January 18, 2022 (Notes are Abridged) 1. OPENING PROCEDURE A. CALL TO ORDER at 6:02pm B. ESTABLISHMENT OF QUORUM All Members Present, Quorum Established 2. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE GOVERNING BOARD-none 3. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION at 6:03pm A. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – Existing Litigation (Gov. Code, § 54956.9, (1)(d)). Settlement Agreement, OAH Case No. 2021110026 B. STUDENT DISCIPLINE OR CONFIDENTIAL STUDENT MATTERS (Pursuant to Education Code §35146, 48900 et seq., 48912(b) and 49060 et seq., and 20 U.S.C. Section 1232g) C. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE DISCIPLINE/DISMISSAL/RELEASE/COMPLAINTS (Gov. Code, § 54957(b)(1)). Employee ID No. KF3639439 4. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION at 7:05 A. ANNOUNCEMENT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION 5-0 vote - the board approved conference with legal counsel, settlement agreement, OAH Case No. 2021110026 5-0 dismissal of a classified employee, effective immediately. B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE by Gary Scott C. APPROVAL OF AGENDA -approved D. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE GOVERNING BOARD Jazmine De la Torre - Special programs coordinator in SGV for Safer Routes to Schools program. Goal is to get students to get active in a safe way. We hope to launch covid-safe activities in spring such as walking to school. Excited to implement this program for students to benefit their mental health, sleep, and physical well-being. We are here to support the families. Angela Acosta- 3rd grade parent from Coolidge elementary. I had asked the board to implement a mandatory testing policy from the fall. I am here again to make that same request. Many SGUSD parents feel this same way. If we were testing, we would have been able to catch many positive cases that happened over the holidays. Kids have become vectors. I want to thank the board for what they have been able to do. However, I have seen other districts that have done much more. You have a chance to lead, and I urge you to buck the status quo. Please, be proactive and take the Omicron lessons to heart. Recognize that we have to live with this pandemic for the future. Let’s stop playing catch up, and let’s be prepared for the next Omicron. Mandatory testing should be a start. Thank you for your time. Isabella Angiuli - current student at GAB. Comment about covid-19. Feels that school is not safe. An anonymous student made a petition for school to go online. Petition has over 300 staff and student signatures. Goal is 500 signatures. Students are concerned about their health. Everyone is getting the cold and flu and Covid. Students are worried about family members with immunocompromised systems. Even though students were told to get tested using the at-home test, they were not checked on their results when they arrived at school. They were only screened on Parent Square. What was the point of asking students to take the at-home test when results aren’t checked? Kriston Song- I am the president of FBLA from GAB. We believe all students have the potential to become leaders. Our members participated in a leadership institute which taught us valuable skills. We are currently offering virtual services for our members. FBLA members can enrich their members by connecting them to other business leaders. I am asking you to support us so that we can attend a future conference. Thank you. 5. APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES A. Approve the Governing Meeting Minutes of December 7, 2021 Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor (Mr. Tcheng Abstains) B. Approve the Governing Emergency Meeting Minutes of January 5, 2022 Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor. 1 abstained (Mr. Tcheng) 6. PUBLIC HEARING(S) 7. SPECIAL REPORTS AND PRESENTATIONS A. REPORTS - Student Board Members Del Mar High School, Jessie Lopez Del MAR-Our guidance counselor has been helping with a dual opportunity with Rio Hondo College. MCK-recognized 20 students with a certificate for their growth in ELA. They had planned for an in person Chinese New year celebration but may move to virtual. Wilson-The Wilson team has been great, graceful, and flexible. We have shifted from whole school assemblies to virtual messages or principal visits. Special thank you to our district nurses and our own health aide. They are the true heros during this time. Gabrielino High School, Joseph Aguilar (not present) B. REPORT - Governing Board President, Cheryl Shellhart Thank you to all my colleagues at the district. Thank you to everyone in this district for their tireless work. I came across a social media post that claims that we do not care about our employees/students. That is simply not true. Alot goes into our decisions that we have to make. I look forward to listening to the presentation tonight. I had some SG family members who claimed that they are embarrassed to state that they have COVID or have tested positive. Please, if you have tested positive or are a close comment, please let the school know. Do not be embarrassed. Please be kind with your words to people. Please remember that 4 free covid tests are available to a household. C. REPORT - Superintendent, Jim Symonds I will piggyback on what Shellhart said - thank you to everyone in our district. We believe in the student voice - in regards to the student petition surrounding schools going online. I’ve been out to the sites and seen the fatigue on staff. I’ve never seen people working so tirelessly. We are determined to get through this challenge of the Omicron surge. I am inspired by the dedication of everyone. As you know, on Jan. 6 & 7, we had a temporary closure at JMS and GAB. We are under orders to contact trace every student that was exposed. I have witnessed staff at their wits end to do contact tracing for so many students. We are going to discuss new masking regulations and protocols for Covid in the upcoming presentation. I would like to take a moment to recognize our governing board in this time of unprecedented challenges. We have worked tirelessly to combat Covid to support our students and staff. We thank you board members for your courage in this difficult time. Thank you for supporting our staff and community and for your continued advocacy. Also, we have gotten recognition for our implementation of Design-based Learning in Business Wire. D. PRESENTATION - San Gabriel Unified School District Covid-19 Response Symonds-The pandemics continue to affect every part of our daily lives. Our decisions are data driven. Here is what we are doing to combat the Omicron surge. Many students are safer at schools, it mitigates their risk from the community. SGUSD is committed to keeping schools open. The law, Sb98, allowed districts to do virtual learning. We received our funding through virtual learning. At this time, if we switch, we will not get the funding for our students. We would run out of money very quickly and we would not have a district in place. I understand what you are saying, and putting together the petition and stating all of your opinions. Here are some of the temporary measures to manage the cases at our schools: cleaning, hospital grade air filters, and support of mental health. This pandemic has taken its toll on everyone. There is greater academic support with in-person instruction and interventions to address academic setbacks. Parents are our partners by following all isolation and quarantine protocols as well as filling out the Parent Square. We are planning a partnership with USC Graduate Interns from Keck Medical School to work on our testing program, protocols and procedures. SGUSD will follow the LACDPH protocols. We have a very high vaccination rate in this community, which is why we are doing well with Omicron. All staff and students who remain in school must wear a well-fitting medical grade mask at all times. Lawrence Ferchaw- takes care of supplies (masks and rapid test kits). Jan. 3 (test kits arrived). 4,500 test kits were distributed on Jan. 5 to families. We got 1,000 additional tests and set up times for staff to pick them up. 15,280 tests have been ordered and are scheduled to arrive over the next week (hoping to distribute them to students for spring break). We will still maintain our weekly surveillance testing. Something new, starting Wed. Jan. 19, we will have a rapid testing clinic at GAB. Clinic is scheduled for weekdays 4 to 8 P.M. and will be open to all staff and students. (1st hour is reserved for students and staff, and the other hours are open to the whole community). We are also looking to push out a clinic to JMS soon. Also, SGUSD has a lot of inventory for surgical masks (child & adult size). All students and staff must wear surgical-grade masks (Kn95 recommended). Recommendation is to wear 2 surgical masks, or a surgical mask inside and a cloth mask on the outside. Ross Perry-Vaccination clinics were provided in the past for students and staff. We are going to focus on providing more clinics. The need to quarantine is because students are not fully vaccinated. It is important that anyone who is eligible for the booster, get the booster. Those who have had the booster are not required to quarantine. LACDPH will support districts with mobile vaccination units. SGUSD fully supports students getting vaccinated. More preventative measures we are doing is to increase the frequency of outdoor equipment, more lunch tables, and high touch areas with sprayers. Joan Perez-I want to echo what Dr. Symonds said. When we first came back from winter break, our k-12 systems were overwhelmed and not built to deal with the omicron surge and contact tracing. We have now created an automated system that helps with contact tracing and communication in a timely way. Covid-19 dashboard is online for you to report a positive case and exposure. There will be an automated reply email to tell you what to do based on your report to the system. This system streamlines everything and is translated into multiple languages. This will help relieve some of the burden that our staff is dealing with. Streamlines the capturing of positive case data to report to the LACDPH. I encourage everyone to visit the dashboard for resources and FAQs. We update this dashboard as we collaborate with other districts and Dr. Ferrer. Symonds-I’m excited about our next speaker we are going to have. His name is Gabriel Frank-McPheter and is a Senior. He has been part of the Student Advisory Council. Covid is all we talked about. I asked him to come share out about the meeting. Give us the student lens and voice about what is happening. He is going to be honest with us. They did not hold back. Please tell us what you see happening and what we can do better and support our students better. Gabriel Frank-McPheter (GAB Senior)-The Student Advisory Committee was a success and I learned a lot. Student perspective is split - some want to go virtual and some want to go in-person. I like to consider myself as someone who is involved in the student body and I feel there was a lack of communication. We were not made aware of the fear of litigation. The average student cannot attend every board meeting. For the average student, we need a more streamlined way of communication. For example, I suggest announcing news on the daily student bulletin. That way, we are all on the same page and everything is clear. Perhaps new guidelines can also be emailed to students. Symonds-It was a powerful meeting. Gabriel is a humble guy, but this past weekend he took 1st place in the Speech and debate contest. I was able to go to the winter orchestra. Gabriel had written a piece at the winter concert which was dedicated to those he lost during the pandemic. Gabriel-you are a gentleman and a scholar. I am so proud you are one of our students. You’ve been accepted to Stanford with a scholarship. We are proud of you and for giving us honest messages. Thank you for participating and speaking this weekend. Haas-Gabriel thank you for your input. It is so good to hear the student perspective. I liked the idea of having the information given to the ASB reps so they can post on their social media platforms. Students will be more likely to look at it on social media vs. emails. Mr. Ferchaw thanks for spending the money on masks. Scott - One of the ideas the board tried to embrace was the idea of being inclusive of student voices. Thank you Gabriel for putting yourself out there. I am glad that you are willing to step up and take on leadership as well as certain risks. Thank you everyone here today for not giving up in this difficult time. We have to be kind to each other even when we disagree. Alvarado - I just want to commend everyone for hanging in there. I believe that by the end of the month, there will be a break and things will get better. We will get through this. Tcheng- Thank you to everyone who has been involved and the hard work that has gone into making sure that our students and staff are safe. It's a thankless situation but everyone is pulling together to make it happen. We appreciate your effort. Shellhart-Thank you to everyone for coordinating the testing. Thank you Gabriel for your comments and participation. We’re only as good as how honest people are when they input the information. If your student tests positive and comes to school, please do not be ashamed about having Covid. Don’t have a stigma about it, and please be honest about your results, and we’ll all be better for it. E. PRESENTATION - Late Start SB 328 for Grades 7 - 12 Overview: A new law that requires California’s middle and high schools to revise start times by the start of the 2022-2023. Middle schools begin no earlier than 8:00 AM. High Schools begin no earlier than 8:30 AM. Shared operations (transportation, food service, supervision) require changes at most school sites. SB 328 is the law that requires high schools and middle schools to start later in the morning. When the school day starts later, research shows that teenagers do better. Elementary school sites will see changes too because of the shift in time (meal prep, custodial and maintenance schedules, bus schedules, etc.) Elementary proposed start time: 8 am (Dismissal Times: TK/K end at 1:40, 1st-3rd end at 1:55, and 4th/5th end at 2:30) Jefferson will start at 8:15 and dismiss at 2:45. GAB will start at 8:30 and end at 2:30. We will start the new proposed schedule in the 2022 school year. Our goal is to minimize disruptions to families and the school community while following SB328. Perez-Provide opportunities for our after school programs and make them available to all students. Working within our existing infrastructure with transportation. We had to make sure that neighboring districts would be following our similar schedule because of sports. We had to think of families who walk, we are taking all of this into consideration. Our next step will be putting out a google form to the public, to provide their thoughts and how it affects their children at the different levels. Opening up to any questions you may have. Tcheng-How do we communicate this shift to the families and the communities? We are shifting our district operations, but want to make sure that parents are aware of this shift, even if this is a mandate. We need communication. Perez: We don’t really have a lot of wiggle room in terms of feedback since this is the law. Haas: Private schools will not have a change in bell schedules. I feel the pain for families who will be going through this change. Unfortunately we can’t do very much since this is the law. Early communication to parents will be key. Perez-This is why we're starting the conversation now, so they can prepare. Shellhart-Have we talked about what this will do to zero period at GAB? Perez-They can start their zero period earlier. Shellhart - Will Options be available for before care? I know they have a long waiting list and parents will need to arrange for this. Alvarado - I was also thinking about the child care piece. There are not very many in our community. F. PRESENTATION - Supplemental Retirement Plan for Eligible Certificated Employees by Lawrence Ferchaw Retirement Incentive Goals: Retirement Incentive Plans encourage long-term or senior employees, typically at the top of the salary schedule, to retire early. The savings are achieved by replacing the senior employee with a lower paid employee or not replacing at all. The goal is to increase the number of natural attrition retirements by 3-4 times. Additional retirements from a Retirement Incentive Plan can reduce the need for layoffs for some agencies. Ferchaw- Our purpose is to have employees retire earlier than planned, which comes at a savings for the district. While we love their dedication, from a fiscal standpoint, this can reduce the number of layoffs because of reduced enrollment. Board would give a contingent plan to give eligible employees to enroll in this process. PARS will analyze how many would like to participate and then the board would move forward with this plan. If we do move forward, then those employees would resign from their jobs. Proposed plan for those who opt to retire would place 75% of their final pay into an annuity over a 5 year period. Employees have different options to take these payments, over life or 10 years, or a shorter amount of time in fixed payments. Employees who are eligible will be getting much more details and will have opportunities to ask questions. Late January, eligible employees will be sent benefit packets. Enrollment window will close on March 3rd. Tcheng: I understand the goals and objectives of doing this. Please be careful what we ask for. If we have more people taking on this offer, what if we lose key or valued positions. Have we thought about what that would do to us? Ferchaw: We looked over the list of who the eligible and potential employees are and certainly those are things we will be discussing in future weeks. Alvarado-It takes a long time to climb that ladder. I hope we don’t lose too many people at the top, because there will be repercussions. Can you mention why the classified employees were not in this plan? Ferchaw: One of the reasons why certificated early retirement incentive works is because of the wide range of salary differences between senior employees and new employees. When we look at the classified employees, there are not as many steps in the pay scale. Also, due to the nature of the work for classified employees, there is more turnover. Scott-We call it early retirement, but it keeps saying employees will resign. Maybe its semantics but resigning has a negative connotation to it. Ferchaw-I know the terminology, but it is exiting from working life as a teacher. That teacher can find employment elsewhere, just not with the district. But that is how we are structuring it. Shellhart - Are we factoring in these numbers in the study for the research that is done? Ferchaw- Multiple members of the committee, one of those was have we done an early retirement program? We’ve been working on this a little longer than the Budget Advisory Committee. We are looking at these structural deficits. Let’s find savings everywhere we can. Shellhart - What would cause the Board to rescind the plan? Ferchaw-If we only had 1 employee, we would not have savings. That would be a reason to rescind the plan. There may be others we’d have to talk about if not moving forward with the plan. 8. ACTION ITEMS A. BUSINESS SERVICES 1. (ROLL CALL) Adopt Resolution No. 15/2021-2022 PARS Supplementary Retirement Plan for Certificated Employees and Enter Into Administrative Services Agreement with Public Agency Retirement Services (PARS). Administration recommends that the Governing Board adopt Resolution No. 15/2021-2022 Pars Supplementary Retirement Plan and authorize the designee to execute the necessary documents. Enter into an administrative service agreement with Public Agency Retirement Services (PARS) and offer a Supplementary Retirement Plan (SRP) for eligible certificated employees. Discussion: None. Action Taken: Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor. Roll Call Vote: Cheryl Shellhart-aye Rochelle Haas-aye Ken Tcheng-aye Gary Scott-aye Cristina Alvarado-aye 2. (ROLL CALL) Adopt Resolution No. 16/2021-22 California Schools Healthy Air, Plumbing, and Efficiency Program. Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve Adopt Resolution No. 16/2021-22 California Schools Healthy Air, Plumbing, and Efficiency Program and authorize the designee to execute the necessary documents. This resolution will authorize the San Gabriel Unified School District to apply for a grant for the California Energy Commission to implement a CalSHAPE Program project. Financial Impact: To receive grant funding of approximately $8,450.00. Discussion: None Action Taken: Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor. Roll Call Vote: Cheryl Shellhart-aye Rochelle Haas-aye Ken Tcheng-aye Gary Scott-aye Cristina Alvarado-aye 3. (ROLL CALL) Adopt Resolution No. 17/2021-22 Authorizing the Issuance of San Gabriel Unified School District (Los Angeles County, California) Election Of 2008 General Obligation Bonds, Series D, and Actions Related Thereto.Administration recommends that the Governing Board Adopt Resolution No. 17/2021-22 Authorizing the Issuance of San Gabriel Unified School District (Los Angeles County, California) Election Of 2008 General Obligation Bonds, Series D, and Actions Related Thereto and authorize the designee to execute the necessary documents. Approval of this resolution authorizes the issuance of Series D Bonds of the Measure A General Obligation Bond Authorization in the amount of up to $5,525,000. Financial Impact: Proceeds from the issuance of Series D will be used for the modernization of Wilson Elementary School and other authorized facilities projects. Discussion: None Action Taken: Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor. Roll Call Vote: Cheryl Shellhart-aye Rochelle Haas-aye Ken Tcheng-aye Gary Scott-aye Cristina Alvarado-aye 4. (ROLL CALL) Adopt Resolution No. 18/2021-22 Authorizing the Issuance of San Gabriel Unified School District (Los Angeles County, California) 2022 General Obligation Refunding Bonds, and Actions Related Thereto. Administration recommends that the Governing Board adopt resolution no. 18/2021-22 authorizing the Issuance of San Gabriel Unified School District (Los Angeles County, California) 2022 General Obligation Refunding Bonds, and Actions Related Thereto and authorize the designee to execute the necessary documents. Approval of this resolution will authorize the issuance of the 2022 General Obligation Refunding Bonds, which will allow the School District to refinance some of its outstanding bonds at a lower interest rate, resulting in savings for taxpayers. Financial Impact: The issuance of the 2022 General Obligation Refunding Bonds will result in property tax savings for SGUSD taxpayers; the amount of savings is dependent on interest rates at the time of bond sale. Discussion: None Action Taken: Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor. Roll Call Vote: Cheryl Shellhart-aye Rochelle Haas-aye Ken Tcheng-aye Gary Scott-aye Cristina Alvarado-aye 5. Approve Agreement Between the San Gabriel Unified School District and Hawkins Delafield & Wood LLP. Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the agreement between the San Gabriel Unified School District and Hawkins Delafield & Wood LLP and authorize the designee to execute the necessary document. Hawkins Delafield &Wood LLP will assist in the required calculations and filing of tax documents associated with the Tax Revenue Anticipation Notes issued by SGUSD in 2020/2021. Financial Impact: $2,000 (Basic Report Fee) Discussion: None. Action Taken: Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor. 6. Re-Appoint Two Members to the Long-Range Facilities Master Plan Oversight Committee for Two-Year Terms. Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the re-appointment of two members, Mark Fall and Armando Pacheco, to the Long-Range Facilities Master Plan Oversight Committee, for two-year terms. One member who is a parent/guardian of a child enrolled in the District and the other member is a community member at-large. Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor. B. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 1. Approve Stipulated Suspended Expulsion Agreement for Special Education Student OAH Case No. 2021110026. Administration recommends the approval of the stipulated suspended expulsion agreement for special education student OAH Case No. 2021110026. Discussion: None Action Taken: Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor. 2. Approve Contract with West Shield Adolescent Services for Transportation Services, School Year 2021-2022 (Special Education). Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the contract with West Shield Adolescent Services for transportation services, school year 2021-2022 (Special Education). The District needs to provide transportation for Special Education students in the San Gabriel Unified School District per their IEP team recommendations. Financial Impact: As needed from the Special Education budget Discussion: None Action Taken: Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor. (Haas recused herself from voting) 3. Approve Contract with Sun Belt Staffing for Special Education Vacancies, School Year 2021-2022 (Special Education). Administration recommends to approve the contract agreement between the San Gabriel Unified School District and Sunbelt Staffing, LLC for the 2021-2022 School Year. (Special Education). There is a need to staff specialized positions within the District for Special Education students at multiple school sites. The District needs the services of an outside agency to provide these services in the event the district employees are absent and need coverage. Currently there is a shortage in substitute instructional aides for Special Education as well as Speech Pathologists, Speech Pathology Assistants and Occupational Therapists in the area. This contract will allow Sunbelt Staffing, LLC. to fill these specialized positions within the Special Education Department on an as needed basis for the 2021-2022 school year. Financial Impact: Special Education fund. Cost is dependent on the number of vacant positions filled by Sun Belt Staffing, LLC. Discussion: None Action Taken: Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor. 4. Approve Consultant Agreement with SpeechCom Inc. for Speech and Language Services, School Year 2021-2022 (Special Education). Administration recommends the approval of the consultant agreement with SpeechCom Inc. for speech and language services for the 2021-2022 school year. Special education students who attend school in the San Gabriel Unified School District may require speech and language services per their IEP. Students need to be assessed in any area of suspected disability, per the IEP team’s recommendation. SpeechCom, Inc. is able to provide one full-time speech and language pathologist to provide speech services and/or testing for the 2021-2022 school year. Financial Impact: Total: $63,000.00 (Special Education Fund) Discussion: None Action Taken: Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor. 5. Approve Ratified First Quarter Report on Williams Uniform Complaints, School Year 2021-2022. Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the ratified first quarter report on Williams Uniform Complaints, school year 2021-2022. As part of the procedures under the Williams Settlement Legislation, Ed. Code 35186, all Districts are required to submit a quarterly report on the number of complaints received, complaints resolved and complaints unresolved. Discussion: None Action Taken: Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor. 6. Approve the Second Quarter Report on Williams Uniform Complaints, School Year 2021-2022. Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the second quarter report on Williams Uniform Complaints, school year 2021-2022. As part of the procedures under the Williams Settlement Legislation, Ed. Code 35186, all Districts are required to submit a quarterly report on the number of complaints received, complaints resolved and complaints unresolved. Discussion: None Action Taken: Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor. 7. Approve the Purchase of 806 Technologies for Title I Crate. Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the purchase of 806 Technologies for Title I Crate. Federal and state laws require the California Department of Education (CDE) to monitor implementation of categorical programs operated by local educational agencies (LEAs). LEAs are responsible for creating and maintaining programs which meet minimum fiscal and programmatic requirements. Title I crate is a digital tool to facilitate comprehensive record storage for San Gabriel USD Title I programs. It is also used to support compliance collection and storage for other federal and state programs such as Title II, Title III, Title IV, and Career Technical Education (CTE). Financial Impact: $4,500 (Funding Source: Title 1) Discussion: None Action Taken: Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor. 8. Approve Publication of the School Accountability Report Card (SARC) for School Year 2020-2021. Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve publication of each school's 2020-2021 School Accountability Report Card (SARC). To be in compliance with the California Education Code (EC Section 35256) and Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) laws, the Governing board of each school district shall approve the publication of the public school's School Accountability Report Card (SARC). The Governing board shall issue a School Accountability Report Card (SARC) for each school in the school district annually, publicize those reports, and notify parents or guardians of pupils that a hard copy will be provided upon request. Discussion: none Action Taken: Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor. C. GOVERNING BOARD OF EDUCATION D. HUMAN RESOURCES E. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 1. Approve the Re-Authorization of Electronic Meetings of the Governing Board During a State of Emergency Pursuant to Government Code Section 54953(E). Administration recommends that the Governing Board reconsider the circumstances of the state of emergency, affirm that the state of emergency continues to directly impact the ability to meet safely in person as stated in Resolution No. 10/2021-22, and direct the continued use of teleconference meetings pursuant to Government Code section 54953(e). Approval of the re-authorization would allow the Governing Board to continue to conduct meetings electronically beyond January 31, 2022. Discussion: None Action Taken: Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor. 2. Governing Board Review of California School Boards Association (CSBA) Policy Revision Recommendations. Administration recommends the Governing Board review the first reading of California School Boards Association (CSBA) policy revision recommendations. The Governing Board is asked to review amended policies as per California School Boards Association (CSBA) suggested revisions based on new mandates, laws, or regulations. Financial Impact: Discussion: Action Taken: Moved and seconded for approval. All in favor. 9. BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS/REPORTS/COMMUNICATIONS Haas: First off, I would like to thank President Shellhart. In this time, it is very important to have courage and be kind. Thank you to Mr. Symonds. We really do work with the best group of people because of our shared vision. Happy New Year! I got to attend the Rose Parade and the band directors’ float was magnificent - I was happy to see our GAB band director in the parade. It was wonderful to see SGUSD represented. Tcheng: We appreciate everyone and thank you for doing what’s best for our students in this challenging environment. Thank you to all. Alvarado: I just want to remind everyone that it is MLK week and one of his quotes ends with “...we have to keep moving forward.” I encourage the district to continue to communicate better. I really appreciate having the students' voices reflected. Scott- I find myself being sad, because at the end of every week, I think that I can finally call a school to go visit. I’ll wait, I’ll wait. I just feel sad that I can’t go and feel present in a classroom. It's enough to deal with, without a board member walking around. I hope you know every board member supports and is thankful for your hard work. Gabriel, thank you for being articulate and thoughtful and wise in your observations. Thanks for sharing your perspective. Our commitment to VAPA in this district is somewhat legendary. Thank you Samantha for all the work and support to our VAPA. We’ve had remarkable success. I know we focus on everything that is wrong, but again we also enjoy so much success in this district. Please give yourself a pat on the back and hope there is a rest coming up, because it is well deserved. 10. CONSENT AGENDA A. BUSINESS SERVICES 1. Renew Annual Service Agreement Between the San Gabriel Unified School District and Super Co-Op Joint Powers Authority for the 2022-2023 School Year. To continue the membership with Super Co-op for 2022-2023 and authorize San Mateo-Foster City School District to be the lead agency in the USDA negotiations. 2. Approve Memorandum of Understanding Between Vision to Learn, a Registered California Not-For-Profit Corporation and the San Gabriel Unified School District. The MOU agreement is for the purpose of operating a Mobile Vision Clinic (“Mobile Clinic”) on the campus of District Kindergarten through 12th grade school(s) to provide vision screening services through May 30, 2023. 3. Approve Warrants Issued for Payments, Goods, and Services Received for December 2021 - Report No. 7 4. Approve Purchase Orders Issued in Excess of $5,000 Report No. 10 (21-22) 5. Approve Conference Report No. 10 (21-22). Administration recommends that the Governing Board approve the following District employees be authorized to attend the conference events listed. The representative of the District indicated will attend with no loss of salaries for District personnel, and with actual and necessary expenses paid for all attending as authorized by Education Code Sections 35172, 35173 and 44032, and the District's Board policies. Authorization for an advance of funds to cover actual and necessary expenses is hereby granted. Such Advances shall be repaid or adjusted upon filing of a regular claim for the actual and necessary expenses incurred. B. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES C. HUMAN RESOURCES 1. Approve Certificated Personnel Status Report No. 10 2. Approve Classified Personnel Status Report No. 10 D. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 11. NEXT MEETING REMINDER(S) Tuesday, February 8, 2022 Tuesday, February 22, 2022 Tuesday, March 8, 2022 Tuesday, March 22, 2022 Tuesday, April 19, 2022 Tuesday, May 10, 2022 Tuesday, May 24, 2022 Tuesday, June 14, 2022 Tuesday, June 28, 2022 12. ADJOURNMENT at 8:58 P.M. Click here for Link to Full Agenda and Complete Attachments Join us at the next Board Meeting February 8 & 22 March 8 & 22 April 19 May 10 & 24 June 14 & 28 6:00 Open Session, Closed Session, 7:00 Open Session Reconvenes
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