SGTA Attached please find a power point that Chanda created that outlines our proposed new CBA. All school sites will vote on this Monday or Tuesday, and our votes will be presented to the board on Tuesday Feb. 9. We will be voting on three things: CBA, calendar for 2016/17 and calendar for 2017/18. Take your time to peruse this information. Jot down any questions you may have. We know that counselors will be out of the office on Friday, so this will give you a chance to look at the proposal. On Friday at noon, Chanda will review this presentation and answer questions. You will then have the weekend to think about it and vote on Monday during lunch in B108. I would like to personally congratulate and thank our negotiations team (Chanda was a big part of it). I know how hard they fought for us. I will forward the other calendar to you all tomorrow. -- Terri
If you are interested in attending any of these conferences, please fill out the attached conference request form. I have heard from two people already (but still fill out the form and give to me). GLBT Issues Conference, December 9-11 Palm Springs, CA Region III Future Leadership Conference, January 6 – 8, Los Angeles, CA (This conference information is NOT listed on the CTA website, so refer to recent email you received from your Rep with conference details.) Issues Conference, January 20 – 22, Las Vegas, Nevada Equity and Human Rights, March 3– 5, San Jose, CA Good Teaching Conference – South, March 17 – 19, Garden Grove, CA Joint Ethnic Caucus Issues Conference, May 5 – 7, Manhattan Beach, CA -- Terri
Dena met with H.R and Benefits today regarding the one on one meetings with the benefits counselors.
October 2022
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