Board Meeting Bullets
Note to Members: The Fiscal Stabilization Plan and Resolution were presented at this Board meeting. Highlights are presented below. Please see attachment for full resolution. ---------------------------------------------------------- Resolution adopted for the purpose of demonstrating the Board resolve to make budget reductions and/or adjustments, ongoing and one-time, for the fiscal year 2019-20 as evidenced by itemized Fiscal Stabilization Plan (Plan) pursuant to the Second Interim Reporting requirements brought upon by Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE) . The Plan is a living document subject to review, update, and edit as appropriate. WHEREAS, the 2019-20 budget reduction items and the corresponding savings in parenthesis are as follows: 1. Reduction of Contracted Services – brokering, consulting, and leadership development ($400,000); 2. Reduction of Central Clerical Support – 3 classified employees ($180,000); 3. Reduction of Special Project Administration and Centralized Support Services ($250,000); 4. Refunding Non-Core Programs in Schools - 4th and 5th grade release time and wellness program ($350,000); 5. Refunding Non-Essential Services in Student Support Programs – behavioral aides ($450,000); and 6. Reduction of Site and Program Allocation ($300,000); 7. Reduction of Instructional Staff due to declining enrollment – 6 certificated employees ( $480,000); 8. Realignment of Baseline Program/Services - increase of staffing ratio ($150,000); WHEREAS, the above reductions may be implemented through layoff, attrition, and budget and expenses transfers with support documents that are legal and appropriate; and WHEREAS, the 2020-21 budget reduction plan is still in the early stage of planning, nothing will be ruled out as long as District complies with federal and state laws and regulations; any collective bargaining agreement provisions will also be considered and followed prior to implementation; WHEREAS, the following one-time budget reduction items may be considered for implementation to provide temporary relief during financial duress: 1. Reschedule Textbook Adoption ($500,000); 2. Re-designation of JPA fund equity ($500,000); 3. Recapture of 18-19 Budget Allocation and Carry-over ($500,000); ATTACHMENTS Link to Full Agenda Fiscal Stabilization Plan Resolution Fiscal Stabilization Plan Presentation P.O. Report 10 NIC Proposal Essential Training Report 10 Classified Personnel Report 10 Certificated Personnel Report 10 SGTA BOARD MEETING BULLETS Board Meeting San Gabriel USD February 26, 2019 6:00 PM 1. OPENING PROCEDURE 1.a. CALL TO ORDER at 6:00 PM. 1.b. ESTABLISHMENT OF QUORUM. All members present. 2. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE GOVERNING BOARD 2.a. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE GOVERNING BOARD. Parent Request on Class Size Reduction: Dinh Quach (Full statement provided.) Dear San Gabriel Unified School District Board Members: As parents of the current second grade students at Washington School, we urge you to reduce the class sizes. Washington School is one of only two schools in San Gabriel with 27 or more students per classroom. For the past two years, this group of students were in much smaller classes of approximately 19-20 students each. We request that the classes return to three smaller classes. Studies have shown that students in smaller class sizes, especially in the early grades, score higher on tests, receive better grades, and have better attendance. Additionally, students behave better and pay more attention in smaller classes because the teacher is able to have more one-on-one time with all the students and ensures everyone participates. The teacher has more time to get to know the strengths, weaknesses, and needs of each student so that she can make changes to the curriculum to better help those that are struggling or to push those who are a bit more advanced in their learning. Therefore, we strongly urge you to reduce the class size at Washington so that each of our second graders will have an equal chance to excel in school. Thank you. (Note: There were two petitions. One was for the second grade families and it received 35 signatures. The second petition was for the first grade families and it received 15 signatures. Total 50 signatures.) Parent Request on Class Size Reduction:Vincent Moi Parent of 2nd grade student at Washington. Now at approx 30 students. I am a product of an overcrowded classroom and know what it can do to the classroom. Detriment to learning of others; students with specialized needs. Maintain quality of teachers. 3. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION (NOTE: If the Governing Board does not complete Closed Session, it will RECONVENE the meeting to open session and RECESS the meeting to closed session after all open session business has been conducted.) Recessed to Closed Session at 6:05 PM. 4. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION approx. 7:04 4.a. ANNOUNCEMENT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION. None. 4.b. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. Matt Arnold 4.c. APPROVAL OF AGENDA. Approved unanimously. 5. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING(S) 5.a. ACTION - Approve the Minutes of the January 15, 2019 Governing Board Meeting 6. PUBLIC HEARING(S) Dena Dragoo, SGTA President Thank you to the School Board for support of the PBIS roll out. Thank you for your SEF support as it comes right back to our classrooms. Appreciate your presence at upcoming March Open Houses at Del Mar and- Gabrielino High Schools. We met with Ross Perry and Dr. Pappalardo on Fiscal Stabilization Plan.I urge Board members to consider keeping our current programs such as MIE before taking on new programs. Consider keeping our teachers and aides. 7. REPORT(S)/PRESENTATION(S) 7.a. REPORTS - Student Board Members Del Mar High School, Armando Talamantes: Updates provided on Coolidge Leader in Me; Roosevelt celebration of Lunar New Year, Read Across America on March 1st; Washington to celebrate Dr. Seuss Day and 3rd PBIS assembly Gabrielino High School, Thomas Chung: Not present 7.b. REPORT - Board President : Attended TK-Kinder Open House. All 70 chairs taken. Asked to advertise better to people outside our community. Attended Washington Founders Day and San Gabriel Lunar New Year celebration. Offered condolences to Dr. Scott on loss of his father last week. 7.c. REPORT - Superintendent: Congratulations to Ken Tcheng for Golden Apple recipient; congratulations to SEF for successful fundraising event. San Gabriel SELPA partnered with El Dorado and Riverside proposal awarded 5 year $30 million grant (San Gabriel SELPA $10 million over next 5 years.) Our district will be the beneficiary of the SELPA's grant award. 7.d. REPORT - School Safety Plans for School Year 2018-2019 presented by Lon Sellars. See Full Agenda for PDFs plans for each school site. No questions from the Board. Public Comment by Anna Navarro, Secondary Instructional Coach (Position removed in the Fiscal Stabilization Plan. Full statement provided.) My name is Anna Navarro, and I am the Secondary Instructional Coach. I am here to speak about the Fiscal Stabilization Plan which eliminated my position. I am here to advocate for English Learner students. Teaching these students is my passion and I have faithfully advocated for SGUSD English Learners for the past 17 years. This year I spent a lot of time supporting GHS English teachers who are dealing with English Learner inclusion for the first time. Next year, EL inclusion moves forward to History/Social Studies and other courses. If teachers are not supported and helped with EL scaffolds and lesson prep, how can we expect that EL students will be successful? This year I led multiple grade level English meetings, developed EL supports for lessons, paragraph frames, and numerous strategies such as color coding, use of visuals, and vocabulary strategies to better support EL students in English classes. With all of that, EL students have more support to participate in class and complete the required tasks, These teachers better understand CA ELD standards and Integrated ELD, but it is a baseline understanding. Therefore, we still have much more work to do. How can we expect this same work of other teachers who have not received training on ELD standards or Integrated ELD AND offered consistent support throughout the school year? Without training and instructional adjustments, English Learner students will flounder. This student population will not have their needs met. ELs will likely fail and not make progress without guided, accessible support throughout the school year. In 2017-18, SGUSD did not meet the EL reclassification rate. Because of high numbers of English Learner students and Special Education students in classes, limited to no support in not the answer a successful district would give when initiating full inclusion. 7.e. PRESENTATION - Implementation of Fiscal Stabilization Plan for Fiscal Years 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 Presentation by Matt Arnold on behalf of Joyce Yeh. Presentation attached. Highlights of Resolution provided above. Comments: Mr. Ammon- Thank you for including the positive - programs being kept Dr. Scott- Forces us to make impossible decisions. Arkansas spends more on students than California. It's unconscionable. Forced to looked at staffing. I hope none needs us to say that we don't want to diminish. Mrs. Alvarado- Governor's support for schools is one time money; reality is that we don't have enough money and we won't with declining enrollment. We'll do the best we can to keep the cuts away from the classrooms. I applaud our willingness to go at it the best we can. Mrs. Haas: There will be difficult cuts; point out the good things that we will still have such as K-12 music, VAPA, PBIS. Still putting students first. 8. BUSINESS SERVICES 8.a. (ROLL CALL) - Adopt Resolution 5/2018-2019 Implementation of Fiscal Stabilization Plan for Fiscal Years 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 Rationale: A detailed fiscal stabilization plan (FSP) is required by LACOE to identify the potential budget allocations necessary to restore and maintain the required reserve for the 2019-20 and 2020-21 school years. The plan is outlined in the attached resolution. (Attached.) Approved unanimously. 9. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 9.a. ACTION - Approve School Safety Plans For School Year 2018-2019 (Note: School Safety Plans are too large to attach. Go to full agenda link for PDFs.) Discussion: Dr. Scott- astonishing amount of work in the plans. Focused and thoughtful plans. Mr. Ammon- Unsung heroes Principals and Office Staff dealing with angry parents and variety of problems every day. Approved unanimously. 10. HUMAN RESOURCES None. 11. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE None. 12. GOVERNING BOARD 12.a. ACTION - Elect Region 23-A Representative for the 2019 California School Boards Association (CSBA) Delegate Assembly with a Two-Year Term Beginning April 1, 2019 Through March 31, 2021 (due 3/15/19) The Superintendent recommends the Governing Board cast their ballot to elect three (3) candidates for three (3) vacancies to the 2019 California School Boards Association (CSBA) Delegate Assembly. Rationale: Nominations and Biographical Sketch forms for California School Boards Association’s (CSBA) Delegate Assembly were due on January 7, 2019. The ballot consists of four (3) candidates as follows: (*denotes incumbent)
Mr. Ammon defers to Dr. Scott for recommendation. Dr. Scott highly recommends all three. Unanimously approved. 13. BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS, REPORTS, AND/OR COMMUNICATIONS NOTE: (This section provides an opportunity for the Governing Board to share information with other Board Members and members of the public.) Mrs. Alvarado: Offered condolences to Dr. Scott. Can we get the Open House dates? Mr. Ammon: Tribute to Dr. Scott's father and value of education as a lifelong learner. Mrs. Haas: Thanked Dr. Scott for tribute to his father. Attended Washington Founders Day. SEF event was fun and well-attended. GATE Field Trip with simulation she did in college and they did it as 7th graders. Thanked Ms. Tom and Ms. Vargas for their work the opportunity. Dr. Scott: Washington Founders Day celebrated for over 90 years. District was well represented at San Gabriel Lunar New Year. Appreciates condolences on death of his father and tribute to his father and life of service. 14. CONSENT AGENDA NOTE: (The Governing Board may take one (1) vote for all Consent items including: Business Services, Educational Services, Human Resources, and Superintendent's Office. Items may be removed from the Consent agenda and voted on separately.) NOTE: Consent Agenda below unanimously approved in its entirety. 14.a. CONSENT - BUSINESS SERVICES 14.a.1. Accept Service Agreement Between the San Gabriel Unified School District and NIC Partners The Superintendent recommends the Governing Board approve the Service Agreement between the San Gabriel Unified School District and NIC Partners and authorize the Superintendent or designee to execute the necessary documents. Rationale: NIC Partners will troubleshoot our network by looking at the settings/configurations of our equipment throughout the District. They will review error logs, test to see if the phone quality issues are fixed, and make any additional recommendations. Total Expenditure $5,000 (attached.) 14.a.2. Approve Purchase Orders Issued in Excess of $5,000 Report No. 10 (attached.) 14.b. CONSENT - EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 14.b.1. Approve Essential Training Travel Report No.10 (attached.) 14.c. CONSENT - HUMAN RESOURCES 14.c.1. Approve Certificated Personnel Status Report No. 10 (attached.) 14.c.2. Approve Classified Personnel Status Report No. 10 (attached.) 14.d. CONSENT - SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE Moment of silence for Rob Scott offered by Mrs. Shellhart Mr. Talamantes offered condolences eloquently. 15. ADJOURNMENT at 7:44 15.a. NEXT MEETING REMINDERS 15.a. NEXT MEETING REMINDERS · March 12, 2019 Join us at the next Board Meeting!
6:00 Open Session, Closed Session, 7:00 Open Session Reconvenes Keep wearing those shirts!! Show we are unified!
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