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MEETING OF THE GOVERNING BOARD October 12, 2020 1. OPENING PROCEDURE A. CALL TO ORDER at 6:00 B. ESTABLISHMENT OF QUORUM quorum established Adjourn to closed session at 6:03 2. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE GOVERNING BOARD 3. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION at 6:03 p.m. If the Governing Board is not able to complete the Closed Session agenda, it will reconvene the meeting to open session and recess the meeting to a second Closed Session after all Open Session business has been concluded. A. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT/APPOINTMENT (Pursuant to Government Code §54957 (b).) Principal, Del Mar High School B. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR(S) (Pursuant to Government Code §54957.6) Employee Organization(s): San Gabriel Teachers Association Teamsters Local 911 , Agency Designated Representatives: James Symonds, Superintendent Ross Perry, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources 4. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION approx. 7:00 p.m. A. ANNOUNCEMENT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION No action taken B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE by Dr. Gary Scott C. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Discussion: None Approval: Unanimous D. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE GOVERNING BOARD Public Comments: Stephanie Bucey, Teacher, SGTA Representative - My name is Stephanie Bucey and I’m a 5th grade teacher at McKinley. Hard for me to believe this is my 20th year. I keep thinking can I really be old enough to have taught for 20 years??? I wanted to speak to you tonight as a member of the Distance Learning Instructional team. I know that the parent surveys were due today and you will be calculating the results. And then we will be discussing these at next week’s meeting. I wanted to address a comment I heard at the Parent Townhall meeting last week about those families who DO NOT turn in the survey. It was said that those non-responses would be counted as choosing the hybrid model. I really feel that those non-respondents should not be counted at all. Only the surveys that are turned in should really be counted in our results. We can’t assume one way or another, so I am hoping you will not count the non respondents and base the results solely on the surveys that are received. Another thing I wanted to bring up was Pasadena’s letter from the Supt. to the Board and community about waiting until Jan 11th at the earliest to re-open schools. I think this is a fantastic idea. It lets parents know that school will remain the same for now. It lets the planning committees have a definite date to create a hybrid plan. Allowing for backward planning. It also gives us more time to gather information. Just some thoughts. Thank you for your time. Patti Kim, Teacher, San Gabriel resident, SGTA VP - Hi, my name is Patti Kim and I’m a 6th grade teacher at JMS, a San Gabriel resident for 26 years and boh my sons went through the San Gabriel schools and are doing well at Cal Poly Pomona. I wanted to give a little bit about my experience with Virtual Learning. Although it is stressful, I have found a silver lining in a very dark cloud. I have gotten to know my students at a personal level that would not have happened in the classroom and vice versa. I am sure that they like my cat more than me. I wanted to say thank you and I really appreciate how all of you consider and take into account all stake-holders when making the recent tough decisions during a pandemic. We understand that the updates on the L.A. County COVID transmission rates are up and down and so the prospect of reopening our schools is also up in the air.But because there are still many unknowns, we are asking that at a minimum we were reassured that we will not reopen until January, if at all, so families and school staff wouldn’t feel so anxious.The Parent Survey was difficult for some to respond to because there wasn’t enough information like the date of reopening, the safety protocols and the in-person learning model. Our priorities are to keep our students safe, keep staff safe and give our students the best possible instruction. With the pending possibility that we will reopen our schools, some school staff are making hard decisions to take a personal leave to avoid risking their safety and the safety of their families. To help our community and schools plan for reopening or not, we’d like to request that the School Board make a statement at the next board meeting that the earliest, possible reopening date would be in January, if we reopen at all, in the midst of a pandemic. 5. APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES Approval: Unanimous A. Approve the Governing Meeting Minutes of September 22, 2020 6. PUBLIC HEARING(S) The meeting will briey recess to open up the public hearing(s). The meeting will resume at the closing of the presented public hearings. A. Notice Of Public Hearing On The San Gabriel Unified School District Approving To Update Statutory School Facility Fees Imposed On New Residential And Commercial/Industrial Construction Pursuant To Education Code Section 17620 And Government Code Section 65995 The Public Hearing is to consider updating new Statutory School Facility Fees Imposed on New Residential and Commercial/Industrial Construction Pursuant to Education Code Section 17620 and Government Code Section 65995. Recess: Opened for Public Hearing. No Discussion. 7. SPECIAL REPORTS AND PRESENTATIONS A. REPORTS - Student Board Members Del Mar High School, Yarelly Morales - Del Mar Parent Information Night, Counselors provide information to students. Coolidge - Lemonade with the Principal. Red Ribbon Week. Roosevelt - Parent Education Session, Hosted an Instrumental Family Pickup. Washington- Phase III afternoon Tea with the Principal. Parent Teacher Conferences are coming our way. Online Book Fair for students. Gabrielino High School, Hennassie Ramirez - McKinley Elementary - Go Noodle Fundraiser coming. 4th and 5th grade students apply math and critical thinking skills for Makerspace. Options for Learning held an event. Wilson - Ms. Contreras returned and met with staff, students, PTA, Parent Teachers Conferences were held. PTA and Wilson will be hosting an event for students. Wilson material pick up day. Jefferson Middle School - Met with families to find out what is working. ELPAC testing and SPED Assessments continue on site. Gabrielino - Busy month! Closing of the first quarter. Evening with Admin. was held in September. Parents and Partner series were held. Counselor Machado assisted parents. A Financial Aide Conference will be held for our families. Testing is just around the corner! B. REPORT - Governing Board Dr. Gary Scott - Most of you know that CSBA is the largest organization of district leadership. We work hand in hand with other institutions. There are over 1,000 school board members. We are region 23. They talked to legal counsel last week. They looked at issues such as: liability to districts, PPE need and cost, staff development, hybrid model, and liabilities for schools. Many of us are looking for a vaccine. They also talked about how some families and staff are not going to be willing to take vaccines and how the school district will manage this decision. They also looked at what are the contract negotiation and workload challenges. How are we going to work out workloads and compensation? We all need to be creative and cash flow issues are still present, but everything is backlogged. Cash flow issues: Having to borrow money for the operational budget. How can the district meet the demands of family and student needs? Some families want to come back and others do not want to come back. Another issue was learning loss, some students are struggling with falling behind and we are not able to keep up and how are we going to address that. Initial planning and new board member on 1st of December. We need to revisit how we work together. School board also needs to look at mission statements and protocol and responsibilities and evaluation of procedures for the superintendent and board. What are we doing well and what can we do better? They attended a Zoom ED leader 21, today was the first online meeting and tomorrow 12:30-1:15 SGUSD will be presenting a Portrait of a Graduate. SGUSD will be present in ABC annual education presentation on visual arts post COVID and Sanmantha and Heather. SGUSD has a strong presence and is a leader in education. C. REPORT - Superintendent - Jim Symonds - Very exciting day today. Ed Leader 21 National cConference. SGUSD had 21 participants. We met in breakout sessions with teachers and leaders from across the country. It was fascinating to connect with everyone. Excited to share and speak about the Portrait of a Graduate Process. This is the type of instruction that students enjoy and to watch the presentation. In the afternoon I hosted the 1st ever student advisory meeting with students from GAB and Del Mar. Students were articulate and spoke. They are the first students to face this challenge. They are invited to come out to the next PD and the district wants to involve these students in our committees and give the students a voice. We have committed to meet with them every other week once we get through all of this. Congratulations to *** for putting the video together. I am very proud of this district and everyone involved. D. PRESENTATION - Building on Success to Plan for Phase III by Dr. Joan Perez Presentation Highlights: Jim- When we talked about this presentation we talked about what’s down the line and we’re going to make sure it’s safe and discuss unintended consequences. It’s the collaborative effort that has gotten us this far. The 4 C’s are going to be what we use to get us through the next phase. Dr. Perez- Co-presenting with DL 3.0, students, parents, and admin. In the morning they participated in the ED Leader conference. We are living a portrait of a graduate. Looking to Phase III: We have implemented these outcomes. We demonstrated resilience, we deepened our level of communication and collaboration, as well as equity and access. Students want to make sure empathy is a focal point for our district vision. We have had amazing participation from stakeholders. We want to thank all the stakeholders. Tonight we are going to hear from some of our stakeholders. Exemplified how they are the ambassadors of hope. Hanessi Ramirez- DL learning unintentional positive outcomes easier teacher communication. Shy students can communicate more. The workload is much more manageable with the block schedule. Teachers and students are much more empathetic toward each other. Some challenges: students still have loneliness and lack of interaction, how can we feel together? Phase III students still have faith that it can still feel normal. Students want to connect with each other even in Virtual learning. Amanda Monaya- Parent of 3. Washington elementary. During summer, not much news from the district. Parents need a better connection of what is happening. The parents were scared due to lack of communication. Parents were unaware how hard the teachers and district were working very hard. Now, the parent advisory committee was meeting weekly and now monthly. Web series is a great place to address parent concerns. Asking parents how they want to get communication. Looking ahead into phase III, town hall meetings are very important especially with individual schools. The parent survey needed more information then just being sent out. Parents are thankful for their voices being heard. Annettte Mier: My situations and experiences represent all of the hard work by myself and my colleagues. In front of you you see s swervy road. We have had to help each other along the way. We had to strengthen the student/teacher relationship. The moments I spent speaking with parents have really come together. Secondly, we are collaborating with our colleagues, we are finding best practices, helping each other to give the best experience possible. Third challenge was our unduplicated populations. We wanted to make sure they get the best services needed. There are so many unintended outcomes. There has been an explosion of good teaching. Students can wait to join our zoom. Many outcomes that I never thought were possible. I look forward to where we go next. Toui Nguyen - Principal, McKinley - I would like to highlight unintended outcomes from principalship. We are amazed how quickly our students have adapted to our zoom environment. We hear that students are less stressed and that they have less anxiety. We are observing this on zoom. Virtual academy has opened an opportunity for students to respond in many ways, chat box, see saw. Students now have an aptitude towards technology. Parents are inspiring and reaching out and supporting each other. Teachers are the real heroes. They became the first line of tech,they have developed empathy with our students, these wonder things have happened because we have done this together. Rebekah Ruswick- Proud to be in Special Education. Quote. Staff, families, and the district has worked, and continued to hold IEP meetings. SGUSD was one of the first to meet one on one testing in person. She is confident in SPED for Return to Learn. SPED team is awesome. Heather Wolpert - Ed Service Coordinator - We are seeing all of our stakeholders work so hard for our students. We are seeing real world connections. We are seeing teachers nurturing curiosity for the subject area. We are focusing on what is working and what is not working. We are focusing on the connection with families and students. We have a great asset with the Parents as Partner Series. We are starting a K-12 We are focusing on the social emotional wellness of our families. Dr. Perez- Ambassadors of hope. Keep hope alive. We have a lot of strengths. We will show resilience in Phase III. Every family has their own unique needs and there are 27% of our population wishing to move to online Learning and 73% wanting to remain in s\distance learning. Orientate our families to know what the protocols are. Walk throughs have been happening with the Department of health to mitigate the risk as best as we can. Aeries is going to make us create a virtual academy and cohorts in the data information systems. Students in the distance learning cohort will have to have access to the curriculum. Equity and access for our students need to be considered. Students will be at the heart of our decisions. How can the community continue to participate? Take a look at the Return to Learn Document. Participate in your PTA-PTSA and keep in contact with the school for new and upcoming information. Discussion: Cristina Alvarado - I want to commend the district. Safety first is our north star and we need to keep to that. I think we still have a double edge sword- are we moving too fast and putting people at risk- are we moving too slow and continuing the learning loss- how do we do this in a safe way. So many unknowns and we need to do our best to move forward with our unknowns. Need to include our non-english speaking families in these conversations because their voice is important. Dr. Perez- thank you for addressing ELD families. Anna Navarro is grouping our DLAC communities. We are doing everything we can to make sure that we are getting them involved. We are doing everything we can to make sure this information is getting to ELD parents. Dr. Gary Scott- One of the challenges for all of us is how do we engage parents. We see that there is an increase in parent opportunities. Is this one of those unintentional outcomes? Thank you to Ms. Montoya. Jim Symmonds- Survey number, we have to commend our teachers for providing their Virtual Academy. We have to commend our teachers who are” delivering the goods” to our kids. E. PRESENTATION - Comprehensive Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CCEIS) Plan: The Path Forward by Dr. Joan Perez, Asst. Superintendent of Ed Services Presentation Highlights: Dr. Brian Murray, Special Education I am going to be reviewing the process This is a plan that is triggered when a district is identified as being significantly disproportionate. There are 3 types of data for monitoring: 1) Data Informed Compliance, 2) Annual Performance (Performance Indicators) and 3) Disproportionality, this is determined by a risk factor. If we are in the same area 3 years in a row, then we are considered, significantly disproportionate for San Gabriel, we are identifying Hispanic/ Latino students with specific learning disabilities. You are 5.7 times more likely to be identified. The other areas are . African American, White, and Hispanic/Latino with other health impaired. The process for developing the plan is a 4 Phase Process. We are developing Phase 2. We are working with a stakeholder group to collect a large amount of data, we also look at our performance indicators. We also meet with groups to look at the root cause of the disproportionality. Stage three is where we develop the plan - goal is to figure out how we support our hispanic learners before they are identified. Will follow a group of students to determine if the plan we have is working. Parents- admin- site admin and teachers to determine what they think might be the cause. Inconsistency across the school sites. 2. Referrals are often the first intervention strategy. 3. Pre Referral to speech and language assessment 4. Assessment process identifies students without taking in consideration the struggle of learning the second language 4. Tier 2 interventions need new training, curriculum and support. 7-130 districts identified as disproportionate due to a change in the state percentage in the risk ratio. If they change agan, it may be that there are 50% of districts labeled as disproportionate. Inherent bias is built into the system and if we are going to have an effective plan to mitigate the disproportionality, we will have to do a lot of training. Christina Alvardo- We have known for years that there is a disparity. Impressed by the numbers and important that we acknowledge it and that we can do something about it. It is a systemic problem Brian Murray- Districts have been struggling with this disproportionality for years and we know that we want to help students but we will have to really work to not use SPED as a main support. Cheryl Shellhart - I mentioned 3 years ago, that we have been red on our dashboard for a very long time. Why are we just meeting with our stakeholders? Murray - The data is not on the dashboard. This last year our dashboard shows orange in ELA and Math and we are just below in the state target for us. It has only been in the last three years that we have been disproportionate. Andrew Ammon - This is hardly new. Can we look at the slide with the various groups? Do you have the raw numbers that the state is referring to? The 2019-20 data is much improved except hispanic/latino . What are the numbers? 100, 1,000? Murray- we have improved in three areas of disproportionality and we are now only disproportionate in the area of hispanic students. WE have to do a deep dive into the data and we need to really compare with the demographics. Their formula and us trying to figure out how our numbers match with our own data, it has been difficult to see how our data matches theirs. The state only gives us the overall data with no specific data. Christina Alvarado- 186 students latinex that are identified as SPED. Gary Scott - Always a % of students that get referred to SPED, even when it is a language issue.. They can’t communicate in English in those areas of Math and ELA but they can understand it,. Go be assessed in SPED? Is there a control for this and the answer is language? Brian Murray- half of those students are English only students so some other reasons are contributing to the difficulties the students are having. We need to also look at other ways to give the support that the parents may not be able to give at home like homework help as groups, and programs like that. Dr. Gary Scott- Important discussion. We have great strength, but it is also important to address the areas that we still need improvement. 8. Action Items (Roll Call) Adopt Resolution No. 6/2020-21 of the Governing Board of the San Gabriel Unified School District to Update the Statutory School Fees Imposed on New Residential and Commercial/Industrial Development Projects The administration recommends the Governing Board adopt Resolution No. 6/2020-21 in order for the District's Level 1 Fees to become effective on December 14, 2020 60 days after the adoption date. Once the public hearing has been held, the designee is authorized to execute the necessary documents. The district needs to adopt a Resolution updating the statutory school fees imposed on new residential and commercial/industrial development projects pursuant to Education Code Section 17620. President Dr. Gary Scott - yes Vice President Rochelle Haas -yes Clerk Andrew Ammon - Moved to Table this action. Encourage colleagues to table this because there should be multiple readings. This needs to be discussed and voted on at a later meeting. yes Member Cheryl Shellhart - Seconded. yes Member Cristina Alvardo - yes 2. Approve Renewed Agreement with Cooperative Strategies for Annual and Five-Year Report Services The Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the renewed agreement with Cooperative Strategies for the scal year 2020-2021 to prepare the Annual and Five-Year Reports and authorize the designee to execute the necessary documents. The District would like to continue the consulting services with Cooperative Strategies. Discussion: Ammon: Question Mr. Wong. Is this the group that did the study? Yes. Ammon moves to table because of previous reports. There were reports with projections that were way off. This company's responses were totally inaccurate and I would like to see a commitment to doing a lot better. Motion to Approve: Motion to table- seconded by Cheryl Shellhart Action taken: Approved unanimously to table. B. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 1. Approve the Increase to the Consultant Agreement with Dr. Devorah Heitner for Raising Digital Natives Professional Development Administration recommends the approval of the increase to the Consultant Agreement with Dr. Devorah Heitner from $1,500 to $15,000 and authorize the Superintendent or designee to execute the necessary documents. The District currently has an agreement with Devorah Heitner for Professional Development sessions through September 30th, 2020. The amount listed on the board agenda's financial impact $1,500 was inadvertently listed incorrectly and the amount quoted was $15,000. The district can't process payment to the consultant until the increase for services has been brought back for Board approval. Discussion: Cheryl Shellhart How did this happen? When the original agreement was put forward the original agreement there was a typo in the There was clearly an error that is very large and a zero was missed. Unacceptable even with the pandemic. Wong; This was a mistake, We are in a pandemic. Perez; A zero was missed. I will take the responsibility. I should have caught this. Motion to Approve: Alvarado Seconded by: Rochell Hass but this is a pretty big error and I get that it is just one zero and this one zero does make a difference if we are paying our bills. Action taken: Scott: We will still have to pay for this bill. Approved: Passed 3-2 President Dr. Gary Scott - yes Vice President Rochelle Haas -yes Clerk Andrew Ammon - nay Member Cheryl Shellhart - nay Member Cristina Alvardo - yes 2. Approve the District-wide Purchase of Nearpod Licenses for Instructional Use Administration recommends the approval of the district-wide purchase of Nearpod Licenses for instructional use. Virtual learning requires a variety of tools in order to address engagement, assessment, and interactive learning. After piloting Nearpod in several classrooms, SGUSD recommends Nearpod as an effective supplemental program for virtual and hybrid academy teaching and learning. In particular, Nearpod addresses the needs of our English Language learners and other student populations. Discussion: None Motion to Approve: Shellhart. Action taken: Approved unanimously. 3. Approve First Quarter Report on Williams Uniform Complaints, School Year 2020-2021 Administration recommends approval of the rst quarter report on Williams Uniform Complaints for the 2020-2021 school year. As part of the procedures under the Williams Settlement Legislation, Ed. Code 35186, all Districts are required to submit a quarterly report on the number of complaints received, complaints resolved and complaints unresolved. Discussion: None Motion to Approve: Christina Alvarado. Second by Andrew Ammon. Action taken: Approved unanimously. 4. Approve the Contract with LA Opera Connects for the 2020-2021 School Year Administration recommends approval of the contract with LA Opera Connects for the 2020-2021 school year. Secondary High Schools in Los Angeles County were invited to apply for this unique virtual partnership with LA Opera. Our Gabrielino Theater and Art in Motion classes were selected and will spend 5 weeks creating an online virtual performance of Edge of a Dream, a new opera by composer Juhi Bansal, DMA, and librettist Neil Aitken, PhD. Students will explore the life and work of Ada Lovelace (1815 - 1852), an English mathematician and writer who is considered to be the "mother" of computer science. Discussion: Dr. Gary Scott. Dr. Joan. Motion to Approve: Hass Seconded by Ammon Action taken: Approved unanimously. Background- Beauty of Samantha Tysons magic in finding opportunities for our students- 5 week program for students working with the LA Opera. 5. Approve Consultant Agreement with Darlene Messinger for Coaching and Mentoring Support for District and Site Administrator's Administration recommends the approval of the Consultant Agreement with Darlene Messinger for Coaching and Mentoring Support for District and Site Administrator's. To provide ongoing coaching and mentoring support to SGUSD educational leaders in establishing and accomplishing short- and long-terms goals, in identifying and crafting solutions to problems, and in developing effective practices in relationship building among stakeholders. Discussion: None Motion to Approve: Ammon Moved for approval- Seconded by ???? Action taken: Approved unanimously. 6. Approve the Consultant Agreement Between San Gabriel Unified School District and Crime Studies, LLC, for Parents as Partners Professional Development on October 15, 2020 Administration recommends the approval of the Consultant Agreement between San Gabriel Unified School District and Crime Studies, LLC, for Parents as Partners professional development on October 15, 2020 This session is needed to address the goals of our Portrait of a Graduate. It will help in engaging families to support student success in school by helping to create safe and welcoming learning environments for students. Discussion: None Motion to Approve: Ammon seconded by Haas Action taken: Approved unanimously. 7. Approve New Course of Study, Printmaking 2, at Gabrielino High School Administration recommends approval of the new course of student, Printmaking 2, at Gabrielino High School Gabrielino currently offers Printmaking 1, which provides an introduction to the medium. Printmaking 1 is currently the only course that does not offer an advanced-level companion course offering, thus limiting the opportunity for interested students to continue developing the techniques acquired in the introductory class. Printmaking 2 will round out the offerings at GHS to allow students to focus for two years on the visual art medium of their choosing. Discussion: None Motion to Approve: Rochelle Haas- seconded by Ammon Action taken: Approved unanimously. C. GOVERNING BOARD OF EDUCATION 1. DISCUSSION - Consider Canceling the December 8, 2020 Governing Board Meeting This agenda item provides an opportunity for the Governing Board to discuss canceling the December 8, 2020 Board meeting as it will not be needed for meeting budget deadlines as in the previous year. I got this one! Discussion: Symonds - Prior years this was in place to accommodate Wong and his deadlines. Meeting will not be necessary. President Dr. Gary Scott - Proposal is to cancel 8th and keep December 15, Just need consensus. Clerk Andrew Ammon - Does this move us back to 1 meeting? D. HUMAN RESOURCES 1. Approve Annual Declaration of Need for Fully Qualified Educators, 2020-2021 There may be an insufficient number of certificated persons who meet the District’s specified employment criteria for various positions each school year. Therefore, it is recommended the Governing Board approve the Declaration of Need for Fully Qualified Educators for the 2020-2021 School Year. The Declaration of Need for Fully Qualified Educators is an annual requirement of the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing as a prerequisite to the issuance of limited assignment teaching permits, emergency permits and internship certificates that may be needed in the District for the 2020-2021 school year. Discussion: None Motion to Approve: Action taken: Approved unanimously. E. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 1. Approve California School Boards Association (CSBA) Policy Revision Recommendation Administration recommends the Governing Board approve the California School Boards Association (CSBA) policy revision recommendation. This is an opportunity for the Governing Board to approve the California School Boards Association (CSBA) policy revision recommendation. Discussion: None Motion to Approve: Action taken: Approved unanimously. 9. BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS/REPORTS/COMMUNICATIONS President Dr. Gary Scott - Vice President Rochelle Haas - Looking forward to hearing a portrait of a Grad. Shameless plug, check out Jeffersoon Book Fair “Escape 2020.” Clerk Andrew Ammon - I have nothing for this evening. Member Cheryl Shellhart - I have nothing. Member Cristina Alvardo - I wanted to comment on the calendar change. We have the tree lightning.. I don’t know what the city will do. 10. CONSENT AGENDA Action taken on Consent Agenda: Approved in total without question or comment. NOTE: The Governing Board may take one (1) vote for all Consent Items including; Business Services, Educational Services, Human Resources and the Superintendent's Office. Items also may be removed from the Consent Agenda at the discretion of the Governing Board and voted on separately. A. BUSINESS SERVICES 1. Approve Warrants Issued for Payments, Goods, And Services Received For September 2020 - Report No. 4 The Administration recommends to Approve Warrants Issued for Payments, Goods, And Services Received For September 2020 - Report No. 4. 2. Approve Purchase Orders Issued in Excess of $5,000 Report No. 5 (20-21) The Administration recommends to Approve Purchase Orders Issued in Excess of $5,000 Report No. 5 (20-21). 3. Approve Essential Conference Report No. 4 The Administration recommends to approve the following District employees be authorized to attend the virtual events listed. The representative of the District indicated will attend with no loss of salaries for District personnel, and with actual and necessary expenses paid for all attending as authorized by Education Code Sections 35172, 35173 and 44032, and the District's Board policies. Authorization for an advance of funds to cover actual and necessary expenses is hereby granted. Such Advances shall be repaid or adjusted upon ling of a regular claim for the actual and necessary expenses incurred. B. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 1. Essential Training Report No.5 Administration recommends that the following District employees be authorized to attend the events attached. The representative of the District indicated will attend with no loss of salaries for District personnel, and with actual and necessary expenses paid for all attending as authorized by Education Code Sections 35172, 35173 and 44032, and the District's Board policies. Authorization for an advance of funds to cover actual and necessary expenses is hereby granted. Such Advances shall be repaid or adjusted upon lling of a regular claim for the actual and necessary expenses incurred. C. HUMAN RESOURCES 1. Approve Certificated Personnel Status Report No. 5 Administration recommends the approval of the Certificated Personnel Status Report No. 5. 2. Approve Classified Personnel Status Report No. 5 Administration recommends to approve the Classified Personnel Status Report No. 5. D. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 1. Approve Essential Training Conference Report No. 5 Administration recommends approval of the following District employees to be authorized to attend the events attached. The representative of the District indicated he will attend with no loss of salaries for District personnel, and with actual and necessary expenses paid for all attending as authorized by Education Code Sections 35172, 35173 and 44032, and the District's Board policies. Authorization for an advance of funds to cover actual and necessary expenses is hereby granted. Such Advances shall be repaid or adjusted upon filing of a regular claim for the actual and necessary expenses incurred. 11. NEXT MEETING REMINDER(S) Tuesday, October 27, 2020 Tuesday, November 17, 2020 Tuesday, December 8, 2020 Tuesday, December 15, 2020 12. ADJOURNMENT at 8:50. p.m. MEETING OF THE GOVERNING BOARD October 12, 2020 1. OPENING PROCEDURE A. CALL TO ORDER at 6:00 B. ESTABLISHMENT OF QUORUM quorum established Adjourn to closed session at 6:03 2. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE GOVERNING BOARD 3. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION at 6:03 p.m. If the Governing Board is not able to complete the Closed Session agenda, it will reconvene the meeting to open session and recess the meeting to a second Closed Session after all Open Session business has been concluded. A. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT/APPOINTMENT (Pursuant to Government Code §54957 (b).) Principal, Del Mar High School B. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR(S) (Pursuant to Government Code §54957.6) Employee Organization(s): San Gabriel Teachers Association Teamsters Local 911 , Agency Designated Representatives: James Symonds, Superintendent Ross Perry, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources 4. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION approx. 7:00 p.m. A. ANNOUNCEMENT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION No action taken B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE by Dr. Gary Scott C. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Discussion: None Approval: Unanimous D. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE GOVERNING BOARD Public Comments: Stephanie Bucey, Teacher, SGTA Representative - My name is Stephanie Bucey and I’m a 5th grade teacher at McKinley. Hard for me to believe this is my 20th year. I keep thinking can I really be old enough to have taught for 20 years??? I wanted to speak to you tonight as a member of the Distance Learning Instructional team. I know that the parent surveys were due today and you will be calculating the results. And then we will be discussing these at next week’s meeting. I wanted to address a comment I heard at the Parent Townhall meeting last week about those families who DO NOT turn in the survey. It was said that those non-responses would be counted as choosing the hybrid model. I really feel that those non-respondents should not be counted at all. Only the surveys that are turned in should really be counted in our results. We can’t assume one way or another, so I am hoping you will not count the non respondents and base the results solely on the surveys that are received. Another thing I wanted to bring up was Pasadena’s letter from the Supt. to the Board and community about waiting until Jan 11th at the earliest to re-open schools. I think this is a fantastic idea. It lets parents know that school will remain the same for now. It lets the planning committees have a definite date to create a hybrid plan. Allowing for backward planning. It also gives us more time to gather information. Just some thoughts. Thank you for your time. Patti Kim, Teacher, San Gabriel resident, SGTA VP - Hi, my name is Patti Kim and I’m a 6th grade teacher at JMS, a San Gabriel resident for 26 years and boh my sons went through the San Gabriel schools and are doing well at Cal Poly Pomona. I wanted to give a little bit about my experience with Virtual Learning. Although it is stressful, I have found a silver lining in a very dark cloud. I have gotten to know my students at a personal level that would not have happened in the classroom and vice versa. I am sure that they like my cat more than me. I wanted to say thank you and I really appreciate how all of you consider and take into account all stake-holders when making the recent tough decisions during a pandemic. We understand that the updates on the L.A. County COVID transmission rates are up and down and so the prospect of reopening our schools is also up in the air.But because there are still many unknowns, we are asking that at a minimum we were reassured that we will not reopen until January, if at all, so families and school staff wouldn’t feel so anxious.The Parent Survey was difficult for some to respond to because there wasn’t enough information like the date of reopening, the safety protocols and the in-person learning model. Our priorities are to keep our students safe, keep staff safe and give our students the best possible instruction. With the pending possibility that we will reopen our schools, some school staff are making hard decisions to take a personal leave to avoid risking their safety and the safety of their families. To help our community and schools plan for reopening or not, we’d like to request that the School Board make a statement at the next board meeting that the earliest, possible reopening date would be in January, if we reopen at all, in the midst of a pandemic. 5. APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES Approval: Unanimous A. Approve the Governing Meeting Minutes of September 22, 2020 6. PUBLIC HEARING(S) The meeting will briey recess to open up the public hearing(s). The meeting will resume at the closing of the presented public hearings. A. Notice Of Public Hearing On The San Gabriel Unified School District Approving To Update Statutory School Facility Fees Imposed On New Residential And Commercial/Industrial Construction Pursuant To Education Code Section 17620 And Government Code Section 65995 The Public Hearing is to consider updating new Statutory School Facility Fees Imposed on New Residential and Commercial/Industrial Construction Pursuant to Education Code Section 17620 and Government Code Section 65995. Recess: Opened for Public Hearing. No Discussion. 7. SPECIAL REPORTS AND PRESENTATIONS A. REPORTS - Student Board Members Del Mar High School, Yarelly Morales - Del Mar Parent Information Night, Counselors provide information to students. Coolidge - Lemonade with the Principal. Red Ribbon Week. Roosevelt - Parent Education Session, Hosted an Instrumental Family Pickup. Washington- Phase III afternoon Tea with the Principal. Parent Teacher Conferences are coming our way. Online Book Fair for students. Gabrielino High School, Hennassie Ramirez - McKinley Elementary - Go Noodle Fundraiser coming. 4th and 5th grade students apply math and critical thinking skills for Makerspace. Options for Learning held an event. Wilson - Ms. Contreras returned and met with staff, students, PTA, Parent Teachers Conferences were held. PTA and Wilson will be hosting an event for students. Wilson material pick up day. Jefferson Middle School - Met with families to find out what is working. ELPAC testing and SPED Assessments continue on site. Gabrielino - Busy month! Closing of the first quarter. Evening with Admin. was held in September. Parents and Partner series were held. Counselor Machado assisted parents. A Financial Aide Conference will be held for our families. Testing is just around the corner! B. REPORT - Governing Board Dr. Gary Scott - Most of you know that CSBA is the largest organization of district leadership. We work hand in hand with other institutions. There are over 1,000 school board members. We are region 23. They talked to legal counsel last week. They looked at issues such as: liability to districts, PPE need and cost, staff development, hybrid model, and liabilities for schools. Many of us are looking for a vaccine. They also talked about how some families and staff are not going to be willing to take vaccines and how the school district will manage this decision. They also looked at what are the contract negotiation and workload challenges. How are we going to work out workloads and compensation? We all need to be creative and cash flow issues are still present, but everything is backlogged. Cash flow issues: Having to borrow money for the operational budget. How can the district meet the demands of family and student needs? Some families want to come back and others do not want to come back. Another issue was learning loss, some students are struggling with falling behind and we are not able to keep up and how are we going to address that. Initial planning and new board member on 1st of December. We need to revisit how we work together. School board also needs to look at mission statements and protocol and responsibilities and evaluation of procedures for the superintendent and board. What are we doing well and what can we do better? They attended a Zoom ED leader 21, today was the first online meeting and tomorrow 12:30-1:15 SGUSD will be presenting a Portrait of a Graduate. SGUSD will be present in ABC annual education presentation on visual arts post COVID and Sanmantha and Heather. SGUSD has a strong presence and is a leader in education. C. REPORT - Superintendent - Jim Symonds - Very exciting day today. Ed Leader 21 National cConference. SGUSD had 21 participants. We met in breakout sessions with teachers and leaders from across the country. It was fascinating to connect with everyone. Excited to share and speak about the Portrait of a Graduate Process. This is the type of instruction that students enjoy and to watch the presentation. In the afternoon I hosted the 1st ever student advisory meeting with students from GAB and Del Mar. Students were articulate and spoke. They are the first students to face this challenge. They are invited to come out to the next PD and the district wants to involve these students in our committees and give the students a voice. We have committed to meet with them every other week once we get through all of this. Congratulations to *** for putting the video together. I am very proud of this district and everyone involved. D. PRESENTATION - Building on Success to Plan for Phase III by Dr. Joan Perez Presentation Highlights: Jim- When we talked about this presentation we talked about what’s down the line and we’re going to make sure it’s safe and discuss unintended consequences. It’s the collaborative effort that has gotten us this far. The 4 C’s are going to be what we use to get us through the next phase. Dr. Perez- Co-presenting with DL 3.0, students, parents, and admin. In the morning they participated in the ED Leader conference. We are living a portrait of a graduate. Looking to Phase III: We have implemented these outcomes. We demonstrated resilience, we deepened our level of communication and collaboration, as well as equity and access. Students want to make sure empathy is a focal point for our district vision. We have had amazing participation from stakeholders. We want to thank all the stakeholders. Tonight we are going to hear from some of our stakeholders. Exemplified how they are the ambassadors of hope. Hanessi Ramirez- DL learning unintentional positive outcomes easier teacher communication. Shy students can communicate more. The workload is much more manageable with the block schedule. Teachers and students are much more empathetic toward each other. Some challenges: students still have loneliness and lack of interaction, how can we feel together? Phase III students still have faith that it can still feel normal. Students want to connect with each other even in Virtual learning. Amanda Monaya- Parent of 3. Washington elementary. During summer, not much news from the district. Parents need a better connection of what is happening. The parents were scared due to lack of communication. Parents were unaware how hard the teachers and district were working very hard. Now, the parent advisory committee was meeting weekly and now monthly. Web series is a great place to address parent concerns. Asking parents how they want to get communication. Looking ahead into phase III, town hall meetings are very important especially with individual schools. The parent survey needed more information then just being sent out. Parents are thankful for their voices being heard. Annettte Mier: My situations and experiences represent all of the hard work by myself and my colleagues. In front of you you see s swervy road. We have had to help each other along the way. We had to strengthen the student/teacher relationship. The moments I spent speaking with parents have really come together. Secondly, we are collaborating with our colleagues, we are finding best practices, helping each other to give the best experience possible. Third challenge was our unduplicated populations. We wanted to make sure they get the best services needed. There are so many unintended outcomes. There has been an explosion of good teaching. Students can wait to join our zoom. Many outcomes that I never thought were possible. I look forward to where we go next. Toui Nguyen - Principal, McKinley - I would like to highlight unintended outcomes from principalship. We are amazed how quickly our students have adapted to our zoom environment. We hear that students are less stressed and that they have less anxiety. We are observing this on zoom. Virtual academy has opened an opportunity for students to respond in many ways, chat box, see saw. Students now have an aptitude towards technology. Parents are inspiring and reaching out and supporting each other. Teachers are the real heroes. They became the first line of tech,they have developed empathy with our students, these wonder things have happened because we have done this together. Rebekah Ruswick- Proud to be in Special Education. Quote. Staff, families, and the district has worked, and continued to hold IEP meetings. SGUSD was one of the first to meet one on one testing in person. She is confident in SPED for Return to Learn. SPED team is awesome. Heather Wolpert - Ed Service Coordinator - We are seeing all of our stakeholders work so hard for our students. We are seeing real world connections. We are seeing teachers nurturing curiosity for the subject area. We are focusing on what is working and what is not working. We are focusing on the connection with families and students. We have a great asset with the Parents as Partner Series. We are starting a K-12 We are focusing on the social emotional wellness of our families. Dr. Perez- Ambassadors of hope. Keep hope alive. We have a lot of strengths. We will show resilience in Phase III. Every family has their own unique needs and there are 27% of our population wishing to move to online Learning and 73% wanting to remain in s\distance learning. Orientate our families to know what the protocols are. Walk throughs have been happening with the Department of health to mitigate the risk as best as we can. Aeries is going to make us create a virtual academy and cohorts in the data information systems. Students in the distance learning cohort will have to have access to the curriculum. Equity and access for our students need to be considered. Students will be at the heart of our decisions. How can the community continue to participate? Take a look at the Return to Learn Document. Participate in your PTA-PTSA and keep in contact with the school for new and upcoming information. Discussion: Cristina Alvarado - I want to commend the district. Safety first is our north star and we need to keep to that. I think we still have a double edge sword- are we moving too fast and putting people at risk- are we moving too slow and continuing the learning loss- how do we do this in a safe way. So many unknowns and we need to do our best to move forward with our unknowns. Need to include our non-english speaking families in these conversations because their voice is important. Dr. Perez- thank you for addressing ELD families. Anna Navarro is grouping our DLAC communities. We are doing everything we can to make sure that we are getting them involved. We are doing everything we can to make sure this information is getting to ELD parents. Dr. Gary Scott- One of the challenges for all of us is how do we engage parents. We see that there is an increase in parent opportunities. Is this one of those unintentional outcomes? Thank you to Ms. Montoya. Jim Symmonds- Survey number, we have to commend our teachers for providing their Virtual Academy. We have to commend our teachers who are” delivering the goods” to our kids. E. PRESENTATION - Comprehensive Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CCEIS) Plan: The Path Forward by Dr. Joan Perez, Asst. Superintendent of Ed Services Presentation Highlights: Dr. Brian Murray, Special Education I am going to be reviewing the process This is a plan that is triggered when a district is identified as being significantly disproportionate. There are 3 types of data for monitoring: 1) Data Informed Compliance, 2) Annual Performance (Performance Indicators) and 3) Disproportionality, this is determined by a risk factor. If we are in the same area 3 years in a row, then we are considered, significantly disproportionate for San Gabriel, we are identifying Hispanic/ Latino students with specific learning disabilities. You are 5.7 times more likely to be identified. The other areas are . African American, White, and Hispanic/Latino with other health impaired. The process for developing the plan is a 4 Phase Process. We are developing Phase 2. We are working with a stakeholder group to collect a large amount of data, we also look at our performance indicators. We also meet with groups to look at the root cause of the disproportionality. Stage three is where we develop the plan - goal is to figure out how we support our hispanic learners before they are identified. Will follow a group of students to determine if the plan we have is working. Parents- admin- site admin and teachers to determine what they think might be the cause. Inconsistency across the school sites. 2. Referrals are often the first intervention strategy. 3. Pre Referral to speech and language assessment 4. Assessment process identifies students without taking in consideration the struggle of learning the second language 4. Tier 2 interventions need new training, curriculum and support. 7-130 districts identified as disproportionate due to a change in the state percentage in the risk ratio. If they change agan, it may be that there are 50% of districts labeled as disproportionate. Inherent bias is built into the system and if we are going to have an effective plan to mitigate the disproportionality, we will have to do a lot of training. Christina Alvardo- We have known for years that there is a disparity. Impressed by the numbers and important that we acknowledge it and that we can do something about it. It is a systemic problem Brian Murray- Districts have been struggling with this disproportionality for years and we know that we want to help students but we will have to really work to not use SPED as a main support. Cheryl Shellhart - I mentioned 3 years ago, that we have been red on our dashboard for a very long time. Why are we just meeting with our stakeholders? Murray - The data is not on the dashboard. This last year our dashboard shows orange in ELA and Math and we are just below in the state target for us. It has only been in the last three years that we have been disproportionate. Andrew Ammon - This is hardly new. Can we look at the slide with the various groups? Do you have the raw numbers that the state is referring to? The 2019-20 data is much improved except hispanic/latino . What are the numbers? 100, 1,000? Murray- we have improved in three areas of disproportionality and we are now only disproportionate in the area of hispanic students. WE have to do a deep dive into the data and we need to really compare with the demographics. Their formula and us trying to figure out how our numbers match with our own data, it has been difficult to see how our data matches theirs. The state only gives us the overall data with no specific data. Christina Alvarado- 186 students latinex that are identified as SPED. Gary Scott - Always a % of students that get referred to SPED, even when it is a language issue.. They can’t communicate in English in those areas of Math and ELA but they can understand it,. Go be assessed in SPED? Is there a control for this and the answer is language? Brian Murray- half of those students are English only students so some other reasons are contributing to the difficulties the students are having. We need to also look at other ways to give the support that the parents may not be able to give at home like homework help as groups, and programs like that. Dr. Gary Scott- Important discussion. We have great strength, but it is also important to address the areas that we still need improvement. 8. Action Items (Roll Call) Adopt Resolution No. 6/2020-21 of the Governing Board of the San Gabriel Unified School District to Update the Statutory School Fees Imposed on New Residential and Commercial/Industrial Development Projects The administration recommends the Governing Board adopt Resolution No. 6/2020-21 in order for the District's Level 1 Fees to become effective on December 14, 2020 60 days after the adoption date. Once the public hearing has been held, the designee is authorized to execute the necessary documents. The district needs to adopt a Resolution updating the statutory school fees imposed on new residential and commercial/industrial development projects pursuant to Education Code Section 17620. President Dr. Gary Scott - yes Vice President Rochelle Haas -yes Clerk Andrew Ammon - Moved to Table this action. Encourage colleagues to table this because there should be multiple readings. This needs to be discussed and voted on at a later meeting. yes Member Cheryl Shellhart - Seconded. yes Member Cristina Alvardo - yes 2. Approve Renewed Agreement with Cooperative Strategies for Annual and Five-Year Report Services The Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the renewed agreement with Cooperative Strategies for the scal year 2020-2021 to prepare the Annual and Five-Year Reports and authorize the designee to execute the necessary documents. The District would like to continue the consulting services with Cooperative Strategies. Discussion: Ammon: Question Mr. Wong. Is this the group that did the study? Yes. Ammon moves to table because of previous reports. There were reports with projections that were way off. This company's responses were totally inaccurate and I would like to see a commitment to doing a lot better. Motion to Approve: Motion to table- seconded by Cheryl Shellhart Action taken: Approved unanimously to table. B. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 1. Approve the Increase to the Consultant Agreement with Dr. Devorah Heitner for Raising Digital Natives Professional Development Administration recommends the approval of the increase to the Consultant Agreement with Dr. Devorah Heitner from $1,500 to $15,000 and authorize the Superintendent or designee to execute the necessary documents. The District currently has an agreement with Devorah Heitner for Professional Development sessions through September 30th, 2020. The amount listed on the board agenda's financial impact $1,500 was inadvertently listed incorrectly and the amount quoted was $15,000. The district can't process payment to the consultant until the increase for services has been brought back for Board approval. Discussion: Cheryl Shellhart How did this happen? When the original agreement was put forward the original agreement there was a typo in the There was clearly an error that is very large and a zero was missed. Unacceptable even with the pandemic. Wong; This was a mistake, We are in a pandemic. Perez; A zero was missed. I will take the responsibility. I should have caught this. Motion to Approve: Alvarado Seconded by: Rochell Hass but this is a pretty big error and I get that it is just one zero and this one zero does make a difference if we are paying our bills. Action taken: Scott: We will still have to pay for this bill. Approved: Passed 3-2 President Dr. Gary Scott - yes Vice President Rochelle Haas -yes Clerk Andrew Ammon - nay Member Cheryl Shellhart - nay Member Cristina Alvardo - yes 2. Approve the District-wide Purchase of Nearpod Licenses for Instructional Use Administration recommends the approval of the district-wide purchase of Nearpod Licenses for instructional use. Virtual learning requires a variety of tools in order to address engagement, assessment, and interactive learning. After piloting Nearpod in several classrooms, SGUSD recommends Nearpod as an effective supplemental program for virtual and hybrid academy teaching and learning. In particular, Nearpod addresses the needs of our English Language learners and other student populations. Discussion: None Motion to Approve: Shellhart. Action taken: Approved unanimously. 3. Approve First Quarter Report on Williams Uniform Complaints, School Year 2020-2021 Administration recommends approval of the rst quarter report on Williams Uniform Complaints for the 2020-2021 school year. As part of the procedures under the Williams Settlement Legislation, Ed. Code 35186, all Districts are required to submit a quarterly report on the number of complaints received, complaints resolved and complaints unresolved. Discussion: None Motion to Approve: Christina Alvarado. Second by Andrew Ammon. Action taken: Approved unanimously. 4. Approve the Contract with LA Opera Connects for the 2020-2021 School Year Administration recommends approval of the contract with LA Opera Connects for the 2020-2021 school year. Secondary High Schools in Los Angeles County were invited to apply for this unique virtual partnership with LA Opera. Our Gabrielino Theater and Art in Motion classes were selected and will spend 5 weeks creating an online virtual performance of Edge of a Dream, a new opera by composer Juhi Bansal, DMA, and librettist Neil Aitken, PhD. Students will explore the life and work of Ada Lovelace (1815 - 1852), an English mathematician and writer who is considered to be the "mother" of computer science. Discussion: Dr. Gary Scott. Dr. Joan. Motion to Approve: Hass Seconded by Ammon Action taken: Approved unanimously. Background- Beauty of Samantha Tysons magic in finding opportunities for our students- 5 week program for students working with the LA Opera. 5. Approve Consultant Agreement with Darlene Messinger for Coaching and Mentoring Support for District and Site Administrator's Administration recommends the approval of the Consultant Agreement with Darlene Messinger for Coaching and Mentoring Support for District and Site Administrator's. To provide ongoing coaching and mentoring support to SGUSD educational leaders in establishing and accomplishing short- and long-terms goals, in identifying and crafting solutions to problems, and in developing effective practices in relationship building among stakeholders. Discussion: None Motion to Approve: Ammon Moved for approval- Seconded by ???? Action taken: Approved unanimously. 6. Approve the Consultant Agreement Between San Gabriel Unified School District and Crime Studies, LLC, for Parents as Partners Professional Development on October 15, 2020 Administration recommends the approval of the Consultant Agreement between San Gabriel Unified School District and Crime Studies, LLC, for Parents as Partners professional development on October 15, 2020 This session is needed to address the goals of our Portrait of a Graduate. It will help in engaging families to support student success in school by helping to create safe and welcoming learning environments for students. Discussion: None Motion to Approve: Ammon seconded by Haas Action taken: Approved unanimously. 7. Approve New Course of Study, Printmaking 2, at Gabrielino High School Administration recommends approval of the new course of student, Printmaking 2, at Gabrielino High School Gabrielino currently offers Printmaking 1, which provides an introduction to the medium. Printmaking 1 is currently the only course that does not offer an advanced-level companion course offering, thus limiting the opportunity for interested students to continue developing the techniques acquired in the introductory class. Printmaking 2 will round out the offerings at GHS to allow students to focus for two years on the visual art medium of their choosing. Discussion: None Motion to Approve: Rochelle Haas- seconded by Ammon Action taken: Approved unanimously. C. GOVERNING BOARD OF EDUCATION 1. DISCUSSION - Consider Canceling the December 8, 2020 Governing Board Meeting This agenda item provides an opportunity for the Governing Board to discuss canceling the December 8, 2020 Board meeting as it will not be needed for meeting budget deadlines as in the previous year. I got this one! Discussion: Symonds - Prior years this was in place to accommodate Wong and his deadlines. Meeting will not be necessary. President Dr. Gary Scott - Proposal is to cancel 8th and keep December 15, Just need consensus. Clerk Andrew Ammon - Does this move us back to 1 meeting? D. HUMAN RESOURCES 1. Approve Annual Declaration of Need for Fully Qualified Educators, 2020-2021 There may be an insufficient number of certificated persons who meet the District’s specified employment criteria for various positions each school year. Therefore, it is recommended the Governing Board approve the Declaration of Need for Fully Qualified Educators for the 2020-2021 School Year. The Declaration of Need for Fully Qualified Educators is an annual requirement of the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing as a prerequisite to the issuance of limited assignment teaching permits, emergency permits and internship certificates that may be needed in the District for the 2020-2021 school year. Discussion: None Motion to Approve: Action taken: Approved unanimously. E. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 1. Approve California School Boards Association (CSBA) Policy Revision Recommendation Administration recommends the Governing Board approve the California School Boards Association (CSBA) policy revision recommendation. This is an opportunity for the Governing Board to approve the California School Boards Association (CSBA) policy revision recommendation. Discussion: None Motion to Approve: Action taken: Approved unanimously. 9. BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS/REPORTS/COMMUNICATIONS President Dr. Gary Scott - Vice President Rochelle Haas - Looking forward to hearing a portrait of a Grad. Shameless plug, check out Jeffersoon Book Fair “Escape 2020.” Clerk Andrew Ammon - I have nothing for this evening. Member Cheryl Shellhart - I have nothing. Member Cristina Alvardo - I wanted to comment on the calendar change. We have the tree lightning.. I don’t know what the city will do. 10. CONSENT AGENDA Action taken on Consent Agenda: Approved in total without question or comment. NOTE: The Governing Board may take one (1) vote for all Consent Items including; Business Services, Educational Services, Human Resources and the Superintendent's Office. Items also may be removed from the Consent Agenda at the discretion of the Governing Board and voted on separately. A. BUSINESS SERVICES 1. Approve Warrants Issued for Payments, Goods, And Services Received For September 2020 - Report No. 4 The Administration recommends to Approve Warrants Issued for Payments, Goods, And Services Received For September 2020 - Report No. 4. 2. Approve Purchase Orders Issued in Excess of $5,000 Report No. 5 (20-21) The Administration recommends to Approve Purchase Orders Issued in Excess of $5,000 Report No. 5 (20-21). 3. Approve Essential Conference Report No. 4 The Administration recommends to approve the following District employees be authorized to attend the virtual events listed. The representative of the District indicated will attend with no loss of salaries for District personnel, and with actual and necessary expenses paid for all attending as authorized by Education Code Sections 35172, 35173 and 44032, and the District's Board policies. Authorization for an advance of funds to cover actual and necessary expenses is hereby granted. Such Advances shall be repaid or adjusted upon ling of a regular claim for the actual and necessary expenses incurred. B. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 1. Essential Training Report No.5 Administration recommends that the following District employees be authorized to attend the events attached. The representative of the District indicated will attend with no loss of salaries for District personnel, and with actual and necessary expenses paid for all attending as authorized by Education Code Sections 35172, 35173 and 44032, and the District's Board policies. Authorization for an advance of funds to cover actual and necessary expenses is hereby granted. Such Advances shall be repaid or adjusted upon lling of a regular claim for the actual and necessary expenses incurred. C. HUMAN RESOURCES 1. Approve Certificated Personnel Status Report No. 5 Administration recommends the approval of the Certificated Personnel Status Report No. 5. 2. Approve Classified Personnel Status Report No. 5 Administration recommends to approve the Classified Personnel Status Report No. 5. D. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 1. Approve Essential Training Conference Report No. 5 Administration recommends approval of the following District employees to be authorized to attend the events attached. The representative of the District indicated he will attend with no loss of salaries for District personnel, and with actual and necessary expenses paid for all attending as authorized by Education Code Sections 35172, 35173 and 44032, and the District's Board policies. Authorization for an advance of funds to cover actual and necessary expenses is hereby granted. Such Advances shall be repaid or adjusted upon filing of a regular claim for the actual and necessary expenses incurred. 11. NEXT MEETING REMINDER(S) Tuesday, October 27, 2020 Tuesday, November 17, 2020 Tuesday, December 8, 2020 Tuesday, December 15, 2020 12. ADJOURNMENT at 8:50. p.m. Join us at the next Board Meeting! October 27, 2020 Tuesday, November 17, 2020 Tuesday, December 8, 2020 Tuesday, December 15, 2020 6:00 Open Session, Closed Session, 7:00 Open Session Reconvenes
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