is for schools who were able to pivot quickly during the pandemic. Big congrats to MCK. GAB was also recognized as a top high school in US News and Reports. I had a ball at the VAPA artsfest. I felt like I was at Coachella or a Grateful Dead concert. The artwork and the kids was great, especially the drum circle. The bands and the music were just amazing, especially the Jazz band. The orchestra also, plus the JC Gafford Band. Huge shoutout to Samantha T. for her vision and making this special event happen. This really says a lot how we feel about the arts in our district. Thank you VAPA team. On May 12 I was able to attend the SELPA Prom in South El Monte. Our SELPA students had a great time and it was a 70s theme. There were photo booths, and a VW BUG. Erin and Natalie, thank you for all that you do for your students and thank you to all our SPED teachers for their hard work. I attended the ELAC meeting to create our mission statement for the district. I was so impressed by our ED services team and to have the kids involved in all of this and what they bring to the process, along with their vision. Thank you Dr. Joan and Heather. I also attended the BTSA Colloquium. It was a beautiful afternoon and a great way to celebrate the induction candidates. Thank you to Gail for her work on induction. Gail is regarded very highly for the important work that she does. Other districts get audited, but ours is always perfect. It speaks volumes that we are the lead district in training teachers, big hand for Gail. Looking forward to all the end of the year activities and graduations. It's so great to attend these events in person. I never knew how grateful I would be for being in person, but I am. E. RECOGNITION - Wilson Elementary School Ivonne Contreras: I’d like to invite Cois and Daphne and all the Wilson staff to come on up please. Good evening everyone. Tonight Wilson would like to shine a spotlight on 2 wonderful educators - our 2 retirees Francois Polifroni and Daphne Chase. Our Wilson family would like to take the time to thank these 2 for their dedication. Every day of 33 years, Mr. P sang in perfect instructional pitch, using innovation, creativity, his critical thinking skills, patience and advocacy for the students, teachers, and families he served. There wasn’t ever a genre of the education profession that Mr. P wasn’t willing to sing, from serving as our SGTA president for many years, to serving on negotiations committee, to leading the Wilson Robotics team and teaching general and Special Education, and to assuming his role as lead teacher. His last adventure was embracing the challenge of teaching in the creative world of design based learning. Mr. P you are commended for being an example of an educator who serves not only the children in your classroom daily, but paying it forward by advocating for teachers and administrators so they can make an impact. Now for Mrs. Chase,You can often hear her say “hello sunshine” when she sees you and has an ear that actively listens and a voice that is slow to speak or judge. Daphne may call her Wilson family “sunshine” but she truly is our radiant sun ,and in star wars fashion our master Yoda. Daphne, you have challenged lives with your brilliant light for 18 years. She exudes and lives out the phrase “lifelong learner.” She paid it toward by mentoring new teachers as one of the district's induction program mentors. She shared her force as the grade level lead and led the district in Design based learning. Mr. P will continue to enjoy guitar lessons, hikes, his grandchildren and not having to pump up playground balls. Daphne is making a “small” change. She and her husband are moving to Portugal. Cois, Daphne, I know you have heard from many of us about how much you mean to us, but I hope you know we are better educators because of having been influenced by both of you. Congratulations and it has been my honor to have been your colleague and principal. Polifroni: I was hired at this district many years ago to help with early child education. They trusted me and my colleague to put together a program that would help kids. I feel valued and trusted by this district. Thank you to the district for allowing me to grow and paid for trainings that allowed me to grow as a teacher. In these 33 years, there was never a day that I was not happy to be here. I am so thankful for every day. This is a blessing. Thank you San Gabriel. Chase: Tough act to follow. Thank you to everyone up there and we can’t do what we do without the support of you. Design Based Learning was a passion of mine and I appreciate all of your support throughout the years. My Wilson family out there, it is a family. You work at a school for so long, and we are a family, we are tight knit and no matter what is going to throw at you during the day, you know someone is going to have your back. I’ll be far away, but my heart will always be here. Thank you and I appreciate it. Shellhart - Thank you for your dedication. Enjoy your retirement. F. RECOGNITION - USC KECK Interns of the School Based Pandemic Response Interdisciplinary Navigation Teams (SPRINT) Symonds: We are going to recognize some of these interns. When we were overrun with the Covid cases, this program came into fruition. Multidisciplinary teams from USC graduates and assisted Kathy Leon and her team in helping us. They helped establish our robust testing program. We got together as a team to address all our needs. Comprehensive testing and worked with district leadership. State and federal partnerships. These students played a critical role in assisting with parent communication and contact tracing. They gave an extra hand to what we needed so desperately. I’d like to recognize Marisol - played a critical role in helping kathy. Thank you Jenny - Deputy Superintendent of Education. Steve Zimmer, thank you. Steve Zimmer: We were able to work with USC and everyone. None of this would be able to happen without Kathy. She is an angel amongst us. I really can’t say enough about this group of USC students. San Gabriel is a special district.. These students really dedicated themselves and helped us get out of this tragic moment. What kept us going was that we wanted to keep kids safe and at school through testing. This became the model for our program. Symonds: It is so impressive for the CA Dept. of Education to give us assistance. Steve and Jenny were down here with our district when we needed it. I’d like to recognize a couple of interns and Kathy Leon. G. PRESENTATION - San Gabriel Unified School District A-G Plan Presented by Gail Calhoun A-G Completion Improvement Grant Program: Provides one-time Proposition 98 funds of 547.5 million dollars to help local educational agencies (LEAs) increase the number of high school students who graduate with A-G eligibility. Access Grant: LEAs that had less than 67% A-G completion rate (300 million dollars) Success Grant: LEAs that had a rate of 67% or higher A-G completion rate (100 million dollars) A-G Learning Loss Mitigation Grant: students who receive a grade of “D” or “F” or fail an A-G approved course (147.5 million dollars) Eligible Expenditures: Professional Development for teachers, admin, and counselors to improve A-G completion rate, including AP-specific training Support - such as tutoring and course-taking and college counseling services Access - expanding access to A-G coursework including course development & review Fees - subsidize student test fees, including AP test fees, for low-income students, foster youth, and ELs SGUSD Awards Total = $837,459 for 2021-2026 Success Grant: $729,112 Funds are to be used for direct support for pupils to complete the A–G course requirement, such as providing additional teacher PD opportunities, tutoring programs, and expanding access to coursework to improve the LEA’s A–G completion rate. Learning Loss Mitigation Grant: $108,347 ○ Create opportunities for pupils who received a grade D or F, or who failed an A–G approved course to retake those courses. Total of Unduplicated (UDP) HS Students in Del Mar & Gab: 1,126 students = 70% Total UDP with at least 1 D or F: 365 of 1096= 33% of GHS UPD Total UDP EL with at least 1 D or F: 167 of 302= 55% of GHS EL Scott: That was a fantastic report. Thank you very much. If you had an opportunity about the concerns that were expressed earlier. Gail Calhoun: I appreciate how Chanda spoke and for her feedback. In regards to the PD component, it is needed to help with equity and baseline. However, this plan will only be successful if we have someone to help monitor the progress. H. PRESENTATION - Jefferson Middle School eSports Elective What is eSports?: eSports is the term used to describe "electronic" sports video games. eSports serves as a school’s small-business start-up using video games and tournaments as a leverage for engagement and entry points into many CTE pathways. Behind the scenes of those who are playing are a fleet of students working in publicity, broadcasting, marketing, analytics, business, graphic design, strategy, and more. This is an activity that is fosters student agency, communication & collaboration Key Components of a Successful School Program: -There are adult and student mentors -The program and teams are inclusive - They provide professional learning opportunities and work-based learning opportunities - There are rules, norms, and guidelines for community-building and expectations Equity: Pew Research shows 97% of boys and 83% of girls ages 13 to 17, identify as being a gamer of some kind. Those demographics cut across race and socio-economic levels. Esports allows children of all races, genders, learning levels, and disabilities to compete in a space where those aspects of their identity are not as prominent or important to their overall performance. Jefferson eSports to Gabrielino CTE Alignment -Arts, Media, & Entertainment (Graphic Design) -Business and Finance (Business Communications) Strong cross-curricular opportunities -English Common Core Standards ○ Argument ○ Informational reading -NGSS -ISTE -CTE -Math Common Core Standards -Strong SEL development Enrollment and Specialized Programs on the SGUSD School Sites -Increase enrollment and family loyalty -As a fully articulated program, elementary - high school, this may provide avenues of scholarship funding to students - Leave the schools with greater life and future-ready skills Scott: Is there a short answer for strategies for our EL students to participate in this. Wolpert: It is equitable because they’re already doing it, which takes a layer off for them. It’s about oral fluency, that portrait of a graduate. Purposeful play will help so that students can listen and speak to their partner. Guyer: We’ve compiled a meaningful roster - limited to 8th graders. We have 36 students in the pilot program. Haas: This program sounds amazing. Thank you for the thorough presentation. This can hopefully reverse some of the negative image of online gaming. Wolpert: We hope to give students agency so that they can eventually manage and run the program with coaching from the teacher. I. PRESENTATION - San Gabriel Unified School District Universal Prekindergarten (UPK) Plan Presented by Joan Perez, Sheila Arnold, Ross Perry, & Larry Ferchaw Current TK: Currently, TK serves about 100,000 children, primarily those who turn 5 between Sept. 2 and Dec. 2. These are the students who narrowly miss the cutoff for regular kindergarten. New UPK: The new $2.7 billion universal UPK program, by contrast, will gradually be made available to every 4-year-old in California, eventually serving nearly 400,000 students. It will essentially become California’s version of a universal preschool program (UPK), available to all children regardless of income. What is UTK?: UTK is part of the K-12 public school system. Kindergarten is a two year program in CA, and UTK is the first year. The purpose of UTK is to give young children the gift of time to grow and develop, to be ready for kindergarten and beyond. UTK will gradually be made available to every 4-year-old in the state of CA. Class Size and Length of Day: Small class sizes In 2022-2023 12:1 student to adult ratio; In 2023-2024 becomes 10:1 ratio; Full Instructional Day: 8:00 a.m.-1:40 p.m. (Weds. 8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.) Extended Day: Optional before and after school care (total of a 9 hour day including the instructional day) Enrollment Timeline: Students whose 5th birthday is between September 2nd-February 2nd is considered “Regular TK” and whose 5th birthday is between February 3rd- June 30th is considered “Young TK.” UTK Schools for 2022-23: projected as of May 16, 2022 - Each elementary school site will have 1 TK class except for McKinley which will have 2 classes. SGUSD Vision: provide strong foundation for early learning and school readiness through purposeful play and engagement UTK Staffing Requirements: California Education Code Section 48000(g) requires credentialed teachers who are first assigned to a transitional kindergarten (TK) classroom after after July 1, 2015, have, by August 1, 2023, one of the following: (1) At least 24 units in early childhood education, or childhood development, or both. (2) As determined by the local educational agency employing the teacher, professional experience in a classroom setting with preschool age children that is comparable to the 24 units of education described in paragraph (1).* (3) A child development teacher permit issued by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing. * The San Gabriel Unified School District authorizes one (1) school year of TK teaching experience in a classroom setting to fulfill the TK teaching experience and education requirements set forth in Education Code Section 48000(g),(2). What will the SGUSD TK program look like? Each SGUSD elementary school site will have UTK. Before school and after school services will be provided. Facilities will be available as follows: Safe Drop-off near the classrooms, Bathrooms near or in the classrooms, UTK play areas, UTK lunch areas Alvarado: I think this is great and a lot of the concerns that we have raised to the Governor's staff has been the staffing requirements and space. All of this, the district has addressed. The staffing requirements need to be looked at very closely, may not be enough to work with 4 year olds. This is exploring learning for these kids. I’m pleased to see the progress that we made. Scott: Will the cap of total students we can serve be determined by square footage or max number of students at each site? Perez: We will do everything we can to increase enrollment and think outside the box. Ferchaw: The 24:2 ratio will help accommodate more students. We are pursuing a grant for additional TK facilities. Scott: What if we have 4 or 6 students, will we be able to sustain this? Ferchaw: We are anticipating full TK classes. For example, we are not opening a TK class with 4-6 students. We want to be efficient. Shellhart: What about special education? What would be our capacity for IEPS or 504s. With new students, come with a higher case load. Perez: Erin has been involved in developing the plan. She will continue to work with each site to make sure we have balanced caseloads. Alvarado: In terms of wraparound, if you’re going to have Options come in and then the licensed, because the little ones can't be moved around too much, I’m pleased with the way this is going and that they will be in the same room. Dragoo: I am so excited about this program. The collaborative work between TK and K gets our students together and working on our game plan for the day and crossing paths with each other. We support each other. I am super excited. Arnold: One thing that we’re doing is creating a seamless system and that continuum of learning. Preschool and TK need that time together and to respect that and speak the same language. We should understand how children grow and how we can connect information about students from one year to another. 9. ACTION ITEMS A. BUSINESS SERVICES 1. RATIFICATION - Approve the Memorandum of Understanding Between the San Gabriel Unified School District and the University of Southern California, School Based Pandemic Response Interdisciplinary Navigation Teams (SPRINT). The School Based Pandemic Response Interdisciplinary Navigation Teams (SPRINT) project has assisted the District with the COVID-19 protocols and testing programs and will continue to do so through the remainder of 2022. Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for approval. All in favor 2. Authorization to Call for Bid No. 03-21/22 Exterior Painting at Washington Elementary School. When it is in the best interest of the district, such contracts shall be made using competitive bidding. Financial Impact: Other: The direct costs are advertising and postage. Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for approval. All in favor 3. Approve the Professional Services Agreement Between The Institute for Excellence in Education, National Charter Schools Institute and the San Gabriel Unified School District. The District shall enter into this agreement to implement an innovative web-based software system known as Epicenter to assist in its oversight responsibilities for Options for Youth - San Gabriel charter school. Financial Impact: Total: $6,100 for fiscal year 2022/2023 Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for approval. All in favor 4. Approve Agreement for Crossing Guard Services Between the San Gabriel Unified School District and All City Management Services, Inc., A California Corporation for Summer School Program 2022. Crossing Guard Services shall be provided by the Contractor at the designated locations on all days in which summer school is in session in the area under the District’s jurisdiction. Financial Impact: Total: $22.70 per hour(Other: Based on a minimum of seven (7) sites and upon a projected (544 hours) of service, the cost shall not exceed $12,349.00.) Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for approval. All in favor 5. Approve the Renewed Agreement for Professional Services Between Dannis Woliver Kelley (DWK) and the San Gabriel Unified School District for 2022-2023 and 2023-2024. This agreement between the District and Dannis Woliver Kelley will allow the District to seek their professional services for legal matters. Financial Impact: Total Hourly Rates $265 - $375 Attorney $245 - $300 Special Counsel $195 - $265 Associates $130 - $195 Paralegals and Law Clerks Other: Rates for individual attorneys may vary within the above ranges depending on the level of experience and qualifications and the nature of the legal services provided. Increase: $5 to $15 dollars Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for approval. All in favor B. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 1. Approve Amended Contract with Los Angeles County Office of Education for Medi-Cal Administrative Activities Services – July 1, 2020– June 30, 2023 (Special Education). The District needs to amend its contract with LACOE to provide services mandated by Department of Health Services (DHS). This contract will enable the District to receive reimbursement for services currently provided to Medi-Cal eligible students who receive approved MAA services. The contract reflects an addendum as requested by DHS. Financial Impact: Funding Source: Special Education Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor. 2. Approve the A–G Completion Improvement Grant Program Plan. The A-G Completion Improvement Grant (CIG) Program Provides one-time Proposition 98 funds of $547.5 million to help local educational agencies (LEAs) increase the number of high school students who graduate with A G eligibility. Financial Impact Total: $837,459 (Funding Source: EC 41590 A–G Completion Improvement Grant Program) Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor. 3. Approve the San Gabriel Unified School District Universal Prekindergarten (UPK) Plan. The 2021–22 State Budget package established the UPK Planning and Implementation Grant Program provides $300 million for the California Department of Education (CDE) to allocate directly to LEAs based on a statutory formula to support planning and implementation costs associated with expanding prekindergarten options, such as universally-available universal transitional kindergarten (UTK), California State Preschool Program (CSPP), and Head Start for eligible students, and other local and community-based partnerships. It is important for LEAs to include partners such as California State Preschool Program (CSPP), Head Start, and other early learning and care providers in the co-creation of the local plan. Engaging all partners in the community will enhance resources for families and children and fully utilize and coordinate available resources, including facilities, staff, and funding. Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor. 4. Approve the Agreement with AKA Enterprise LLC DBA: Impact Canine Solutions. The District has used canine detection services since 2007 to address potential contraband on school grounds. The District needs to contract with an agency to provide these services. This program has had a direct impact on the decrease of contraband items found on school grounds. Financial Impact: $7,200 (General Funds) Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor. 5. Approve the Renewal License Agreement with Document Tracking Services. Document Tracking Services (DTS) is a web-based application that allows school districts to streamline how they complete and update a wide array of school and district-level reports. Financial Impact Total: $5,535 Funding Source: LCFF Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor. 6. Approve Renewal of the 1-Year License Agreement with Curriculum Associates LLC. Renewal of the license agreement with Curriculum Associates LLC for iReady diagnostics and Toolbox, will help San Gabriel Unified continue in our goal to provide targeted intervention (extended-day / during-day / summer) to struggling low income, foster, and English Language Learner (ELL) students in Common Core State Standards (CCSS) math and ELA. Financial Impact Total: $144,804.50 Funding Source: General Fund Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor. 7. Approve the Generation Esports 3- year License Agreement. As San Gabriel Unified moves forward with deepening student engagement based on choice and with expanding the CTE Pathways, Jefferson Middle School has begun an eSports elective that provides introductory concepts in Business, Marketing, and the Arts. eSports is a rapidly-growing activity that not only encourages collaboration and communication, but is also aligned with the District goals of providing social-emotional learning and student engagement. Financial Impact Total: $8,547.15 Funding Source: Lottery-Instructional Materials Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor. 8. Approve the Consultant Agreement with Kristin Quihuis. The Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT) program run by SGUSD has supported community needs for many years and continues to be a model program. The 8 interns coming from a range of universities will work to provide mental health support to SGUSD students in collaboration with the school counseling program at elementary, middle, and high school. Financial Impact Total: Total: $25,000.00 Funding Source: LCFF Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor. C. GOVERNING BOARD OF EDUCATION D. HUMAN RESOURCES 1. Approve Platform & Services Agreement Between the San Gabriel Unified School District and Swing Education. We are currently utilizing substitutes from SWING education more often than we had initially anticipated. This contract increases our top up amount to $90,533. This does not change the cost of SWING substitutes. It allows us to submit payment to SWING less frequently. Any unused funds belong to the District and will be returned to the District if they are not spent. Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor. 2. Approve New Job Description, High School Dance Teacher - Professional Dance and Choreography and Establish One (1) Position. Gabrielino High School would like to begin a dance program in 2022-2023. Gabrielino plans to offer two sections of Dance and start a Dance Team next school year. Gabrielino High School would like to begin a dance program in 2022-2023. Gabrielino plans to offer two sections of Dance and start a Dance Team next school year. Financial Impact: $23,671-$38,324 per year plus Dance Team Coach stipend to be determined by stipend committee. Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor. E. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 1. Approve California School Boards Association (CSBA) Policy Revision Recommendations. The Governing Board is asked to approve amended policies as per California School Boards Association (CSBA) suggested revisions based on new mandates, laws, or regulations. Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor. 2. Governing Board Review of California School Boards Association (CSBA) Policy Revision Recommendations. The Governing Board is asked to review amended policies as per California School Boards Association (CSBA) suggested revisions based on new mandates, laws, or regulations. Discussion: none Review only. 3. Approve the Consultant Agreement with Jonathan Zaleski. Jonathan Zaleski will work with the PRISM program to monitor, review and deploy advertisement on all social media platforms for San Gabriel Unified School District (SGUSD). Financial Impact: Total not to exceed $45,000.00 Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor. 10. BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS/REPORTS/COMMUNICATIONS Tcheng: Last week I was in the rainforest trying to bring back rain to California. My message is please conserve your water because the mandate is coming. We are running out of water. Haas: I’d like to congratulate and thank Mr. P and Mrs. Chase on your retirement. I will confess, I enjoyed visiting your classrooms and stole some of your ideas for my class. It was beautiful at the amphitheater and the performance was awesome at JMS. It was wonderful to see student conductors at the concert. I also attended the VAPA art fest with my family. It was wonderful seeing the artwork and seeing the booths. Thank you Samantha and her team for their hard work. It really hurt my heart to hear of the shooting in Texas. I’m trying to head home to my own kiddos and as a parent I can’t fathom what happened. Those 19 kids will never make it to adulthood. We drop off our kids at school and it should be a given that they will come home. We need more prayers and gentle thoughts. There is also a need for action. We need to amp up mental health programs and monitor gun laws. School staff should never have to worry about being killed in the classroom and kids dying. Alvarado: That was well stated. I agree 100%. It’s about gun regulation and there’s a lot of call to action and I hope there is a call to action because there is always a lot of talk and my heart breaks for all the families. It's a small farming community and they probably don’t have a lot of resources. Scott: There is so much creativity in our district and now we can take action on them. Can we take this same creative energy and talk about social emotional strategies? Kids are hurting. I want to thank the principals for their daily Covid reports on students and staff. I also want to thank Zulma and for everything you do for us. Wow! eSports presentation! All of the elements this program touches is astounding. I hope it goes great. Thanks to Daphne and Cois,and to Ivonne for all her service at Wilson. She has been amazing. The artsfest was astounding and it showed how much we are committed to VAPA. Families and people from different cities came to admire the artwork and what was happening at Arts Fest. I am so proud. Thank you Samantha for your dedication. 11. CONSENT AGENDA Consent Agenda Moved and Approved in Total BUSINESS SERVICES 1. Approve the Memorandum of Understanding Between the County of Los Angeles Department of Public Social Services, and the San Gabriel Unified School District. The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding is to provide the SGUSD with information from the County Department of Public Social Services for use in certifying the free and reduced meal status of students. 2. Approve the Renewed Consultant Agreement with Joe Dixon of Dixon SmartSchoolHouse. The District would like to renew the consultant agreement with Mr. Joe Dixon so that we may utilize his expertise in the area of Facilities and Maintenance/Operations to support various projects. The scope or work may include maintenance & operational management, facility planning, financing/ funding options, and LCAP strategies. 3. Approve Purchase Orders Issued in Excess of $5,000 Report No. 17 (21-22) 4. Approve Conference Report No. 17 (21-22) B. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES C. HUMAN RESOURCES 1. Approve Certificated Personnel Status Report No. 17 2. Approve Classified Personnel Status Report No. 17 D. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 12. NEXT MEETING REMINDER(S) Tuesday, June 14, 2022 Tuesday, June 28, 2022 Moment of Silence for Texas Shooting Victims. 13. ADJOURNMENT at 9:36 P.M.OF THE GOVERNING BOARD May 24, 2022 (Notes are Abridged) 1. RECEPTION - Honoring Classified Retirees 2. OPENING PROCEDURE A. CALL TO ORDER at 6:05 P.M. B. ESTABLISHMENT OF QUORUM All Board Members Present (Mr. Tcheng via Zoom) 3. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE GOVERNING BOARD Jaeleen Sattler: Dear Superintendent Symonds and Esteemed Board, Wilson Elementary has been incredibly lucky to have had such amazing and beloved leaders. If anyone should know…. It’s me! I have been around for almost all of them. I was blessed to work under the leadership of: Leon Crabb, Richard Tauer, Jeannine McGuigan, and Ivonne Contreras. I remember first meeting Ivonne many years ago. She was and is a compassionate, caring and enthusiastic leader, teacher, friend and mother. She leads with her heart. As you know, the Wilson staff prides itself on a culture of creativity and collaboration. We have a unique school climate that is unprecedented at any other site and Ivonne has played a huge role in fostering that climate at the administrative level. If the opportunity arises that there is an open position at Wilson we hope you will give her the due consideration, regardless of her previous administrative role. She would continue contributing to that culture with her ability to directly impact students in the classroom on a day-to-day basis. Just this last weekend, we got together at Dena’s lovely home to celebrate the careers of both Cois Polifroni and Daphne Chase. We aren’t just losing faculty members… We are losing part of our Wilson family. My heart is struggling because I know that a piece of my heart will be gone with both of these wonderful people as they begin the next chapter of their lives, but Ivonne is part of our Wilson Family now too. Let me tell you about Wilson: My roof leaks, the paint is peeling, and my promethean Board does not work, yet I have worn this shirt on purpose today. Wilson is the Happiest Place on Earth. The problem with Wilson…. Is that once you have had a taste of the camaraderie and Spirit that makes Wilson Special, you just can’t change schools without leaving behind a piece of your heart. MEETING OF THE GOVERNING BOARD
May 10, 2022 (Notes are Abridged) MEETING OF THE GOVERNING BOARD May 10, 2022 (Notes are Abridged) 1. OPENING PROCEDURE A. CALL TO ORDER at 6:00pm B. ESTABLISHMENT OF QUORUM All Board Members Present 2. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE GOVERNING BOARD 3. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION at 6:01pm A. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT/APPOINTMENT (Pursuant to Government Code §54957 (b).) Assistant Principal, Gabrielino High School B. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR(S) (Pursuant to Government Code §54957.6, subd. (a)) Employee Organization(s): San Gabriel Teachers Association Teamsters Local 911 4. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION at 7 P.M. A. ANNOUNCEMENT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION No action taken during closed session B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE by Dr. Perez C. APPROVAL OF AGENDA D. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE GOVERNING BOARD 5. APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES A. Approve the Governing Meeting Minutes of April 19, 2022 Moved and seconded for approval. 6. PUBLIC HEARING(S) 7. SPECIAL REPORTS AND PRESENTATIONS A. REPORTS - Student Board Members Del Mar High School, Jessie Lopez Del Mar-one month to go until graduation. Go Dolphins MCK-opportunity to learn about bike safety. Will celebrate Children's Day in collaboration with the Spanish Dual Immersion Gabrielino High School, Joseph Aguilar Gab: Sports are coming to a close. Dodgeball tournament just finished. ASB passed out ice cream to encourage students to go to college. One more final dance before school ends. State testing just ended. AP testing started last week and will continue next week. Congrats to our new ASB president. Cool: Recent annual carnival this past weekend. Thank you to those who helped out as well as PTA, generous donors, and staff. 5th graders will go to Smith park for a pool party. Roos: Speech and debate team participated in the tournament. Many students were awarded. A Championship tournament was held and they will go on to the state tournament. Thank you to the music immersion teachers. Wash: PBIS walkthrough and recognition. Thank you to Cabinet and PTA for their support. Spring book fair coming up. ELAC meeting last week was a success - thank you to the district translators. B. REPORT - Governing Board President, Cheryl Shellhart Celebrated Denim day at GAB with the purpose to educate others about sexual violence. So I reached out to everyone here and we are wearing denim in one form or another. So thank you for that. I want to open up about an experience I had. At 15 years old, I was assaulted by a physician while I was under anesthesia. It was not my fault. I want students to know that there is someone who has lived through it and survived it. It is a process and the more we can talk about it, the easier it is. I welcome anyone to contact me if you need to talk. The PTSA meeting and the wellness centers were a big topic. Only 2 representatives were there to raise their hands that they had a wellness center and we were one of them. Great job to the team for our wellness center. The Cinco De Mayo pictures looked like it was a great event and everyone had fun. I am looking forward to going to ArtFest on May 22. Also, I hope the teachers felt loved during teacher appreciation week. We appreciate everything you do, not just during this week, but every day. Congratulations to our speech and debate in their recent tournaments. We are so proud of you all. Happy belated Mother’s Day. C. REPORT - Superintendent, Jim Symonds I would just like to acknowledge Cheryl and what she shared tonight. I was thinking when you were sharing, thank goodness we live in a day and age where we can openly share this now. Thank you for sharing. The Cinco de Mayo festival at Roosevelt was beautiful! Thank you all for attending. The weather was perfect. Just seeing the families having a great time, the taco truck, the mariachi…it was spectacular. So many good things are happening in the District. I got to attend a play put out by Gab’s drama department - it was fantastic! More celebrations - we found out that 2 of our Gab students were recognized for their publication in the Educational Leadership magazine. Congratulations to those 2 students. What a way to celebrate our Portrait of a Graduate. LACOE has selected our district for a 3-year equity audit. We will be aligning MTSS with equity. This will help us guide our path so that all students can fulfill the Portrait of a Graduate. In addition to the equity work, LACOE has selected us to develop a model of a UTK program. Our district will present our UTK plan to 80 other districts. Our EdServices team will also be presenting. I had a chance to meet with Larry Ferchaw, Kathy Leon, and others to help develop the program for testing, contact tracing, etc. D. REPORT - Superintendent Student Advisory Council L. Hughes: I really liked our meetings. Mr. Guyer put up our portrait of graduate posters everywhere and in classrooms and now that they know what the portrait of a graduate is. E. RECOGNITION - Roosevelt Elementary School Cheryl Wilson: Good evening Governing Board and everyone. I’m the principal at Roosevelt Elementary. It takes a village to raise a child…but it also takes dedicated teachers who have resilience and teamwork to make sure that each and every student is a collaborative and empathetic person. We have come back to in-person learning and faced back the challenges that students have brought back emotionally and academically. Teachers have stepped up to this challenge. Each and every faculty member pitched it to make sure Roosevelt has not missed a beat and I am so proud. Everyone at Roosevelt is a rock star. We have Michelle Low and Sara Pointdexter here tonight. I’d like to thank the Board and Cabinet for approving our therapy dog. She is such a lovable dog - Jeannie. She is a wonderful add-on to our school on the days Jeannie is at school. There is a certain calmness. She has helped lower the anxiety for our students. She is mainly working in Ms. Pointdexter’s classroom as the reading buddy. Pointdexter: It’s been great to see the motivation of the kids. I loved watching her bond with my struggling students. I’ve seen the power of pets - my family has owned a pet store. I see the need at our campus – we don’t have enough counselors. I bring her for 10 minutes for the whole campus to visit and there is already a long line of students. They love her. Cheryl Wilson: Jeannie is a wonderful addition and I hope the Board approves this for other schools too. F. PRESENTATION - Equity for All in San Gabriel Unified -Heather Wolpert Equity & MTSS: Whole child - academic, behavioral, and social-emotional We are focusing on inclusion. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) ● Preparing students to thrive in a diverse world ● Ensuring students are safe, respected, have positive interpersonal connections, and get the support they need ● Helping students to learn and grow from mistakes and harmful choices Working to Build Deeper Awareness and More Effective Implementation for ALL Students ● Students with Special Needs ● Religion ● Trauma ● Foster Youth ● Race ● Homeless ● Poverty ● Newcomers ● At-Risk LTELs ● Long Term English Language Learners ● LBGTQIA+ ● Gifted ● Twice-Exceptional Equity is About Creating a System That Supports ALL Students ● District/School Leadership ● Human Resources: Policies and Practices ● Professional Development and Parent Education ● Student Services/Climate of Care ● Curriculum and Instruction Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Equity ● Thinking about the learners BEFORE the content ● Variability if the rule, not the exception ● Universal Design for Learning is proactive differentiation ● Firm Goals: Flexible Means ● Addressing Student Barriers to learning ● Student Choice, Voice, and Agency VAPA and Equity: “You don’t need to necessarily be able to communicate with voice or mouth to create a piece of work that’s very much you. If you have got special needs, it doesn’t matter...If you cannot speak English, it doesn’t matter...If you can’t read or write, it doesn’t matter. So this is why [the arts] are inclusive. You don’t need to be certain color, certain age, or speak a certain language to be included in the arts.” - Andria Zafirakou, Harvard Edcast Podcast recording CTE and Equity: BEFORE: ● Often served as the track for youth deemed “unable to learn” or “not college material” ● Used to systematically relegate students—many of whom were low-income, Black or African American, Latinx, or American Indian—into low-wage jobs that offered limited opportunities for growth NOW: ● Fields in science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM) ● Opportunity to graduate high school and enter postsecondary education or the labor market with highly valued skills and certifications in numerous fields ● Increased high school graduation and postsecondary enrollment rates ● Increased labor market earnings ● Better overall student outcomes Already Happening: ■ Training in Universal Design for Learning (UDL) ■ Offering Parents as Partners series in raising empathetic children ■ Adopting curriculum aligned with Portrait of a Graduate ■ Participating in the book club: Equity by Design ■ Developing a more equitable GATE program ■ Revising the Student Success Team (SST) to identify students with needs ■ Adopting CHYA (CA Healthy Youth Act) with updated information on LBQTQIA+ ■ Participating in the LACOE Culturally Proficient Certification program ■ Attending the MTSS Conference ■ Attending Excellence Through Equity Conference ■ Training in GLAD for site Interventionists ■ Working with Justice 4 Youth (School climate, student mentorship, parents and staff workshops) Looking Ahead: ■ Participation in the LACOE Equity Audit cohort to collaboratively create an SGUSD Equity Plan for deeper implementation ■ Ethnic Studies committee and 3-Day ES Institute with LACOE ■ Building Culture and Climate trainings ■ Safe Zone Trainings for Staff ■ Creation of Student and Staff Listening Groups focused on awareness of student stories Tcheng: 2 thoughts that come to mind. For Portrait of a Graduate, it creates an environment of empathy and allows kids to make mistakes and learn from them. When we look at our board policies and see our “zero tolerance” policy. Does this not help with helping kids learn from their mistakes. Since running a water company, I would love to be a community contact. Shellhart: We’ve gotten a couple trades in my family as well. G. PRESENTATION - 2021-2022 PRISM Update The Public Relations, Information, and Social Media (PRISM) Internship functions as a student-run news/media organization within San Gabriel Unified to promote our district and engage with our community. PRISM Team: meets every Tuesday -Mrs. Cruz, Current Coordinator -Mrs. Theisen, Previous Coordinator -6 active interns 4 Pillars of PRISM ● Promote SGUSD ● Engage with our community ● Develop student leaders & career skills ● Amplify student voice Need publicity? Request on the SGUSD website Cruz: I am so blessed to work with these interns. We also control the District’s Instagram page and all social media. We are here for you. Scott: Fresh and modern. Kudos to all of you. We are grateful to you. The hours and creativity you put on things. You are more comfortable on social media than most of us. We really lean on you for these things. This is a win win for all of us. This has been a great relationship. This is what the best educational opportunities should look like. H. PRESENTATION - Update on the Wilson Construction Project Ferchaw: We also have Principal Ivonne Contreras from Wilson as well as Alex Herreria here tonight. Tonight is an overview of the project. We also have portables for interim housing - as we remodel one building/wing, those teachers will be moved to interim housing. This project will take more than this summer to finish. We’ve put in an application to the state for an expanded TK building plan, which will also include a TK play area. We will hopefully hear more from them soon. Classrooms will feel more airy - different rooms will get new flooring, windows, storage, furnishings, more mobile furnishings, etc. The office will have new safety features, such as a doorway/gate entryway to increase safety, and it will look more welcoming. The teacher workroom/lounge will have a new sitting area, kitchen area, and storage for materials/supplies. Will have to wait to see if we can afford the enhancements for the OT room. Tomorrow, plans will be reviewed and submitted. It will take 4-6 months to look over and approve. We expect to install portables during the summer. Construction could start in November, but we’ll have to be flexible and it will be about a year of construction. Scott: I hope inflation doesn’t hinder our plans. Everyone knows that Wilson is the last to get modernized and it has been so long. They have served our community for so long. Current Estimate (not including future TK program): Modernization: 6.6 million Interim Housing: 160k I. PRESENTATION - Report of Final Bond Sale Overview (District sold on April 7, 2022 before interest rates rose further): $5,525,000 Election of 2008 General Obligation Bonds, Series D $12,945,000 2022 General Obligation Refunding Bonds Series A $18,520,000 2022 General Obligation Refunding Bonds Series B The District received a bond credit rating of aa3. Locked in $4,002,444 of savings for taxpayers spread out over 19 years. Election of 2008 General Obligation Bonds, Series D Sources and Uses of Funds: Sources: Par Amount of Bonds Sold $5,525,000 Premium Received from Investors for the Benefit of Taxpayers $389,289 Total $5,914,289 Uses: Measure A Project Fund Deposit $5,461,395 Debt Service Fund Deposit for Credit to Taxpayers $377,330 Bond Insurance $11,959 Costs of Bond Sale $63,605 Total $5,914,289 2022 General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series A and Series B Sources: Par Amount of Refinancing Bonds (Series A&B) Sold $31,465,000 Premium Received from Investors for the Benefit of Taxpayers $683,795 Total $32,148,795 Uses: Old Bonds Prepayment Escrow Fund $31,736,931 Bond Insurance $69,738 Costs of Bond Sale $342,126 Total $32,148,795 Scott: You were able to pull this off, and it speaks so well for our district. 4 million for Wilson and we’re hoping it could be 5 million. We are saving the tax payers and I want to know how we can communicate that to our community. 8. ACTION ITEMS A. BUSINESS SERVICES 1. (ROLL CALL) Adopt Resolution No. 27/2021-22 Authorizing and Approving the Agreement Incorporating Piggyback Contract for Lease of Modular Buildings from Elite Modular Leasing & Sales, Inc. for Wilson Elementary School Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 20118 Administration recommends that the Governing Board adopt Resolution No. 27/2021-22 authorizing and approving the agreement incorporating piggyback contract for lease of modular buildings from Elite Modular Leasing & Sales, Inc. for Wilson Elementary School pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 20118. Approve the Agreement Incorporating Piggyback Contract for Modular Buildings with Elite Modular Leasing & Sales, Inc. in an amount not-to-exceed $133,492.00 for the lease, delivery, and set up of four (4) relocatable buildings for Wilson Elementary School. Roll Call Vote: Cheryl Shellhart-aye Rochelle Haas-aye Ken Tcheng-aye Gary Scott-aye Cristina Alvarado-aye Financial Impact: Total: $133,492.00 (Fund: GO Bond) Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor. 2. Authorization to Award Request for Proposal Number 1010 – General Obligation Bond and District Auditing Services Administration recommends that the Governing Board authorize the approval to award RFP 1010 to Nigro & Nigro, PC and authorize the designee to execute the necessary documents. As of the deadline of April 12, 2022, three (3) auditing services proposals were received. Upon review of all the received and qualified proposals and interviews with two of the respondents, Nigro & Nigro, PC was selected. Financial Impact: Total: $157,000 to cover the fiscal year 2021/2022 through 2023/2024 audits. (Fund: General Fund) Discussion: none (Tcheng: I will abstain from voting tonight) Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for approval. All in favor 3. Approve Master Service Agreement with Lodestone Security Administration recommends the Governing Board approve the Master Services Agreement between the San Gabriel Unified School District and Lodestone Security. Given the significant increase in cybersecurity threats, the District’s insurance underwriter has partnered with Lodestone Security to provide endpoint protection and monitoring services to the District at no cost for a one-year period. Financial Impact: Total: $0 (Other: Covered by JPA Cyber Insurance Carrier, Beazley) Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for approval. All in favor B. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 1. Approve Contract with Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE) to Provide Positive Behavioral Instruction and Support (PBIS) Instruction Administration recommends that the Governing Board Approve the Contract with Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE) to Provide Positive Behavioral Instruction and Support (PBIS) Instruction. The Los Angeles County Office of Education provides in-depth Provide Positive Behavioral Instruction and Support (PBIS) training to interested districts. The training involves a three tiered approach which generally takes three or more years to fully implement. Four San Gabriel schools – Roosevelt, Washington, Wilson and Jefferson – will continue their path of implementation of this program in the fourth year. PBIS is specifically named in the LCAP plan and will help schools create a safe and welcoming learning environment where students and families feel more connected to their schools. Financial Impact: Total $18,000 (Funding Source: COVID) Increase: n/a Decrease: $9,600 Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor. 2. Approve the Gabrielino High School Speech and Debate Team to Participate in the 2022 National Speech and Debate Association National Tournament in Louisville, Kentucky Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the Gabrielino High School Speech and Debate Team to Participate in the 2022 National Speech and Debate Association National Tournament in Louisville, Kentucky. The opportunity for the students to compete at the National Tournament is a tremendous learning experience for the students. It is an extremely appropriate reward for the students’ hard work and dedication to forensic activities this year. They will carry the flag for the rest of their teammates while in Kentucky and also that of Gabrielino High School, the San Gabriel Unified School District, and the Southern California Debate League. Financial Impact Total: $30,960.25 (Funding Source: ASB Trust Account and ESSER-VAPA Grant) Discussion: Alvarado: Wishing them the best! They always make us proud. Action Taken: Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor. 3. Approve Contract with Orange County Department of Education (OCDE) Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the contract with Orange County Department of Education (OCDE). Due to the pandemic and for the safety of all students, McKinley 4th grade teachers opted for an on- site field trip to provide students with a hands-on experience that correlated to their current unit of study. This will support standards History Social-Science 4.4.4 and History Social-Science 4.4.7. Financial Impact Total: $922.00 (Funding Source: Parents as Educational Partners (PEP) Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor. 4. Approve Disposal of Obsolete Title I Equipment Removal for 2021-2022 Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the disposal of Obsolete Title I Equipment Removal for 2021-2022. Financial Impact: N/A Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor. 5. Approve Consultant Agreement with Just Us 4 Youth Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the consultant agreement with Just Us 4 Youth. Upon the return from the pandemic, Jefferson Middle and Gabrielino High schools have an increased behavioral needs. Just Us 4 Youth provides Tier 1- 3 Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) behavioral support for students by providing evidenced-based,proactive practices, and mentorship to students. By helping to create a climate of care, Just Us 4 Youth will provide strategic support that positively impact student trajectories and to bridge the challenging jump from middle school to high school. Financial Impact Total: $47,568 (Funding Source: LCAP S/C Goal 1) Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor. C. GOVERNING BOARD OF EDUCATION D. HUMAN RESOURCES 1. Approve New Job Description, IT Help Desk Support Specialist and Establish Two Positions The District plans to restructure the IT department in order to provide more efficiency and better technical support. The proposal is to add a two new full-time, 12-month positions, titled IT Help Desk Support Specialist. Our Help Desk Support Specialists will be located at the District Education Center and will provide technical support to all school sites on a rotating schedule dependent on demand. In the first phase of the restructure, these positions will replace the two vacant Secondary Site Support Technician positions. The department will eventually phase out our remaining Elementary Site Support Technician positions through attrition, or by promoting our qualified existing Elementary Site Support Technicians to this position. This restructure will lower costs by reducing the total number of IT employees. It will also allow us to attract and retain quality personnel in our IT department. Financial Impact: Salary increase of $420 per month for IT Help Desk Support Specialist Positions replacing Secondary Site Tech Positions. Overall decrease in cost by reducing total FTE in the IT department. Discussion: Scott: World keeps moving. We need these guys. Action Taken: Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor. 2. Approve Certificated Layoff Agreement between the San Gabriel Unified School District and Affected Certificated Employees The attached agreement was reached between the District and the certificated employees affected by the layoff resolution adopted on March 8, 2022. This agreement is in lieu of proceeding with an Administrative Reduction in Force Hearing. Financial Impact: Savings of $10,000 (The approximate cost of an administrative hearing) Discussion:none Action Taken: Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor. 3. Approve Retainer Agreement Between the San Gabriel Unified School District and Chun Fruto Law Corporation Administration recommends to approve the retainer agreement between the San Gabriel Unified School District and Chun Fruto Law Corporation. By entering into this agreement with The Chun Fruto Law Corporation they will provide specialized legal support to the District on obtaining the H-1B visa for a newly hired employee. Financial Impact: Total: Approximately $5,210.00 Other: Additional Fees may include: Attorney- $400 per hour; Paraprofessional; Assistance- $150 per hour; Other Personnel - $100 per hour Discussion:none Action Taken: Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor. E. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 1. Approve California School Boards Association (CSBA) Policy Revision Recommendations Administration recommends the Governing Board approve the California School Boards Association (CSBA) policy revision recommendations. The Governing Board is asked to approve amended policies as per California School Boards Association (CSBA) suggested revisions based on new mandates, laws, or regulations. Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor. 2. Governing Board Review of California School Boards Association (CSBA) Policy Revision Recommendations Administration recommends the Governing Board review the first reading of California School Boards Association (CSBA) policy revision recommendations. The Governing Board is asked to review amended policies as per California School Boards Association (CSBA) suggested revisions based on new mandates, laws, or regulations. 9. BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS/REPORTS/COMMUNICATIONS Scott: The best part has been visiting campuses. Really enjoyed the MCK walk to school day. The CTE planning meeting really focused our district's acknowledgment of arts and media, trades, etc. The areas that we see us growing into and career paths that are stronger for our students. I attended 4 high schools in one day and got to see some different programs and educational opportunities. I was able to do site visits at GAB, Del Mar, and Wilson. I was able to see the Cinco De Mayo celebration at Roosevelt. The show was killer and it was just great. To see Cheryl there, was such a joy. Thank you to our president for sharing, it was powerful and thoughtful. Thanks to our equity presentation. Alvarado: I’d like to thank Cheryl for your honesty and opening up tonight. I’m in social work pretty much all of my adult life so I commend you for sharing. There’s so much enthusiasm and fire - it’s contagious. I congratulate the school district. Thank you Samantha for Friday - it was wonderful to be at the Roosevelt campus and see the families so happy. That’s what it’s all about. Tcheng: Thank you Cheryl for sharing your personal story. Thank you to all the presenters. Very positive and energizing. California has been in a drought for many years. Our situation is very severe. We need to cut our water usage by 30%. Haas: I will vow to stop washing my car (which I don’t do anyway). Thank you Cheryl for sharing tonight - it takes great courage. It is important to keep the conversation going. On a much lighter note, Del Mar - thank you for the tour back in April. It was wonderful to see - I got to sit in on a CPR lesson. Hopefully, the students will never get to use it, but if they do, they are prepared. I also got to visit JMS - thanks, Mr. Guyer. I also got to hop in on the book fair. It was nice to be at MCK for the Earth Day walk. Cinco de Mayo was fabulous. It was definitely a party at Roosevelt. I wish Gabrielino luck. VAPA is such a bridge in terms of equity. From my own kids, we definitely benefited from the arts. The arts really brought them in and helped with their social-emotional needs. Education is fundamental to democracy - we need that. I commend our district for the education we give our kids. 10. CONSENT AGENDA Consent Agenda Moved and Approved in Total BUSINESS SERVICES 1. Approve the Amended Quote for the AED Concierge Service Program Provided by AED Authority Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the amended quote for the AED Concierge Service Program provided by AED Authority. The service provided by the AED Concierge Service will help the District stay in compliance. Financial Impact: Total: $2535.00 for the service program (Other: $475.00 additional fees for supply replenishment) 2. Approve the Renewed Contract Between the San Gabriel Unified School District and Citadel CPM, Inc. Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the renewed contract between the San Gabriel Unified School District and Citadel CPM, Inc. To renew the construction project management contract with Citadel CPM, Inc. to obtain the designated services of Ms. Marla Nadolney for the period of July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023. Financial Impact: Total: $149.35 /hourly rate Increase: $4.35/ per hour (Funding Source: G.O. Bond Fund; Other: Not to exceed $155,324) 3. Approve Warrants Issued for Payments, Goods, And Services Received For April 2022 - Report No. 11 Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve warrants issued for payments, goods, and services received for April 2022 - Report No. 11. 4. Approve Purchase Orders Issued in Excess of $5,000 Report No. 16 (21-22) Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve purchase orders issued in excess of $5,000 Report No. 16 (21-22) 5. Approve Conference Report No. 16 (21-22) Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the following District employees be authorized to attend the conference events listed. The representative of the District indicated will attend with no loss of salaries for District personnel, and with actual and necessary expenses paid for all attending as authorized by Education Code Sections 35172, 35173 and 44032, and the District's Board policies. Authorization for an advance of funds to cover actual and necessary expenses is hereby granted. Such Advances shall be repaid or adjusted upon filing of a regular claim for the actual and necessary expenses incurred. B. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES C. HUMAN RESOURCES 1. Approve Certificated Personnel Status Report No. 16 Administration recommends to approve the Certificated Personnel Status Report No. 16 2. Approve Classified Personnel Status Report No.16 Administration recommends to approve the Classified Personnel Status Report No. 16 D. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 11. NEXT MEETING REMINDER(S) Tuesday, May 24, 2022 Tuesday, June 14, 2022 Tuesday, June 28, 2022 12. ADJOURNMENT at 8:44pm Click here for Link to Full Agenda and Complete Attachments Join us at the next Board Meeting May 10 June 14 & 28 6:00 Open Session, Closed Session, 7:00 Open Session Reconvenes
Attention All SGTA Members:
Your SGTA Rep Council has approved sending teachers and counselors to the UCLA Summer Institute! Attend and earn University Credit! Event Description: The premier training of its kind, CTA’s Summer Institute takes place on the campus of UCLA. Offering sessions in a variety of areas that assist chapter leaders in the day-to-day representation of their members, this five-day event will feature hands-on activities to hone the skills needed to meet the challenges of the coming year. Additional conference topics will be; Aspiring leaders, social justice, negotiations and bargaining, union membership, to name a few. Please take a moment to click on the link below, read about this wonderful opportunity! UCLA Summer Institute - July 24 - 28 If you are interested in attending, please do the following:
San Gabriel Teachers Conference Reimbursement Form Hi GHS SGTA,
Did you see the comprehensive needs assessment in Dave's WEB bulletin today? Friendly reminder to fill it out. Best, Site Reps Hi GHS SGTA, Here are the meeting notes from yesterday's meeting. Look forward to a meeting next month. Best, Site Reps Daphne, Kat, & Terri Hi GHS SGTA,
During yesterday's meeting, there was a request for data to be collected on discipline and holding students accountable to our school expectations and norms. Please fill out the form with first-hand incidents from this school year. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NRu-6ckAsmwLPCTJs9hRngAF_WbZAD4GdCVLKztPlsE/edit?usp=sharing Please include the nature of the incident, location, date (or school quarter), and what you think happened. It is useful to know what you did to hold the student accountable and what you perceived happened after you turned over disciplinary actions to admin. The information shared will be used to inform discussions with Admin. Thanks for your help with this important school climate concern. Best, Site Re Hello SGTA Members,
SGTA is looking for NEW Site Reps! This is only a 1-year commitment! If you haven't stepped up to help your union, it's now YOUR TURN! Tag you are it! Here are the open seats available: Wilson: 2 Site Representative Opening McKinley: 4 Site Representative Opening Washington: 2 Site Representative Openings Roosevelt: 2 Site Representative Openings Coolidge: 2 Site Representative Openings Jefferson Middle School: 5 Site Representative Openings Gabrielino: 7 Site Representative Openings Del Mar: 1 Site Representative Opening DEC: 1 Site Representative Opening Please step up and volunteer! For a complete list of Site Rep. responsibilities and stipend, read the candidacy form below! Thank you! SGTA Elections Committee & SGTA Executive Board Click Here for the Declaration of Candidacy Form due to Edith Gonzalez at sgta[email protected] by Monday, May 9th, 11:59 p.m. (make a copy of the form to edit) Hi GHS SGTA,
The DEC seems to be having some difficulty taking out the correct amount for union dues for some members. Please check the pay stubs that were put in your boxes. For full-time staff, your union dues should be $113.50 See the image below to help identify where on your pay stub the CTA line is listed. If there is an error, please email Carolina Martinez and CC Terri Hopper. Best, Site Reps Attention Members:
Listed below is the official report for the Executive Board election. We will have no President as we begin school in the fall. This is very unfortunate. At this time we will not be holding another Executive Board election and the V.P will not be required to take on the Presidential Duties. It is unknown what will happen next. Thank you to the 3 teachers who volunteered. Please congratulate them! President - NO PRESIDENT Vice President - LIsa Durandette Secretary - Adrienne Reible Treasurer - Matt Neuenburg Click Here for the Official Tellar's Report |
October 2022
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