Board Meeting Highlights:
We ARE stronger together! Link to Full Agenda 5.a Unofficial Minutes 8.b Cooperative Strategies Contract 10.a Tentative Superintendent Search 14.a Approve Consent Services Payments 14.a.2 Approve Purchase Orders 14.a.3 Approve Essential Travel Report 14.b.1 Approve Obsolete Equipment 14.c.1 Approve Certificated Personnel Report 14.c.2 Approve Classified Personnel Report Regular Meeting San Gabriel USD December 10, 2019 6:00PM Board Room 408 Junipero Serra Drive San Gabriel, California 91776 6:00 p.m. Closed Session 7:00 p.m. Open Session 1. OPENING PROCEDURE 1.a. CALL TO ORDER at 6:00 pm 1.b. ESTABLISHMENT OF QUORUM Quorum established. All members present. 2. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE GOVERNING BOARD 2.a. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE GOVERNING BOARD regarding Items on the CLOSED SESSION agenda, as well as, not on the agenda, but within the jurisdiction of the San Gabriel Unified School District Governing Board. Quick Summary / Abstract:A member of the public may choose to speak to an agenda item during public comment or at the time the Governing Board considers that item. Requests to address the Board: None. 3. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION at 6:00 pm Quick Summary / Abstract:(NOTE: If the Governing Board does not complete Closed Session, it will RECONVENE the meeting to open session and RECESS the meeting to closed session after all open session business has been conducted.) 3.a. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS (Government Code §54957.6) Quick Summary / Abstract:Employee Organizations:
4. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION at 7:03 pm 4.a. ANNOUNCEMENT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION No action taken. 4.b. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by teacher Kathee Eckstrom, Washington Elementary. 4.c. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Recommended Motion:Administration recommends approval of the December 10, 2019 Governing Board meeting agenda. Quick Summary / Abstract:(This is an opportunity for the Governing Board to adopt the agenda as presented and/or rearrange agenda items to accommodate arrival of audience members.) Approved with exception: Tabled action 8A. 4.d. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE GOVERNING BOARD regarding Items on the agenda, as well as, not on the agenda, but within the jurisdiction of the San Gabriel Unified School District Governing Board. Quick Summary / Abstract: A member of the public may choose to speak to an agenda item during public comment or at the time the Governing Board considers that item. Requests to address: Kristen Luna from EcoHealth on STEM programs to offer to the district. 5. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING(S) 5.a. ACTION - Approve the Minutes of the November 19, 2019 Governing Board Meeting Recommended Motion:Administration recommends approval of the November 19, 2019 Governing Board meeting minutes. Quick Summary / Abstract:This is an opportunity for the Governing Board to adopt the meeting minutes as presented and/or make any corrections prior to adopting the item. Attachments:1119-2019 Unofficial Minutes Motion: Approved unanimously. 6. PUBLIC HEARING(S) None. 7. REPORT(S)/PRESENTATION(S) 7.a. REPORTS - Student Board Members (3 mins) Rationale:This agenda item provides an opportunity for both Student Board Members to provide a school report to the Governing Board on their respective schools, as well as, their adopted schools. Quick Summary / Abstract: Del Mar High School, Cecilia Venegas: Del Mar field trip to LA Trade Tech; awards ceremony; WASK visit; student of the month: Cecilia was honored by Mr. Sellars. JMS: Speech and Debate team did well at the 2nd tournament; Annual Winter COncert at the S.G. Playhouse McKinley: Annual Winter Program on December 13th. Toy Drive with the Fire Dept. Wilson: Jog-a-thon to raise money for PTA assemblies; Primary student holiday program Gabrielino High School, Jocelyn Tan: GHS Wellness Day 2 focus on physical activity; Wellness Council visited Wellness Center activities at La Canada HS; Library Challenges; Winter concerts this week (choir and instrumental); Marching Eagle Showcase; semester finals coming up Coolidge: Walking field trip for 1st grade; annual holiday sing Roosevelt: Jr. Forensic league tournament; 1st semester awards; Grade level concerts Washington: PBIS Store open for business; Winter Family Fun Night and Holiday Store; Principal Pie in the Face; Holiday Show; Walking Field Trip 7.b. REPORT - Board President (3 mins) Pres. Shellhart: Thank you to DMHS for hosting the Thanksgiving Feast. Tree lighting for the city on Dec. 3rd with horse drawn trolley; Golden Bell for the MIE Program at CSBA Conference. Congratulations to Cheryl Wilson and Samantha Theisen. Enjoyed Coolidge concert. Looking forward to CTA dinner tomorrow. 7.c. REPORT - Acting Superintendent (3 mins) Mr. Symonds: Congratulations to Roosevelt students who qualified at the Speech and Debate event. A real celebration for MIE at the CSBA Golden Bell event. Looking forward to the CTA event tomorrow. 7.d. PRESENTATION - Eye on Washington Elementary School Principal Sandra Dunville: Eye on Washington Presentation with 5th Grade Teacher Gabriel Cabrera Students performed Washington School Song accompanied by Clayton Fong who added a jazz version of the song. Mr. Cabrera presented a film produced by Washington students focusing on teachers and care for the whole child and socio-emotional needs of our students teaching compassion and empathy. 8. BUSINESS SERVICES 8.a. ACTION - Appoint One New Member to the Long-Range Facilities Master Plan Oversight Committee, for a Two-Year Term to Fill Vacancy Recommended Motion:The Administration recommends the appointment of Mr. Wei Wu to the Long-Range Facilities Master Plan Oversight Committee (Oversight Committee) for a two-year term. Rationale:Membership on the Oversight Committee should be representative of the District/Community as a whole. The membership is established to be a maximum of 15, and pursuant to Proposition 39, with a term of two years and for no more than three consecutive terms. According to the bylaws, community member has to attend at least one committee meeting as a member of public prior to the consideration for membership appointment by the Governing Board. Mr. Wu attended Oversight Committee meeting on November 21, 2019, and has fulfilled all the membership requirements. With the appointment of Wei Wu, the committee will now have nine members. Mr. Wu will fill the category as a member of the community at large. Quick Summary / Abstract:After fulfilling all the membership requirements, Mr. Wu is now eligible for appointment as a Long Range Facilities Master Plan Oversight Committee member. Motion: Action tabled for this item. 8.b. ACTION - Approve Agreement with Cooperative Strategies for Annual and Five-Year Report Services Recommended Motion:The Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the agreement with Cooperative Strategies for Annual and Five-Year Report Services and authorize Administration or designee to execute the necessary documents Rationale:The District would like to work with Cooperative Strategies to prepare the annual and every five year Monteith developer fee reports as required. For a full list of services to be provide, please refer to the Cooperative Strategies agreement attached to this item. Quick Summary / Abstract:The District would like to work with Cooperative Strategies to prepare the annual and every five year Monteith developer fee reports as required. Attachments:Cooperative Strategies Contract 12.10.19 Motion: approved unanimously. 9. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 10. HUMAN RESOURCES 10.a. ACTION - Approve Tentative Superintendent Search Schedule Recommended Motion:It is recommended that the Governing Board move to approve the tentative Superintendent search schedule as presented by the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources. Quick Summary / Abstract:This is an opportunity for the Governing Board to approve the tentative Superintendent search schedule as presented by the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources. Attachments:Tentative Superintendent Search Schedule Motion: approved unanimously. 10.b. ACTION - Approve Ad-hoc Committee of the Governing Board to Guide the Superintendent Search Recommended Motion:It is recommended to move approval of the appointment of two (2) Board members to an ad hoc committee to guide the Superintendent search process as provided in the Tentative Superintendent Search Schedule, and to provide direction to the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources regarding the Superintendent search between Board meetings. Quick Summary / Abstract:This is an opportunity for the Governing Board to approve the appointment of two (2) Board members to an ad hoc committee to guide the Superintendent search process as provided in the Tentative Superintendent Search Schedule, and to provide direction to the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources regarding the Superintendent search between Board meetings. Pres. Shellahart proposed herself and Dr. Scott as members of the Ad Hoc committee. Motion: Approved unanimously. 11. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 11.a. ACTION - Approve California School Boards Association (CSBA) Board Policy Revisions Recommended Motion:Administration recommends the Board approve California School Boards Association (CSBA) Board Policy revisions. Rationale:Approve amended policies as per California School Boards Association (CSBA) suggested revisions as per new mandates, laws, or regulations. Attachments:1. BP 0420.42 Revised 2. BP 3311 Revised 4. BP 3555 Revised 5. BP 4116 Revised 6. BP 4156.3, 4256.3, 4356.3 NEW 7. BP 5112.5 Revised 9. BP 5144.1 Revised 910. BP 6142.3 Revised 911. BP 6145.2 Revised 912. BP 6152.1 NEW 913. BP 6190 Revised 914. BB 9323 Revised Motion: approved unanimously. 12. GOVERNING BOARD 13. BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS, REPORTS, AND/OR COMMUNICATIONS Quick Summary / Abstract:NOTE: (This section provides an opportunity for the Governing Board to share information with other Board Members and members of the public.) Dr. Scott spoke on the Golden Bell award presented for Roosevelt's MIE program. SGUSD was also nomimated and awarded as a District of Distinction for At Risk schools. Invited to the future of Technology Conference for excellence in education for the MIE program. Dr. Scott presented the Golden Bell to the Roosevelt MIE staff. Mrs. Haas: An honor for the district to be honored for MIE. Attended JMS College Day. Looking forward to the Christmas program. Blessed to be a part of the district. Mr. Ammon: Shout out to Washington for innovation. Presented an old photo of Washington to Principal Dunville. Mr. Alvarado: Great presentation by Washington. The Golden Bell was a proud moment. Some of us were here from the start. An opportunity for the students to rise and improve test scores in the district. 14. CONSENT AGENDA Quick Summary / Abstract:NOTE: (The Governing Board may take one (1) vote for all Consent items including: Business Services, Educational Services, Human Resources, and Superintendent's Office. Items may be removed from the Consent agenda and voted on separately.) Consent Agenda approved in its entirety. 14.a. CONSENT - BUSINESS SERVICES 14.a.1. Approve Warrants Issued for Payments of Payroll, Goods and Services Received For Nov. 2019 - Report No. 6 Recommended Motion:It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the Warrants Issued for Payments of Payroll, Goods and Services Received For November 2019 – Report No. 6 and authorize the Superintendent or designee to execute the necessary documents. Attachments:BOE2019-NOV Report No. 6 14.a.2. Approve Purchase Orders Issued in Excess of $5,000 Report No. 8 Recommended Motion:The Administration recommends approval of the Purchase Orders issued in excess of $5,000 Report No. 8. Attachments:PO Report 8 (19-20) 14.a.3. Approve Essential Travel Report No. 8 Recommended Motion:The Administration recommends that the following District employees be authorized to attend the events attached. The representative of the District indicated will attend with no loss of salaries for District personnel, and with actual and necessary expenses paid for all attending as authorized by Education Code Sections 35172, 35173 and 44032, and the District's Board policies. Authorization for an advance of funds to cover actual and necessary expenses is hereby granted. Such Advances shall be repaid or adjusted upon filing of a regular claim for the actual and necessary expenses incurred. Attachments:Conference Attachment No. 8 Essential Training Travel 8 2019 14.b. CONSENT - EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 14.b.1. Approve Disposal of Obsolete Equipment for 2018-2019 Recommended Motion:Administration recommends that the Governing Board declare the obsolete equipment for 2018-2019 as surplus and of insufficient value to conduct a public sale and authorize it’s disposal. Rationale:Board Policy 3270, "Sale and Disposal of Personal Property," authorizes the sale or disposal of obsolete equipment. When district-owned equipment becomes unusable, obsolete, or no longer needed, the equipment together with its estimated value and a recommendation that they be sold or disposed of, by one of the methods prescribed in law, is presented to the board for approval. Attachments:Categorical Equipment Removal form 14.b.2. Approve Gabrielino High School Students to compete at the National Invitational Speech and Debate Tournament hosted by James Logan High School, Union City, California, January 17-20, 2020 Recommended Motion:Administration recommends the approval of the Gabrielino High School students to compete at the National Invitational Speech and Debate Tournament hosted by James Logan High School in Union City, California. Rationale:For the twenty second consecutive year, Gabrielino’s Speech and Debate Team has been invited to attend the National Invitational Speech and Debate Tournament hosted by James Logan High School to be held on January 17-20, 2020. The team is excited to be invited to this very prestigious meet. Students will be coming from many states throughout the country to participate in this tournament. If students are eliminated after guaranteed rounds, they have a great opportunity to observe some of the best speakers in the country. Quick Summary / Abstract:The team will travel by charter bus and will leave Gabrielino High School at 6:30 a.m. on Friday, January 17, 2020, and will return early Monday morning on January 21, 2020. Mr. Derek Yuill, Director of Speech and Debate, Charlie Betancourt, Jill Hanhong, Samira Husein, and Brandon Sanchez, Assistant Coaches, will accompany the students to the tournament. 14.b.3. Approve Essential Training Travel Report No. 8 Recommended Motion:Administration recommends that the following District employees be authorized to attend the events attached. The representative of the District indicated will attend with no loss of salaries for District personnel, and with actual and necessary expenses paid for all attending as authorized by Education Code Sections 35172, 35173 and 44032, and the District's Board policies. Authorization for an advance of funds to cover actual and necessary expenses is hereby granted. Such Advances shall be repaid or adjusted upon filling of a regular claim for the actual and necessary expenses incurred Attachments:1. Essential Training Report No.8 2. Attachments to Report No. 8 14.c. CONSENT - HUMAN RESOURCES 14.c.1. Approve Certificated Personnel Status Report No. 8 Recommended Motion:Administration recommends the approval of the Certificated Personnel Status Report No. 8. Attachments:Certificated PSR 14.c.2. Approve Classified Personnel Status Report No. 8 Recommended Motion:Administration recommends to approve the Classified Personnel Status Report No. 8 Attachments:Classified PSR No.8 14.d. CONSENT - SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 15. ADJOURNMENT at 7:45 pm. 15.a. NEXT MEETING REMINDERS
Join us at the next Board Meeting! December 17, 2019 6:00 Open Session, Closed Session, 7:00 Open Session Reconvenes Keep wearing those shirts!! Show we are unified!
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