Hello SGTA Members,
We hope your school year is off to a great start! Tonight's school board meeting was very informative. There were parents who addressed the school board requesting the district to mandate vaccines for students. There were also 2 Presentations:
Please go to the district website to read the complete presentations. They can be found attached to the school board agendas. Thank you to our SGTA teachers who have copiously taken school board notes. See below for a quick reference. Thank you, SGTA SGTA Board Meeting Bullets MEETING OF THE GOVERNING BOARD September 14, 2021 (Notes are Abridged) 1. OPENING PROCEDURE A. CALL TO ORDER at 6:04pm B. ESTABLISHMENT OF QUORUM 2. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE GOVERNING BOARD Angela Acosta Anguli- Coolidge Parent - My family was the first documented Covid case at Coolidge. I say “privilege” because our case was mild. I say privilege because our friends came out to help. The one symptom was loss of taste. I am speaking to remove the short sighted stigma to being the first positive case. My family was safe and precautions were taken. Our bubble was strong but the delta variant still overcame. Privileged because we can turn this into a positive one. I urge the district to start mandatory testing. We had one symptom, no taste. Testing cannot be an option, it must be mandatory. We feel blessed to have a community that did not ostracize us. We had neighbors drop off many things for us and staff members offered to help or drop off food. . Mandatory testing is the only way forward. Board members please join other nearby school districts through testing mandates. Schools are the foundation of our society. This is a moral and ethical obligation. Mandatory testing is the least we can do to keep our kids safe. 3. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION 6:08 p.m. 4. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION 7:01 P.M. A. ANNOUNCEMENT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION Action With 5-0 Vote approved appointment of Erin Ortiz as Director of Special Education B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE C. APPROVAL OF AGENDA No discussion. Unanimously approve D. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE GOVERNING BOARD Virginia Yee: In-person learning is critical to a child’s success. Keeping covid under control and weekly mandatory testing is crucial, not voluntary. The problem is that parents who send their kids to school are those who will not take initiative to test. Just like in an aircraft, testing passengers is crucial. Why are we waiting for an outbreak to happen when weekly testing can help. Mandate a weekly test could be so proactive. Ensure safety of teachers and students. Alison Pistohl- Thank you for keeping our community safe. Thank you for quick responses when presented with problems. The testing plan is voluntary, I understand 100% is encouraged, however if it isn’t 100%, I urge you to make it mandatory. Educating our community is important to living in a Covid world. Education starts in the schools. Many times in history, in response to outbreaks, schools mandated vaccines to make sure viruses don't spread. Many vaccines are required to attend school. School vaccine requirements follows CDC guidelines. This community has already recommended vaccines to 12 and older. I encourage the board to require that vaccines in all students in our district, just like LAUSD has done. Especially for students who attend in person learning. Melissa and Jason Kan: During the SGUSD town hall, it was prioritized that safety is number one. Mandate weekly testing of all students (12 and older) and staff. Regular testing according to CDC helps students stay in school. Testing will detect asymptomatic students. Mandatory school vaccination is nothing new. (i.e. Chicken Pox, Measles…) We hope that SGUSD will follow LAUSD for weekly testing to ensure health and safety for our community. 5. APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES Discussion: None No additions or corrections. Action Taken: 4-0 Alvarado-Abstained 6. PUBLIC HEARING(S) A. Hearing and public comment on the San Gabriel Teacher's Association Initial Re-opener Proposal regarding collective bargaining negotiations for the 2021-2022 school year. Initial Re-opener Proposal regarding collective bargaining negotiations for the 2021-2022 school year. No Public Comments B. Hearing and public comment on the San Gabriel Unified School District's Initial Re-opener Proposal to the San Gabriel Teacher's Association for the 2021-2022 school year Initial Re-opener Proposal regarding collective bargaining negotiations for the 2021-2022 school year. No Public Comments 7. SPECIAL REPORTS AND PRESENTATIONS A. REPORT - Governing Board President Rochelle Haas - Attended Back to School Night on Zooms at Washington, MckInley. Look at the best interests of our community and nearby school districts. As a parent of a student at SGUSD, I see that the students really care and want to partake in the decision making. The kids are listening and look to us as parents first. They learn from their teachers and parents and can sense our anxiety and fears. The collateral damage of the school year loss was detrimental. Honor parent voice and choice and show our kids that in hard times, tough choices are made. B. REPORT - Superintendent Jim Symonds- Appreciate your comment Rochelle. I have a lot of thank you’s tonight. We are in our 4th week and I have to commend all of our teachers, staff and administrators to get our school year off to a positive start. The smiles on the kids were fantastic. At GAB the teachers were smiling, they were so thankful that they could have the kids back in classes and how much better this is than last year. We are doing well in SGUSD with the return of students. Our safety protocols are being followed and we are using data to guide our decisions. Tonight we will give a presentation about our surveillance testing program. Thank you cabinet for the research for the different programs for the testing program and finding one that makes the most sense for us at this time. Thank you Ross for another round of vaccine events for the families at Jeff middle school. 100 students received the vaccine from our community. Shoutout to Joan and the Ed services team and VISP teachers who are quickly navigating the virtual independent study program up and running. Many different guides for this legislation, and great resilience in the face of adversity. We’re partnering with other districts and experienced independent study teachers from Monrovia. Teamed up with Garden Grove and Fontana for the elementary VISP level. Thanks to our Business services, Larry, who has hit the ground running and your team is the best. Thank you for quickly navigating the AB130 . The pending legislation will allow school districts to collect ADA who are in quarantine as long as they are on independent study. . This is a dynamic moment in public school education. We must quickly navigate these quick changes. I’m proud of this district and the work of our employees, and standing united as they serve all the students in the SGUSD. C. RECOGNITION - Michael Bishop (CBO Interim) Much appreciation from School Board Members and SGUSD Cabinet. D. RECOGNITION - Joe Dixon (Director of Facilities Interim) Much appreciation from School Board Members and SGUSD Cabinet. E. PRESENTATION - COVID-19 Weekly Surveillance Testing Jim Symonds: To reduce the spread of Covid we are adding surveillance testing at school. Handwashing and mask wearing are layers of safety. By testing students and faculty on a weekly basis, we can minimize the spread of asymptomatic students who can spread viruses to others. Purpose of the district dashboard is to provide transparent data and provide parents with what to do to keep students safe (resources for families). Please refer to Phase 4 plan. Layers of mitigation are key. Ferchaw: Gives number of positive covid cases in our district. Updated daily during the week. Vaccination rate is a factor we look at. 86% got at least one shot that resides in San Gabriel unified. This is higher than average. 5 students and 1 staff member in our district. All nonschool occurrences. Mr. Perry: Here is our plan for weekly surveillance testing. This is based on parent consent. All in person K-12 students and staff who have not been infected with COVID in the last 90 days are invited to participate. Living Fit Nation will come out to test. Families will register once and that’s the only time they’ll have to do it. Once they are registered, the student will be able to be tested at their site. If a student’s family has no insurance, the company will charge the CARES ACT or the district will pick up the cost if it is denied. It is a live saliva test instead of nasal swab. Students will be excused from class, the test will only take 5 minutes to complete. The test for the entire school can be completed in 1-2 hours, but GAB may take longer. Employees can test during prep times. Results in 24-48 hours. If allowed, results will be shared with DEC. Joan Perez: Our primary focus and guiding principle is to keep our staff and students safe. We are trying to mitigate risk and reconnect our students at school. We want to make sure to address their mental health needs. The surveillance testing will help keep our students safe in school. We are trying to minimize disruption in instruction. Jim Symonds: Questions? Scott: What is the goal? Perry: Surveillance testing is weekly, once a week. Haas: If during surveillance testing a student is found to be positive, will the entire class have to be quarantined? Joan Perez: It depends. If students are 12 and older and are vaccinated, they can return back to class. Those who are not vaccinated, they will have to quarantine but it will be based on their proximity (close contact) based on seating chart. It is a case by case basis. We will adhere to guidelines if they were in contact for more than 15 minutes. Alvarado: Can you talk about the length of the quarantine? Perez: Quarantine for 10 days, unless on the 5th day they take a test. If the test is negative, then they can return on the 8th day. If they don’t test after the 5th day, then they quarantine for the entire 10 days. Haas: Are there any further questions from the Board? Thank you cabinet for the presentation. F. PRESENTATION - Unaudited Actuals 2020-2021 Ferchaw-This is a brief overview of unaudited actuals. Thanks to Jasmine and her staff for all the work to make sure all the books were closed. This provides a picture of where we stand at the end of the 2021 fiscal year. One of 4 times we are required to present to the board. Expenditures across the year is 67.8 million. Increased spending had to do with preparing for summer school. Also the current school year that occurred in 2021. We ended the year with a balance of 8.5 million and increased our fund balance by 1 million. On the unrestricted side our fund decreased. On the restricted side our fund increased. We did have sufficient reserves to meet the 3% requirement. Our revenues were greater than our expenditures. The benefits have been tracking upwards, the percent of salary has doubled. Our ADA has decreased by about 450 students from 2014-2015. Decreasing revenues but increasing costs is what we’re keeping an eye on. ADA will be crucial for 2022-23 funding. Will be forming a Budget Advisory committee. Any Questions? Scott: I’m trying to follow the PERS and STRS contributions. That is a snowball that's running downhill. Any legislation or hope that districts won’t have to pick up that significant amount of contribution. Ferchaw: The performance of the stock market will inform the contribution rates and we will look at the legislature to identify specific funds for these kinds of contributions. 8. ACTION ITEMS A. BUSINESS SERVICES 1. Approve the 2020-2021 Unaudited Actuals The Administration recommends the Governing Board certify the Unaudited Actuals for the 2020- 2021 fiscal year as presented and authorize the designee to submit the financial report to Los Angeles County Superintendent of Schools. The 2020-2021 books are officially closed with all operating funds carrying positive fund balances and meeting reserve requirements, if applicable. The Unaudited Actuals packet will be available online by September 10, 2021. Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for Approval. All in favor. 2. (ROLL CALL) Adopt Resolution No. 4/2021-22 Inter-Fund Cash Transfer for 2020-21 Administration recommends that the Governing Board adopt Resolution No. 4/2021-22 inter-fund cash transfer for 2020-21. A cash transfer may be needed to maintain fiscal solvency. Scott - Yes Alvarado - yes Shellhart - yes Tcheng - yes Haas - yes Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for Approval. All in favor. 3. (ROLL CALL) Adopt Resolution No. 5/2021-22 Inter-Fund Cash Transfer For 2021-22 Administration recommends that the Governing Board adopt Resolution No. 5/2021-22 Inter-Fund Cash Transfer For 2021-22 and authorize the designee to execute the necessary documents. A cash transfer may be needed to maintain fiscal solvency. Scott - Yes Alvarado - yes Shellhart - yes Tcheng - yes Haas - yes Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for Approval. All in favor. 4. (ROLL CALL) Adopt Resolution No. 6/2021-22, Establish a revised Gann Limit Calculation for 2020- 2021 and a Projected Gann Limit Calculation for the 2021-2022 Fiscal Years Each year, District staff calculates the Gann Limit appropriations each year in compliance with Article XIII B of the California Constitution. The attached resolution identifies that the District is within the amount subject to appropriations limit. Therefore, it is recommended the Governing Board adopt Resolution No. 6/2021-22, Gann Limit Calculations for 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 and authorize the designee to execute the necessary documents. The formal adoption of the resolution establishes that the District is in compliance with the mandates of Article XIIIB of the California Constitution. Scott - Yes Alvarado - yes Shellhart - yes Tcheng - yes Haas - yes Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for Approval. All in favor. 5. Authorization to Call for Bid No. 01-21/22 for Districtwide Asphalt Paving and Sealcoating Administration recommends that the Governing Board authorize the call for Bid No. 01-21/22 for getting preset unit prices for paving and sealcoating districtwide and authorize the designee to execute the necessary documents. When it is in the best interest of the district, such contracts shall be made using competitive bidding Scott - Yes Alvarado - yes Shellhart - yes Tcheng - yes Haas - yes. Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for Approval. All in favor. 6. Approve the Facilities Consulting Agreement Between the San Gabriel Unified School District and Hancock Park & DeLong, Inc. Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the Facilities Consulting Agreement Between the San Gabriel Unified School District and Hancock Park & DeLong, Inc. and authorizes the designee to execute the necessary documents. Hancock Park and DeLong, Inc. assists school districts identify their eligibility for facilities funding from the State of California and supports school districts through the funding application process. Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for Approval. All in favor. 7. Approve the Budget and Fiscal Process Review and Budget Advisory Committee Facilitation Agreement Between the San Gabriel Unified School District and School Services of California Inc. Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the Budget and Fiscal Process Review and Budget Advisory Committee Facilitation agreement between the San Gabriel Unified School District and School Services of California Inc. (SSC) and authorize the designee to execute the necessary documents. Data will be collected and reviewed on SGUSD's budget and fiscal processes to formulate recommendations to the San Gabriel Unified School District to streamline or standardize procedures. SSC will also assist in facilitating SGUSD’s Budget Advisory Committee over the fall and winter to develop consensus among this stakeholder group on recommendations for a cost savings plan that would be presented to the Governing Board. Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for Approval. All in favor. 8. Approve Contract Agreement Between LFN Corporate Wellness and the San Gabriel Unified School District for COVID-19 Weekly Surveillance Testing Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the contract agreement between LFN Corporate Wellness and the San Gabriel Unified School District for COVID-19 Weekly Surveillance Testing and authorize the designee to execute the necessary documents. LFN Corporate Wellness will provide COVID-19 Testing to the San Gabriel Unified School District. Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for Approval. All in favor. 9. Approve the Comparative Organizational Structure and Staffing Review Agreement Between the San Gabriel Unified School District and School Services of California Inc. Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the Comparative Organizational Structure and Staffing Review Agreement Between the San Gabriel Unified School District and School Services of California Inc. and authorize the designee to execute the necessary documents. The report provided by School Services of California Inc. will include findings and recommendations for adjusting the organizational structure or staffing as appropriate for the District Office and school sites. Discussion: Tcheng: What’s our plan at the completion of this report? With the next couple of years of budget restrictions. The timing of the study? Ferchaw: Within 6 to 8 weeks, there will be a draft report shared with us. There will be a budget review process. Then we will have a discussion with the budget review advisory to provide guidance to the district. Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for Approval. All in favor. B. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 1. Approve Consultant Agreement with Paul Luelmo for Consultant Services for the State Performance Technical Assistance Project, School Year 2021-2023 (Special Education) Administration recommends the approval of the consultant agreement with Paul Luelmo to provide services as a Technical Assistance Facilitator related to the State Performance Technical Assistance Project to address Significant Disproportionality for certain sub groups within San Gabriel Unified School District. Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for Approval. All in favor. 2. Approve Consultant Agreement with SpeechCom Inc. for Speech and Language Services, School Year 2021-2022 (Special Education) Administration recommends the approval of the consultant agreement with SpeechCom Inc. for speech and language services for the 2021-2022 school year. Special education students who attend school in the San Gabriel Unified School District may require speech and language services per their IEP. Students need to be assessed in any area of suspected disability, per the IEP team’s recommendation. SpeechCom, Inc. is able to provide one full time speech and language pathologist to provide speech services and/or testing for the 2021-2022 school year since a District Speech Pathologist resigned. Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for Approval. All in favor. 3. Approve Consultant Agreement with SpeechCom Inc. for Part Time Speech and Language Pathologist, School Year 2021-2022 (Special Education) Administration recommends the approval of the consultant agreement with SpeechCom Inc. for a part time speech and language services for the 2021-2022 school year. Special education students who attend school in the San Gabriel Unified School District may require speech and language services per their IEP. Students need to be assessed in any area of suspected disability, per the IEP team’s recommendation. SpeechCom, Inc. is able to provide one part time speech and language pathologist to provide speech services and/or testing for the 2021-2022 school year. Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for Approval. All in favor. 4. Approve Amended Consultant Agreement with Darlene Messinger Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the Amended Consultant Agreement with Darlene Messinger.On August 24th the Governing Board approved the consultant agreement with Darlene Messinger to provide ongoing coaching support for 8 site leaders. There is a need to support one additional SGUSD educational leader for the 2021-22 school year. It is recommended that the Governing Board ratify the consultant agreement. Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for Approval. All in favor. 5. Approve the Increase to the Edgenuity License Subscription Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the Increase to the Edgenuity License Subscription.Regulations are changing rapidly during this time, and as such San Gabriel Unified is rising to meet the requirements with each pivot. Districts have just learned of the new expectations regarding elementary offerings. Therefore, San Gabriel is seeking to upgrade their recent contract with Edgenuity to meet the goals of providing more options for K-5 students that are aligned with in person offerings. Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for Approval. All in favor. 6. Approve the Ballard & Tighe Frames for Fluency Purchase Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the Ballard & Tighe Frames for Fluency purchase. To better support our Elementary English learners, the District is seeking a program to specifically target oral language development for Newcomers. Frames for Fluency provides explicit language instruction Newcomers need. The daily practice of English language forms and functions provides a strong foundation for Newcomers. Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for Approval. All in favor. 7. Approve the ESGI 12-Month License for TK - 1st grade Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the ESGI 12-Month License for TK - 1st grade. SGUSD recognizes one of the most significant impacts of the emergency distance learning initiated in March, 2020 due to COVID-19, will be the loss of learning, both in academic content and skills. To address this, SGUSD’s school programs are committed to offering enhanced assessments and interventions in the critical areas of Reading and Mathematics, which will support accelerated learning across all subject areas. Teachers will administer a range of assessments to determine student academic need, and these include ESGI an “Easy Progress Monitoring” tool designed to support transitional kindergarten through grade 1 teachers who administer One-on-One assessments and to collect common data to identify areas of need. Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for Approval. All in favor. 8. Approve NCS Pearson, Inc. Quote for BESS and BASC-3 Platforms Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the NCS Pearson, Inc. Quote for BESS and BASC-3 Platform. SGUSD is implementing a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) which includes strategies to identify where students need mental health support. The district will be using a universal mental health screening tool, the Behavior and Emotional Screening System (BESS) to complete this process. Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for Approval. All in favor. 9. Approve the Consulting Agreement with Dr. Brinell Anderson Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the Consulting Agreement with Dr. Brinell Anderson. Dr. Brinell Anderson will provide professional development to Del Mar High School staff during the 2021-22 school year. Sessions will focus upon building a trauma-informed classroom, including understanding how trauma impacts students’ cognitive, emotional, and relational capacities; resilience-building tools and strategies to use in the classroom addressing the impact of the trauma associated with the COVID-19 pandemic; and self-care and well-being strategies to counter the impact of vicarious trauma. Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for Approval. All in favor. 10. Approve the Consultant Agreement with Miki Evangelista Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the Consultant Agreements with Miki Evangelista. Miki Evangelista is an educator-consultant who specializes in universal screeners in literacy for elementary students. With her partners, Elizabeth and Therapi, provide trainings in the Fountas & Pinnell benchmark assessment and also help guide discussions in comprehensive intervention programs. It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the consultant agreement with [name] and her partners to provide support for the district Intervention teachers in identifying the growth areas of students, K-5. Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for Approval. All in favor. 11. Approve the Consultant Agreement with Elisabeth Jones Administration Recommends that the Governing Board approve the Consultant Agreement with Elisabeth Jones. Elisabeth Jones is an educator-consultant who specializes in universal screeners in literacy for elementary students. With her partners, Miki and Therapi, provide trainings in the Fountas & Pinnell benchmark assessment and also help guide discussions in comprehensive intervention programs. It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the consultant agreement with [name] and her partners to provide support for the district Intervention teachers in identifying the growth areas of students, K-5. Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for Approval. All in favor. 12. Approve the Consultant Agreement with Therapi Kaplan Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the Consultant Agreements with Miki Evangelista. Therapi Kaplan is an educator-consultant who specializes in universal screeners in literacy for elementary students. With her partners, Elizabeth and Miki, provide trainings in the Fountas & Pinnell benchmark assessment and also help guide discussions in comprehensive intervention programs. It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the consultant agreement with [name] and her partners to provide support for the district Intervention teachers in identifying the growth areas of students, K-5. Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for Approval. All in favor. 13. Approve the Consultant Agreement with Umar Hakim-Dey for Intellect Love Mercy Foundation (ILM) Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the Consultant Agreement with Umar Hakim-Dey for Intellect Love Mercy Foundation (ILM). The Intellect Love Mercy Foundation (ILM) mission is to help build capacity for purpose-driven organizations and individuals through program development, audience insights, and 1-to-1 professional coaching. Umar Hakim- Day from Intellect Love Mercy Foundation (ILM) will design and schedule with Del Mar’s leadership, six interactive sessions that will focus on tenets of leadership, restorative justice, and/or personal capacity building of core values (skills, interests, and values.) Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for Approval. All in favor. 14. Approve the Proposal for Theatre of Hearts Inc. Youth First Administration recommends that the Governing Board Approve the proposal for Theatre of Hearts Inc. Youth First. The Theatre of Hearts provides high quality, standards-based multi-disciplinary arts education workshops in Los Angeles County. The Del Mar High School proposal includes 12 two hour long in person visual arts workshops, and will culminate in a Mural Maquette to showcase Del Mar students’ learning, accomplishments and mural design. Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for Approval. All in favor. 15. Approve the Boyle Heights Arts Conservatory Proposal Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the Boyle Heights Arts Conservatory Proposal. The Del Mar High School school site council approved the Boyle Heights Arts Conservatory services proposal to enhance arts education and increase students' college and career readiness. Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for Approval. All in favor. C. GOVERNING BOARD OF EDUCATION D. HUMAN RESOURCES E. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 1. Renew Employment Contract with Ross Perry, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources - May 13, 2020-June 30, 2023 It is recommended the Governing Board approve the renewal of employment contract with Ross Perry, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources commencing May 13, 2020-June 30, 2023. Financial Impact: $152,913, working 225 days Excluding holidays and weekends. Hold 10 days of vacation. 50% contribution! Monthly $300 travel allowance. Can be terminated without cause, and can receive his current benefits. Stipend upon doctoral degree. May participate in health benefits like employees. Accrue sick leave. Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for Approval. All in favor. 2. Approve Second Amendment of Employment Contract with Dr. Joan Perez, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services - May 13, 2020-June 30, 2023 It is recommended the Governing Board approve the second amendment to employment contract with Dr. Joan Perez, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services commencing May 13, 2020- June 30, 2023. Discussion: None Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for Approval. All in favor. 9. BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS/REPORTS/COMMUNICATIONS Dr. Gary Scott - I find myself being astounded by how many people it takes to look after our students. The amount of passion and dedication is tremendous. Welcome to Erin Ortiz. We embrace our goals. I find myself enjoying the actuals presentation...Dr. Joan is one of my favorite human beings, no one works harder. Thank you to everyone in this district, SGTA, cabinet, everyone who managed to make this happen. We are calm in an ocean of madness. I encourage everyone to listen to what our president (Haas) said earlier - we got to do better and set a good example. I am proud to be part of this district. Cheryl Shellhart - I just want to welcome Erin Ortiz to our family. I look forward to meeting you in person. We have some work ahead of us, but welcome. Thank you to Washington and Roosevelt for their Back to School Zoom and inviting us. Third, on a personal note, we welcomed our grandson Christopher. Cristina Alvarado- What Dr. Scott said! He spoke so eloquently. We were hoping Covid would be over, but the Delta variant came and threw us for a loop. But we’re doing the best we can and the staff is great. I couldn’t be prouder and wouldn't want to be in any other district. People are crazy and I was watching the news and in. We’re in a weird place, but this district has something to be proud of. Thank you San Gabriel. Ken Tcheng - Having rejoined the board recently, I want to give thanks to Jim and his leadership teams. The atmosphere is different than before. There is alot of communication and collaboration. This is much appreciated. I want to convey thank yous to Jim and his leadership. 10. CONSENT AGENDA Motion to Approve Consent Agenda in Total. Action Taken: Unanimously Approved A. BUSINESS SERVICES 1. Accept Donation(s) to the San Gabriel Unified School District The Administration recommends that the Governing Board accepts these donations to the San Gabriel Unified School District. 2. Approve Warrants Issued for Payments, Goods, And Services Received For August 2021 - Report No. 3 Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve Warrants Issued for Payments, Goods, and Services received for August 2021 - Report No. 3. 3. Approve Purchase Orders Issued in Excess of $5,000 Report No. 4 (21-22) Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve purchase orders issued in excess of $5,000 report No. 4 (21-22). B. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES C. HUMAN RESOURCES 1. Approve Certificated Personnel Status Report No. 4 Administration recommends the approval of the Certificated Personnel Status Report No. 4. 2. Approve Classified Personnel Status Report No. 4 Administration recommends to approve the Classified Personnel Status Report No. 4 D. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 11. NEXT MEETING REMINDER(S) Tuesday, September 28, 2021 Tuesday, October 12, 2021 Tuesday, October 26, 2021 Tuesday, November 9, 2021 Tuesday, December 7, 2021 12. ADJOURNMENT at 8:20 P.M. Click here for Link to Full Agenda and Complete Attachments Join us at the next Board Meeting!
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