September 28, 2021 (Notes are Abridged) 1. OPENING PROCEDURE A. CALL TO ORDER at 6:01pm B. ESTABLISHMENT OF QUORUM 2. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE GOVERNING BOARD None 3. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION at 6:02 . RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION at 7:07 P.M. A. ANNOUNCEMENT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION No action. B. SWEAR-IN Student Board Members Joseph Aguilar, Gabrielino High School and Jessie Lopez, Del Mar High School for the 2021-2022 School Year C. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE by Gary Scott D. APPROVAL OF AGENDA No discussion. Unanimously approved Should read Resolution 2021-2022 E. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE GOVERNING BOARD None 5. APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES Unanimously approved 6. PUBLIC HEARING(S) 7. SPECIAL REPORTS AND PRESENTATIONS A. REPORTS - Student Board Members Del Mar High School, Jessie Lopez: No report. Gabrielino High School, Joseph Aguilar :No report. B. REPORT - Governing Board President, Rochelle Haas Thank you to the student board members. SGUSD takes student involvement very seriously. We truly value student input. Thank you Mr. Lopez and Mr. Aguilar for serving as student board members. It’s been a crazy time - many families are still struggling. Take the time to breathe and be cognizant of mental health. Go get Starbucks and go take that walk (take care of your mental health). We need to be of the best health to continue serving our families and children. Thank you everyone for your willingness to serve. C. REPORT - Superintendent, Jim Symonds Welcome everyone! Welcome Jessie and Joseph, we’re so happy to have you on board and you will enjoy this experience. I’d like to commend our entire school community, and it feels like we’re finally settling in. All staff and teachers welcomed students with open arms and open hearts. You can feel the love in the air at all the sites. Thank you everyone, you’re doing a great job. We’ve been lucky to have an extremely low case rate in SGUSD. Our safety and health protocols are working. Thank you principals. On Oct 4th we’ll start our weekly surveillance testing for students and staff. Thank you Mr. Perry for setting that up. We’ll also be starting the optional modified quarantine schedule. Those students that were masked and have no symptoms will be part of the modified quarantine schedule. Let’s focus on social emotional wellness in our district. Let’s focus on empathy from our portrait of a graduate. We’re learning more of the social emotional struggles our students are experiencing. We will add extra support for these needs. We can now make some adjustments to our game plan and put our resources to where they are needed so we can help our students navigate through these difficult times. Thank you to our SGUSD police department for their support and responsiveness. Thank you, Dane and Cecily. D. RECOGNITION - Michael Tang, Gabrielino High School, National Merit Scholarship Semifinalist Recognition presented by Dr. Dave Rynkiewicz. The National Merit Scholarship is very prestigious. Recognition of Michael Tang, current Senior, on his PSAT from his Junior year. Congratulations! E. PRESENTATION - Piper Sandler & Co. C. RECOGNITION - Michael Bishop (CBO Interim) Financial advisors - Piper Sandler & Co. Would like to review 3 things tonight; Bond Measures. Refinance those outstanding bonds. Tap into unused funds under Measure A and combine that with the refinance. Overview of Measure S (Repair and modernize old middle/elementary schools such as heating, roofing, etc.) Passed in 2002 Measure A (provide quality education such as computer technology and quality school environment - repair facilities) was passed in 2008-65 million bond. 5.5 mil remaining which can be accessed by the district for projects. Bond Refinance : $5,005,000 of old measure S a $26,485,651 of Measure A bond 5.23% (old bonds) to estimated 2.77% (new bonds) Opportunity to access remaining funds from Measure A Access 5.5 million dollars. May include modernization of Wilson Elementary School. Taxpayers will overall pay less if we refinance. Net benefit: $110,018 (See fulll Presentation on School Board Agenda for Exact Numbers) Ferchew: Wilson-having these funds would help us move forward. This is a 2 for 1 option. We’re able to have a net positive for taxpayers through this process. We’re happy to move forward with this. Scott: Thank you for this. We’ve been able to revamp all of our schools except one. This is a great opportunity for our district and community to finish the work that we started. I think this makes sense. Tcheng: I think saving taxpayers money is always good, so thank you. 8. ACTION ITEMS A. BUSINESS SERVICES 1. (ROLL CALL) Adopt Resolution No. 8/2021-22 of the Governing Board of the San Gabriel Unified School District to Update the Statutory School Fees Imposed on New Residential and Commercial/Industrial Development Projects The administration recommends the Governing Board adopt Resolution No. 8/2021-22 in order for the District's Level 1 Fees to become effective on November 29, 2021 60 days after the adoption date. Once the public hearing has been held, the designee is authorized to execute the necessary documents. The district needs to adopt a Resolution updating the statutory school fees imposed on new residential and commercial/industrial development projects pursuant to Education Code Section 17620. Financial Impact: Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for Approval. All in favor. Roll Call Vote: Rochelle Haas: aye Cheryl Shellhart: aye Ken Tcheng: aye Gary Scott: aye Cristina Alvarado: aye 2. (ROLL CALL) Adopt Resolution No. 9/2021-22 Authorizing District Representatives to The State Allocation Board / Office of Public School Construction and the Filing of Applications For Funding Under The State School Facility Programs Administration recommends that the Governing Board adopt Resolution No. 9/2021-22 Authorizing District Representatives to The State Allocation Board / Office of Public School Construction and the Filing of Applications For Funding Under The State School Facility Programs. This resolution will authorize the designee to execute any necessary documents. Financial Impact: Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for Approval. All in favor. Roll Call Vote: Rochelle Haas: aye Cheryl Shellhart: aye Ken Tcheng: aye Gary Scott: aye Cristina Alvarado: aye 3. Approve Authorization to Enter into the Master Memorandum of Agreement by and Between The County of Los Angeles and The San Gabriel Unified School District For School-Sponsored Recreation Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve authorization to enter into the Master Memorandum of Agreement by and Between The County of Los Angeles and The San Gabriel Unified School District For School-Sponsored Recreation and authorize the designee to execute the necessary documents. This MOA will allow the San Gabriel Unified School District to enter into an agreement to use county parks for school-sponsored recreation. This was specifically requested for athletic events for Gabrielino High School. Financial Impact: Discussion: none Action Taken:Moved and Seconded for Approval. All in favor. 4. Approve 3-Year License Agreement Between the San Gabriel Unified School District and Liminex, Inc. dba GoGuardian Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the 3-year license agreement between the San Gabriel Unified School District and Liminex, Inc. dba GoGuardian and authorize the designee to execute the necessary documents. A 3-year license agreement with Liminex, Inc. dba GoGuardian will provide content filtering and classroom management software. This benefits the District with the necessary protection for our students who access the internet during the school day at all our school sites. Financial Impact: Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for Approval. All in favor. B. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 1. (ROLL CALL) - Adopt Resolution No. 07/2021-22, Notice Of Public Hearing for Sufficiency of Textbooks or Instructional Materials, School Year 2021-2022 Administration recommends that the Governing Board adopt Resolution No. 5/2020-21 certifying sufficient textbooks or instructional materials for each student in the District pursuant to Williams Legislation and Education Codes Sections 1240 (i) and 60119. Resolution No. 07/2021-22 will allow the District to certify to the State that it has met the legal requirements as set out in the Williams Settlement Legislation. Financial Impact: Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for Approval. All in favor. Roll Call Vote: Rochelle Haas: aye Cheryl Shellhart: aye Ken Tcheng: aye Gary Scott: aye Cristina Alvarado: aye 2. Approve Contract with Hop Skip Drive for Transportation Services, School Year 2021-2022 (Special Education) Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the contract with Hop Skip Drive for transportation services, school year 2021-2022 (Special Education). The District needs to provide transportation for Special Education students in the San Gabriel Unified School District per their IEP team recommendations. Transportation companies need to follow the LA County Department Public Health and California Department of Public Health guidelines for the reopening of schools during the COVID pandemic. Hop Skip Drive has incorporated these guidelines and protocols in order to safely provide transportation for students. Financial Impact: Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for Approval. All in favor. 3. Approve the Contract Renewal for Instructure Incorporated for Certify Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the contract renewal for Instructure Incorporated for Certify. SGUSD’s data is submitted to the state of California’s-California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) on a regular basis. Managing data as a strategic asset is key to funding, compliance, decision-making and student success. Financial Impact: Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for Approval. All in favor. 4. Approve Ellevation Inc. Renewal and Dual Language Immersion Resource Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the Ellevation Inc. renewal and Dual Language Immersion resource. Ellevation will allow District staff, school site administrators, and teachers, to more closely monitor English learners, identify areas of strength and growth, and intervene purposefully to support English learners. Ellevation will sync with Aeries nightly to keep all student data up-to-date. The platform can also pull data from iReady providing a more comprehensive snapshot of individual English learner performance. Financial Impact: Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for Approval. All in favor. 5. Approve the License Agreement for SMS Tech Solutions Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the License Agreement for SMS Tech Solutions. Purchase of the “Adobe Creative Cloud” will afford Del Mar High School students in our Career Technical Education (CTE) Business Management and Entrepreneurial Pathway, opportunities to develop presentation and management skills requisite for business success. Financial Impact: Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for Approval. All in favor. 6. Approve Quote for Goodheart-Wilcox (G-W) Publisher Online Learning Suite The Governing Board recommends the approval of the Quote for Goodheart-Wilcox Publisher Online Learning Suite. Purchase of the “School to Career" Online Learning Suite will afford Del Mar High School students in our Career Technical Education (CTE) Business Management and Entrepreneurial Pathway, a foundation for creating career goals using the 16 career clusters as a guide. College and Career Readiness activities covering writing, speaking, and listening are included, as well as Career Ready Practices. Financial Impact: Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for Approval. All in favor. 7. Approve the Consultant Agreement with Novak Educational Consulting Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the Consultant Agreement with Novak Educational Consulting. Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a key element in providing a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) for all students. It is a part of the Tier 1 support that is universally utilized within all general education classrooms. As the district continues to deepen their work with MTSS, it is building a team of teacher UDL leaders who can become trainers in future phases of the MTSS and UDL work throughout the district. Financial Impact: Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for Approval. All in favor. 8. Approve the Consultant Agreement With Just Us 4 Youth Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the consultant agreement with Just Us 4 Youth. Partnering with “Just Us 4 Youth” will strengthen Del Mar High School's multi-tiered system of social-emotional support for students in the 2021-22 school year. Financial Impact: Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for Approval. All in favor. 9. Approve the Consultant Agreement with The Best Alternative The Virtual Independent Study Program is a new element to San Gabriel Unified School District. As such, Edgenuity, the curricular platform, is also new to the district and to its teachers. Edgenuity provides challenges to new users and having instructional coaches who are agile with the program and who have experience in the virtual classrooms can help support the program’s current students and possible growth ahead. Financial Impact: Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for Approval. All in favor. 10. Approve the Consultant Agreement with Jennifer Vargas Administration recommends the Governing Board approve the Consultant Agreement with Jennifer Vargas. The Induction Program needs to contract with a consultant who is experienced in providing support to induction candidates throughout the course of the program. Jennifer Vargas is experienced in teacher training and mentoring candidates, and will be able to mentor new teachers enrolled in the induction program for the 2021-2022 school year Financial Impact: Discussion: Scott: quality mentoring is the best gift we can give to our new teachers. I’m so glad we can do this. Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for Approval. All in favor. C. GOVERNING BOARD OF EDUCATION D. HUMAN RESOURCES E. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 1. (ROLL CALL) Adopt Resolution No. 10/2021-22 Authorizing Electronic Meetings of the Governing Board During a State of Emergency Pursuant to Government Code Section 54953(E) Administration recommends that the Governing Board adopt Resolution No. 10/2021-22 Authorizing Electronic Meetings of the Governing Board During a State of Emergency Pursuant to Education Code Section 54953(e). Approval of Resolution No. 10/2021-22 would allow the Governing Board to continue to conduct meetings electronically beyond September 30, 2021. Financial Impact: Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and Seconded for Approval. All in favor. Roll Call Vote: Rochelle Haas: aye Cheryl Shellhart: aye Ken Tcheng: aye Gary Scott: aye Cristina Alvarado:aye 9. BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS/REPORTS/COMMUNICATIONS Scott: I’m so grateful for our district's commitment to social emotional learning. If our students and staff are not in an emotional place where we can benefit from all we have offer. Unless you’re in a classroom and you’re a teacher, to reach and support these students, you can’t understand how difficult it is. Things are changing and everyone is always willing to move ahead and keep some stability. We have a relative calm right now, so thank you. Welcome to Joseph and Jesse and please ask us questions if you have them. Alvarado: I agree with the wellness and mental health focus. It is vital. Welcome Joseph and Jessie (student board members). Don’t be afraid to ask questions - give us your student perspective because it is important to us. Shellhart: Welcome Joseph and Jesse and please don’t be shy. Please ask us questions and we’re very open, reach out to us. Michael Tang, thank you and congratulations, what a great accomplishment and we’re very proud of you. Scott: Thank you GHS folks for supporting your fellow colleagues and students (especially Michael Tang). 10. CONSENT AGENDA NOTE: The Governing Board may take one (1) vote for all Consent Items including; Business Services, Educational Services, Human Resources and the Superintendent's Office. Items also may be removed from the Consent Agenda at the discretion of the Governing Board and voted on separately. A. BUSINESS SERVICES 1. Approve Purchase Orders Issued in Excess of $5,000 Report No. 5 (21-22) Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve purchase orders issued in excess of $5,000 report No. 5 (21-22). 2. Essential Conference Report No. 5 Administration recommends to approve the following District employees be authorized to attend the virtual events listed. The representative of the District indicated will attend with no loss of salaries for District personnel, and with actual and necessary expenses paid for all attending as authorized by Education Code Sections 35172, 35173 and 44032, and the District's Board policies. Authorization for an advance of funds to cover actual and necessary expenses is hereby granted. Such Advances shall be repaid or adjusted upon filing of a regular claim for the actual and necessary expenses incurred B. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 1. Approve Essential Training Report No. 5 Administration recommends that the following District employees be authorized to attend the events attached. The representative of the District indicated will attend with no loss of salaries for District personnel, and with actual and necessary expenses paid for all attending as authorized by Education Code Sections 35172, 35173 and 44032, and the District's Board policies. Authorization for an advance of funds to cover actual and necessary expenses is hereby granted. Such Advances shall be repaid or adjusted upon filling of a regular claim for the actual and necessary expenses incurred. C. HUMAN RESOURCES 1. Approve Certificated Personnel Status Report No. 5 Administration recommends the approval of the Certificated Personnel Status Report No. 5. 2. Approve Classified Personnel Status Report No. 5 Administration recommends to approve the Classified Personnel Status Report No. 5 D. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 11. NEXT MEETING REMINDER(S) Tuesday, October 12, 2021 Tuesday, October 26, 2021 Tuesday, November 9, 2021 Tuesday, December 7, 2021 12. ADJOURNMENT at 7:58 P.M. Click here for Link to Full Agenda and Complete Attachments Join us at the next Board Meeting!
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