Board Meeting Highlights:
We ARE stronger together! Link to Full Agenda Unaudited Actuals Presentation Gann Limit 10b. DBL-UCLA Center X Proposal 10b. DBL-UCLA Center X Contract 10c. Budding Consultant Agreement 10d. McKinley Contract Lift Enrichment 11a. Loma Linda University Contract 13a. Symonds Contract Addendum 15.a.2. P.O. Report No.3 15.b.2. Consultant Agreement- Watanabe 15.c.1. Certificated PSR No.3 15.c.2. Classified PSR No. 3 15.d.1. Conference Report No. 3 1.RECEPTION (5:45-6:00 P.M.) San Gabriel Teachers Association Recognition of the San Gabriel Unified School District Governing Board 2. OPENING PROCEDURE 2.a. CALL TO ORDER at 6:04 PM 2.b. ESTABLISHMENT OF QUORUM all members present. 3. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE GOVERNING BOARD None. 3.a. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE GOVERNING BOARD 4. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION at 6:04 PM (NOTE: If the Governing Board does not complete Closed Session, it will RECONVENE the meeting to open session and RECESS the meeting to closed session after all open session business has been conducted.) 4.a. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL—ANTICIPATED LITIGATION (Government Code §54956.9) Potential exposure to litigation pursuant to paragraph (2) or (3) of Section 54956.9 One (1) Potential Case 4.b. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE DISCIPLINE/DISMISSAL/RELEASE (Government Code §54957 (b).) 4.c. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS (Government Code §54957.6) Unrepresented Employee: Acting Superintendent Negotiator: James Baca, Legal Counsel; Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Ruud & Romo Employee Organizations: · San Gabriel Teachers Association · Teamsters Local 911 Negotiators: James Symonds, Acting Superintendent Ross Perry, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resource Employee Organization: Unrepresented/Confidential Agency Designated Representative: James Symonds, Acting Superintendent 5. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION approx. 7:04 PM 5.a. ANNOUNCEMENT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION No items taken in closed session. 5.b. SWEAR-IN Student Board Members Jocelyn Tan, Gabrielino High School and Cecilia Venegas, Del Mar High School for the 2019-2020 School Year 5.c. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Manny Quezada, new Assistant Principal, Jefferson Middle School 5.d. APPROVAL OF AGENDA (This is an opportunity for the Governing Board to adopt the agenda as presented and/or rearrange agenda items to accommodate arrival of audience members.) Agenda approved with 15c moved to Item 6. Approved unanimously. 5.e. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE GOVERNING BOARD regarding Items on the agenda, as well as, not on the agenda, but within the jurisdiction of the San Gabriel Unified School District Governing Board. A member of the public may choose to speak to an agenda item during public comment or at the time the Governing Board considers that item. 6. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING(S) Move approval of Certificated PSR to welcome Manny Quezada, new Assistant Principal of Jefferson Middle School. Moved and approved unanimously by the Board. Mr. Quezada participated in Back-to-School Night and felt" the family love." Noted he is very happy to be here. 6.a. ACTION - Approve the Minutes of the August 20, 2019 Governing Board Meeting Comments/Revisions: None. Action Taken: Approved unanimously. 6.b. ACTION - Approve the Minutes of the September 3, 2019 Special Governing Board Meeting Comments/Revisions: None. Action Taken: Approved unanimously. 7. PUBLIC HEARING(S) 7.a. PUBLIC HEARING - Notice of Public Hearing on Sufficiency of Textbooks or Instructional Materials, California Education Code 60119, School Year 2019-2020, to Comply with Williams Legislation, Effective January 1, 2005 Comments: None. 8. REPORT(S)/PRESENTATION(S) 8.a. REPORTS - Student Board Members (3 mins) Del Mar High School, Cecilia Venegas: Report for Del Mar HS on upcoming Open House and upcoming field trip Report for JMS and Jacob Haas walkway for Eagle scout project. Choir will be performing at the Angels game; Karaoke night to support the music program Report for McKinley: Open House; new Lift After-school cooking program Report for Wilson: Open House, PBIS Opening presentation for parents at Open House; celebrated new Dual Immersion Mandarin Kinder program Gabrielino High School, Jocelyn Tan 8.b. REPORT - Board President (3 mins) GHS: Parent Night; ASB Club sign ups Coolidge: Parent Night, Book Fair; Leader in Me continues Roosevelt: Parent Night; PBIS Kick-off; Promethean Summit sponsored by staff Washington: Successful Parent Night; Family movie night 8b. Board President Report: President Shellhart welcomed both student school board reps and encouraged them to participate. Annual Assignment of Board Members to School Sites: Coolidge- Mr. Ammon McKinley- Pres. Shellhart Roosevelt- Dr. Scott Washington- Ms. Alvarado Wilson- Ms. Haas JMS- Ms. Haas and Dr. Scott DMHS- Ms. Alvarado GHS- President Shellhart and Mr. Ammon September 11th remembrance provided by President Shellhart. 8c. Mr Symonds- Acting Supt report
8.d. PRESENTATION - 2018-2019 Unaudited Actuals A presentation on the 2018-2019 Unaudited Actuals will be given by William Wong, Assistant Superintendent, Business Services. The revenues were up by about $2,000,000 with about $2,000,000 less in expenses. Resulted in an increase to the fund balance. Note that these are un-audited calculations. We are currently in an audit that will look at the un-audited actuals and the revenues. They will audit for proof the monies were spent in the correct way. We'd rather have a fund balance increase that a fund balance decrease as we did int he 2017-2018. There has been a lot of transition in the Accounting office, so we are getting extra help with this. We are also being audited on procedures and Title 1 procedures. We have reached the LCAP gap funding. There will not be a jump in revenue, only COLA increases. Movement in Sacramento to increase school funding. SGUSD Board adopted to support CSBA proposal of Full and Fair Funding bill (NOTE: CTA recommends a different measure which is also supported by groups such as the League of Women Voters.) QUESTIONS/Comments: Dr. Scott- Thank you. You've accomplished a big task with little help. Mr. Wong- I've have had a lot of help from the people upstairs. Mr. Ammon: We got the right person for the right job. 9. BUSINESS SERVICES 9.a. ACTION - 2018-2019 Unaudited Actuals The 2018-2019 books are officially closed with all operating funds carrying positive fund balances and meeting reserve requirements, if applicable. The Unaudited Actuals packet will be available online and at the District Office by September 6, 2019. Rationale: In compliance with Education Code (EC) Section 42100, the Los Angeles County Office of Education (County Office) requests that districts file their Board approved 2018-2019 Unaudited Actuals Financial Report with the County Office by September 15, 2019. The report is required in State SACS software format with original signed governing board certification form. Recommended Motion: The Administration recommends the Governing Board certify the Unaudited Actuals for the 2018-2019 fiscal year as presented and authorize the Administration or designee to submit the financial report to Los Angeles County Superintendent of Schools Comments: None Action Taken: Unanimously approved. 9.b. (ROLL CALL) - Adopt Resolution No.6/2019-20, Establish a revised Gann Limit Calculation for 2018-2019 and a Projected Gann Limit Calculation for the 2019-2020 Fiscal Years The formal adoption of the resolution establishes that the District is in compliance with the mandates of Article XIIIB of the California Constitution. Rationale: In November 1979, the citizens of California approved Proposition 4, commonly known as the Gann Limit. This ballot initiative established a maximum appropriation limit for public agencies. Under this constitutional amendment, districts are required to calculate a maximum appropriation each year. The San Gabriel Unified School District's final 2018-2019 appropriation amount subject to the GANN Limit is $37,996,541.83. The GANN Limit maximum for the 2019-2020 fiscal year is estimated at $39,341,030.46. Recommended Motion: The Administration recommends that District staff calculates the Gann Limit appropriations each year in compliance with Article XIII B of the California Constitution. The attached resolution identifies that the District is within the amount subject to appropriations limit. Therefore, it is recommended the Governing Board approve Resolution No. 6/2019-20, Gann Limit Calculations for 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 and authorize the Administration or designee to execute the necessary documents. Comments: None Action Taken: Unanimously approved. 10. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 10.a. (ROLL CALL) - Adopt Resolution No.5/2019-20, Notice of Public Hearing for Sufficiency of Textbooks or Instructional Materials, School Year 2019-2020 Resolution No. 5/2019-20 will allow the District to certify to the State that it has met the legal requirements as set out in the Williams Settlement Legislation. Rationale: The Williams Legislation, effective January 1, 2005, altered the previous requirements for district compliance and certification of adequate instructional materials. Beginning in 2005-06, a school district's Governing Board is required to hold a public hearing to determine whether sufficient instructional materials or textbooks are available for each student, including English Language Learners, within the first eight weeks of the school year. To comply with the Williams Legislation, Resolution No. 5 is being submitted, wherein the Acting Superintendent has determined and certifies that each pupil in the district has, in the 2019-2020 school year, sufficient textbooks or instructional materials or both, in each of the following subjects, consistent with the content and cycles of the curriculum framework adopted by the state board: reading/language arts, mathematics, science, and history/social science, elective courses in foreign language. The Acting Superintendent has also determined the availability of laboratory science equipment as applicable to science laboratory courses offered in grades 9-12, inclusive. Recommended Motion: Administration recommends that the Governing Board adopt Resolution No. 5/2019-20 certifying sufficient textbooks or instructional materials for each student in the District pursuant to Williams Legislation and Education Codes Sections 1240 (i) and 60119. Comments: None Action Taken: Unanimously approved. 10.b. ACTION - Approve Consultant Agreement Between San Gabriel Unified School District and The Regents of the University of California on Behalf of UCLA GSE and IS CENTER X for Professional Development-Design Based Learning 2019-2021 This partnership will support ongoing efforts in San Gabriel Unified School District to improve student achievement by strengthening the knowledge and skills of our classroom teachers. Teachers will receive ongoing professional development in the area of Design-Based Learning. *This agreement is based on a 2-year, 120–hour minimum commitment for a total of $55,200. Rationale: Partnership Goals: - Teachers will explore the field of Design-Based Learning and explore student-centered methods for teaching higher level thinking skills associated with self-advocacy and social consciousness to support student mastery of the K-12 standards. - Teachers will collaborate in high functioning professional learning communities to develop a year-long Design-Based Learning Curriculum, including a sequence of Design Challenges and high quality, standards-aligned Guided Lessons. - Teachers will increase student accessibility to core curriculum through deeper, interdisciplinary learning that addresses the needs of diverse learners. - Teachers will develop and refine civics connections to promote equity in the existing Design-Based Learning program by analyzing standards and themes in the curriculum. - San Gabriel Unified School District will become self-sustaining in the Design-Based Learning methodology, utilizing the expertise of the teacher coaches who have completed 120 or more hours of Design-Based Learning professional development. Ongoing partnership goals: *Selected teachers may be eligible to become Design-Based Learning trainers through UCLA Center X. Recommended Motion: Comments: Mr. Ammon asked Mr. Symonds for more information. Mr. Symonds: Special to see the commitment from teachers in the district to DBL. SGUSD has the biggest cohort in the area. We are leading the charge, Action Taken: Approved unanimously. 10.c. ACTION - Approve Consultant Agreement with Dr. Deborah Budding for an Independent Educational Evaluation of a Special Education Student, School Year 2019-2020 The San Gabriel Unified School District needs to provide an independent educational evaluation for a ninth-grade student. The District is obligated to contract with a specialist who can provide an impartial evaluation since the parent is in disagreement with the District's psychoeducational evaluation. District agrees to pay the Consultant a sum of $ 5,800.00 upon completion of the services. Rationale: The parent is in disagreement with the District’s psychoeducational evaluation. In accordance with the West San Gabriel Valley SELPA’s Independent Educational Evaluation Policy, the parent may seek an Independent Educational Evaluation when they are in disagreement with an evaluation completed by the District. Recommended Motion: Administration recommends approval of the Lift Enrichment, Inc. Contract Between McKinley Elementary and San Gabriel Unified School District for After School Fee-based Cooking Lessons. Comments: None Action Taken: Unanimously approved. 10.d. ACTION – Approve the Lift Enrichment, Inc. Contract Between McKinley Elementary and San Gabriel Unified School District for After School Fee-based Cooking Lessons Lift Enrichment will provide after school fee-based cooking lessons appropriate for students in grades K-5. There will be 6 sessions every Wednesday from 1:35-2:35 pm from September 25th – October 30th. Recommended Motion: Comments: Mrs. Alvarado- May we have more information. How does this come about? Concerned about using a fee based program when students cannot afford to participate. Mr. Symonds- It is a fee based session, however there is an opportunity for scholarships. It is a separate issue than the situation with the SEF program suit. It is an- after school program. We have several programs that are fee based and others that are not fee based, but we make sure to work with the after-school programs to offer scholarships to those students who wish to participate. Action Taken: Unanimously approved. 10.e. ACTION - Approve Consultant Agreement with Dr. Brian McDonald for Special Education Psychological Services, School Year 2019-2020 Special education students who attend school in the San Gabriel Unified School District may require counseling services per their IEP. Students need to be assessed in any area of suspected disability, per the IEP team’s recommendation. The District agrees to pay the Consultant an amount not to exceed $ 20,000.00 upon completion of the services. Rationale: Special education students who attend school in the San Gabriel Unified School District may require counseling services per their IEP. In addition, students need to be assessed in any area of suspected disability, per the IEP team’s recommendation. At this time, it is necessary to contract with an outside agency for one part time psychologist to provide psychoeducational testing and/or counseling services on an as-needed basis for students in the district. Dr. Brian McDonald is able to provide part time support to provide these services Recommended Motion: Administration recommends the approval of the consultant agreement with Dr. Brian McDonald for Special Education Psychological Services for the 2019-2020 school year. Comments: None Action Taken: Unanimously approved. 11. HUMAN RESOURCES 11.a. ACTION - Approve Student Teaching Agreement Between San Gabriel Unified School District and Loma Linda University An agreement with Loma Linda University enables student teachers to engage in their practice teaching in the District. The term of this agreement is from July 16, 2019 to July 15, 2024. The District will provide Master Teachers for their student teachers. Note: Compensation rate for District Master Teachers is not listed in the documentation. Rationale: An Agreement with Loma Linda University enables Loma Linda University student teachers to engage in their practice teaching in the District. The District will do their best to provide Master Teachers in those subject areas requested by the University for their student teachers. Recommended Motion: The formal written agreement has just been received from Loma Linda University and Board approval is needed so that the District master Teachers can be compensated. Therefore, It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the Student Teaching Agreement between the San Gabriel Unified School District and Loma Linda University. Comments: Dr. Scott: Glad we got them. Action Taken: Unanimously approved. 12. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE None. 13. GOVERNING BOARD 13.a. ACTION - Approve Addendum to Contract of Employment for James G. Symonds, Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services, to Serve as Acting Superintendent Rationale: At a special Board meeting of July 24, 2019, the Board took action to appoint James "Jim" Symonds as Acting Superintendent during the period of District Superintendent John Pappalardo’s leave of absence. At a special Board meeting on September 3, 2019, the Board took action to accept the resignation of District Superintendent John Pappalardo. The Board desires to formalize Mr. Symonds’ service as Acting Superintendent with an Addendum to his current Contract of Employment for the position of Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services, which shall set forth the additional duties Mr. Symonds has been and will continue to perform for the term of the Addendum as Acting Superintendent, and provide additional compensation therefore during the term of his service in that position. (Emphasis added.) See additional information regarding additional benefits including health benefits and 403(b). Reference Note to Members: Current contract for Mr. Symonds: $149,915 Proposed contract addendum for Mr. Symonds: $157,410.75 Contract for Dr. Pappalardo: $240,969 Contract for Y. Mendoza: $175,000 Recommended Motion: It is recommended that the Addendum to the Contract of Employment for James "Jim" Symonds to serve as Acting Superintendent be approved, which term shall be retroactive and effective July 24, 2019, and shall continue until a permanent Superintendent is selected and reports to duty, or as otherwise determined by the Governing Board. Comments: None Action Taken: Unanimously approved. 14. BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS, REPORTS, AND/OR COMMUNICATIONS NOTE: (This section provides an opportunity for the Governing Board to share information with other Board Members and members of the public.) Ms. Alvarez: Put Oct 12 at 2 PM to dedicate the 150th anniversary of the bell at Washington. The Native Sons and Daughters of the Golden West to commemorate 150 years of education here in San Gabriel. Working with Ms. Dunville and Mr. Perry on this. Thank you to the teachers for the recognition and cards. Mr. Ammon: Thanked the new student members. Thanked SGTA for the positivity in the air. Ms. Haas: Busy start to the year, Thank you to the teachers and want to continue to support you in what you do best. Attended Wilson and Gabrielino. Thank you Ms. Heinrich. Impressed to see the student samples in the Mandarin Dual Immersion Kinder Program. FOrmally thanked the JMS custodial staff and admin for support of her son's Eagle project, Dr. Scott: Wonderful energy at Jefferson. SO much to be proud of. Attended PBIS at Wilson. Great energy and spirit with the GHS band. Ivonne Contreras is the right person for the job. Thank you to Jenna Dizon for the beautiful cards. Pres. Shellhart: Dates for AYC and La Casa dinners to be provided by Zulma. 15. CONSENT AGENDA NOTE: (The Governing Board may take one (1) vote for all Consent items including: Business Services, Educational Services, Human Resources, and Superintendent's Office. Items may be removed from the Consent agenda and voted on separately.) Recommended Motion: Comments: None Action Taken: Unanimously approved. 15.a. CONSENT - BUSINESS SERVICES 15.a.1. Approve Warrants Issued for Payments of Payroll, Goods and Services Received for August 2019 - Report No. 3 15.a.2. Approve Purchase Orders Issued in Excess of $5,000 Report No. 3 (Attached) 15.b. CONSENT - EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 15.b.1. Approve the Gabrielino High School Football Team to Compete in a Football Game with Southwest High School in San Diego, California, September 6-7, 2019 The game will provide the team with the “real world” experience in the areas of service, respect and character. 15.b.2. Approve Renewal of Consultant Agreement with Carole Watanabe-Lee for Induction Professional Development from July 2019 through June 2020 (Attached) District agrees to pay the Consultant the rate of $32 an hour, not to exceed $825 15.b.3. Approve Essential Training Travel Report No. 3 (Attached) 15.c. CONSENT - HUMAN RESOURCES 15.c.1. Approve Certificated Personnel Status Report No. 3 (Attached) 15.c.2. Approve Classified Personnel Status Report No. 3 (Attached) 15.d. CONSENT - SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 15.d.1. Approve Essential Travel Report No. 3(Attached) 16. ADJOURNMENT at 8:00 PM 16.a. NEXT MEETING REMINDERS · Tuesday, September 24, 2019 · Tuesday, October 8, 2019 · Tuesday, October 22, 2019 · Tuesday, November 19, 2019 · Tuesday, December 10, 2019 Join us at the next Board Meeting! TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2019 Come early at 5:30 for a brief presentation from SGTALeadership! 6:00 Open Session, Closed Session, 7:00 Open Session Reconvenes Keep wearing those shirts!! Show we are unified!
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