Board Meeting Bullets
Thanks to all members present at tonight’s meeting! Curious about the “Consent Agenda” items passed without discussion? Review the item summaries listed below. Link to Full Agenda Certificated PSR 4 Essential Training & Travel Report 4 Conference Report 4 Classified PSR 4 Regular Meeting San Gabriel USD October 09, 2018 6:00PM Board Room 408 Junipero Serra Drive San Gabriel, California 91776 6:00 p.m. Closed Session 7:00 p.m. Open Session 1. Opening Procedure Call to Order at 6:01 PM by President Alvarez. Establishment of Quorum: All members present. 2. Requests to Address Governing Board: None. 3. Recess to Closed Session at 6:01. 3.a. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL—ANTICIPATED LITIGATION 3.b. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE DISCIPLINE/DISMISSAL/RELEASE 3.c. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT/APPOINTMENT 3.d. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION 3.e. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS 4. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION at 7:01 p.m. 4.a. ANNOUNCEMENT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION: No action taken. 4.b. SWEAR-IN Student Board Members Thomas Chung, Gabrielino High School and Jeannine Saldana, Del Mar High School for the 2018-2019 School Year (Ms. Saldana unable to attend meeting.) Pres. Alvarez administers oath of office to Thomas Chung. 4.c. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Mr. Chung. Pres. Alvarez invited Mr. Chung to share his opinions with the Board. Invited him to introduce himself. Mr. Chung has been in the district since Kinder at McKinley and JMS. Looking at Pitzer for college to study Sociology. 4.d. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Agenda approved with one modification. Item 14. b.1. moved to follow GHS Chapter of Future Business Leaders of America request to address the Board. 4.e. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE GOVERNING BOARD Kacie Lee, GHS Future Business Leaders of America spoke to the Board, GHS FBLA noted as Outstanding Chapter last year. Requests Board approval to attend FBLA Conference. Dr. Scott speaks on consistent honor to the district. Pres. Alvarez wishes them luck. Request approved unanimously. 5. Approval of Minutes of September 11, 2018 Governing Board Meeting. Minutes approved unanimously. 6. Public Hearing(s): None. 7. Reports and Presentations 7a. Recognition of Coolidge Staff The Governing Board recognizes the following Coolidge Elementary staff/personnel for their exemplary ability to assist in a time of emergency: Will Wong, Kristen Follen, Daniele Santana, Gabby Ceja-Garcia, Carla Seifi. Pres. Alvarez noted their heroism and honored the staff with certificates of recognition. Principal Wong gave summary of incident. Member Ammon addresses heroism and safety provided by staff. Member Scott addressed the heroism of staff toward school members and community members. Member Tcheng and VP Shellhart thanked Coolidge staff. 7.b. Student Board Member Reports Gabrielino High School, Thomas Chung: Presented reported on events at school sites GHS, JMS, McKinley and Wilson. GHS Events: Voter Education and registration to vote. Lunch rallies for sports; mental health session on social isolation. JMS: Karaoke Night, Open Lab Nights, AVID and Teen Zone, Jog-a-thon, Speech & Debate Tournament. McKinley: Book Fair, Family Movie Night, Spanish Immersion new to 4th grade; STEM Lab, Red Ribbon Week. Wilson: Parent Info Night on Safety Awareness during Lock-downs; Enchanted Book Fair; Shakey’s Fundraiser; Red Ribbon Week, DBL Del Mar High School, Jeannine Saldana: not present. 7. c. Board President Report: President Alvarez. La Casa and Asian Youth Center Dinners coming up. School Site Meet and Greets scheduled. Board President noted her address to the Blue Ribbon Committee on needs of LA County on Early Childhood Education. Much work being done at the Assembly level. 7.d. Superintendent’s Report: Happy 8th week of school. Met with City Manager at McKinley with Principal and Mr. Ammon to walk park and McKinley fence line shared with Army Corps of Engineers. A tri-level jurisdiction: making sure the area is cleaned up between the fence line and the wash. Sept. 26-28 Ed Leadership Conference on 21st Century Learning in Glendale Arizona. Team was impressed with what was seen. Came back with ideas to expand district programs beginning district’s with Portrait of a Graduate. Dr. Papalardo visited school doing great things with lower class sizes than our district, but we are doing similar work. Dr. Papalardo was interviewed on CA School News radio on SGUSD’s 150thanniversary today. 8. BUSINESS SERVICES 8. a. (ROLL CALL) - Adopt Resolution No. 4/2018-19 to Authorize the San Gabriel Unified School District to Participate in the Self-Insured Schools of California (SISC) JPA Group The Health and Welfare Committee for the San Gabriel Unified School District has voted to enter the SISC JPA Group for the medical plans that are offered to employees for Health Benefits, effective January 1, 2019. Comments: None. Action Taken: Unanimously approved. 8. b. ACTION - Approve Contract Agreement Between the San Gabriel Unified School District and Trebron Company Inc. SUMMARY: Signing a three-year contract for $66,837.21 with Trebron Company who developed Lightspeed content filtering system, we can provide the necessary protection for our students who access the internet during the school day at all our school sites. Comments: Mr. Ammon asks for background. Joyce Yay explains 3-year contract gives a better deal though will be paid annually. Dr. Scott: It’s a sophisticated firewall. Action Taken: Unanimously approved. 9. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 9.a. ACTION – Approve 1-Event License Agreement with SCHED for Event Calendar and Agenda Creator services SCHED is the event platform for small teams. SCHED will manage critical event details in one place and automatically keep everything in sync for K-12 Nov. 2nd Staff Development. Cost: $750. Comments: None Action Taken: Unanimously approved. 9. b. ACTION - Approve Revised Contract for Regional Transportation Services with Los Angeles County Office of Education, School Year 2018-2019 (Special Education) SUMMARY: The District provides transportation to Special Education students as determined by their Individualized Education Plan. LACOE has provided transportation for Special Education students living in our district. This contract needs to be renewed with its updated costs for transportation. See attached contract for specific details. Estimated cost: $302,550. Comments: None. Action Taken: Unanimously approved. 9.c. ACTION - Approve Contract with Zum for Transportation Services for Special Education Students, School Year 2018-2019 (Special Education) SUMMARY: The Superintendent recommends the approval of the contract with Zum for transportation services to provide transportation for Special Education students per their Individualized Education Plan for the 2018-2019 school year. Fees. Fees to be paid by one party to the other party in connection with this Agreement, if any, will be payable by the owing party in accordance with the payment schedule. NOTE: FEE SCHEDULE NOT PROVIDED. Comments: None. Action Taken: Unanimously approved. 9.d. ACTION - Approve Consultant Agreement with Dr. Barron for an Independent Psycho-Educational Evaluation of a Student, School Year 2018-2019 RATIONALE: The San Gabriel Unified School District needs to provide an independent psycho-educational evaluation for a kindergarten student. The parent disagrees with the District’s psychoeducational evaluation. In accordance with the West San Gabriel Valley SELPA’s Independent Educational Evaluation Policy, the parent may seek an Independent Educational Evaluation when they disagree. The Superintendent recommends the approval of this Consultant Agreement with Dr. Abbe Barron in an amount not to exceed $5,000.00 for the District to stay in compliance. Comments: None. Action Taken: Unanimously approved. 9.e. ACTION - Approve Agreement with Gomez & Associates for Translation Services, School Year 2018-2019 (Special Education) It is incumbent of the District to provide oral and written translations to facilitate meaningful communication between the schools and the parents in special education. IDEA 2007 provides guidelines that correspondence must be in the parent’s native language, unless clearly not feasible. ($50-85/hour.) Comments: None. Action Taken: Unanimously approved. 10. HUMAN RESOURCES. No remarks. 11. SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE. No remarks. 12. GOVERNING BOARD. No remarks. 13. BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS, REPORTS, COMMUNICATIONS Ms. Shellhart: Welcomes Thomas Chung and looks forward to hearing from him. Attended Friendship Week at Coolidge. Attended Drum Circle with Music Immersion at Roosevelt. SPED Parent Ed: All about IEPs. Breast Cancer Awareness. Attended GHS football game. Mr. Tcheng: Welcomed Thomas Chung and looks forward to his feedback. Water Conservation announcement: We are at an historic low. Please conserve. Dr. Scott: Visited Roosevelt “magic to me still” and spent most of time with Music Immersion. Remarkable paper violin symphony to 5th grade music composition. Visited Site Council meeting. Visited McKinley with Mr. Ammon. Energized visiting STEM lab and Kinder Dual Immersion. Exciting to be there. Mr. Ammon: Echoed welcome to Thomas Chung. 14. CONSENT AGENDA 14. a. CONSENT AGENDA BUSINESS SERVICES Motion and Seconded to approve entire consent agenda. One comment: Dr. Scott asked about grand piano donated to JMS. (Item 14.a.2.) Consent Agenda Action Taken: Unanimously approved. 14.a.1. Approve Lease Agreement between Xerox and the District for Gabrielino High School RATIONALE: There is a need for a Coin-Op copier in the Gabrielino High School library for student use 14. a.2. Accept Donation of a Grand Piano to the San Gabriel Unified School District RATIONALE: The donation of the grand piano valued at $5000 was donated specifically to Jefferson Middle School. 14.a.3. Accept Donations to the San Gabriel Unified GATE Program RATIONALE: The voluntary donations in various amounts totaled $150.00 and were made specifically to the GATE program to help with field trip costs. 14. a.4. Approve Warrants Issued for Payments of Payroll, Goods and Services Received for September 2018 - Report No. 4 (attached) 14.a.5. Approve Purchase Orders Issued more than $5,000 Report No. 4 (attached) 14. a.6. Approve Essential Travel Report No. 4 (attached) 14b. CONSENT AGENDA EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 14. b.1. Approve Gabrielino High School Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) Attendance at the Leadership Development Institute in Anaheim, California, October 26-28, 2018. 14.b.2. Approve the Consultant Agreement with Mad Science for Washington Elementary School, School Year 2018-19 14. b.3. Approve the Consultant Agreement Between San Gabriel USD and Goomi Group for School Year 2018-2019 On November 2, 2018, Goomi will present Educational Workshops that include topics such as Stress Management 101: How to Reclaim Your Life and Fitness on the Fly: Strategies for Working Adults. During lunch, Goomi Founder and American Heart Association Board Member, Mika Leah will present Taking Care of Your Heart. Contract Cost: $3,000. 14.b.4. Approve the Consultant Agreement Between San Gabriel USD and McGraw Hill Education for School Year 2018-2019 Rationale: With the new adoption of Reading Wonders English Language Arts curriculum, teachers are finding they need more support to work through the Wonders writing component. On November 2, 2018, a McGraw Hill Instructional Specialist will provide two sessions on the Writing to Sources cycle and another focused on the Genre writing component for grades 3-5. During Lunch & Learn Genius Bar, teachers may pose their questions during one-on-one quick consults and Q & A. In addition, a third session, Focus on Wonders Writing Components, will be offered for grades K-2. Contract Cost: $2,500. 14.b.6. Approve the Memorandum of Understanding Between Charitable Ventures of Orange County and SGUSD for McKinley, Roosevelt, Washington, and Wilson Elementary Schools 5th Grade Students Attendance at the San Gorgonio Outdoor Science School 2018-2019. 14.b.7. Approve First Quarter Report on Williams Uniform Complaints, School Year 2018-2019 14.b.8. Approve Essential Training Travel Report No. 4 (See attachment.) 14.c. CONSENT AGENDA HUMAN RESOURCES 14.c.1. Approve Certificated Personnel Status Report No. 4 (See attachment.) 14.c.2. Approve Classified Personnel Status Report No. 4 (See attachment.) 14.d. CONSENT - SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 15. ADJOURNMENT at 7:39 pm. NEXT MEETING REMINDERS
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6:00 Open Session, Closed Session, 7:00 Open Session Reconvenes San Gabriel Unifed School Board Agenda September 11, 2018 Keep wearing those shirts!! Show we are unified!
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