Board Meeting Bullets
Link to Full Agenda Essential Training & Travel Report Classified PSR 3 Certificated PSR 3 Unaudited Actuals Presentation Gann Limit- Unaudited Actuals Board Meeting Bullets Submitted by J. Vargas Regular Meeting San Gabriel USD September 11, 2018 6:00PM 1. Opening Procedure Call to Order at 6:00 PM by President Alvarez. Establishment of Quorum: All members present. 2. Requests to Address Governing Board: None. 3. Recess to Closed Session at 6:01. 4. Reconvene to Open Session at 7:00 PM. Announcement of actions taken in closed session. Action taken:None. 4a. Requests to address the Governing Board: None. 5. Approval of Minutes of August 9th and 21st, 2018 Governing Board Meeting. Approved. 6. Public Hearing(s). 6.a. PUBLIC HEARING - Notice of Public Hearing on Sufficiency of Textbooks or Instructional Materials, California Education Code 60119, School Year 2018-2019, To Comply with Williams Legislation, Effective January 1,2005 Comments. None. Public hearing closed. 7. Reports and Presentations 7a. Board President Report: President Alvarez spoke on the attacks of 9/11 and how we came together as a country. “It’s a reminder of our power as a people.” Parent Info Nights took place at all schools except Del Mar which is happening later. Pres. Alvarez thanked Board members for attending the Parent Nights. High level of enthusiasm from parents, teachers, and principals that set the tone for the year. President Alvarez asks members to consider scheduling attendance at the La Casa dinner and AYC dinner. 7b. Superintendent’s Report: Echoes Pres. Alvarez’s sentiments regarding 9/11. A fabulous start of the year. Has visited all 8 campuses. The smooth start is a tribute to our teachers, principals, staff. Very appreciative of all our staff’s efforts. 7c. Recognition: West San Gabriel Valley SELPA presented Recognition for Exceptional Special Education Teacher for the 2017-18 school year, Kenna McRae. Read Dr. Murray’s letter of recommendation. President Alvarez offers congratulations and notes appreciation of excellent teachers. 7.d. PRESENTATION - 2017-2018 Unaudited Actuals. Vanessa Eastland presented. The 2017-18 Unaudited Actuals submission packet includes summary, fund summary with multiple-year data, and SACS forms. The District has met the 3% reserve level for 2017-18 with a positive unrestricted and restricted ending fund balance. The 2017-18 books are officially closed with all operating funds carrying positive fund balances and meeting reserve requirements, if applicable. 3% reserve maintained. Declining enrollment impacts budget projections. Structural deficits in 2017-18, 2018-19, and 2019-20. Once budget reductions are made, she anticipates a positive ending balance. Comments from Dr. Scott: Is it too early to determine how much we will lose due to declining enrollment? Eastland- We’ll have that ready to present to the Board. Comments from Mrs. Shellhart: Slide 6, Item 7000: “Other Outgo”- last line item. What is it? Usually it is an indirect cost for Special Education. SELPA (J. Yay). (Presentation and full report attached.) 8. BUSINESS SERVICES 8. a. ACTION - 2017-2018 Unaudited Actuals The Superintendent recommends the Governing Board certify the Unaudited Actuals for the 2017-18 fiscal year as presented and authorize submission to Los Angeles County Superintendent of Schools. Action Taken: Approved unanimously. 8. b. ACTION - Approve Change Order No. 4 for Bid No. 01-15/16 with NSA Construction Group for Gabrielino High School Campus Enrichment Project. It is recommended that the Governing Board approve Change Order No. 4 in the net amount of $99,661.50 to increase the new contract total up to $7,621,607.50. Comments: Mr. Ammon asks about the large amount of the change order. Dr. Pappalardo and J. Yay explain it is the last order to complete the project. Action Taken: Approved unanimously. 8.c. (ROLL CALL) - Adopt Resolution No. 2/2018-19, Establish a revised Gann Limit Calculation for 2017-2018 and a Projected Gann Limit Calculation for the 2018-2019 Fiscal Years. (See attachment.)Under this constitutional amendment, districts are required to calculate a maximum appropriation each year. The San Gabriel Unified School District's final 2017-2018 appropriation amount subject to the GANN Limit is $38,150,759.02. The GANN Limit maximum for the 2018-2019 fiscal year is estimated at $39,151,427.87. It is recommended the Governing Board approve Resolution No. 2/2018-19, Gann Limit Calculations for 2017-2018 and 2018-2019. Action Taken: Approved unanimously. 9. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 9.a. (ROLL CALL) - Adopt Resolution No.3/2018-19, Notice of Public Hearing for Sufficiency of Textbooks or Instructional Materials, School Year 2018-2019. The Superintendent recommends that the Governing Board adopt Resolution No. 3/2018-19 certifying sufficient textbooks or instructional materials for each student in the District pursuant to Williams. Action Taken: Approved unanimously. 10. HUMAN RESOURCES. No remarks. 11. SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE. No remarks. 12. GOVERNING BOARD. No remarks. 13. BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS, REPORTS, COMMUNICATIONS Ms. Shellhart: It’s been a busy month. Exciting back to school nights. Attended PTSA at GHS. 7 new parents. Asked great questions. Four meetings on mental health to be held at GHS this year to help parents and students alike. Attended SELPA Community Advisory Committee. Recommended workshops offered to parents by the SELPA. Attended ACE meeting project. Public service announcement for the City. Coyotes still a problem. One can go to link on city website to report. Mr. Tcheng: Attended GHS information night. Thanked Member Shellhart for filling in for him. Dr. Scott: Kudos to all of you sitting through a Board meeting. Parent Info nights can be kind of dry and tedious, but there was a “hot buzz” at GHS. Complimented the band and choirs performing. So much going on at that school. Jefferson was the same. Many contentious communities. Then there’s us. We are in a wonderful space surrounded by chaos. All our hard work is paying off for our students and staff. Mr. Ammon: Schools celebrate themselves in unique way. Shout-out to JMS with short presentation to focus on staff and kids. Attended Information Night at liaison school McKinley. Parent participation was off the charts good. McKinley's enrollments is up 50 students this year. Off to a great start. 14. CONSENT AGENDA NOTE: The Governing Board may take one (1) vote for all Consent items including: Business Services, Educational Services, Human Resources, and Superintendent's Office. Items may be removed from the Consent agenda and voted on separately. Comments: Mr. Ammon calls out Choir retreat, Science Camp, MindQuest at Washington, Big Brothers and Sisters agreements as items of note. Consent agenda (see below) unanimously approved. 14. a. CONSENT AGENDA BUSINESS SERVICES 14. a.1. Approve Warrants Issued for Payments of Payroll, Goods and Services Received For August 2018 - Report No. 3 14.a.2. Approve Purchase Orders Issued in Excess of $5,000 Report No. 3 (See attachment.) 14b. CONSENT AGENDA EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 14.b.1. Approve RATIFICATION of Gabrielino High School Chamber Choir Retreat on September 8-9, 2018, in Glendora, California 14.b.2. Approve Coolidge Fifth Grade Students Attendance in Guided Discoveries' AstroCamp, School Year 2018-2019 14.b.3. Approve Consultant Agreement with SpeechCom Inc. for Short-Term Speech and Language Pathologist Assistant Coverage, School Year 2018-19 (Special Education). In consideration of service(s) rendered, the District agrees to pay the Consultant a sum of $ 54.00/hour for the period commencing July 1, 2018 and terminating June 30, 2019. 14.b.4. Approve Consultant Agreement between San Gabriel USD and Los Angeles County Office of Education for History-Social Science Professional Development for School Year 2018-2019. History/Social Sciences 1-day Professional Development and materials on November 2, 2018, for $50 per teacher, not to exceed 20 teachers. 14.b.5. Approve 2018-2019 Memorandum of Understanding between San Gabriel Unified School District-Washington Elementary School and MindQuest Learning. Washington would like to continue its after school Mandarin Dual Immersion program. 14.b.6. Approve Memorandum of Agreement between Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Greater Los Angeles and San Gabriel Unified School District, Gabrielino High School for 2018-2019 14.b.7. Approve Memorandum of Agreement between Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Greater Los Angeles and San Gabriel Unified School District, McKinley Elementary School for 2018-2019 14.b.8. Approve Declaration of Surplus Materials and Obsolete Equipment in the San GabrielUnified School District for the 2018-2019 School Year 14.b.9. Approve Essential Training Travel Report No. 3 (See attachment.) 14c CONSENT AGENDA HUMAN RESOURCES 14.c.1. Approve Certificated Personnel Status Report No. 3 (See attachment.) 14.c.2. Approve Classified Personnel Status Report No. 3 (See attachment.) 14.d. CONSENT - SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE (None.) 15. ADJOURNMENT at 7:32. Join us at the next Board Meeting!
6:00 Open Session, Closed Session, 7:00 Open Session Reconvenes San Gabriel Unifed School Board Agenda September 11, 2018 Keep wearing those shirts!! Show we are unified!
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