Thank you for your show of support at tonight’s Board meeting. Your presence clearly demonstrated our united front. We specifically wish to thank President Dena Dragoo, Negotiations Chair Chanda Strom, and Scott Thatcher for their remarks addressing the Board on our concerns.
Respectfully submitted, SGTA Exec Board ATTACHMENTS Link to Full Agenda Certificated PSR Classified PSR SGTA Public Disclosure-Costs SGTA Tent Agreement Teachers Salary Schedule Speech Salary Schedule Counselors Salary Schedule Lead Nurse Salary Schedule Management Salary Schedule Confidential Salary Schedule Teamsters Tent. Agreement Budget Summary PO Report Essential Training Report GHS SARC Coolidge SARC Washington SARC McKinley SARC Del Mar SARC Wilson SARC JMS SARC Roosevelt SARC Board Meeting San Gabriel USD January 15, 2019 6:00PM 1. OPENING PROCEDURE 1.a. CALL TO ORDER at 6:00 pm 1.b. ESTABLISHMENT OF QUORUM: all present, quorum established. 2. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE GOVERNING BOARD 2.a. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE GOVERNING BOARD NOTE: Remarks listed below in requests to address the Board are abridged. Larry Mercado, Teamsters Chief. “Thanks Board for 2.5% increase and medical/dental raise. Look forward to new Negotiation. Welcome, Rochelle. Can you rush those retro checks?” Session closed, then re-opened for Dena Dragoo to speak before closed session. Dena Dragoo- “Attended the LAUSD rally today- a call to action to everyone with union release time. Exhilarating, most exciting. Their energy, commitment, passion touched my heart. We talked about class sizes, counselors, librarians cut. We were building awareness in supporting our schools. I love this district- I grew up in this district. What’s our district’s theme? Customer Service to our students, schools, and teachers. Our site coach is budgeted in the LCAP, but now there is no money for the site coach who provides support for guided reading, and support for Dual Immersion, one of our district’s signature programs. Our coach worked on best PD we’ve had in the district– but there is no money to sustain her position for the rest of the year. The Wilson Intervention teacher was incorrectly hired twice- (she has been a long time sub, ELPAC tester, and SGUSD parent.) Now the site coach will do the job 1 day/week instead of service provided 2 days a week. I’m sorry we’re narrowing down our service. This does not make sense in light of customer service. I have not told parents; I don’t want to rally our parents about this. I want to keep this discussion in house. When I was in a different district faced with cuts, we looked for areas that would not impact the students. Where can we cut budget without cutting the site coach? Now you giving another 2.5% increase to the Superintendent and Asst. Superintendents. A raise 3 months into the job for Asst. Supt of HR; I’d like to have that job. I don’t know when we became enemies. You say I am misleading teachers, but I’m not misleading teachers. They can read the Board agenda.” My 3 minutes are up. But we need to address our customer service. (Ms. Shellhart: “That was 6 minutes, but Mr. Thatcher would you like to speak now?” Scott Facher- SGUSD teacher for 17 years “Money is not a topic I relish. Unfortunately I am building on what Dena spoke to. Numbers don’t lie, numbers tell a story. Upper Management values business more than certificated staff. I have concerns about the 2.5% increase for the Supt. and Asst. Superintendents. I wish no one but the best, but there is no reasonable justification for the increases when sizeable raises were given last summer. If there is a surplus, doesn’t it make sense that the money be spent on students? I thank you for the 2.5%, but there is a story here of inequity. If we all got paid what we deserved, there would be a lot of millionaires in this district. Thank you for listening.” Ms. Shellhart- “Chanda, do you want to speak now? “ Chanda Strom- “No, I will speak during the General Session.” 3. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION at 6:13. 4. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION at 7:00 p.m. 4.a. ANNOUNCEMENT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION No action taken in closed session. 4.b. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Joanne Alston 4.c. APPROVAL OF AGENDA. Approved with amendment by Mr. Ammon. Move items 14.c1 and 14.c2 to discuss after Item 4. Public Comments- Chanda Strom. Thank you for the raise, feel it is fair given budget concerns. We appreciate the raise for Teamsters, Management, and Confidential. Negotiations with the new team was refreshing and we were able to have conversations taking into consideration site needs. I believe we will be able to move the district in a positive manner in the future and hope we can keep this same team. I was shocked to see the PSR reports for additional 2. 5% raise especially with Joyce’s concerns for the budget. The raises for the Superintendent and Assistant Superintendents were placed in a way that would be easily missed. It seemed as though they were buried. It’s ethically questionable to allow an increase of 4% above the amount that is happening for the rest of the district. I’m not the first to say this. Trust between teachers and Admin is at an all-time low. Dr. Pappalardo- this is up to you. 5. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING(S) 5.a. ACTION - Approve the Minutes of the December 11, 2018 Governing Board Meeting Minutes as amended passed. Mr. Ammon made a motion on Agenda items 14.c1 and 14.c2 (Certificated and Classified PSRs) with an amendment: Table and strike both paragraphs that begin with “Pursuant to the employment contract.” (Sustained applause from audience.) 6. PUBLIC HEARING(S) 7. REPORT(S)/PRESENTATION(S) 7.a. REPORTS - Student Board Members (3 mins) Thomas Chung apologized for being late as he was coming in from Los Angeles. · Del Mar High School, Thomas Chung for Armando Talamantes. Reported on updates for Del Mar, Coolidge, new logo for Roosevelt (created by GHS’s Art department), Washington. · Gabrielino High School, Thomas Chung. GHS Ovarian Cancer Night $20,000 raised by Girls Basketball benefit event. New embedded time schedule (block schedule) students will have enrichment, study hall and academic support. JMS report- College trip to Occidental. McKinley’s Annual Winter program- 2 shows to a packed house. Wilson- writing workshop with Julie Barry. School dance for all families- Board members are invited to attend. 7.b. REPORT - Board President (3 mins) Mrs. Shellhart-Welcome back. Hope you’re in the swing of things. Thanks to Board members for attending all the school holiday events. JMS Parking lot is so spacious. I like the way it looks from the street. I have three main areas of focus this year: Social and Emotional wellness SPED- Inclusion Mandarin Dual Immersion to increase enrollment Also- Special Needs Golf event coming up- encouraged all to volunteer. 7.c. REPORT - Superintendent (3 mins) Dr. Pappalardo JMS parking lot: Thank you to Maintenance and Mr. Gile getting done it during winter break. Welcome back! Only 5 staff absences when we returned from break according to HR. Thank you at the school sites, especially elementary teachers with rainy day schedule. Lastly- one quick presentation to Joanne Alston for 28 years of outstanding and dedicated service. (Standing ovation.) 8. BUSINESS SERVICES 8.a. ACTION - Accept the 2017-2018 Annual Audit and take formal action to accept the annual audit report presented by the independent audit firm, Clifton Larson Allen LLP (CLA). Joyce Yeh introduces Clifton Larson Rep who provided a brief summary. Annual Audit- takes one year to accomplish. A comprehensive process- visits all sites and studies all areas including ASB records. Looks at contents of financial statements to make sure there is evidence to support. Final assessment: All the amounts are fairly stated with appropriate disclosures and followed accounting standards. Deficit- looks like every other district in the state due to unfunded STRS and PRS. Budgeted to meet the 3% required reserve. No audit adjustments. Bond audit performed for Measure A and S- no findings. Questions? Mrs. Shellhart- thanked her as a fellow auditor. Dr. Scott- page 58: Note on testing for Charter Schools. We are not responsible for conducting their audit. Is that correct? (“Yes.”) Mr. Ammon- Clarification of page 72 finding of $82,000 variance. Salaries charged to the building fund. What was that variance? We could not find after the fact evidence for 40% of time charged to building fund to support the salary. Motion seconded and unanimously approved. 8.b. ACTION - Approve Change Order No. 1 for Bid No. 02-18/19 Building Demolition- Asbestos & Lead Removal- Gabrielino High School Music Building Approving the change order of $3,990 for GHS Music/Wrestling Building. No discussion. Motion seconded and unanimously approved. 8.c. ACTION - Approve Contract Agreement with Incident IQ Cloud Services, LLC Signing a one-year contract with Incident IQ, LLC, an intuitive and modern help desk management system. Contract= $12, 737. Discussion: Mr. Ammon requests more information. Addressed by Joyce Yeh. Motion seconded and unanimously approved. 9. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 9.a. ACTION - Extend Expulsion for Student No. 1501160 Motion seconded, unanimously approved. 9.b. ACTION - Expulsion of Student No. 1502657 Motion seconded and unanimously approved. 9.c. ACTION - Approve Consultant Agreement with Dr. Cydney Fox for a Central Auditory Processing Evaluation of two Students, School Year 2018-2019. Evaluations not to exceed $2,900.00. Motion seconded, unanimously approved. 10. HUMAN RESOURCES 10.a. ACTION - Approve Tentative Collective Bargaining Agreement with San Gabriel Teachers' Association for the 2018-2019 School Year (attached) Discussion: Dr. Scott- I’m glad were doing this tonight. Motion seconded, unanimously approved. 10.b. ACTION - Approve Tentative Collective Bargaining Agreement with Teamsters Local 911 for the 2018-2019 School Year (attached) Motion seconded, unanimously approved. 10.c. ACTION - Approve Proposal Request for Management and Unrepresented Certificated District Nurse for the 2018-2019 School Year (attached) Motion seconded, unanimously approved. 10.d. ACTION - Approve Proposal Request for Confidential Employees for the 2018- 2019 School Year (attached) Motion seconded, unanimously approved. 11. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE No remarks. 12. GOVERNING BOARD 12.a. ACTION - Designate Representative to the 2018-2019 Los Angeles County School Trustees Association Mr. Ammon nominates Ms. Shellhart who accepts the nomination. Motion seconded, unanimously approved. 13. BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS, REPORTS, AND/OR COMMUNICATIONS NOTE: Dr. Scott: Attended every performance of every school during the holidays. It was magical. Kudos to everybody. It is appreciated. Mrs. Haas: I’ll echo Dr. Scott. It made my first 2 weeks fantastic. Such a treat and blessing. Thank you for the JMS parking lot. I am a parent beneficiary. Nice to hear more signage will be going up. Thank you to the Board from GHS Speech and Debate for continued support. Mr. Ammon: Wishes everyone a good 2019. Mrs. Alvarado: Hope we have a good 2019. It already feels more positive. We’ll look at the governor’s budget and the May revise. There is a lot of excitement about the new budget and support for education. 14. CONSENT AGENDA NOTE: (The Governing Board may take one (1) vote for all Consent items including: Business Services, Educational Services, Human Resources, and Superintendent's Office. Items may be removed from the Consent agenda and voted on separately.) Move to approve Consent Agenda minus 14ca and 14c2. Unanimously approved. See items approved below. 14.a. CONSENT - BUSINESS SERVICES 14.a.1. Approve the 2018-2019 Budget Revisions Revise the 2018-2019 budget to reflect the pending collective bargaining settlement costs as appropriate. These costs decrease the ending fund balance by $768,469. (attached) 14.a.2. Approve Renewal Contract with Citadel CPM Inc. for the period of January 1, 2019 to June 30, 2019. Not to exceed $109,000 for management of District construction projects. 14.a.3. Approve Additional Contract Amount with Vavrinek, Trine, Day & Co., LLP (VTD) for Non-Audit Services. “Rationale: With the current changes in the fiscal department it is necessary to continue to utilize the services provided in addition, in order to pay for any additional invoices, the not-to-exceed amount needed to be increased to $30,000 from the original approved amount of $12,500 on May 22, 2018.” 14.a.4. Accept Various Donations to San Gabriel Unified School District 14.a.5. Approve Warrants Issued for Payments of Payroll, Goods and Services Received For Dec. 2018 - Report No. 7 14.a.6. Approve Purchase Orders Issued in Excess of $5,000 Report No. 8 TOTAL OF ALL ORDERS ISSUED $ 256,479.59. Includes $59,716 for iPad Aire replacements throughout the district and $34, 412 for Preventative Maintenance/HVAC/M&O/GHS. 14.b. CONSENT - EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 14.b.1. Approve the Consultant Agreement Between San Gabriel USD and GoomiGroup for Professional Development (2-4-19 Staff Development). Contract = $3,000. 14.b.2. Approve 1-Event License Agreement with SCHED for Event Calendar and Agenda Creator (2-4-19 Staff Development) Contract =$750. 14.b.3. Approve Consultant Agreement with Carole Watanabe-Lee for Induction Professional Development from December 2018 through June 2019. Consultant the rate of $32 an hour, not to exceed $825. 14.b.4. Approve Second Quarter Report on Williams Uniform Complaints, School Year 2018-2019 14.b.5. Approve Reimbursement to Alhambra for ASL Interpretation for Special Education Students Attending Alhambra SELPA Classes, School Year 2018- 2019 (Special Education). Reimbursement costs not listed. 14.b.6. Approve Publication of the SARC- School Accountability Report Card (attached) 14.b.7. Approve Essential Training Travel Report No. 8 14.c. CONSENT - HUMAN RESOURCES 14.c.1. Approve Certificated Personnel Status Report No. 8 (Attached: Includes Deputy Supt. And Asst Supt. HR 2.5% increases.) Removed from the Agenda, per Item 5. 14.c.2. Approve Classified Personnel Status Report No.8 (Attached: Includes Supt. And Asst Supt. Business Services 2.5% increases.) Removed from the Agenda, per Item 5. 14.d. CONSENT - SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE No items. 15. ADJOURNMENT _______________________________________________ Join us at the next Board Meeting!
6:00 Open Session, Closed Session, 7:00 Open Session Reconvenes Keep wearing those shirts!! Show we are unified!
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