Board Meeting Highlights:
We ARE stronger together! Link to Full Agenda CA Dashboard Presentation Dell Contract for 1:1 Device Replacement Dannis Woliver Kelley Agreement Contract-G. Cuoros 2020 Board Meeting Calendar LACOE Consultant Agreement Annual License for SWIS Essential Training Report Certificated Personnel Report Classified Personnel Report Board Meeting Schedule October 29, 2019 5:00 PM Closed Session 6:00 PM 1. OPENING PROCEDURE 1.a. CALL TO ORDER at 5:02 PM 1.b. ESTABLISHMENT OF QUORUM Quorum Established 2. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE GOVERNING BOARD 2.a. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE GOVERNING BOARD No requests to address the Board prior to Closed Session. 3. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION at 5:02 PM 3.a. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION (Government Code §54956.9) 3.b. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS (Government Code §54957.6) Employee Organizations: · San Gabriel Teachers Association · Teamsters Local 911 Agency Designated Representatives: James Symonds, Acting Superintendent and Ross Perry, Assistant Superintendent Human Resource Employee Organization: · Unrepresented/Management Unrepresented/Confidential Agency Designated Representative: James Symonds, Acting Superintendent 4. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION at 6:00 PM 4.a. ANNOUNCEMENT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION *** 4.b. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE *** 4.c. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Agenda approved with request to move item 17.b. to before item 4.d: GHS Future Business Leaders request to approve conference. 17.b. Terry Tang, GHS President of FBLA presents request to the Leadership Conference in Anaheim. Motion passed unanimously. 4.d. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE GOVERNING BOARD regarding Items on the agenda, as well as, not on the agenda, but within the jurisdiction of the San Gabriel Unified School District Governing Board. A member of the public may choose to speak to an agenda item during public comment or at the time the Governing Board considers that item. Dena Dragoo, SGTA: Thanked School Board President Shellhart for attending our rep council and listening to our concerns about SPED. Thanked Jim Symonds for organizing meetings of SPED teachers regarding concerns in November. " It's been a collaborative beginning of the school year with the Asst. Superintendents Ross Perry and Will Wong working with SGTA. Pres. Dragoo addressed concerns about the Superintendent search consulting firms. Discussed results of past searches and appointments that did not work out to the benefit of the district. Offered that Ross Perry has run qualified candidate searches this year through EdJoin. She believes it is in important that all voices are heard in the interview panels. "Let's not spend a lot of money for this search when we are making other budget cuts. We hope that the decision about the search will be made in public and not behind closed doors." Liezel Gatlif, Teamsters: Speaking on behalf of Classified Stakeholders. Respectfully asked to not rush the search and to work with all stakeholders. Consider forming a plan of action to determine the best approach. We don't need to hire a firm until the action plan has been discussed with all stakeholders. Chanda Strom, SGTA: Thanked Jim and Joan Perez about meeting regarding representation of teachers on the EAC. "We had good conversations". Reiterated Dena Dragoo's comments about having Ross Perry run the search through EdJoin. 5. PRESENTATION by McPherson and Jacobson - Superintendent Search This agenda item provides an opportunity for the Governing Board to prepare for the next steps in the Superintendent search process. The investment for conducting the superintendent search is $14,900 for Phases I-V. The total not to exceed amount including expenses is $19,250. (Refer to Link to full agenda if you wish to read the presentation and proposal.) "We do not hire Superintendents at McPherson. That is the role of the Board." "We recommend to Boards that they get stakeholder feedback." "The Interim would be involved with the choosing." (SGTA Question: Does that mean that current acting superintendent would not be considered as an applicant?) "Interview panel is up to the Board, but our Interview Panels do not rank the candidates. The panel comments are shared with the Board." "We throw everyone out (when the Board makes the decision.)" Guaranteed the fee would be $16,000 during the presentation. Recommended added fee of video taping the candidate to demonstrate strong confidence on camera. "We recommend high involvement, but appropriate involvement. It's the Board's decision, not the public's decision." Board Comments: None. Consultant: Will the consultant decision be made by the next Board Meeting? Dr. Scott: I wish we could answer that question. Being inclusive is the single most important thing here. At the end of the day the 5 of us need to make the decision. Consultant: We will match anybody's offer. 6. PRESENTATION by Education Support Services Group - Superintendent Search This agenda item provides an opportunity for the Governing Board to prepare for the next steps in the Superintendent search process. Flexible fees based on scope of work and level of involvement Board desires (Range: $15,000 - $19,000) (Refer to Link to full agenda if you wish to read the proposal.) "It's the Board's search, your search for the Superintendent. We facilitate the process." "We are Interim Superintendents in nearby districts (Santa Ana). Don't worry; our focus is on Santa Ana right now, and we will be phasing out (as Interim Supt.) when the decision for Santa Ana is made." "Technically speaking, the Superintendent is your (the Board's) only employee." Three ways to run a search: -You can use your own HR staff to runt he search. -You can use a Search Firm. -You can use ESS as search advisers. "We are Search Advisers to the Board. Not a search firm." Honor confidentiality or you will not get the candidates you'd really like to have. We utilize your staff to conduct the search. HR to develop the brochure; IT to develop the survey. "It is a Board centered search, and it is confidential." "We are here to customize your search. We feel our process is more aligned with Board needs and wants." Board Comments/Questions: Mr. Ammon- Do you panel a stakeholder committee? Contractor: "We don't recommend it. There are applicants that will not apply due to confidentiality. Allow everyone input in the survey of the Superintendent. Some really good candidates may hold back and not apply. Confidentiality is important." Dr. Scott: "Thank you. For all the years and expertise, you're still out there doing this. There is a certain brain trust you bring to the show." 7. PRESENTATION by Leadership Associates - Superintendent Search. This agenda item provides an opportunity for the Governing Board to prepare for the next steps in the Superintendent search process. Fees: TWENTY-FOUR THOUSAND, FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($24,500) for services provided. Payment is to take place in two increments: (1) $12,250 upon completion of stakeholder input, and (2), $12,250 upon selection of a finalist. "We believe we have the background, connections, and network to bring you candidates that you might not otherwise see." "Most importantly, we want to know how your stakeholders feel." "We will ask stakeholders and the Board." "We come to the district, and we put out a survey." "We will bring our recommendations for interview, but it is your choice." "We promote a confidential search; many are sitting superintendents. We protect confidentiality." "Sometimes districts do a two tiered search to consider candidates in your own district. Some districts have strong internal candidates." Board Comments/Questions Ms. Haas asked about stakeholder participation. Contractor: We spend time to give stakeholders adequate input, but we recommend confidentiality, but it is your search. We will do want you ask. Pres. Shellhart: Thank you. Consultant: Just a few more comments. Often you have someone is doing a good job. A tiered search allows you to legitimatize the internal candidate which can be reassuring to your stakeholders. Our firm has been at this for a long time. I've done over 50 searches. You're getting a lot of expertise and wisdom. Pres, Shellhart: Thank you. Consultant: I'd like to add a few more things. We're really driven by our "Why." We've done large and small districts. 8. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING(S) 9. PUBLIC HEARING(S) None. 10. REPORT(S)/PRESENTATION(S) 10.a. REPORTS - Student Board Members (3 mins) Del Mar High School, Cecilia Venegas: Report on Del Mar Catalina trip was awesome. Visitation to Cal Poly Pomona; invited board to concert at end of the week. JMS: Anti-Bully presentation, Dual Immersion Parent Night; Halloween Parade, student council elections. Wilson: Spread Your Kindness Campaign; Red Ribbon and Stand Against Bullying Week, Jog-a-thon; lock down drill procedures; Data Dive for staff. Gabrielino High School, Jocelyn Tan: GHS- Girls' Volleyball in Semi-final game for CIF; Speech & Debate in Pinnacle Club; Mock Trail is Back; Band Competitions; 4 year college fair; Trial Week for Block Schedule; Fall Play- 39 Steps; Parent meeting on the dangers of vaping. Coolidge: Healthy Choices Week; Mobile dairy ; Fall Fair. Roosevelt Golden Bell Award for the MIE program; hosted Speech & Debate Tournament- the only public school to complete. Washington Red Ribbon Week and Halloween Parade. Mrs. Keffer's class field trip. 10.b. REPORT - Board President (3 mins) Back from vacation, so l will defer to my fellow Board members. Happy Halloween. 10.c. REPORT - Acting Superintendent (3 mins) Welcome back Pres. Shellhart on your well-deserved break. Congratulations to Roosevelt on the Golden Bell Award for the innovative program and prestigious award. Impressive evening at Homecoming- even a fireworks show. Great job by the new ASB Advisers Chanda Strom and Edith Gonzalez. Attended a 2-day training on Terrorism. Have no fear - Mr. Perry, Mr. Wong and I are prepared. Commented on Del Mar Catalina trip. Thanked Del Mar for creativity of coming up with the trip and the opportunity presented to the students. Visiting all the sites with Gail Calhoun and Joan Perez. Great job at Wilson and new Mandarin program. November 1st Staff development; The Teacher's Lounge will perform with GHS vocalists; Dr. Joe Dumbrowski on connecting with students and equity. Launched "The San Gabriel Experience" to brand our district with our principals. 10.d. PRESENTATION - SGUSD California School Dashboard, Local Indicators 2018- 2019 Presentation by Dr. Joan Perez (attached). A cycle of continuous improvement and looking at change over time in the district. Public release of the Dashboard due Week of December 9th Board Comments and Questions: Pres. Shellhart- lovely presentation Mr. Ammon- very thorough as always; LCAP suvey- did it go out to all parents? Dr. Perez: We are working hard to bring the parent voice to EAC and Portrait of a Graduate Mr. Ammon- Parent input is critical with social-emotional wellness Dr. Scott- how do our signature programs fit in. Is there a dashboard component for this? Dr. Perez- it fits in with College and Career skills. These foster the skills beyond their time in San Gabriel. Dr. Scott- We want to demonstrate how are students Dr. Perez- I can include a narrative about our signature programs Mr. Ammon- MIE was included in school climate a few years ago Dr. Scott- you've already done the impossible, Joan, so this shouldn't be a big problem for you. 11. BUSINESS SERVICES 11.a. (ROLL CALL) - Adopt Resolution No. 8/2019-20, Certification of Signatures for District Business Documents on Behalf of the Governing Board In order to conduct the daily business of the District, individual officers, as identified by Governing Board action, must be authorized to sign warrants, checks, contracts, notices, or other legal documents. Rationale: The roster of authorized officers must be updated periodically when there is a change in administration. To keep the signatory current, Matthew Arnold shall be removed as Director, Fiscal Services and Jazmin Ortega shall be added as Director, Fiscal Services. The changes of authorized signers shall be effective immediately. Action Taken: Approved unanimously 11.b. ACTION - Approve the Lease Agreement Between the San Gabriel Unified School District and Dell FinancialServices In order to sustain the District’s 1:1 student Chromebook initiative, the District needs to replace our next batch of aging Chromebooks. A total of 1,110 Chromebooks needs to be obtained in order for students to utilize the latest software updates and to ensure full compatibility for CAASSP testing Total cost: $341,656.39 (Proposal attached) Comments/Questions: Mr. Ammon- can we have a little background? Mr Wong: It's time to refresh to make sure all Chromebooks work for testing. Action Taken: Motion approved unanimously. 11.c. ACTION - Approve the Agreement for Professional Services Between Dannis Woliver Kelley (DWK) and the San Gabriel Unified School District This agreement between the District and Dannis Woliver Kelley will allow the District to seek their professional services for legal matters. Rationale: The District would seek professional services for legal matters from October 17, 2019, through and including June 30, 2020, and continuing thereafter as approved. FEES AND BILLING PRACTICES. Except as hereinafter provided, District agrees to pay Attorney two hundred sixty-five dollars ($265) to three hundred sixty dollars ($360) per hour for Shareholders and Of Counsel; two hundred forty-five dollars ($245) to two hundred ninety-five dollars ($295) for Special Counsel; one hundred ninety-five dollars ($195) to two hundred sixty dollars ($260) per hour for Associates; and one hundred thirty dollars ($130) to one hundred eighty dollars ($180) per hour for Paralegals and Law Clerks. Rates for individual attorneys may vary within the above ranges depending on the level of experience and qualifications and the nature of the legal services provided. (Proposal attached) Action Taken: Motion approved unanimously 12. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 12.a. ACTION - Approve the Consultant Agreement Between San Gabriel USD and Erica Jolene Robledo, MSW, LCSW for School Year 2019-2020 Participants will learn how to establish school-wide practices that support positive academic outcomes, social connectedness, and integrated behavior interventions. Participants will develop an action plan for the implementation of multi-tiered behavioral supports that build on current knowledge with the goal of increasing skill capacity for teachers and staff. Rationale: November 1, 2019 Staff Development Ms. Robledo will offer Professional Development on November 1, 2019 in the form of two 90-minute sessions on the key features of the PBIS framework, including how PBIS systems, data, and practices support student achievement and further a positive socio-emotional climate. Fee: $800 for 2- 90-minute sessions Action Taken: Motion approved unanimously. 12.b. ACTION - Approve the Consultant Agreement Between San Gabriel USD and Efficacy Consulting, INC. for School Year 2019-2020 Michele Dellenbach, of Efficacy Consulting, will offer two 90-minute sessions during SGUSD November 1, 2019 Professional Development Day in the area of Serving Multilingual Learners Fee: $1,200.00. Action Taken: Motion approved unanimously. 12.c. ACTION - Approve Agreement for Consultant Services between SGUSD and George Cuoros for Staff Development Day on August 14, 2020 Mr. Cuoros will provide a morning keynote on Friday, August 14, 2020 for an all staff audience and an afternoon breakout for district leadership. Rationale: As a SGUSD consultant, he will work with teachers and District leaders to develop a co-created plan that brings his expertise to the District’s work with Portrait of a Graduate. His focus on innovation in leadership, learning, teaching, and technology, as well as helping to further a positive culture in organizations, make Mr. Cuoros a great match for assisting in developing the vision for the San Gabriel Experience! Fee: $13,000. Action Taken: Motion approved unanimously. 13. HUMAN RESOURCES 13.a. ACTION - Approve Student Teaching Agreement Between the San Gabriel Unified School District and California State University of Long Beach An agreement with Cal State University of Long Beach enables student teachers to engage in their practice teaching in the District. The term of this agreement is from October 29, 2019 to July 25, 2024. The District will provide Master Teachers for their student teachers. Action Taken: Motion approved unanimously. 14. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 15. GOVERNING BOARD 15.a. ACTION - Approve Adding a Meeting on December 17, 2019 to Meet the AB 2449 Mandate for Annual Organizational Meetings Assembly Bill 2449 (2018) moved the date on which terms for newly elected school and college district trustees begin, from the first to the second Friday in December. This move came from some county election officials that encountered difficulties certifying election results before the first Friday in December. This legislation took effect on January 1, 2019. (Draft Calendar Attached) Comments/Questions: Dr. Scott advocated for the change. Pres. Shellhart did not notice any conflicts. Action Taken: Motion approved unanimously 15.b. DISCUSSION - 2020 Governing Board Calendar 16. BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS, REPORTS, AND/OR COMMUNICATIONS NOTE: (This section provides an opportunity for the Governing Board to share information with other Board Members and members of the public.) Dr. Scott- Homecoming was a beautiful night. Attended La Casa and AYC dinners. Visited Roosevelt . Worked on JMS sound system. Mr. Tcheng made a hole in one last weekend. Ms. Hass- Glad Pres. Shellhart had a well-deserved vacation. Attended GATE field trip at the USC Asian Pacific Museum; very engaged with the Resident Artist. Commented on JMS and GHS speech tournaments. I'm very impressed with our students. Hearing positive comments from students about the embedded time. So blessed to be a part of the district. Ms. Alvarado: Thank you for attending the dedication of the Bell at Washington. Thank you to teachers, Teamsters, and Mrs. Dunville. I'm your representative at the San Gabriel Community Foundation and chair of scholarship committee. We give 4 scholarships and made a motion to include Del Mar. The bequest does not allow additional scholarships to Del Mar because it was made before Del Mar was a school. Would like to discuss late start for high school. Let's plan ahead and get the community involved earlier. Mr. Symonds noted that it is already on the site administrators' radar. Mr. Ammon: AYC and La Casa dinners. These are the smoothest months I've seen in the district. Shout out to Mrs. Strom and ASB. Wish everyone a happy and safe Halloween. 17. CONSENT AGENDA NOTE: (The Governing Board may take one (1) vote for all Consent items including: Business Services, Educational Services, Human Resources, and Superintendent's Office. Items may be removed from the Consent agenda and voted on separately.) Dr. Scott thanks the anonymous donors. Consent Agenda approved unanimously. 17.a. CONSENT - BUSINESS SERVICES 17.a.1. Accept Donations to the San Gabriel Unified School District GATE Program from Various Donors 17.a.2. Approve Purchase Orders Issued in Excess of $5,000 Report No. 6 (Attached) 17.b. CONSENT - EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 17.b.1. Approve First Quarter Report on Williams Uniform Complaints, School Year 2019-2020 17.b.2. Approve Gabrielino High School Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) attendance at the Leadership Development Institute in Anaheim, California, November 15-17, 2019 17.b.3. Approve the Consultant Agreement Between San Gabriel USD and Los Angeles County Office of Education, Early Learning Support Services, for School Year 2019-2020 Los Angeles County Office of Education will offer two 90-minute sessions (Part A and Part B) for all early childhood teachers (Pre-K, TK-K, Grade 1) in the area of building concrete understanding in number sense and connecting it to the Pre-K Foundations and Common Core State Standards for math during the November 1, 2019 Professional Development Day. Fee: $1,564.54. (Consultant agreement attached) 17.b.4. Approve Annual License Agreement with University of Oregon to provide use of the School-wide Information System (SWIS) to Implement Positive Behavioral Instruction and Support (PBIS) Software to Four SGUSD Schools Annual License for 4 sites: $1,400 (Attached) 17.b.5. Approve Essential Training Travel Report No. 6 (Attached) 17.c. CONSENT - HUMAN RESOURCES 17.c.1. Approve Certificated Personnel Status Report No. 6 (Attached) 17.c.2. Approve Classified Personnel Status Report No. 6 (Attached) Includes new Benefits Technician, Wilson Site Support Tech, DEC Receptionist, and McKinley Instructional Aid. Resignation of Hun Ly- DEC Accounting. 17.d. CONSENT - SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 18. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION (NOTE: If the Governing Board does not complete Closed Session, it will RECONVENE the meeting to open session and RECESS the meeting to closed session after all open session business has been conducted.) Recessed to Closed Session at 8:16 PM. 18.a. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT/APPOINTMENT (Government Code § 54957(b)(1)) · Superintendent 19. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION at 9:29 PM 19.a. ANNOUNCEMENT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION Action Taken: None. Adjourned at 9:29 PM 20. ADJOURNMENT 20.a. NEXT MEETING REMINDERS · Tuesday, November 19, 2019 · Tuesday, December 10, 2019 · Tuesday, December 17, 2019 *Pending approval at this meeting. Join us at the next Board Meeting! October 8, 2019 6:00 Open Session, Closed Session, 7:00 Open Session Reconvenes Keep wearing those shirts!! Show we are unified! 10/29/19 REMINDER EMAIL BELOW:
Attention San Gabriel Teachers Association Members, Our School Board Members are listening to 3 presentations tonight regarding the Superintendant Search. Do you think it is important for all stakeholders to be represented on the Interview panel? (teachers, parents, students...) If so, I strongly urge you to attend!!!
Thank you all for your dedication to your students! See you at 6 p.m! SGTA Executive Board October 29, School Board Agenda
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