April 9, 2020
Update #4 Dear Members, Your SGTA Executive Board have been in close communication with District Administration and CTA. We are continually compiling a list of the Frequently Asked Questions. The FAQ document is constantly evolving as new information is shared. Please take some time to familiarize yourself with these questions and answers and reach out to your peers to share this information. New information has been added since our last email communications. Site Reps will be holding SGTA Zoom Meetings. See below for date/times. Again, please familiarize yourself with all the FAQ so that the same question is not asked repeatedly. In addition, below are some helpful links and resources the have been added to help you through this time. Thank you for your time, SGTA Executive Board SGTA Zoom Meetings: (A link to join the meeting will be sent to you from your reps.) Please read the Frequently Asked Questions Document prior to attending the Zoom Meeting. Elementary Schools & DEC: When: Tuesday, April 14th Time: 3:30 p.m. Jefferson: Zoom mtg. held on 4/8/20 GAB: When: Wednesday, April 18th Time: Following Staff Meeting Del Mar: Please contact Rep. DEC: Please join Elem Zoom Meeting April 9, 2020 Dear SGTA Members, Addendum: Please scroll down for responses to questions added since April 4, 2020. These are listed after Question 30. We are pleased to share with you the COVID-19 Emergency Crises Memorandum of Understanding between SGUSD and SGTA. Please do your part and read over the memorandum and further clarifications. Also read the questions/answers below that members have generated. If after reading all of the information, you still do not see you have your questions answered, then please list it in the document and an SGTA Rep will respond. Please know that your Exec Board and Site Reps have been working very diligently behind the scenes and will be holding SGTA meetings after Spring Break to help further clarify any questions. Many questions have been directed to Site Reps that should be answered by Site Administration. Further Clarification regarding the Memorandum of Understanding: ( In a Nutshell...) School Closure and Distance Learning - All terms and conditions are Fluid. Any changes or conditions that arise SGTA will have additional opportunity to discuss with SGUSD. Extended School Closure - Listen and read ALL email and phone communications. Compensation- Yes, you will continue to receive your full compensation and health benefits. Report to District - You shall not be directed to physically report to school. Tell your Rep if you are asked to report. It should only be on a volunteer basis. Classroom Access- You must get approval from your principal or supervisor. Social Distancing Norms - The district is required to follow the mandates from the L.A. County Health Dept. Teacher Observations- Due to the COVID-19 crises, SGTA agreed to give principals additional time to complete summary evaluations via email. Incomplete Observations - If we do not return to school this year and your observation cannot be completed, you have the opportunity to postpone for the following year. Contact your Site Rep for individual situations that may occur. Quarantine- You will not be deducted sick leave if you are placed in quarantine and cannot perform. This is a BIG WIN for SGTA. This is not happening in surrounding districts. Collective Bargaining Agreement - It is still intact and all terms and conditions apply, even in State Emergencies. This Agreement, Modifications and Execution: Executed on behalf of SGUSD and SGTA. Frequently Asked Question During School Closure: Q1: When may I go to my classroom to collect materials I need to plan and teach from home? A: In accordance with the MOU, while you may access your classroom during the closure, you must contact your local site admin in advance of collecting materials. Q2: What is the plan for students to collect non-technological materials needed for coursework (art materials, musical instruments, etc)? A: Contact your site administrator regarding access and equity needs for your students. Q3: I was wondering if there’s a chance that we will extend the school year since ed code says a district cannot? A: This would need to be bargained. Per prior communication, this is highly unlikely. Q4: Why can’t we give out grades for Distance Learning assignments? A: District administration is currently following CDE and LACOE guidance (see email from J. Symonds on March 19, 2020.) Contact your site administrator for further information. “Per SGTA’s meeting with District administration on April 8, more information will be forthcoming regarding grading for the remainder of the school year.” Q5: If teachers depend on summer teaching positions, and we are still shut down, what are their options? A: At this point, SEF has determined that it will not run summer classes. The District is currently monitoring the pandemic and more information will be forthcoming regarding any summer classes. That being said, summer work is never guaranteed. Should the District decide not to run any summer classes, there is little SGTA can do regarding this matter. Q6: What happens if a teacher gets sick during closures, who will take over for him/her? A: SGTA Exec Board will consult with HR Assistant Superintendent Ross Perry on this question. Q7: While using an app like Zoom and a student uses it inappropriately, and it involves another student, who is liable? A: This should be treated the same way you would treat a student disruption in your face-to-face class. Contact your site administrator for assistance in resolving these issues. Here also are some helpful tips for using zoom. CTA has also been offering professional development on virtual teaching and classroom management, available here and also on youtube. Q8: What happens if families do not participate in distance learning? A: Consult your site administrator. Q9: At the elementary level, how do we provide equity instruction when some teachers are skilled at online instruction, video lessons, etc. and other teachers are not? There is concern that parents will talk, compare, and complain. A: Distance learning does not mean only online instruction. Distance learning can also include hybrid assignments as well as paper packet assignments. Please contact your site administrator for further guidance. Q10: How closely are we expected to follow district curriculum such as My Math and Wonders? A: Consult your site administrator. Q11: Kinder Teacher: I'm concerned about the fact that we weren't able to send home math worksheets, journal paper, or anything for our kids to use. I'm asking for guidance to help kids maintain fine motor skills. A: Consult your site administrator. Q12: I have heard about re-purposing schools as daycare for low income families (Governor Newsom). Is there any talk of that with SGUSD? A: At this point, there is no plan in place to repurpose SGUSD schools as daycare centers. If so, SGTA would work with the District to understand the potential implications on the worksite and bargaining unit member rights. Q13: I noticed (in an email about contracts from Dena) that we could be called on to do other duties as government workers. Is there talk of that? Or are we still doing our job as distance learning continues? A: At this point, there is no plan in place for SGTA bargaining unit members to work as disaster service workers. Q14: What would happen (worst case scenario) if we couldn’t reopen in August? A: Any impact of the continuing pandemic on the 2020-21 school year would need to be bargained. Q15: Is our instruction to be solely online, or is it okay to ask families to print pages and do work with paper and pencil? A: Consult your site administrator. Q16: Will there be any further guidance from the district as to how much, how often, and what type of work is expected from teachers? A: Consult your site administrator. Q17: On the MOU, regarding Evaluations, can you define "Reasonably Completed"? A: In the event we return to school by April 6th it may be reasonable, but if we return back to school at a later date, it may not be reasonable. Q18: How does this affect a possible non-re-election situation? A: All non re-elect teachers were already notified prior to March 15th. This is the responsibility of HR. Q19: If teachers are too sick to teach from home, how will students receive online instruction? A: SGTA Exec Board will consult with HR Assistant Superintendent Ross Perry on this question. Q20: Are subs being assigned if teachers cannot perform Distance Learning? A: SGTA Exec Board will consult with HR Assistant Superintendent Ross Perry on this question. Q21: What about the attendance piece? A: Consult your site administrator. Q22: Are Collective Bargaining Contracts null and void in a state of emergency? A: Per Tom Pinkava, CTA Representative, the CBA remains intact.It is not “null and void.” Q23: What happens if a family chooses not to participate in distance learning? A:: Consult your site administrator. Q24: Can a Zoom meeting be held with all Elementary at once? A: Thank you for this suggestion. SGTA Exec Board will schedule after spring break. Q25: What about non union members? A: Non-union members are always contacted regarding contractual issues. Q26: What are the roles of the counselors? A: Consult your site administrator and Dr. Brian Murray. Q27: ALL teachers have to post assignments for distance learning. What if we have a teacher who doesn’t? A: Consult your site administrator. Q28: What will happen to all the Probationary 2? A: We are still teaching. Probationary 2 teachers will be made permanent at the end of year unless they have already been otherwise notified. Tom Pinkava noted that Admin should have notified teachers by March 15th. Q29: What do I do if I do not have strong enough Wi-Fi where I live? A: Consult IT and and your Site Administrator Q30: Do I have to use my own phone to call parents? A: No, please go online and to learn how to block your number. For further guidance, consult your site administrator. Additional Questions: Since April 4th Q1: A neighboring district’s association just advised its members not to do “live lessons”, not even “recorded lessons,” citing concerns of student privacy (for live videos?) and for people being able to edit and share video beyond the intended audience. What is SGTA’s position on this? A: This is not mandatory. SGTA has posted many resources and links to follow when using video conferencing. See SGTA COVID email update #4. SGTA has reminded Admin that if necessary, Administrators will follow regular protocol when investigating a parent concern. Q2: Are elementary music teachers, PE teachers, and intervention teachers still going to provide instruction? A: Of Course! They have established their own Google Classrooms. Q3: If evaluations are not finished and a teacher is Probationary 1, will they still move on to being Probationary 2 next year? (I’m assuming yes since you have answered that current Prob 2s will become permanent, but I would like the confirmation.) A: Yes . Q4: Distance learning can also include hybrid assignments as well as paper packet assignments. How does the district want us to go about getting paper assignments to students? What if students don't have a printer? A: The district is strongly urging teachers not to use paper packets. No printer: get creative. Try Google Forms. Some elementary teachers are having parents take a picture of the assignment and send it to Class Dojo or to the teacher’s school email. Q5: Are we going to be able to pass out supplies to students (for example: math workbooks, Wonders practice books, etc.)? A: Not at this time. We are following the social distancing norms from the LA County Health Dept. Q6: Is there any information about what will be happening to the state education budget after this crisis is over? A: In speaking with Asst. Supt Will Wong, there are no updates regarding the state's budget. We are waiting to hear from the Governor’s May Revise. Q7: Will layoffs be a realistic possibility at the end of the school year since the economy is heading toward a major recession? A: Layoffs were already board approved in March. The district does not anticipate any more layoffs in August. Q8: Are general education teachers expected to do virtual IEP meetings for students that are not theirs (Example: IEPs for SDC students)? A: Teachers should participate in virtual conferences during regular work hours. Case holders should consult SPED Dept and continue to invite the same individuals as before. Q9: Will positions like noon duty aides, elementary nurses, librarians, computer techs, and other classified employees be able to do their jobs from home so they can earn an income? A: Yes. The district has a plan to utilize these individuals. Q10: Are school counselors, psychologists, speech pathologists, etc. still going to provide services? A: Yes. They have already begun working and eliciting guidance from the SPED Dept to strategize the best way to continue to provide services. Q11: How are students going to clean out their P.E. lockers? A: Admin is aware and will address this issue prior to the end of the school year. Q12: How do the closures affect our job status? A: Your job status has not changed. Q13: When can teachers go back for at least one whole day to clean up? A: Ask your Site Administrator. Q14: Is there a student accountability piece yet? Will there be? A: District is working on a grading policy with site administrators and has consulted with SGTA. The policy needs to be Board approved in April. Q15: In case we are audited on attendance, who is accountable? A: District. Q16: Paychecks for January and February are inconsistent. Why? A: Per Jazmin Ortega, Director of Fiscal Services: The difference in the January/February paycheck was due to the negotiated salary increase. Q17: Did the teachers that have 15+ years in the district get their additional retro check? A: Yes. MEMO TO: Certificated - Teachers Staff (Steps 15-26) CC: William Wong, Gloria Castillo DATE: 3/9/20 This is to inform you that the check dated 3/9 reflects corrections to your retro pay for the periods 7/1/19 to present date. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you, Jazmin Ortega Director of Fiscal Services Q18: What about electives, especially electives that required vote/interview - any news on this? A: Ask your site Administrator. Q19: What will happen to this year’s yearbook? A: Ask your site Administrator. Q20: Any updates on grading, since we are out for the entire year? A: See the answer above regarding the new grading policy. Q21: Who is checking attendance? A: Share your attendance form with your attendance clerk or Office Manager. See Ready-Set-Launch memo from J. Symonds and FAQs addressed by J. Perez: “Attendance- The California Department of Education is requiring attendance be taken for Distance Learning. The purpose of attendance during this time is to simply check in with students, ensure we are reaching students and families in need, and to strive for equity and access to the Distance Learning model. Attendance is not being taken for normal Average Daily Attendance (ADA) purposes and will not be entered in the Aeries system. Each site will have the flexibility to determine the best way to capture attendance. If you are seeing irregularities, unable to reach certain students, or have concerns with student access to the Digital Learning model, please reach out to your administrator for assistance.” Q22: Are teachers expected to check attendance for the designated period (in JMS case, 1st period)? A: Ask your site Administrator. Q23: Who’s responsibility is it to contact students not completing the attendance form? A: Ask your site Administrator. Q24: If our instruction day is Tuesday, are we allowed to post on Monday? A: We have been asked to be mindful of posting messages throughout the day to students. Middle School and HS students are overwhelmed with multiple posts from all teachers coming in all throughout the day. It has been suggested that it would be extremely helpful to the students if assignments/messages were posted on a weekly basis or only 1 time a day. In addition, try to push out posts only during “school hours.” Q25: Can we push out assignments for the week all at once? For example, all assignments shared on Google classroom every Monday. A: Yes! Q26: Is meeting live (Zoom, Google Hangouts) required? A: No. SGTA has posted many resources and links to follow when using video conferencing. See SGTA COVID email update #4 Q27: I am planning on posting each school day (either an assignment or reminder). Do I have to post during the Instruction block also, or can I use it as a second office hour for student questions/one-on-one help? A: Ask your Site Administrator. Q28: What are the expectations for Instruction Hours? Should it focus on directed teaching of some kind? A: Refer to Ready-Set-Launch letter from J. Symonds and FAQs addressed by J. Perez: “This is a time for us all to be sensitive and empathetic. All our families and staff members are being faced with unprecedented challenges. Thus, we are not seeking perfection with distance learning, but a means of providing, to the extent feasible, continuity of learning. “ “It is up to each individual classroom teacher, in consultation with their grade or department teammates when appropriate, to make the decisions about which distance learning resources will best serve the needs of their students.” Q29: Who sets the scheduled times to set for virtual meetings with our students (to avoid overlap)? A: Teachers. Please reach out to your peers and consult your site administrators for a coordinated plan. A suggestion was made to ask our counselors to help coordinate a master schedule schedule for virtual meetings… (just a suggestion) Q30: Do we need to invite parents to Google Classroom? If so, can someone help us with this? A: Students are to access Google Classroom. Some of our younger students will need assistance to access from their adult caregiver. The parents have been given student username and passwords to access the accounts. There is an option in Google Classroom to “Invite Guardian” (Under “People” tab), but this is not a necessary step if they already have access to the Classroom through their student. If you need assistance, you may contact the DEC Instructional Coaches or colleagues. Q31: Are we expected to ZOOM w/ parents? A: No. Q32: What do we do if a student changes their name on their Google account? Do we contact IT? A: Yes. No changes should be made. Q33: Is anyone thinking about plans for starting the school year virtually, if needed? What would this look like? A: Yes. The district is planning for many different scenarios. Information changes daily. SGUSD will follow the guidelines from the California Department of Education and the L.A. County Health Department. Q34: Are we expected to create a virtual open house or something similar? A: No. If your question(s) were not answered, please use the following form to ask your question(s). Please note that we are able to answer CBA and MOU questions, but cannot address issues under district and site administrator purview. SGTA Member Forum Questions Form: https://forms.gle/eHyT2YbcSamb3YWp9 Helpful Resources:
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