August 24, 2021 (notes are abridged version) 1. OPENING PROCEDURE A. CALL TO ORDER at 6:02 p.m. B. ESTABLISHMENT OF QUORUM 4 Members Present, Quorum Established, Cristina Alvarado Absent 2. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE GOVERNING BOARD Dana Smith, Coolidge Parent: Disappointed in outdoor learning spaces and guidelines. ⅘ not eligible for vaccines yet. Son in 4th grade class, 35 students, tables, no individual desks. Disappointed to return to those classrooms. We are aware of medical grade filters. We know there is Virtual Learning. The district should have planned this summer for additional spaces. We were told ⅔ grade students would be eating inside. District has received extra $$$$ for these issues. We can do better. There should be zero barriers. Need action to be taken. Angela Acosta Angiuli, Coolidge Parent: Made the decision to send our child back to school in-person. Play structure use will need to be addressed. We chose In-person learning for play time. Glad school is being updated. Castle structure on the playground was packed. We ask that playtime schedule is staggered, additions play time be allowed, play area zoning be enforced, more cleaning of equipment. Mr. Angiuli, Coolidge Parent: Questions Regarding Covid cases with child who tests positive. Rochelle Haas stated that his question may be addressed during Open Session. Luis Origel: School district has invited Covid into our rooms by not establishing Covid testing. Failure to meet this criteria is another reason to establish a baseline testing. This is a request to have baseline testing, increase student to teacher ratios, rainy day schedule plan, RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION A. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE DISCIPLINE/DISMISSAL/RELEASE/COMPLAINTS (Pursuant to Government Code §54957, subd. (b)(1)) 4. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION approx. 7:00 p.m. A. ANNOUNCEMENT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE by Gary Scott C. APPROVAL OF AGENDA No discussion. Unanimously approve D. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE GOVERNING BOARD Liliane Idylle: Parent 4th grade at Coolidge; Friday evening parent teacher meeting we found out that students would be sitting with no distancing. Lots more issues than seating arrangements, students are eating inside and classrooms with 32 students. A group of parents emailed the principal. We began an online petition asking for improved physical distancing and class reduction; 20 students, individual desks, and weekly covid tests. Believes her school was not as prepared as others. Asking for stricter rules. Please enforce the measures and want to see changes now. Please let the parents help you. Allison Grinsdal: The LA County recommends that class sizes be kept smaller and 3 feet social distancing. Believes that the district is not following recommendations. School has tables and not individual desks for all classrooms. Believes that the district chose combo classes to maximize class size. There are plenty of outdoor spaces but kids are still sitting inside with insufficient seating. Would like us to follow San Marino guidelines. Tom Pistohl : Our district should be going above and beyond and student safety should be top priority. We should have baseline testing, more outside lunch tables and social distancing. Only one table outside, but instead they are eating inside next to other kids. Some are sitting on the ground or in the hot sun. What else is the district planning to add, this is only a starting point. Dena Dragoo: Good evening Board, teachers, and parents. I am a Kinder teacher at Wilson and the Union President. Thank you for two successful work days before we had students on campus. We also had a great day for New Teacher Orientation. We welcomed 25 new teachers this year (ELD, ELA , Math, Nurse and Counselor). We started with social and emotional wellness the first week of school. We had our first Union meeting today. Admin Ross Perry and Nurse Kathy Leon attended the first rep council meeting. They went over protocol for the Covid Exposure Management Plan. We want this to be clear for teachers and parents. We started off safely and thank you to Wilson principal for a great start. I would also like to address that we have four combo classes in the district and it is a concern. Board members if we cannot lower class sizes we hope to add aids in those combo classes. Thank you parents for speaking up and thank you board members for listening. 5. APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES A. Approve the Governing Meeting Minutes of August 10, 2021 Discussion: None No additions or corrections. Action Taken: Unanimously Approved All in favor: Aye 6. PUBLIC HEARING(S) 7. SPECIAL REPORTS AND PRESENTATIONS A. REPORT - Governing Board President Rochelle Haas: Welcome everyone back. It was great to see students on campus again and delighted to do the morning drop off for my children. It says alot when you actually miss the morning traffic for drop off. I feel confident this will be a good year and I know there are alot of concerns. I appreciate people who are sharing those concerns and speaking up. The staff at SG are aware of the needs of the students. I was able to visit all 8 sites and at many sites it looked like a party. At Gab, I was able to watch the morning entry procedures and it was smooth, Great job GAB. At Jefferson, teachers were helping students get to their classes. Morning assembly at Roos was super cute and the principal used a bear to show social distancing. Peeked at STEM activities for the year at Del Mar. At MCK, WASH, and COOL I saw recess and lunch. At WIL I saw the end of the day dismissal. Always a joy to see people on campus. I observed 3 things: 1. staff and site admin were looking for ways to be more efficient. 2. High level of mask compliance, even outside students wearing them. 3. Students were really happy to be back on campus and excited to be in a classroom again and hanging outside with their friends. At GAB, students were heading to class with joy. Starting the school year, I’d like to share that last week I was in Europe with my daughter. It was a tearful goodbye but we’ve learned as parents to let our kids go and explore the world, the time goes by very quickly and all too soon they will grow up. Life is an adventure, meant to be shared. B. REPORT - Superintendent Jim Symonds: Welcome everyone to the 2021 -2022 school year. Traffic was back in the city. Happy to be back and visit all the schools. Our Virtual Independent Schools took off and a big shout out to the teachers, principals who made a great return to school happened. I attended an outdoor assembly at Wilson Elementary. Great Welcome Back Speech at our back to school. The Guest Speaker spoke on diversity and equity and we will continue to put into place our multiple tiered systems of support. I would like to thank our parents for bringing the attention to our board. Today we visited Coolidge campus to look at playground concerns and staffing configurations. We will continue to remain flexible and stick together as a team to help address any academic setbacks. We hope for a good year this year. C. PUBLIC NOTICE - D. PUBLIC NOTICE - Pursuant to Government Code Section 3547, San Gabriel Unified School District's Initial Re-opener Proposal to the San Gabriel Teachers Association for the 2021-2022 School Year Public Notice of the San Gabriel Unified School District's Initial Re-opener Proposal to the San Gabriel Teachers Association for the 2021-2022 school year pursuant to Government Code section 3547. A public hearing regarding the proposal will be scheduled by the Board of Education for the next Board meeting. 8. ACTION ITEMS A. BUSINESS SERVICES 1. (Roll Call) Adopt Resolution No. 03/21-22 Authorizing Annual Delegation of Administrative Authority to Process Routine Budget Revisions, Adjustments and Transfers Administration recommends that the Governing Board adopt Resolution No. 03/21-22 Authorizing Annual Delegation of Administrative Authority to Process Routine Budget Revisions, Adjustments and Transfers and authorize the designee to execute the necessary documents. The Resolution No. 03/2021-22 authorizes the Annual Delegation of Administrative Authority to the administrative personnel to process the routine budget adjustments first and submit for ratification later as needed. Financial Impact: Discussion: none or sometimes there is a discussion Action Taken: 5-0 Roll Call Vote: Rochelle Haas Aye Cheryl Shellhart Aye Ken Tcheng Aye Gary Scott Aye Cristina Alvarado Aye 2. Approve Additional Architect Services with DLR Group Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve additional architect services with DRL Group and authorize the designee to execute the necessary documents. Additional services rendered for the Wilson Elementary School Modernization project. 3. Approve Contract Agreement Between Fulgent Therapeutics, LLC and the San Gabriel Unified School District Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the contract agreement between Fulgent Therapeutics, LLC and the San Gabriel Unified School District and authorize the designee to execute the necessary documents. Fulgent Therapeutics will provide COVID-19 Testing to the San Gabriel Unified School District. Financial Impact: Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for Approval. All in favor. B. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 1. Approve Consolidated Application, Spring Data Collection 2021-2022 Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the Consolidated Application, Spring Data Collection 2021-2022. The Consolidated Application is used by the California Department of Education to distribute funds from various Federal programs to county offices, school districts, and charter schools throughout California. Every local educational agency (LEA) certifies the Spring Release data collections to document participation in Federal programs under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and provides assurances that the LEA will comply with the legal requirements of each program. The Spring Release of the application documents participation in various federal categorical programs and includes assurances that the LEA will comply with the legal requirements of each program. Financial Impact: Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for Approval. All in favor. 2. Approve the Increase to the Consultant Agreement with Dr. Kezia Gopaul-Knights Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the increase to the Consultant Agreement with Dr. Kezia Gopaul Knights. On May 11, 2021, the Governing Board approved the agreement with Dr. Kezia Gopaul-Knights for $2,800.00. The amount listed on the board agenda’s financial impact is insufficient to pay for appropriate services to be rendered. It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the increase from $2,800 to $4,400 and authorize the Superintendent or designee to execute the necessary documents. Financial Impact: Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for Approval. All in favor. 3. Approve the Renewal License Agreement with Document Tracking Services Administration recommends the approval of the Renewal license agreement with Document Tracking Services. Document Tracking Services (DTS) is a web-based application that allows school districts to streamline how they complete and update a wide array of school and district-level reports. 4. Approve the Consultant Agreement Renewal with Amy Gerling Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the consultant agreement renewal with Amy Gerling. The San Gabriel Unified School District (SGUSD) is the Lead Educational Agency (LEA) for the San Gabriel Valley Consortium (SGVC). SGVC provides Induction to six districts and a private school: Clairbourn School, Monrovia Unified School District, Rosemead School District, San Gabriel Unified School District, San Marino Unified School District, South Pasadena Unified School District, and Temple City Unified School District. Financial Impact: Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for Approval. All in favor. 5. Approve the Consultant Agreement Renewal with Emily Williams Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the consultant agreement renewal with Emily Williams. The San Gabriel Unified School District (SGUSD) is the Lead Educational Agency (LEA) for the San Gabriel Valley Consortium (SGVC). SGVC provides Induction to six districts and a private school: Clairbourn School, Monrovia Unified School District, Rosemead School District, San Gabriel Unified School District, San Marino Unified School District, South Pasadena Unified School District, and Temple City Unified School District. Financial Impact: Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for Approval. All in favor. 6. Approve the Consultant Agreement Renewal with Karen Reid Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the consultant agreement renewal with Karen Reid. The San Gabriel Unified School District (SGUSD) is the Lead Educational Agency (LEA) for the San Gabriel Valley Consortium (SGVC). SGVC provides Induction to six districts and a private school: Clairbourn School, Monrovia Unified School District, Rosemead School District, San Gabriel Unified School District, San Marino Unified School District, South Pasadena Unified School District, and Temple City Unified School District. Financial Impact: Discussion: none Action Taken:Moved and Seconded for Approval. All in favor 7. Approve the Consultant Agreement Renewal with Stacy King Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the consultant agreement renewal with Stacy King. The San Gabriel Unified School District (SGUSD) is the Lead Educational Agency (LEA) for the San Gabriel Valley Consortium (SGVC). SGVC provides Induction to six districts and a private school: Clairbourn School, Monrovia Unified School District, Rosemead School District, San Gabriel Unified School District, San Marino Unified School District, South Pasadena Unified School District, and Temple City Unified School District. Financial Impact: Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for Approval. All in favor. 8. Approve the Consulting Agreement with Darlene Messinger Administration recommends the Governing Board approve the Consultant Agreement with Darlene Messinger. To provide ongoing coaching support to SGUSD educational leaders and build on established relationships in improving instructional leadership practices in the 2021-22 school year. 9. Approve the Consultant Agreement with Franklin Covey Client Sales, Inc. Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the Consultant Agreement with Franklin Covey Client Sales. The Leader in Me is based on paradigms, content, and practices that, when implemented with excellence, transforms how a school community approaches education and redefines what school greatness means for the 21st century. This agreement with Franklin Covey Client Sales would provide Aligning Academics training for Coolidge Elementary. Financial Impact: Discussion: none Action Taken:Moved and Seconded for Approval. All in favor. 10. Approve the Consultant Agreement with International Service Agency Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the Consultant Agreement with International Service Agency. The International Service Agency has provided the San Gabriel School District with over 30 years of oral and written translations in order to facilitate meaningful communication between the schools and the parents. Financial Impact: Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for Approval. All in favor. 11. Approve Consultant Agreement Between the San Gabriel Unified School District and Jean Hicks Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the consultant agreement between the San Gabriel Unified School District and Jean Hicks. Due to the resignation of the Director of Special Education and Special Education Program Administrator, there is a need for an interim Director to co-manage the Special Education Department. Financial Impact: Discussion: none Action Taken: 12. Approve the Contract with Los Angeles Arts Group Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the contract with Los Angeles Arts Group. As delineated in the Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA) Model Program vision, presented at the August 10, 2021, board meeting, and in line with the VAPA Strategic Plan, SGUSD will partner with the LA Arts Group to provide dance and theater instruction to our 4th and 5th grade students. Funding for this venture will come from the LA County Arts Ed Collective grant and fundraising. Financial Impact: Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for Approval. All in favor. C. GOVERNING BOARD OF EDUCATION D. HUMAN RESOURCES 1. Increase the Substitute Teacher Daily Rate of Pay Due to the pandemic we are experiencing difficulty in attracting and hiring qualified substitute teachers in the San Gabriel Unified School District. The substitute rate of pay of $130 per day is not competitive enough to retain quality substitutes. Financial Impact: Discussion: Scott: This is long overdue and I am glad we are doing it. Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for Approval. All in favor. E. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 9. BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS/REPORTS/COMMUNICATIONS Scott: Our kids need a sense of security and safety. All of us are committed to doing that. Thank you to everybody and to parents who raised concerns. Some of the issues in other school districts are chaotic and I'm thankful we are here. We care about the people that provide our children the love and support that we can’t provide. Virtual back to school was pretty cool. With less than 24hour notice, the district pivoted and it was smooth and seamless.. Kudos to parents and colleagues here we go! We will make it work. VP Shellhart: First, new teacher orientation was wonderful. Wonderful to be in person again. So many new teachers, 25. Great to see new faces and excitement to join the SGUSD family. Second, the welcome back breakfast was great. Speaker was intense and great. Lots of good stuff in the chat box. Glad it was virtual so I could attend, I was sick. Went on behalf of Haas. I plan on being on campus and addressing concerns. Will be communicating with principals when to visit. Thank you and see ya later. Ken Tcheng: Congratulations for the school district opening. Excited to help the district and the schools this year. Thank you for all your help making this school year a success. 10. CONSENT AGENDA Motion to Approve Consent Agenda in Total. Action Taken: Unanimously Approved A. BUSINESS SERVICES 1. Approve Purchase Orders Issued in Excess of $5,000 Report No. 3 (21-22) Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve purchase orders issued in excess of $5,000 Report No. 3 (21-22). B. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 1. Approve Essential Training Report No. 3 Administration recommends that the following District employees be authorized to attend the events attached. The representative of the District indicated will attend with no loss of salaries for District personnel, and with actual and necessary expenses paid for all attending as authorized by Education Code Sections 35172, 35173 and 44032, and the District's Board policies. Authorization for an advance of funds to cover actual and necessary expenses is hereby granted. Such Advances shall be repaid or adjusted upon filling of a regular claim for the actual and necessary expenses incurred. C. HUMAN RESOURCES 1. Approve Certificated Personnel Status Report No. 3 Administration recommends the approval of the Certificated Personnel Status Report No. 3. 2. Approve Classified Personnel Status Report No. 3 Administration recommends to approve the Classified Personnel Status Report No. 3 3. Approve Essential Training Travel Report No. 3 Administration recommends that the following District employees be authorized to attend the events attached. The representative of the District indicated will attend with no loss of salaries for District personnel, and with actual and necessary expenses paid for all attending as authorized by Education Code Sections 35172, 35173, and 44032, and the District's Board policies. Authorization for an advance of funds to cover actual and necessary expenses is hereby granted. Such advances shall be repaid or adjusted upon filing of a regular claim for the actual and necessary expenses incurred. D. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 1. Approve Essential Training Travel Report No. 3 Administration recommends approval of the essential training travel report No. 3. 11. NEXT MEETING REMINDER(S) Tuesday, September 14, 2021 Tuesday, September 28, 2021 Tuesday, October 12, 2021 Tuesday, October 26, 2021 Tuesday, November 9, 2021 Tuesday, December 7, 2021 12. ADJOURNMENT at 7:43pm Click here for Link to Full Agenda and Complete Attachments Thank you to our SGTA Teachers who stepped up to take our Board Bullets Notes! Team Work! Join us at the next Board Meeting!
6:00 Open Session, Closed Session, 7:00 Open Session Reconvenes
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