Board Meeting Highlights and Key Attachments:
Click here for Link to Full Agenda and Complete Attachments MEETING OF THE GOVERNING BOARD September 8, 2020 1. OPENING PROCEDURE A. CALL TO ORDER at 6:00 B. ESTABLISHMENT OF QUORUM. Quorum Established. 2. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE GOVERNING BOARD 3. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION at 6:01 A. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT/APPOINTMENT (Pursuant to Government Code §54957 (b).) Assistant Superintendent, Business Services Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources *Note: There will be no discussion of compensation or benefits for these positions. 4. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION approx. 7:00 p.m. A. ANNOUNCEMENT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION No Action Taken B. SWEAR-IN Student Board Members Hennassie Ramirez, Gabrielino High School and Yarelly Morales, Del Mar High School for the 2020-2021 School Year Present and Sworn In C. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE by Board Member Cheryl Shellhart D. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Unanimously Approved E. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE GOVERNING BOARD Public Comments:( Read by Board Member Andrew Ammon) This is from Lawrence Tang parents of Kyle Tang I am bringing this matter to the board. (Audio was difficult to hear-regarding Algebra II classes) They are receiving zero classroom instruction. To top it all of, they’re expected to pass an exam given to all Algebra II students. This puts them at a disadvantage. As the other Algebra II students in the district are receiving virtual classroom instruction, while kids at Jefferson are expected to learn on their own.In the previous year Jefferson students were allowed to take classes at the high school, but this year this option is being removed. According to Gab admin, they must save space for students who may or may not transfer into those classes. My question to the board, why are students in the same SGUSD district treated so differently from their peers who are receiving weekly classroom instruction? If there is currently room at the high school why is it not being made available to kids at Jefferson? 5. APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES A. Approve the Governing Meeting Minutes of August 18, 2020 Unanimously Approved The Board is asked to approve the meeting minutes as presented. 6. PUBLIC HEARING(S) The meeting will briey recess to open up the public hearing(s). The meeting will resume at the closing of the presented public hearings. A. PUBLIC HEARING - Notice of Public Hearing, The DRAFT SGUSD Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan 2020-2021 Recess and Opened Public Hearing, Awaited Comments, No requests to address the board. 7. SPECIAL REPORTS AND PRESENTATIONS A. REPORTS - Student Board Members Del Mar High School, Yarelly Morales Del Mar Board Rep-I’ve been at SGUSD all my life. I started at McKinley and have been at Del Mar for the last two years. Things happening at Del Mar. Materials were distributed. Del Mar welcomed Mr. Sellers back to announce me! It was great to see Mr. Sellers. Coolidge continues Lemonade with the Principal. They will continue the discussion of the 7 habits. It has been a wonderful opportunity for parents to connect with each other. Parent Information Night will be Thursday, September 10th. Our TLC teacher will be holding her session from 5:30-6:00. We would also like to thank this opportunity to thank the board. Roosevelt was excited to welcome back families with a virtual meet and greet. They hosted a material distribution. On September 16th and September 17th. We will be holding a Parent Information Night. Washington-Things have been popping! Supplies were distributed. Students are learning online. We are having student of the month classroom announcements in September. Toy Story 4 will be streamed for families. Everyone at Washington wants to thank the cabinet, district management, and all staff. It takes a village to be successful! Gabrielino High School, Hennassie Ramirez- Hello everyone, I go by Henna for short, I want to contribute my knowledge of public mental health. I look forward to this new chapter. I am excited to be working closely with ASB. First, Mckinley programs are now available for all Mckinley students. These programs include Stem, Library, Computer, these programs will be live on Zoom. Lastly, Mckinley will also be offering an after school virtual program. This program will run every Wednesday until December. Gab-First there will be a Parent Information Meeting tomorrow. Next on Wednesday the 30th, there will be a parent seminar. Admin will be able to ask questions and address parent concerns. Next, ASB is working hard to stay connected. Speech and Debate is preparing for online competitions. B. REPORT - Governing Board President President Dr. Gary Scott - Last week I had a remarkable experience, our 6 year old twins began First Grade, doing Virtual Academy. All of my planning was all about “How could we support our students?” Last week, I was sitting on the other side and am mindful of the fact of how incredibly hard we need to be collaborative with all; Administrative Staff, Classified Staff, Credentialed, and our Board members. I was proud of what we do and proud of what’s going on in Monrovia. I also participated in the Golden Bell Awards. I was proud to give the Golden Bell to a school in El Monte for their theater arts program. It was a pleasure to be in another district today and to celebrate their accomplishments. C. REPORT - Superintendent- Superintendent Jim Symonds-Great to see everyone and we’re going to have a big party when we come back. I am so impressed with everyone and I want to commend our students, their parents and the incredible work of our teachers. I know it’s exhausting and the amazing work teachers do is greatly appreciated. Site administrators are doing so much. Our classified and support staff are helping us out as well as the School Board with their unwavering support. Last week we were asked to present at the national Ed Leader conference and shows we are a national leader in 21st learning. Sped Team has created a video on how to carry out assessments virtually. Our (district) team has developed a user friendly format to meet the CDE auditors requirements for accountability that would not place an additional burden on teachers and we were happy to share it with others who also needed it. Our district has developed a comprehensive parent education and professional development program. Well done Ed Services department. In person learning for the ELs and Sped students may occur as we await further guidelines and organize the management of in person learning. I have never been more proud of our district. D. PRESENTATION - The DRAFT SGUSD Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan 2020-2021 Asst. Supt Dr. Joan Perez-Presenting the SGUSD Learning Plan draft. Key part to overall budgeting package. Governor Newson passed SB 98 and this provision outlined the template and necessary components to plan. Replaces requirements for 20-21 LCAP. Address learning gaps, closely aligned to our Return to Learn Plan. Includes how we will be addressing gaps, needs of unduplicated pupils, students with unique needs, and students experiencing homelessness. Provides access to necessary devices and connectivity for Virtual Learning. Provides support and how we will provide school meals. Return to Learn plan (easier read) is cited throughout the document. The Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan is more detailed, tells how we will meet SB98 requirements. General Information, tells SGUSD story, change of our educational landscape, guiding principles, portrait of a graduate, safety and Return 2 Learn Plan. SGUSD Goals-students were the center of all decisions. Guiding principles- Health and safety protocols, teaching and learning, supports for Social Emotional learning, and communication. Portrait of a Graduate-Empathy, resilience, creative thinker, and collaborator. Stakeholders were an important part of the plan: examining data from surveys, developing draft of the plan, required to take to the EAC team, and DELAC, received an overview of the plan. Will take public feedback on September 22nd. This will be when the board adopts the plan (with any revisions). Submitted to the county office by September 30th. Stakeholders: teacher, principals, admin, students, parents, SGTA and Local Teamsters, and other school personnel. Key Ideas and Priorities-Most stakeholder groups said we needed to do things differently than what was done in the spring. One size does not fit all (training, instruction, communication) to meet the individual group needs of students, families, and staff. Distance Learning was not effective in the spring and needs to be better this fall. Critical Aspects include: live instruction, access to devices/internet, and communication on a regular basis. The most vulnerable groups need to be at the center of planning and implementation of the Virtual Academy. How did SGUSD solicit stakeholder engagement: Return 2 Learn Plan, Virtual Academy Framework, Bell Schedule, Daily-live instruction protocols, two-way communication protocols, district website revisions, district grading policy, graduation ceremony, learning continuity and attendance plan. Needed to map out the Virtual Learning Program in Phase 1. Had to show how we were being responsive to restrictions. Goal to provide daily synchronous and asynchronous instruction. SGUSD Nutrition-Served over 70,000 meals. Major initiatives-continuity of instruction, daily live synchronous instruction, how we are mapping out asynchronous instruction, meet state instructional minutes, provide all students with devices, ensure pupil participation. How will SGUSD address learning loss? Implemented Diagnostic Assessments used for tier supports for academic and social emotional learning. Social Emotional Well Being-New Mental and Health committee focusing on 3 goals: process emotions in a supportive and safe environment, educators build their expertise and skills to lead social and emotional learning, and to connect with families. Teacher Google Classrooms are already meeting requirements, teachers are mapping out when we’re providing instruction. Have to show how we are providing improved services for foster youth and low income students. Have to show how we provide integrated and designated ELD. SPED-IEPs, assessment center is opened, virtual meetings, have worked with teachers on how to work on IEP goals. Budget-plan has to include how we’re tying in the LCFF funds. Has to include daily live instruction, distance learning program, pupil learning loss. Timeline-September 30th we will submit the plan to LACOE, will come back to the board with any public feedback and create a new draft. E. PRESENTATION - Options for Learning Update - Dolores Meade, Deputy Executive Director/Chief Operating Officer Good Evening to all. I am here representing Options for Learning. Formerly San Gabriel family center, since 1993. Brought head start services from low-income. On Mck and Roos campus and serve 120 children from SGUSD. Does state preschool in Roosevelt (48 slots). Provide daycare after school and on holiday. They also offer enrichment programs. They have over 1,000 employees. School aged child care program: they are trying to develop a plan to support when students return to campus. Surround care: licensed program that helps children during Distance Learning (No direct services right now). Will only have 12 students during COVID. Will supervise students when students are in DL. ACES: they will provide as many slots as possible that COVD regulations permit. They are working with the district to provide all their programs with proper COVID regulations (i.e. masks, temperature check, no parents, staff well prepared, practicing social distances, no material shared, materials will be individualized, extra cleaning and sanitizing). Any questions on this program feel free to email Dolores. Cheryl Shellhart- How are we going to determine enrollment? Response- Depends on program. Waiting for Dept. of Education for guidance. The Low-Income families in preschool or head start will continue to be enrolled from the Spring. The ACES program--this is the big question of discussion. We need to target the student with the most need to support families. F. PRESENTATION - 2019-2020 Unaudited Actuals Asst. Supt of Business, Will Wong-Financial Reports 2019-2020 Unaudited Actuals. Click here for Will Wong’s presentation. 19/20 our expenses exceeded our revenues. Ending fund balance went from 7.7 to 5.9 million The reserve is at about 9% at end of 2019 Fiscal year. Trends - We got increased funding due to LCFF. On the flip side, expenses increased, Page shows the reserve over the past 8 years. Been trending downward. What I want to share is a combination of factors the % of our whole general funds is what we spend on benefits. 8 years ago it was 21% benefits… held steady.. But after changes in the law it is now 29.4% goes to our benefits. It is very substantial. STRS/PERS District Requirements. Now it is 19%. This is a mandate, we also have declining enrollment, demographic changes, cost of living changes, fewer children, also, in the same time period schools have had to do a lot more for costs and needs for students. Schools are being asked to provide these services. What do we have to think about this year? We have some challenges, uncertainty of COVID continues, conflicting information , conflicting guidance, There are potential COVID restricted funds, but they will not help our reserve., but we can interpret the laws and see where we can spend the funding. There is a ballot initiative that will potentially deliver funds to schools. Schools Services says 1.6-3 Million Dollars if this proposition passes. The polling is not looking great. Other considerations are Food Services, but the revenue for Food Services is dependent on the number of meals served. The USDA announced relief for having to keep track of the lunch for those that are Free or Not. Staffing will remain the same in Food Services, It is a 0% COLA Year. Working on a plan to get stakeholders involved to analyze what we can do to get us on a better trajectory. I do want to thank everyone who is working so hard on the unaudited actuals. Wish I could paint a better picture. Discussion - Questions? Dr. Gary Scott - At this state, it’s a challenge. This is not going to settle anytime soon. Will take several years till we become stable. 88-90% of districts are due to Salary and Benefits. We are facing a big challenge. Keep your eye on the budget? 8. ACTION ITEMS A. BUSINESS SERVICES 1. Approve the 2019-2020 Unaudited Actuals The Administration recommends the Governing Board certify the Unaudited Actuals for the 2019- 2020 scal year as presented and authorize the designee to submit the financial report to Los Angeles County Superintendent of Schools. The 2019-2020 books are officially closed with all operating funds carrying positive fund balances and meeting reserve requirements, if applicable. The Unaudited Actuals packet will be available online by September 4, 2020. Approved Unanimously 2. (ROLL CALL) - Adopt Resolution No. 4/2020-21, Establish a revised Gann Limit Calculation for 2019-2020 and a Projected Gann Limit Calculation for the 2020-2021 Fiscal Years The Administration recommends that District staff calculates the Gann Limit appropriations each year in compliance with Article XIII B of the California Constitution. The attached resolution identities that the District is within the amount subject to appropriations limit. Therefore, it is recommended the Governing Board approve Resolution No. 4/2020-21, Gann Limit Calculations for 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 and authorize the designee to execute the necessary documents. The formal adoption of the resolution establishes that the District is in compliance with the mandates of Article XIIIB of the California Constitution. President - Dr. Gary Scott - Aye Vice President - Rochelle Haas -Aye Clerk- Andrew Ammon - Aye Member - Cristina Alvarado - Aye Member - Cheryl Shellhart -Aye Motion Approved Unanimously 3. Approve Contract Between the San Gabriel Unified School District and T-Mobile USA, Inc. The Administration recommends the approval of the contract between the San Gabriel Unified School District and T-Mobile USA, Inc. and authorize the designee to execute the necessary documents. Approved Unanimously The contract with T-Mobile USA, Inc.’s T-Mobile for Education Covid-19 Agreement (Hotspot) provides wi hotspot access to students who need internet access at home. Due to higher than expected demand for hotspots, an additional 100 hotspots with 12 months of service at $20 per month were required. B. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 1. Approve Consultant Agreement with SpeechCom Inc. for Short Term Speech and Language Services, School Year 2020-2021 (Special Education) Administration recommends the approval of the consultant agreement with SpeechCom Inc. for Speech and Language Services for the 2020-2021 school year. Special education students who attend school in the San Gabriel Unified School District may require speech and language services per their IEP. Students need to be assessed in any area of suspected disability, per the IEP team’s recommendation. At this time, one speech and language pathologist is on a medical leave, and it is necessary to contract with an outside agency for 1 FTE speech and language pathologist. SpeechCom Inc. is able to provide 1 FTE speech and language pathologist for these services for the 2020-2021 school year. Approved Unanimously 2. Approve Reimbursement to Alhambra for ASL Interpretation for Special Education Students attending Alhambra SELPA Classes, School Year 2018-2019 (Special Education) Administration recommends the approval of reimbursing Alhambra USD for utilizing Alhambra’s ASL services for Special Education students attending Alhambra SELPA classes during the 2018- 2019 school year. Board Member Cheryl Shellhart - Is this because we are reimbursing someone from the 2019-2020 school year. Is this retroactive? Dr. Perez - I would have to get back to you on that. I will follow up on an email. 3. Approve Contract with Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE) to Provide Positive Behavioral Instruction and Support (PBIS) Instruction to Four SGUSD Schools Administration recommends the approval of this contract with LACOE to provide Positive Behavioral Instruction and Support (PBIS) training to four schools during the 2020-2021 school year. The state's required completion of the Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan includes information about how SGUSD is increasing or improving services for foster youth, English Learners, and low-income students (including homeless youth). Additionally, Goal 2 of SGUSD's Local Control and Accountability Plan is to maximize student achievement, especially for English Learners, foster and students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds by …"training and coaching teachers in effective instructional practices..." Approved Unanimously 4. Approve the Ratied Consultant Agreement Between San Gabriel USD and Cindy Meyers Foley, for August 14, 2020 Administration recommends the approval of the Ratied Consultant Agreement between San Gabriel USD and Cindy Meyers Foley, for August 14, 2020. Cindy Myers Foley presented at our Aug 14th PD day in order to help our educators connect the dots between the changing of our times, the ambiguity, and creativity that goes hand-in-hand with crisis. Cindy was our keynote presenter last year and helped to remind our teachers and classified staff that our strength is in innovation and that our innovation will lead to deeper thinking in our students. Approved Unanimously Cheryl Shellhart - The next 2 actions looks like we are in arrears. Dr. Perez - Can we get out in front of this? Yes, we will work on this. 5. Approve the Ratified Consultant Agreement with Lifelong Learning Defined, Inc. for Professional Development on August 14, 2020 Administration recommends the approval of the Ratied Consultant Agreement with Lifelong Learning Defined, Inc. for Professional Development on August 14, 2020. The goals of SGUSD during this time of closures are to provide Engagement and Equity through Best Practices online. This session not only focuses on the needs of our 100% virtual academy, but also speaks to instruction design that will translate directly into an eventual hybrid model as well. Approved Unanimously 6. Approve the Ratied Consultant Agreement with Momentum in Teaching, LLC for Professional Development on the Implementation of Reading Workshop Administration recommends the approval of the Ratied Consultant Agreement with Momentum in Teaching, LLC for professional development on the implementation of Reading Workshop. Momentum in Teaching will provide a training seminar focusing on strategic skills and resources to support teachers in three different genres – Narrative, Informational and Opinion based writing. Approved Unanimously 7. Approve Ratified Consultant Agreement with Neither Near Norfar, Inc., for Effective Online Assessment Practices Professional Development Administration recommends the approval of the Ratied Consultant Agreement with Neither Near Norfar, Inc., for Effective Online Assessment Practices Professional Development. While we are using standardized benchmarks to assess pupil learning loss at the start of the year, an online learning environment requires specific strategies to continuously assess in a more formative way from week to week and day to day. This session will provide actionable steps in assessment online that focuses on engagement and differentiation so that everyday data is accurate. In addition, it will focus on the pedagogy that goes into the uses of engagement in assessment so that strategies can also be used in Phase II, a hybrid model. Approved Unanimously 8. Approve Ratified Renewal of the 1-Year License Agreement with Illuminate Education for Data Management and Assessment Services Administration recommends approval of the ratied renewal 1-year license agreement with Illuminate Education for data management and assessment services. Contract agreement with Illuminate Education will provide local assessment and data management solutions for the 2020-2021 school year. Illuminate Education is designed to work with any type of student enrollment, demographic, and testing data. It provides three main capabilities to support our K-12 schools: Assessment Creation, Administration & Data Collection and Robust Reporting and Analytics. Approved Unanimously 9. Approve the Ratied Purchase 1-Year License Subscription for BrainPOP ELL for Designated ELD at Gabrielino High School Administration recommends the approval of the ratied purchase of a 1-Year license subscription for BrainPOP ELL for Designated ELD at Gabrielino High School. BrainPOP ELL is BrainPOP's English language instruction site for English Language Learners of all ages. The curriculum is comprised of short, animated movies as well as games, quizzes, and interactive features. Users practice the four principle language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Approved Unanimously 10. Approve Ratified1-Year Single License with Texthelp Inc. for Fluency Tutor for Google Subscription Administration recommends the approval of the Ratified 1-Year Single License with Texthelp Inc. for Fluency Tutor for Google Subscription Fluency Tutor for Google will help our Designated ELD teachers bring struggling readers up to speed. Approved Unanimously 11. Approve the Ratied Purchase of Student Licenses from Seesaw Learning Inc. for the 2020-2021 School Year Administration recommends approval of the Ratied Purchase of Student Licenses from Seesaw Learning Inc. for the 2020-2021 School Year. This platform aligns with our goals to provide instructional resources and communication tools to help targeted populations in their home languages to increase parent involvement. Approved Unanimously 12. Approve the Ratified 1-Year Subscription for Choral Tracks Choir Membership for Jefferson Middle- and Gabrielino High-School Choir Program Administration recommends the approval of the Ratified 1-Year Subscription for Choral Tracks Choir Membership for Jefferson Middle- and Gabrielino High-School Choir Program. Choral Tracks is a valuable tool for virtual learning for school choruses in this time when ensemble singing is both impossible and deemed unsafe. It provides copyright protection and an immense library of repertoire, accompaniment/rehearsal tracks for educational use, enhancing the curriculum and enabling our choir teachers to continue providing a meaningful, as well as high quality educational experience. Approved Unanimously 13. Approve the Make Music 1-Year Subscription for SmartMusic Web-Based Curriculum for San Gabriel Unified Orchestra Program Administration recommends the approval of the Make Music 1-Year Subscription for SmartMusic Web-Based Curriculum for San Gabriel Unfied’s Orchestra Program. By utilizing the Smart Music library and assessment program, SGUSD can tap into the vast resources available to create online music classrooms as we seek to keep music in the arts alive for our students and delve into the Virtual Academy for the 2020-2021 school year. Approved Unanimously 14. Approve the Ratified1-year subscription purchase of Edpuzzle for Gabrielino High and Jefferson Middle School Administration recommends the approval of the Ratified1-year subscription purchase of Edpuzzle for Gabrielino High and Jefferson Middle School. This program aligns with San Gabriel Unified School District’s goals of providing 21st Century technology to our students by purchasing software that helps provide for guided listening and data-informed instruction. Approved Unanimously 15. Approve the Ratified Purchase of the Ellevation (CA) and Elevation Strategies Subscription Agreement Administration recommends the approval of the Ratified Ellevation (CA) and Elevation Strategies Subscription Agreement Ellevation will allow District staff, school site administrators, and teachers to more closely monitor English learners, identify areas of strength and growth, and intervene purposefully to support English learners. Ellevation will sync with Aeries nightly to keep all student data up-to-date. The platform can also pull data from iReady providing a more comprehensive snapshot of individual English learner performance. Approved Unanimously C. GOVERNING BOARD OF EDUCATION D. HUMAN RESOURCES E. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 1. Approve California School Boards Association (CSBA) Policy Revision Recommendations Administration recommends the Governing Board approve the California School Boards Association (CSBA) policy revision recommendations. This is an opportunity for the Governing Board to approve the California School Boards Association (CSBA) policy revision recommendations. Approved Unanimously 2. Governing Board Review of California School Boards Association (CSBA) Policy Revision Recommendations Administration recommends the Governing Board review the first reading of California School Boards Association (CSBA) policy revision recommendations. This is an opportunity for the Governing Board to review and discuss the first reading of California School Boards Association (CSBA) policy revision recommendations. Approved Unanimously 9. BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS/REPORTS/COMMUNICATIONS President - Dr. Gary Scott - Mentioned they all have emails to contact them. Vice President - Rochelle Haas - Welcome Henna and Yarelly, we look forward to hearing your perspectives. Kudos to Jefferson Middle School. Thank you for the back to school night. It was enjoyable and kind of nice to jump into different Zooms. Shout out to Jefferson admin. Clerk- Andrew Ammon - Welcome student colleagues! Member - Cristina Alvarado - Welcome Student ASB Presidents Member - Cheryl Shellhart - Welcome you two wonderful ladies to the board! Ask questions and we’re very open. There’s a lot of brand new information, please feel free to ask. 10. CONSENT AGENDA : Question from Cheryl Shellhart - Why do we have a TBD on Classified PSR No. 3? Ross Perry - Usually because they have not turned in their paperwork. Motion Approved BUSINESS SERVICES 1. Approve Warrants Issued for Payments, Goods, And Services Received For August 2020 - Report No. 3 The Administration recommends to Approve Warrants Issued for Payments, Goods, And Services Received For August 2020 - Report No. 3. 2. Approve Purchase Orders Issued in Excess of $5,000 Report No. 3 (20-21) The Administration recommends to Approve Purchase Orders Issued in Excess of $5,000 Report No. 3 (20-21). 3. Approve Essential Travel Report No. 3 The Administration recommends that the following District employees be authorized to attend the events attached. The representative of the District indicated he will attend with no loss of salaries for District personnel, and with actual and necessary expenses paid for all attending as authorized by Education Code Sections 35172, 35173 and 44032, and the District's Board policies. Authorization for an advance of funds to cover actual and necessary expenses is hereby granted. Such Advances shall be repaid or adjusted upon ling of a regular claim for the actual and necessary expenses incurred. B. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 1. Essential Training Travel Report No. 3 Administration recommends that the following District employees be authorized to attend the events attached. The representative of the District indicated he will attend with no loss of salaries for District personnel, and with actual and necessary expenses paid for all attending as authorized by Education Code Sections 35172, 35173 and 44032, and the District's Board policies. Authorization for an advance of funds to cover actual and necessary expenses is hereby granted. Such Advances shall be repaid or adjusted upon lling of a regular claim for the actual and necessary expenses incurred. C. HUMAN RESOURCES 1. Approve Certificated Personnel Status Report No. 3 Administration recommends the approval of the Certificated Personnel Status Report No. 3. 2. Approve Classified Personnel Status Report No. 3 Administration recommends to approve the Classified Personnel Status Report No. 3 D. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 11. NEXT MEETING REMINDER(S) Tuesday, September 22, 2020 Tuesday, October 13, 2020 Tuesday, October 27, 2020 Tuesday, November 17, 2020 Tuesday, December 8, 2020 Tuesday, December 15, 2020 12. ADJOURNMENT at 8:44 We ARE stronger together! Join us at the next Board Meeting! September 22, 2020 Tuesday, September 22, 2020 Tuesday, October 13, 2020 Tuesday, October 27, 2020 Tuesday, November 17, 2020 Tuesday, December 8, 2020 Tuesday, December 15, 2020 6:00 Open Session, Closed Session, 7:00 Open Session Reconvenes
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