Board Meeting Highlights and Key Attachments:
Click here for Link to Full Agenda and Complete Attachments MEETING OF THE GOVERNING BOARD August 18, 2020 1. OPENING PROCEDURE A. CALL TO ORDER at 6:01 B. ESTABLISHMENT OF QUORUM Quorum Established. 2. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE GOVERNING BOARD 3. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION No Action Taken A. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR(S) B. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT/APPOINTMENT 4. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION approx. 7:00 p.m. A. ANNOUNCEMENT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE by Andrew Ammon C. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Unanimously Approved D. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE GOVERNING BOARD Public Comments: (Read by Clerk Andrew Ammon) From Jenny Chai from McKinley. I wanted to express my concern about the amount of screen time students are doing. I just read about the 20/20/20 rule. Students should work 20 minutes then look away for 20 minutes. Dr. Gary Scott would recommend that those comments be sent to the site Administrator and then sent to our Superintendent as well. 5. APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES A. Approve the Governing Meeting Minutes of July 21, 2020 The Board is asked to approve the meeting minutes as presented. Minutes approved 6. PUBLIC HEARING(S) The meeting will briey recess to open up the public hearing(s). The meeting will resume at the closing of the presented public hearings. 7. SPECIAL REPORTS AND PRESENTATIONS A. REPORT - Governing Board President Dr Gary Scott- Amazing and enjoyable to be part of the New Teacher Orientation online. To see the energy and fresh faces that will become part of this district is just amazing right now. We welcome you with open arms. Spent time with Roosevelt parents. It was very organized and thoughtful. To principal Cheryl Wilson, thank you for supporting Roosevelt and Del Mar. Jefferson’s parent meeting was also well done. Thank you to everyone and we want people to understand what we are doing. I think we are doing something that we’ve been doing for a long time, but in a different way. Thank you for the creativity. If I was a parent in this district right now, I would be very grateful for what everyone is doing. B. REPORT - Superintendent , Jim Symonds, Welcome everyone, Yes, we are off and running and open for business. Didn’t sleep Sunday thinking about all the possibilities for Monday morning. I was pleasantly surprised on Monday. Teachers are delivering instruction from classes and home, a few connectivity issues. We had great reports, I need to commend all teachers, classified and confidential. This was a great team effort and a successful day. Enrollment down a bit. Grab and go lunches are going out at 5 sites. Shout out to everyone who makes sure our kids get fed! Shout out to our IT guys who have distributed devices to all. At the Welcome back breakfast it was great to see the new teachers shand a huge shout out out to Ed. Services team, shout out to Kathy Leon. On Friday our Virtual District development went well and a shout out to Heather Wolpert for her efforts. I appreciated having Cyndy Foley come back and present. We had a great presentation by Ester Menwary. Although we are in Phase 1, there is a ton of work going on behind the scenes to move into Phase 2 and 3. I’d like to thank our parents and kids for keeping us afloat, we are one, united, and will come out stronger before. C. PRESENTATION - SGUSD Season of Learning Asst. Supt Dr. Joan Perez Heather Wolpert orchestrated a wonderful two day PD. Heather Wolpert- The SGUSD Season of Learning Presentation We know that there were the 4 C’s. 21st Century learning started to expand this way of thinking. Adding digital literacy and going beyond the 4 C’s. Portrait of a graduate includes 21st century learning. We were on the track before the pandemic and now we are full speed ahead. We started PD’s in spring and started a DL 2.0 committee. These became a launching pad for summer school learning where the students and teachers experimented and played with online learning opportunities that focused on engagement online. They focused on social-emotional learning using Class Craft (see slides showing all summer online learning). We started creating a plan called the Season of Learning to start in the fall. We had a week of PD workshops for SGUSD certified and classified. Following that week, two more days of PD were offered with an array of online teaching topics. Our district PD days offered over 20 different topics to help prepare us for distance learning and paying attention to the SEL. Looking ahead, the 4th Wednesday of every month will be PD focused at every site. We’ll be looking at ways to gather data and which assessments to use to gather meaningful data that will reflect the loss of learning. We have a coaching corner that we will continue and that teachers love. We’re thinking about a virtual Ed Camp for teachers where they can select from a series of topics. Devorah (Ted talker) is running parent workshops to help with things like setting up a home office for 4 people. We are posting all of these videos online if parents missed them. In weeks 1 and 2of PD’s, we had 870 seats filled. The sessions with most enrollment were Zoom, Nearpod, Screencastify and Community Building. The others weren’t far behind. I want to thank SGUSD for providing the conditions for growth for the students and teachers. Gary Scott- Thank you Heather. It’s a lot. D. PRESENTATION - English Learner (El) Programs Update Asst. Supt, Ed Services, Dr. Joan Perez Anna Navarro- EL Presentation We’ve addressed our EL needs by providing Tier II intervention time at all sites. Considerations for EL students- they need rich academic language and they need to use oral language. I’d like to see embedding the opportunities to practice both. Using thematic learning is effective to give them ample opportunities to practice the language. We need to be intentional and strategic with scaffolding EL support, especially now that we are teaching virtually. It’s important to honor the student’s home language. In integrated ELD, the teacher has the content area standards and the ELD standards to teach to the EL students. Be mindful of the different proficiency levels to help students engage in the work and be successful. In the designated ELD class, the student receives daily ELD instruction. Teachers have access to ELD supports in their core curriculum. We started PD for teachers, working with SIOP ( a component is developing academic vocabulary and differentiated instruction for various levels of proficiency). The Elevation program shows teachers how to differentiate for different levels of proficiency. Also addressing how to meet the needs of LTELs. LACOE is providing opportunities for teachers to attend workshops on social emotional learning. Critical we provide opportunities for ELPAC so they may be reclassified. ELAC goal is to update criteria to reclassify EL students. E. PRESENTATION - Title IX Updates Student Services - Ruth Esselen will share updates. New Federal 9 revision. Offices of Civil Rights. New guidelines went in effect August 14th. Sexual Harassment complaints are part of Language in the revisions. There is a focus to communicate broadly and how to contact our Title 9 Coordinator. There is a shift with the terms used to file a report. Change in the grievance process that provides an equal opportunity for both parts. The new regulations include, the form, the support, addressing the complaints, and the informal resolution process. Designation of a decision maker, and remedies that can be provided and the discipline if the respondent is found guilty. There are active lawsuits to block these new regulations. (See Complete Presentation for an Explanation) Andrew Ammon - for Item 5. (Designation for the Decision Maker) Does this give you any direction as to how you pick this person? Ruth responded who would have specific responsibilities. The law speaks to bias to make sure all involved are not Bias. Andrew Ammon concerned would like to protect the organization and individuals in it for any bias. If such a strong complaint is it not safer to higher a 3rd party? Ruth says that the complacent and respondent can bring in a 3rd party. Ammon believes we need to follow up and look into hiring a 3rd party as a matter of practice. Andrew Ammon - in reference to student - student, student-employee… Is the understanding that the school should handle it as a matter of student discipline? And protect the employee? Ruth - I am learning, the Title 9 team will be going to formal training to educate the site administrators. 8. ACTION ITEMS A. BUSINESS SERVICES 1. (Roll Call) - Adopt Resolution No. 03/2020-21, Authorizing Annual Delegation of Administrative Authority to Process Routine Budget Revisions, Adjustments, and Transfers It is recommended that the Administration adopt Resolution No. 03/2020-21, Authorizing Annual Delegation of Administrative Authority to Process Routine Budget Revisions, Adjustments, and Transfers and authorize the designee to execute the necessary documents. The Resolution No. 03/2020-21 authorizes the Annual Delegation of Administrative Authority to the administrative personnel to process the routine budget adjustments rst and submit for ratification later as needed. President - Dr. Gary Scott - Aye Vice President - Rochelle Haas - Aye Clerk- Andrew Ammon - Moved - Aye Member - Cristina Alvarado - Seconded - Aye Member - Cheryl Shellhart - Aye Motion Approved Unanimously 2. Approve Change Order No. 1 for Bid No. 03-18/19 with Chalmers Construction Services, Inc. for Gabrielino High School Music PE Building The administration recommends to approve change order No. 1 for Bid No. 03-18/19 with Chalmers Construction Services, Inc. for Gabrielino High School Music PE Building and authorize the designee to execute the necessary documents. Change Order No. 1 represents a net increase of $32,536.10 of the total contract amount for the Gabrielino High School Music/PE Building construction project. Andrew Ammon asked for clarification for $13,000 for Roofing Will Wong - This is a series of change orders. Project reductions and additions. Motion Approved Unanimously 3. Approve Consultant Agreement Increase No. 1 for Bid No. 03-18/19 with MTGL for Gabrielino High School Music PE Building The Administration recommends to approve the Consultant Agreement Increase No. 1 for Bid No. 03-18/19 with MTGL for Gabrielino High School Music PE Building. The MTGL consultant agreement represents a net increase of $15,000 of the total contract amount for the Gabrielino High School Music/PE Building construction project. This is for testing and inspection services. Motion Approved Unanimously Will Wong - This is for teasing services for all construction processes. 4. Approve Service Agreement with Global eRecyclers for Electronic Waste The Administration recommends to approve the Service Agreement with Global eRecyclers for Electronic Waste. Global eRecyclers will receive used electronics, uorescent lights, and any other type of ewaste for the purpose of recycling. Motion Approved Unanimously B. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 1. Approve Reimbursing San Marino for One San Gabriel USD Special Education Student attending Non-SELPA San Marino Class (Special Education) Administration recommends the approval of reimbursing San Marino Unified School District for a Special Education student attending non-SELPA class to meet their educational needs for the 2018-2019 school year. Special Education students residing in San Gabriel must be placed in a program that is Administration recommends the approval of this revised Consultant Agreement with 2 TEACH LLC for co-teaching training in an amount not to exceed $8,000.00 for the 2020-2021 school year. The District needs to provide training to General Education and Special Education teachers on effective co-teaching and inclusion strategies for the 2020- 2021 school year. suited to meet their unique educational needs. During the 2018-2019 school year, there was one student whose needs could not be best met in district or SELPA classes, and the district was required to find appropriate placement for this student. San Marino Unified School District agreed to have this students attend a non-SELPA program, and the District needs to reimburse San Marino for this service cost for the 2018-2019 school year. 2. Approve Revised Consultant Agreement with 2Teach LLC, School Year 2020-2021 (Special Education) Motion Approved Unanimously 3. Approve Contract with Los Angeles County Office of Education for Medi-Cal Administrative Activities Services – July 1, 2020– June 30, 2023 (Special Education) Administration recommends the approval of the contract with Los Angeles County Office of Education for July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2023 for Medi-Cal Administrative Activities Services. Motion Approved Unanimously 4. Approve Consultant Agreement with Dr. Elizabeth Gendy for SGUSD Special Education Program's Medicaid LEA/MAA Federal Reimbursement Program (Special Education) Administration recommends the approval of the contract with Dr. Elizabeth Gendy for the District's Special Education Medicaid LEA/MAA Federal Reimbursement Program. The District participates in the Medicaid LEA/MAA Federal Reimbursement Program. This program reimburses the district based on the treatments and assessments done for students in the district. The District needs to contract with a physician to authorize these treatments as part of the LEA/MAA Federal Reimbursement program. Dr. Elizabeth Gendy has experience with the program and is able to complete the required authorizations. Motion Approved Unanimously 5. Approve Ratified Renewal of 1-Year License Agreement with BrainPOP for Five Elementary Schools and Jefferson Middle School Administration recommends the approval of the ratified 1-Year License Agreement with BrainPOP for Five Elementary Schools and Jefferson Middle School. BrainPOP challenges students to reflect, make connections, and engage in deeper, curiosity-driven learning. It covers universal topics with localization for major world languages and is mobile-ready and accessible for worldwide reach. Motion Approved Unanimously 6. Approve Ratified Consultant Agreement with JJR Consulting for Online Learning Professional Development Approve Consultant Agreement with JJR Consulting for Online Learning Professional Development. James Fester of JJR Consulting will present two 90-minute initial online training sessions on July 28 and August 14, 2020, focusing on 9-12 lesson design. He will work with the breakout group to help them think on high quality online lesson design as it corresponds to our goals of prioritizing standards and aligns with Engagement, Equity, Best Practices Online, and Identifying Pupil Learning Loss. Motion Approved Unanimously 7. Approve Ratified Consultant Agreement with International Service Agency for Translation Services, School Year 2020-2021 Administration recommends the approval of the Ratified Consultant Agreement with International Service Agency for State and Federal Programs translation services. Motion Approved Unanimously 8. Approve Ratified Consultant Agreement with Pearl Services for Building Classroom Culture Professional Development Sessions in August, 2020 Administration recommends the approval of the ratified Consultant Agreement with Pearl Services for Building Classroom Culture Professional Development in August 11-14, 2020. For students to find their identity, have a sense of belonging so that they can ask questions, take risks, share their voice, and be transparent about their thinking, they need to feel they are an integral part of a community. In this session, we will explore team builders, strategies, and activities; and build a toolkit of resources that you can use both at the beginning of your year and throughout the year, from a Virtual Academy to a phased in hybrid model. Motion Approved Unanimously 9. Approve Ratified Consultant Agreement with Learning Strategies for EdTech Team Professional Development Services on August 14, 2020 Administration recommends the approval of the Consultant Agreement with Learning Strategies for EdTech Team Professional Development Services on August 14, 2020. Learning and Leading Administrator sessions explore frameworks that help administrators recognize effective and purposeful technology integration in classrooms. In particular, participants are introduced to the SAMR and 4Cs models while coaching techniques and evaluation methods are also discussed and practiced. The sessions also dive into administrative uses of Google Tools such as: Gmail, Calendar, Forms/Spreadsheets, and the basics of Docs. GSuite sessions provide clerical/classified staff an overview of how to use the G Suite within the context of their work. Participants explore best practices with Gmail, Calendar, Forms and Spreadsheets, along with basics in Google Apps such as sharing settings and collaboration. Motion Approved Unanimously 10. Approve Ratified Consultant Agreement with Lisa M. Hong for CGI Math Assessments Professional Development on August 14, 2020 8/14/2020 eBOARDSolutions - Print Item 4/6 Administraon recommends the approval of the Consultant Agreement with Lisa M. Hong for CGI Math Assessments Professional Development on August 14, 2020. Motion Approved Unanimously 11. Approve the Ratified Consultant Agreement with Dr. Devorah Heitner for Raising Digital Natives Professional Development Administration recommends the approval of the Consultant Agreement with Dr. Devorah Heitner for Raising Digital Natives Professional Development. This series of sessions is needed to address the social emotional wellness of both students and their families. It will help in engaging families to support student success in school, increase student engagement in school and help to create safe and welcoming learning environments where students and families feel connected to their schools. Motion Approved Unanimously 12. Approve the Ratified Consultant Agreement with Life, Marriage and Ministry Coaching, LLC, for Workshop Sessions geared to Spanish Speaking, At-Risk Families Administration recommends the approval of the Consultant Agreement with Life, Marriage and Ministry Coaching, LLC, for Workshop Sessions geared to Spanish Speaking, At-Risk Families. This session provides additional support to the families of many of our struggling students. It will provide families strategies to help their students become more engaged in the learning process. Motion Approved Unanimously 13. Approve the Ratified Consultant Agreement with Jim Wang for Music Staff Professional Development Administration recommends the approval of the Consultant Agreement with Jim Wang for Music Staff Professional Development. Motion Approved Unanimously 14. Approve Consolidated Application, Spring Data Collection 2020-2021 Administration recommends the approval and submission of the 2020-2021 Consolidated Application (Con App) for funding. The Consolidated Application is used by the California Department of Education to distribute funds from various Federal programs to county offices, school districts, and charter schools throughout California. Every local educational agency (LEA) certifies the Spring Release data collections to document participation in Federal programs under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and provides assurances that the LEA will comply with the legal requirements of each program. The Spring Release of the application documents participation in various federal categorical that the LEA will comply with the legal requirements of each program. The winter release of the application, to be certified in February 2021, contains the LEA’s entitlements for each funded program. Program entitlements are determined by formulas contained in the laws that created the programs. Motion Approved Unanimously 15. Approve Renewal of License Agreement with Document Tracking Services for Support with Single School Plans for Student Achievement and School Accountability Report Cards for 2020-21 Administration recommends approval of the license agreement with Document Tracking Services for 2020-2021 Document Tracking Services (DTS) is a web-based application that allows school districts to streamline how they complete and update a wide array of school and district-level reports. C. GOVERNING BOARD OF EDUCATION D. HUMAN RESOURCES Motion Approved Unanimously E. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 1. Approve Consultant Agreement with Leadership Associates, LLC for Superintendent Advisement Services During the 2020-2021 School Year It is recommended that the Governing Board approve a consultant agreement with Leadership Associates, LLC for Superintendent advisement services during the 2020-2021 school year. The Contractor will provide up to 10 days executive advisement services during the 2020-2021 school year. Motion Approved Unanimously 2. Governing Board Review of California School Boards Association (CSBA) Policy Revision Recommendations Administration recommends the Governing Board review the first reading of California School Boards Association (CSBA) policy revision recommendations. This is an opportunity for the Governing Board to review and discuss the first reading of California School Boards Association (CSBA) policy revision recommendations. 3. Governing Board Adoption of California School Boards Association (CSBA) Policy Revision Recommendations Administration recommends the Governing Board adopt the California School Boards Association (CSBA) policy revision recommendations. This is an opportunity for the Governing Board to adopt the California School Boards Association (CSBA) policy revision recommendations. 9. BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS/REPORTS/COMMUNICATIONS President - Dr. Gary Scott - Be safe. Vice President - Rochelle Haas We are celebrating 100 years of the right for women to vote. I wish everybody a great school year. Clerk- Andrew Ammon - I echo the welcome back sentiments. Happy birthday to Will Wong. I hope the new year brings him less stress. Congratulations Mr. President at your daughter’s wedding. You even did a good job as a minister. Member - Cristina Alvarado - Welcome to the new school year. I thought the breakfast was fun and my favorite part was seeing everyone share their chats. It was cool and a way for teachers to connect. At the Washington parent meeting there were lots of questions. Here we go and we’ll make it through. Member - Cheryl Shellhart - Welcome back! Everybody did a great job over the summer. I attended the parent meetings and the welcome back breakfast. I enjoyed seeing everyone on the screen and was nice to ready the chats. EAC Meeting - glad we focused on Portrait of a Graduate. I attended some town hall meetings. Each were different and unique, different and informative for the families. 10. CONSENT AGENDA NOTE: Motion Approved Unanimously A. BUSINESS SERVICES 1. Approve Renewed Agreement with the American Red Cross for the Use of Gabrielino High School and Jefferson Middle School as Mass Care Shelters The Administration recommends the approval of the Renewed Agreement with the American Red Cross for the Use of Gabrielino High School and Jefferson Middle School as Mass Care Shelters. Access to the Gabrielino High School and Jefferson Middle School campuses provide gymnasium access, as well as provide cafeteria, kitchen, and restroom facilities. During periods of emergency that do not impact the school while in session, it is in the public interest to make school facilities available. Motion Approved Unanimously 2. Approve Renewed Agreement with Duff & Phelps for Fixed Asset Inventory and Reconciliation 8/14/2020 eBOARDSolutions - Print Item 5/6 Report as of June 30, 2020 The Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the renewed agreement with Duff & Phelps for services related to the required Fixed Asset Inventory and Reconciliation Report as of June 30, 2020 and authorize the designee to execute the necessary documents. The Fixed Asset Inventory and Reconciliation Report is a GASB 34 (Governmental Accounting Standards Board) requirement and needs to be completed annually. Motion Approved Unanimously 3. Approve Renewal of Agreement with School Services of California, Inc.(SSC) 2020-2021 School Year It is recommended that the Administration approve the renewal contract with School Services of California, Inc. (SSC) for the services rendered from September 1, 2020 to August 31, 2021 for the amount of $3,900 and authorize the designee to execute the necessary documents. With contract fees, the SSC serves as an important resource for the District in the area of legislative updates and school nance. Motion Approved Unanimously 4. Approve Extended Contract Date with Citadel CPM Inc. It is recommended that the Administration approve the extended contract date with Citadel CPM, Inc. as the District’s Construction Manager to manage the various school projects and authorize the designee to execute the necessary documents. This is to extend the current construction project management contract date with Citadel CPM, Inc. until June 30, 2021. Motion Approved Unanimously 5. Approve Declaration of Surplus Materials and Obsolete Equipment for the 2020-2021 School Year The Administration recommends to approve declaration of Surplus Materials and Obsolete Equipment for the 2020-2021 School Year. The District has an assortment of items such as computers, printers, scanners, monitors, kitchen equipment, classroom furniture and obsolete materials to dispose of. Motion Approved Unanimously 6. Approve Essential Travel Report No. 2 It is recommended that Administration approve the following District employees be authorized to attend the virtual events listed. The representative of the District indicated he will attend with no loss of salaries for District personnel, and with actual and necessary expenses paid for all attending as authorized by Education Code Sections 35172, 35173 and 44032, and the District's Board policies. Authorization for an advance of funds to cover actual and necessary expenses is hereby granted. Such Advances shall be repaid or adjusted upon lieu of a regular claim for the actual and necessary expenses incurred. Motion Approved Unanimously 7. Approve Warrants Issued for Payments, Goods, And Services Received For July 2020 - Report No. 2 The Administration recommends to Approve Warrants Issued for Payments, Goods, And Services Received For July 2020 - Report No. 2. Motion Approved Unanimously 8. Approve Purchase Orders Issued in Excess of $5,000 Report No. 2 The administration recommends to Approve Purchase Orders Issued in Excess of $5,000 Report No. 2. Motion Approved Unanimously B. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 1. Approve Renewal of Consultant Agreement with Karen Reid for Induction Professional Development from August 2020 through June 2021 Administration recommends approval of the Consultant Agreement Renewal with Karen Reid for Induction from August 2020 through June 2021. The San Gabriel Unified School District (SGUSD) is the Lead Educational Agency (LEA) for the San Gabriel Valley Consortium (SGVC). SGVC provides Induction to six districts and a private school: Clairbourn School, Monrovia Unified School District, Rosemead School District, San Gabriel Unified School District, San Marino Unified School District, South Pasadena Unified School District, and Temple City Unified School District. Motion Approved Unanimously 2. Approve Renewal of Consultant Agreement with Amy Gerling for Induction Professional Development from August 2020 through June 2021 Administration recommends approval of the Consultant Agreement Renewal with Amy Gerling for Induction from August 2020 through June 2021. The San Gabriel Unified School District (SGUSD) is the Lead Educational Agency (LEA) for the San Gabriel Valley Consortium (SGVC). SGVC provides Induction to six districts and a private school: Clairbourn School, Monrovia Unified School District, Rosemead School District, San Gabriel Unified School District, San Marino Unified School District, South Pasadena Unified School District, and Temple City Unified School District. Motion Approved Unanimously 3. Approve Renewal of Consultant Agreement with Emily Williams for Induction Professional Development from August 2020 through June 2021 Administration recommends approval of the Consultant Agreement Renewal with Emily Williams for Induction from August 2020 through June 2021 The San Gabriel Unified School District (SGUSD) is the Lead Educational Agency (LEA) for the San Gabriel Valley Consortium (SGVC). SGVC provides Induction to six districts and a private school: Clairbourn School, Monrovia Unified School District, Rosemead School District, San Gabriel Unified School District, San Marino Unified School District, South Pasadena Unified School District, and Temple City Unified School District. 8/14/2020 eBOARDSolutions - Print Item 6/6 Motion Approved Unanimously 4. Approve Renewal of Consultant Agreement with Gail Denham for Induction Professional Development from August 2020 through June 2021 Administration recommends approval of the Consultant Agreement Renewal with Gail Denham for Induction from August 2020 through June 2021. The San Gabriel Unified School District (SGUSD) is the Lead Educational Agency (LEA) for the San Gabriel Valley Consortium (SGVC). SGVC provides Induction to six districts and a private school: Clairbourn School, Monrovia Unified School District, Rosemead School District, San Gabriel Unified School District, San Marino Unified School District, South Pasadena Unified School District, and Temple City Unified School District. Motion Approved Unanimously 5. Approve Renewal of Consultant Agreement with Stacy Wilkins for Induction Professional Development from August 2020 through June 2021 Administration recommends approval of the Consultant Agreement Renewal with Stacy Wilkins for Induction from August 2020 through June 2021. The San Gabriel Unified School District (SGUSD) is the Lead Educational Agency (LEA) for the San Gabriel Valley Consortium (SGVC). SGVC provides Induction to six districts and a private school: Clairbourn School, Monrovia Unified School District, Rosemead School District, San Gabriel Unified School District, San Marino Unified School District, South Pasadena Unified School District, and Temple City Unified School District. Motion Approved Unanimously 6. Approve the Consultant Agreement with Learning Strategies for EdTech Team Professional Development Workshops for Instructional Aides Administration recommends the approval of the Consultant Agreement with Learning Strategies for EdTech Team Professional Development Workshops for Instructional Aides. This session will help align the strategies used by classroom teachers with those used by the aides in order to differentiate for our special education students. The goal of differentiation supports our vision for Equity and Effective Online Learning Strategies. Motion Approved Unanimously C. HUMAN RESOURCES 1. Approve Certificated Personnel Status Report No. 2 Administration recommends the approval of the Certificated Personnel Status Report No. 2. Motion Approved Unanimously 2. Approve Classified Personnel Status Report No. 2 Administration recommends to approve the Classified Personnel Status Report No. 2 D. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 11. NEXT Motion Approved Unanimously MEETING REMINDER(S) Tuesday, September 8, 2020 Tuesday, September 22, 2020 Tuesday, October 13, 2020 Tuesday, October 27, 2020 Tuesday, November 17, 2020 Tuesday, December 8, 2020 Tuesday, December 15, 2020 12. ADJOURNMENT Disability Information In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if any person with a disability residing in San Gabriel and who wishes to We ARE stronger together! Join us at the next Board Meeting! September 8, 2020 Tuesday, September 8, 2020 Tuesday, September 22, 2020 Tuesday, October 13, 2020 Tuesday, October 27, 2020 Tuesday, November 17, 2020 Tuesday, December 8, 2020 Tuesday, December 15, 2020 6:00 Open Session, Closed Session, 7:00 Open Session Reconvenes
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